View Full Version : Return of the soul bows OR review of Illithid's soldiers

2012-03-14, 04:19 PM
Hello all. Sometimes back, I started a thread about wanting to create Illithid's soldiers that Illithids could grow and who would require almost no maintenance...

So after some time past, this is what I currently came up with.

First the build of a soldier I wanted you guys to review=>
Stats rolled => 11, 11, 15, 16, 11, 17, +2 stat points to increase 15 & 17 to even points

Elan w/ Insectile Creature Template [Climb speed=land speed, tremorsense, Wide Vision(no flank, +4spot), dark vision, +4Dex, +2Wiz, +2NA, Ignore LA]

Classes Leapfroging Soul Knife[Hidden Talent, Bonus feat instead of psychic strike] 3/Fighter[Drow variant] 2/Soulbow 3

Feats: Point Blank[1st], Speed of Though[3rd], Two-Weapon Fight[FB], Far Shot[FB], Ghost Attack[SK], Improved TWF[6th], Rapid shot[SB], Precise Shot[SB]
*Weapon Focus MindBlade and Hidden Talent as per Soulknife, Mind Arrow Bane Ability*

Skills: Autohypnosis, Concentration, Hide & Move Silently. One or two ranks in Spot as they have tremor sense, just so they would make checks.

Hidden Talent Power => Chameleon, 4 pp.

I am assuming by using soulbow's ability to switch mind arrow enchantments over a day, they would able to tailor there Bane enchantment to an enemy they need.

With this in mind, they should be able to put out 5 Attacks per turn at range. With Bane that's potential 10d6 before anything else is in the picture. Seems respectable.


1st What do you guys think? Do they fit the bill of genetically grown "super soldiers"? This is in mind with the fact that at MOST they will have padded armor, a mundane Short spear(maybe mastercrafted) and NO other equipment!

2nd Ideally... I wanted them to also hold there own in melee.. However due to unfortunate BAB progression, they can't take the damn Deep Impact until in Soulbow and than I would have to choose between that and Improved TWF and that's minus one range attack. plus I also lack feat at that level to get Psionic meditation so they could refocus and power attack up in close..

Any ideas how to fix melee issue? Without use of Psionic classes... This is due to the hole "Illithids do not want them "too powerful" ".

So yeah... what do you guys think about these critters? ^^

P.S. Currently about 5 to 10 of them would be on a mission in a near buy city to hunt down genetic material so it could be reprocessed into more soldiers.

2012-03-15, 02:58 AM
Perhaps the link in my sig might interest you...

2012-03-15, 04:34 PM
Perhaps the link in my sig might interest you...

Hehe I actually did weeks ago (when I saw it on some other thread, I think the Ghost Legion one). Its really a bit TOO overpowered, and more importantly not for cave fighting...


Anyways if anyone cares to review, I decided to make something significantly less powerful, but something that seems like it would grow faster, needs no food and only collects biomass in order to give it to illithid in order to make more of these things... In this regard=>

Elan w/ Insectile Creature Template [Climb speed=land speed, tremorsense, Wide Vision(no flank, +4spot), dark vision, +4Dex, +2Wiz, +2NA, Ignore LA]

Ranger[bonus feats & distracting attack & hunt arcanists]+3/Psion[egoist]+2/Ranger+1
Feats=> Psionic Weapon[1st], Power Attack[3rd], Psionic Meditation[Psion Bonus], Deep Impact[6th level], Improved Favorite Enemy[Ranger Bonus]

Favorite & Improved Favorite=> Arcanist (this should include Warlocks right?)
**Potentially swap the Improved Fav for Combat Expertise? not sure yet**
Combat style=> matters not, two-weapon fight I guess for now.

Powers=>Force Screen, Greese,
Because it seems I can't get chameleon (which I counted on...) I am not sure on wtf am I going to do...


Alternatively I wanted to use underfolk and swap psion on psychic warrior[this would give me +10 hide in caves/sweres AND chameleon which makes for some sexy times]... Issue is that they need food & water... Elans do not. That is a big thing fluff wise. They are also not aberrations which is why elans fit sooo much better.

P.S. I was thinking however to see how hard would it be to create power stones with 2nd lvl power "sustenance" so this would essentially be "food rations"? It seems that one person/illithid can imprint about 13 of these. Assuming that they will not feed them EVERY day, maybe once every 5 days?(water can be gotten for free), that means one Illithid can feed 65 critters per day... This seems pretty decent...(disregarding XP cost, that is different matter I have DM-solved)... seems believable actually...