View Full Version : Weakened Balor for E6

2012-03-16, 04:29 AM
So i'm starting an E6 game with the players thwarting a Liches plans first and then moving onto stopping an invasion by a demon army led by a Balor. Now obviously the Balor is to strong for E6 (without serious optimisation) so the plan is that the players must weaken it with a special ritual.

I plan for the weakened Balor to be around CR10 (I have 5 pc's and they will have around 5-10 bonus feats by then, so ECL 7-8) and be a difficult but defeatable challenge.

So this is my wekened Balor that I think would be around CR 10, let me know what you think.

Weakened Balor
Large Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar’ri)
Hit Dice: 10d8+50 (130 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 25 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +14 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+21
Attack: +1 flaming longsword +17 melee (2d6+8 plus 1d6 fire/19–20)
Full Attack: +1 flaming longsword +15/+10 melee (2d6+8 plus 1d6 fire/19–20) and +1 flaming whip +15/+10 melee (1d4+4 plus 1d6 fire plus entangle); or 2 slams +17 melee (1d10+7)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with +1 flaming whip)
Special Attacks: Death throes, entangle, spell-like abilities, summon tanar’ri
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/cold iron and good, darkvision 60 ft., flaming body, immunity to electricity, fire, and poison, resistance to acid 5 and cold 5, spell resistance 16, telepathy 100 ft.
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +9
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills: (not needed)
Feats: Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack,Two-Weapon Fighting
Challenge Rating: 10

Death Throes (Ex): When killed, 3rounds later a balor explodes in a blinding flash of light that deals 100 points of damage to anything within 30 feet and 50 points of damage to anything withing 50 feet (Reflex DC 20 half ). This explosion automatically destroys any weapons the balor is holding.

Entangle (Ex): A balor’s +1 flaming whip entangles foes much like an attack with a net. The whip has 20 hit points. The whip needs no folding. If it hits, the target and the balor immediately make opposed Strength checks; if the balor wins, it drags the target against its flaming body (see below). The target remains anchored against the balor’s body until it escapes the whip.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will— Sleep (DC 14), Charm Person (DC 14), Protection from Good; 1/day— 10D6 fireball (DC 16), Dispel Magic. Caster level 10th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): Once per day a balor can automatically summon 6 dretches

Flaming Body (Su): The body of a balor is wreathed in flame. Anyone grappling a balor takes 2d6 points of fire damage each round.

2012-03-16, 08:28 AM
I think it should have more HP. 80 HP enemies is easy enough to burn through with a normal level 5 party, so for CR 10 I'd suggest giving it 5 or so more HD. Otherwise, the encounter could feel pretty anticlimactic.

2012-03-16, 08:32 AM
I think it should have more HP. 80 HP enemies is easy enough to burn through with a normal level 5 party, so for CR 10 I'd suggest giving it 5 or so more HD. Otherwise, the encounter could feel pretty anticlimactic.

The only problem is that 5 more HD would give it greater BAB/Saves/etc... and also make it a CR 15. I could bump the HP up with DM fiat, or change the DR to 10. But I think more HD would be a bit to much.

Dont forget the Dretches that will come with it. It'll summon 6 of them right at the start of the battle.

2012-03-16, 08:39 AM
There was a thread where people were submitting E6 parties to beat a regular Balor IIRC. Don't have a link but it could give you an idea of what to change and how much depending on your group's optimization level.

2012-03-16, 09:29 AM
I think the 100 damage burst is a little extreme at level 6, especially since the main damage is going to be melee fighters. It's basically going to be a save or die.

2012-03-16, 10:52 AM
There was a thread where people were submitting E6 parties to beat a regular Balor IIRC. Don't have a link but it could give you an idea of what to change and how much depending on your group's optimization level.

Wasn't that the thread where they used wall of stone to trap the balor than a lyre of building to negate attacks against it. And the balor liked it so much in the wall that it didn't even try to escape or dispell it etc?

2012-03-16, 10:57 AM
Wasn't that the thread where they used wall of stone to trap the balor than a lyre of building to negate attacks against it. And the balor liked it so much in the wall that it didn't even try to escape or dispell it etc?

I don't remember specifics unfortunately. I think the lyre was mentioned in one of the entries.

2012-03-16, 11:02 AM
Wasn't that the thread where they used wall of stone to trap the balor than a lyre of building to negate attacks against it. And the balor liked it so much in the wall that it didn't even try to escape or dispell it etc?

One of the entries was to lure in the Balor with rumors about someone having its truename, then letting it slide down a Greased ramp into a Sphere of Annihilation.

Also, shouldn't this go in the homebrew subforum?

2012-03-16, 11:43 AM
The original E6 vs Regular Balor (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=160998) thread.

2012-03-16, 12:18 PM
I think the 100 damage burst is a little extreme at level 6, especially since the main damage is going to be melee fighters. It's basically going to be a save or die.

The normal balor explodes instantly. This explodes after 3 rounds. It's a sort of 'oh crap! Running running running!' Thing for the pcs.

2012-03-16, 01:28 PM
Wasn't that the thread where they used wall of stone to trap the balor than a lyre of building to negate attacks against it. And the balor liked it so much in the wall that it didn't even try to escape or dispell it etc?

That was one proposed solution that didn't just try overpowering it but instead utilizing trickery against it. This is also the thread that had a team of psions on an undead bulette shooting it from below the ground, so that's pretty par for the course.

Lonely Tylenol
2012-03-16, 07:00 PM
I would use the Aspect of Asmodeus (Miniatures Handbook, p. 47) and Aspect of Mephistopheles (Miniatures Handbook, p... 51?) as a reference point for this. They are CR9, however.