View Full Version : Monster Madness

2012-03-16, 06:41 PM
Inspired by another thread on the forum.
I think it might be fun to discuss classic monsters beating the hell out of each every now and then xD Here is what I had in mind. I will match up two monsters which have something in common and you discuss who would win.Monster with most votes win. I am planning to change monsters every two days so that everyone ges a chance to vote and so that I can match enough monsters before this thread eventualy dies lol

So,here is the first match :

Balor vs Pit Fiend

2012-03-19, 01:20 AM
I think I've seen this debated before...I believe the consensus was that the Pit Fiend's regeneration would probably give it the edge.

Keld Denar
2012-03-19, 08:59 AM
I think an even more fun idea would be to allow a player to reselect the feats and skills for each monster, and then possibly assign a certain amount of wealth to further customize the beasts. That would make it interesting.

2012-03-19, 09:50 AM
I think an even more fun idea would be to allow a player to reselect the feats and skills for each monster, and then possibly assign a certain amount of wealth to further customize the beasts. That would make it interesting.

Now THAT'S a great idea.

2012-03-19, 09:51 AM
I think an even more fun idea would be to allow a player to reselect the feats and skills for each monster, and then possibly assign a certain amount of wealth to further customize the beasts. That would make it interesting.

Ok, let's do that :)

Keld Denar
2012-03-19, 10:15 AM
So, ECL 20 NPC WBL? I think its 220,000. I wouldn't suggest full PC WBL, since then wealth makes a bigger difference than the base creature.

I think I wanna call shotgun on the Pitfiend...

2012-03-19, 10:37 AM
Well, there is one thing. They have knowledge on each other?

Example: they know they'll fighting each other (so they could buy shinny stuff that's specially designed to hurt them?)

2012-03-19, 10:44 AM
Well, there is one thing. They have knowledge on each other?

Example: they know they'll fighting each other (so they could buy shinny stuff that's specially designed to hurt them?)

Yes, they both have knowledge on each other.

Keld Denar
2012-03-19, 11:27 AM
Given how fiends evolve from one state to another, and the goings on of the Blood War, I don't see any embodiment of Evil incarnate reaching its pinnacle without knowledge of the generals of the opposing forces. Especially not with what...34-36 Int.

2012-03-19, 04:01 PM
Given how fiends evolve from one state to another, and the goings on of the Blood War, I don't see any embodiment of Evil incarnate reaching its pinnacle without knowledge of the generals of the opposing forces. Especially not with what...34-36 Int.

I meant more like: "Well, on my schedule I'll be fighting the Pit Fiend Jack on thursday, just after having lunch with the elder evil Bob and before going on mini golf with evil death god Mark"

Busy weekday for a Balor, actually...

2012-03-19, 08:13 PM
Well, there is one thing. They have knowledge on each other?

Example: they know they'll fighting each other (so they could buy shinny stuff that's specially designed to hurt them?)

I suppose if we're worried about too much metagame building, we could pick six creatures and have a random selection as to which pairs fight. If we make them diverse enough, each builder would have to build more of a generalist than a specialist.