View Full Version : Determining the Lvl of Custom Spells a DM's conundrum

2012-03-14, 11:28 AM
Wanted to reach out and see if other DM's had a basic guideline for determining the spell level of spells their players want to research.

I understand the cost and time requirements. But actually determining the level of it seems to be a bit tricky.

I also have a good number of casters playing so I have a list as long as my arm.

As an example of what I am being tossed below are two examples of what they have sent me.

Thanks everyone in advance. Would love to take advantage of other peoples strategies!

Improved Contingency

Spell level: 9th

Casting Time: 30 minutes

Components: V,S

Duration: 1 day\level or until discharged

Target Personal

As Contingency except the maximum spell level is 9 (still 1/3 your casting level rounded down), you may set multiple triggers to a maximum of three, and may set up to two spells (the trigger effects may be used for both spells in any order or may be set individually). The second spell included in the casting may only be HALF the level of the first spell rounded down. For example, if you include a 7th level spell as your first spell then you may only include a spell of up to level 3 as your second spell. If any of these triggers are met, regardless of the other triggers, Improved Contingency will discharge.

Improved Senses

Spell Level: 5th

Casting Time: 1 SA

Components: V,S,M

Duration: 10 Minutes \level

Target: Personal

You enhance your vision and hearing to a level of heightened alertness. You have able to make out details despite distance and receive a +20 to Spot and Listen checks during the duration of this spell. However, because of your heightened senses you receive a -4 to saving throws against Gaze attacks and sonic spell deal an additional 1 damage per spell level of the spell.

2012-03-14, 11:44 AM
One possibility is simply to post the requests on the Homebrew (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=15) forum. Generally you'll get some helpful critiques there.

As far as general guidelines for the spells you gave as examples, I don't really have any, other than to compare with existing spells as much as possible; Improved Senses seems like a more powerful version of Wild Instincts (Rgr 3) with a small drawback, so dropping it down to 4 might honestly be suitable. 5 is probably OK though. (There are more rules of thumb for other types of spells, like direct-damage and status-inflicting.)

2012-03-14, 11:47 AM
Thanks Tug!

I will re-post this in the HomeBrew Forum.

Your insight is helpful!

2012-03-14, 03:09 PM
@tuggyne, you can't use half-caster's spell levels as examples for a full-caster's spells, which I suspect these are.

2012-03-14, 03:11 PM
@tuggyne, you can't use half-caster's spell levels as examples for a full-caster's spells, which I suspect these are.

With the exception of Holy Sword, you pretty much can. Quite a few are a level lower than they would be on a full caster's list, but they're mostly about the same.

2012-03-14, 03:43 PM
With the exception of Holy Sword, you pretty much can. Quite a few are a level lower than they would be on a full caster's list, but they're mostly about the same.

Some are also higher, like for example

2012-03-14, 04:17 PM
They seem reasonable, but I'd probably tweak them.

It seems weird that the Improved Contingency's second spell level is keyed off the level of the first. That means it's possible at CL 21 to store a CL 7 spell and a CL3 spell, but not a CL 3 spell and a CL 2 spell. I'd be tempted to keep the maximum spell level = 1/3 CL, but set the total spell levels = 1/2 CL, capped at 10 or 15. That would mean a level 18 Wizard could store a level 6 spell and a level 3 spell, but would also have the option of a level 5 and level 4, level 4 and level 3, etc.

And for the second spell, I'd put a type on it, even if it's only perception skills and a level 5 slot; when the Epic level handbook becomes a relevant sourcebook, I just get a bit antsy (though a Spotplomancer would be hilarious).

2012-03-14, 04:34 PM
I'd write this one more simply as:

Improved Contingency

Spell level: 9th

Casting Time: 30 minutes

Components: V,S

Duration: 1 day\level or until discharged

Target Personal

As Contingency except as follows: The maximum spell level is 9 rather than 6. You may set multiple triggers to a maximum of three, and may set up to two spells (the trigger effects may be used for both spells in any order or may be set individually). The second spell included in the casting may only be of a level up to 1/ your caster level, rounded down. For example, if your caster level is 21, you may make contingent a spell of up to 7th level as your first spell, and then you may only include a spell of up to 3rd level as your second spell. If any of the triggers are met, regardless of the other triggers, Improved Contingency will discharge.

2012-03-14, 05:05 PM
@tuggyne, you can't use half-caster's spell levels as examples for a full-caster's spells, which I suspect these are.

As a couple other posters have mentioned, half-caster spell levels are generally within +/- 1 of the "standard" spell level; obviously, this does reduce the precision of the estimate somewhat, but it is by no means an unreasonable comparison. Wild Instincts is a ranger-specialty spell, so conceivably it's equivalent to a 4th-level Sor/Wiz, at the most, but even that is a little dubious.