View Full Version : [E6] Ways to increase mobility.

2012-03-16, 02:10 PM
Alright maing an aethetic type monkish character who at level 6 can teleport his base land speed every 3 rounds as a move action. This is the main attraction to to class along with blindsight and essentially +5 to all saves not including the ability modifers.

So I am wondering what non magical means can help increase the mobility. This is in regards to able reach a ledge high up or leap farther distances. Looking for feats, alchemical items, or something else that increases mobility.

2012-03-16, 02:32 PM
Speed of Thought (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#speedOfThought), the Quick trait (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterTraits.htm#quick), and there's a feat in CW called Dash.

2012-03-16, 02:35 PM
Shape Soulmeld (Airstep Sandals) and Open Least Chakra will probably help out.

2012-03-16, 02:39 PM
Up the walls[Psionic feat] combined with a decent land speed can get you fairly far.

In addition, as your DM about climb, balance, and jump checks related to that feat, since there's a lot of 'fuzzy' areas that I'd argue the rules don't currently cover properly.

You can get a blink shirt via shape soulmeld. The distance traveled is weak, but since its omni-directional, it combines well with the above feat for various antics.

Travel Devotion, with a dip for turning, will let you move as a swift action, drastically increasing your mobility. Without turning, you'd have to get repetitions of the feat to make it viable.

Airstep Sandals grant weird flight, and debatebly normal flight with the feet bind. Ask your DM if he agrees. Would require 3-5 feats before it became fully functional though.

There's some dragon-wing type feats in either Dragon Magic or Races of the Dragon. The fluff makes it sound like it was intended for Kobolds iirc, but the option is open to a few others as well.

Dragonborn is a template that grants flight as an option.

2012-03-16, 02:50 PM
You can get two levels of fist of the forest (a monk-like ascetic class) by 6 as long as you stay with full BAB classes.

The fist level of fist of the forest gets fast movement that stacks with other fast movement modes. If you use barbarian enroute to FOF, you can have +20 to run speed right there.

2012-03-16, 02:53 PM
Ok guess need to clear few things up in regarrds to character in mind. http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=380722

So I am playing Gnorman's Frostblood (bloodline) Jotun (race) Brawler (class) Cenobite (archtype). The psionic feats don't think will be available. He is also using PF takes on the skills for some parts in regards to combining them. Acrobatics and Athletics with what they represent are going to be essentially maxed as what am planning. When reach level 6 thanks to the Quick trait along with increasing my base land speed another 20ft could do a 60ft teleport as a move action.

Feats such as Dash, Run, Agile and other like that are welcome. If managed to get true flight would also look into the flight feats from RotW.

Damage wise thinking of maybe just getting Flying Kick if can work though not the big point. Mostly just goint to rely on effectively unarmed damage of a Giant with Powerful build so hitting with huge sized unarmed strike eventually.

So any other feats or such that increase mobility, senses, or general undying without too much investment (just a feat or two).

2012-03-16, 10:38 PM
Have a bunch of lists (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2546.0)

search for speed and you'll find what you're looking for

Also I think Fleet of Foot (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-guide-to-faerun--22/fleet-of-foot--1140/) would be a good start if you can get the DM to allow you to refluff it.

Lonely Tylenol
2012-03-17, 06:11 AM
Have you considered skill tricks?

Extreme Leap allows you to add 10 feet to your movement as a swift action as long as you make a horizontal jump of 10 feet or greater (DC10 if you have a running start; DC20 if you make the check while standing).

Quick Swimmer allows you to swim an additional 10 feet with a successful Swim check.

Speedy Ascent allows you to add 10 feet to your Climb speed (if you succeed in climbing at least 10 feet), and Leaping Climber allows you to add your vertical jump check result to your climb speed (DC20 to jump 5 feet vertically, etc).

2012-03-17, 08:37 AM
I have considered skill tricks though wondering the which three are available based on requirements. Going to keep my Acrobatics, Athletics, and Perception maxed leaving me room for getting at 3 skill tricks.

2012-03-17, 02:11 PM
Suggestions, mostly from the Ways to Get Pounce or Free Movement (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103358) post:

Totemist 2 with the Blink Shirt soulmeld bound to his Totem chakra can Dimension Door as a Move Action at will whenever he wants to without a recharge. And he gets a bunch of natural weapons. And See Invisibility. And lots of other cool things. Which you can change every morning. Magic of Incarnum.
Dimension Hop psionic power lets you move as a Swift Action. Complete Psionic.
Sudden Leap Tiger Claw maneuver gives you Swift Action movement based on Jump check. Since it's a first level maneuver, it can be had for 1 Feat (Martial Study) or a 1 level dip into Swordsage or Warblade. Tome of Battle.
Protective Imposition spell (Cleric 1/Paladin 1) Trade places with ally as a Swift action. It's a good Wand spell for anyone in the party - though you'd need to work UMD into your build somehow to use it. Forge of War pg 115.
Hustle power gives you take a Move Action, but is activated as a Swift Action. Expanded Psionics Handbook.
Greaves of Aundair: +10 speed, and 3/day "immediately take a move action", but you're dazed until the end of your next turn. Forge of War p. 124.
Lion's Charge spell (Druid 3/Ranger 2 spell) gives you Pounce. Spell Compendium.
Knight's Move spell (Cleric 3/Paladin 2) gives you Swift Action movement to any flanking position in range. Spell Compendium.
Sparring Dummy of the Master lets you take 10 ft step instead of 5 ft step, requires 1 level of Monk. Arms and Equipment Guide.
Cunning Evasion feat lets you take a 5 ft step and Hide as an Immediate Action when you successfully use Evasion. Pick up Hide in Plain Site if you ca, and combine this with the Explosive weapon enhancement, which creates a 5 ft explosion (which allows a Reflex Save to avoid, thus triggering Evasion) whenever you attack with it. PHBII for the feat, Complete Warrior for the enhancement.