View Full Version : On failure

2012-03-16, 09:09 AM
JK Rowling tells us (http://www.ted.com/talks/jk_rowling_the_fringe_benefits_of_failure.html?sou rce=facebook#.T2JfEvKPgQx.facebook) "rock bottom became the foundation on which I rebuilt my life".

I like her more and more , even if her books can't hold a candle to Duane's "Young Wizards" series :).


Brian P.

2012-03-16, 09:16 AM
Well, if you've hit rock bottom, you can't go any lower.
The only problem is overcoming the despair that would afflict you if not careful.
Been there, done that. Still causes me trouble.

2012-03-16, 09:28 AM
Rowling is surprisingly cool. And the message was good, too.

2012-03-16, 11:08 AM
I'm a strong supporter of learning from one's mistakes and getting stronger enduring difficulties. I have to say, sometimes I wish life could trow me a bone and show me that I'm right for not taking the easy way out of things, but regardless...

Brother Oni
2012-03-16, 07:45 PM
Well you've got two options - you can either wait for life to throw you a bone, or you can make your own by tearing it out of Life's quivering body, with your bare teeth and nails in a frenzied bloodied act of cannibalism.


I have no idea what I was trying to say with that analogy and it probably means that I should go to bed.

Lycan 01
2012-03-16, 08:45 PM
I dunno, I kinda liked that analogy. :smalltongue:

2012-03-16, 10:40 PM
Well you've got two options - you can either wait for life to throw you a bone, or you can make your own by tearing it out of Life's quivering body, with your bare teeth and nails in a frenzied bloodied act of cannibalism.


I have no idea what I was trying to say with that analogy and it probably means that I should go to bed.

Despite the violent imagery, it's actually very... What's the word? Descriptive.
It certainly gets the feeling of struggle down perfectly.

2012-03-17, 12:25 AM
JK Rowling tells us (http://www.ted.com/talks/jk_rowling_the_fringe_benefits_of_failure.html?sou rce=facebook#.T2JfEvKPgQx.facebook) "rock bottom became the foundation on which I rebuilt my life".

From a pseudo-scientific point of view, I have a hard time taking this as any sort of actual encouragement. There's plenty of quotes like this. But there's two directions you can go from rock bottom, and there's a vast underrepresentation from the people who went the other direction >.>

Brother Oni
2012-03-19, 08:14 AM
But there's two directions you can go from rock bottom, and there's a vast underrepresentation from the people who went the other direction >.>

Possibly not - there's a book which is a collection of people's suicide notes, which is probably the closest you can get this side of a seance: Link (http://www.amazon.com/Not-Be-Collection-Suicide/dp/1573225800).

2012-03-19, 08:16 PM
In the words of the wise Ms. Frizzle, "Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!"

ohgod can i please quote that

I beat you to it. :smalltongue:

Brother Oni
2012-03-19, 08:33 PM
ohgod can i please quote that

I've no objection to having multiple people quote me. :smalltongue:

In the words of the wise Ms. Frizzle, "Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!"

Well there's messy and there's having blood and loose skin smeared across your face with raw viscera stuck between your teeth and probably up your nose too (stupidly designed human face for biting).

2012-03-19, 10:03 PM
I meant quote it in real life. /arrogant sneer

Then you are almost as cool as Brother Oni is for saying it in the first place.

2012-03-20, 10:17 AM
I always find it cool when celebrities give messages like that...it can be encouraging when they do it right. The wording is quite cool, too.

2012-03-20, 05:56 PM
Well, if you've hit rock bottom, you can't go any lower.
The only problem is overcoming the despair that would afflict you if not careful.
Been there, done that. Still causes me trouble.

Oh, I don't know. I've seen a performance report that said,

"Hit rock bottom, and started to dig!"

2012-03-20, 10:11 PM
Oh, I don't know. I've seen a performance report that said,

"Hit rock bottom, and started to dig!"

Then I commend their ability to shovel through solid rock.

2012-03-21, 08:17 AM
Then I commend their ability to shovel through solid rock.

Shovel's no good, but dynamite works quite well :). For breaking up solid rocks into debris that can then be shoveled , I mean. Pick and shovel might help , too.

Tongue-in-cheek ,

Brian P.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2012-03-21, 09:12 PM
Well you've got two options - you can either wait for life to throw you a bone, or you can make your own by tearing it out of Life's quivering body, with your bare teeth and nails in a frenzied bloodied act of cannibalism.

I totally quoted you.