View Full Version : [D&D 3.5]How do you play as Sonic the Hedgehog? Or easy ways to speed up a character.

2012-03-13, 06:03 PM
In one of my games, we're all running around with our heads cut off, trying to chase after the rest of our allies and pursue a known criminal.

And everyone's flying and running and climbing like crazy awesome.

And it got me to thinking. How could you build a character around speed?

Persisted Haste (and/or Expeditious Retreat), the Quick Trait, any races with a good base speed...

Oh, and I thought I read somewhere about Anthropomorphic/Awakened Animals. What's the stat block for a Hedgehog?

I can't possibly be the first person who has wanted to play Sonic the Hedgehog. I bet there's at least a homebrew feat for the sake of "He just ran at 100 miles a second into an enemy, he gets a bonus on his damage roll for charging".

Come on! Sonic the Hedgehog!

2012-03-13, 06:22 PM
Well, there's the Ruby Kight Windicator (Chuck?).

Of course, his speed was based off of Jump checks.

2012-03-13, 06:29 PM
Classes wise, he'd have to have Druid (for Wild Shape for that -AWESOME- Cheetah Charge), some Cleric (Travel Devotion), and Ruby Knight Vindicator (extra actions). And maybe some more TOB for the various movement based abilities provided. Quicksilver Motion and Bounding Assault come to mind.

Maybe Gestalt this together somehow...