View Full Version : That one feat...

2012-03-13, 11:13 PM
I know there's a feat somewhere that allows you to provoke a fortitude save vs stunning when you shield bash, but i don't know where it is. could someone direct me to it?

2012-03-13, 11:54 PM
There is Shield Slam in Complete Warrior, but it "only" dazes an opponent (which would normally work against almost anything, making it sometimes better than stun, even if stun has additional effects compared to daze), and doesn't work against creatures immune against critical hits.

2012-03-13, 11:55 PM
thanks much, it's appreciated

2012-03-14, 12:26 AM
Sudden Stunning and Stunning Surge are weapon properties, one a +1 equivalent and the other a flat 2K, which provoke a save vs. stun. I know that one of them is in the Magic Item Compendium, but I can never remember which is which, sorry.

I do believe that one is a fort save and the other is a reflex save.

Averis Vol
2012-03-14, 04:34 AM
Sudden stunning is in PHB II, it's the one that procs a reflex save (DC=10+1/2 character level + cha) and stuns for 1d4+1 rounds and is usable CHA/day. cost is flat 2K, pretty good for a paladin.

2012-03-14, 04:47 AM
Good for Paladins, yes, but not this build :smalltongue:

I'm making this for what's effectively the largest, craziest battle any character of mine will ever have taken part in. I've done so much craze crap that I have a constantly gargantuan Half-ogre with 70 Strength. He has a 25 foot reach, and on a charge does leap attack, knockback, dungeoncrasher, trips everything, sweeps his entire threatened area due to warhulk, and anything that gets hit has to make a fortitude save vs 50 or be dazed. oh, and the valorous enchantment kicks in, too.

Let me tell you, it wasn't easy to hit that point.

Long story short, I and one other Melee type guy who hasn't finished his build yet will be facing nesting thrallherds. that is, a single extremely powerful thrallherd that has thrallherd thralls with thrallherd thralls and so on. with all the thrallherds and believers, he got the number of enemies to be well over 9000.

We want to see how long we last fighting this monstrosity of a character, so we're resorting to every dirty trick we can think of to optimize our characters without getting into magic or psionics aside from items. we'll kill him, or die gloriously :smalltongue:

Averis Vol
2012-03-14, 05:18 AM
wow, sounds epic, the only thing i could suggest would be a high crit weapon, whirlwind, and a paralytic burst weapon and just hope for those crits. on the other hand there's the never outnumbered skill trick that lets you demoralize everything within 10 feet of you when you make an intimidate check to demoralize an enemy.

EDIT: if your permanently huge sized i'd look at the feat area attack from savage species. it allows a huge sized or bigger creature to sweep a half circle infront of him, hitting every creature within your reach. ill keep looking for some nice area attacks.

theres also involuntary rage that, well, if you take 50 pts of damage or more and make your fortitude save you enter a pseudo rage that grants you a +4 un-typed bonus to str and con and a -2 to AC until the end of combat. now this doesn't really help with stunning or area attackes or anything, but its a free +4 stacking bonus to str and con right?

2012-03-14, 05:38 AM
That's true, yeah.

As far as the wide area attacks go though? I've got that covered with Warhulk. the capstone for that PrC lets me attack everything in my threatened range as a standard action, and specifically points out that I can make every attack I do one of these strikes during a full attack action. since i have pounce from a 1 level barbarian dip, anything that survives my first strike will have to survive my second, third, fourth, and fifth. and then I have combat reflexes and a +6 dexterity item, so I have 4 AoOs in a round as well :smalltongue:

I'll have to look into involuntary rage, definitely, but i think my build is pretty well locked down at this point.

Averis Vol
2012-03-14, 10:01 AM
*whistles* wow, pretty intense PrC. never mind that suggestion then. still, savage species has alot of stuff for big creatures, some other things there might help.