View Full Version : Questions Regarding Novelizaton.

2012-03-13, 08:09 PM
Hey, guys. My sig indicates that i am at least drawing up an idea for a DnD based fantasy. It's a homebrewed world, with the magic and profession system pretty much drawn directly from 3.5e. I've got a couple of source books i'm drawing on, but I had a couple of questions, one that's somewhat meta, and one asking if it makes sense (Ignoring Rule 0, which i'm not sure applies here).

So, i'm fleshing out an idea concerning the classic "employed by the king" concept. The idea is that the main characters hears about a multileveled dungeon/crypt/tomb that is inhabited by cultists of Orcus. The idea was that the further he goes, the stranger the enemies get, eventually to the point on the final layer where he's fighting mind controlled city guards and screaming "What the f**k!?!" the whole time. It was supposed to turn out to be the site of a mind flayer inquisition, which he would, with great difficulty, exterminate. (He's undead. Immune to mind effects. Still dead afraid of them, thought :smallsmile: .)

This is pretty much where i hit a brick wall. I have the player handbook, but not on hand at all times. So i sprinted over to the D&D wiki, and looked up "Mind Flayer", under the SRD.

No results.

I think they're maybe filed under "Illithid". Again, no results. So i cruise the internet, and it turns out that WotC considers mind flayers, beholders, and other monsters their specific property, which means they don't appear in the SRD. My original intent was to send this in for consideration- is it legal for me to put a protected property in something i am intending to submit to the company that owns that property?

tl;dr- Is it okay for me to have Mind Flayers in a story I intend to submit to WotC?

This is much more of an in-universe thing. Regardint the first question, i scrapped the idea and moved on. The next was that a large swathe of the Ironbane Forest (Grown by fey, as the name would suggest) had been turned into a negative-energy friendly zone (Checking the planar handbook for this) by a Necrologist (Complete Vampires, i'm pretty sure?), a sort of undead druid. The idea was that instead of a vampire, as customary, this man was one of the rare druids that becomes a lich. So, in a druidic fashion, he made his phylactery an acorn.

Which he planted.

Which grew, and grew, and grew, until it's negative essence permeated the area of the forest, and turned it into the necrology. The idea was that the whole area was his phylactery, and killing him would require you to burn down the whole thing while being pursued by mid-to-high-level undead animals and treants, and then a final encounter with some sort of epic tree elemental that contained his soul.

Could that happen, in phylactery terms? Discounting rule 0, which i am not totally sure can apply here.

tl;dr- Could an entire forest area technically be a druid-liche's phylactery?