View Full Version : Complete Adventurer Help

2012-03-14, 09:04 AM
In the book Complete Adventurer on page 171 there is mention of the sword Nightbloom, however I have not been able to find any information on this sword.

I was hoping to put in into an adventure and wanted to ensure that an official version did not exist prior to me just creating one.

For a quick view of the story that I am referring to click the spoiler tag.

...the death of a young half-elf named Krialla and the disappearance of her magic sword Nightbloom. Krialla, an adventurer who had enjoyed a few minor successes, apparently came upon the powerful sword in the hands of a gravely wounded warrior as she was returning from an adventure. Rather than render aid, the half-elf took advantage of the warrior’s wounded state and seized the sword for her own. Although the warrior was too weak to resist, he promised that within a year ghosts would come to claim the sword and take his revenge. With Krialla now dead and the weapon missing, many of the common folk have concluded that the warrior was a dragonblade ninja, and that whoever now wields Nightbloom also must be a member of the vaunted clan.

Any help is appreciated


2012-03-14, 09:23 AM
I think its just a flavor magic item for that organization. My google-fu found nothing and its not listed in the book anywhere else.

2012-03-14, 10:22 AM
That's what I figured.
