View Full Version : Optimising a Shadow of a Murder

2012-03-16, 09:09 PM
All right, I need the playground's help to optimise an NPC and potential encounter. Any and all help will be appreciated.

The NPC in question is a Shadow (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/shadow.htm), using the Savage Species progression modified thus:

Does not gain the ability to create spawn.
Levels equal CR, so the entire progression is reduced to 3 levels.
Gains the Sunlight Powerlessness of a Spectre (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/spectre.htm) at first level.

The basic build is Shadow 3/Shadowcaster 2/Shadow of a Murder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8798304&postcount=10) X.

Tentative stats: Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16.

That is as far as I go before I find myself somewhat stumped by my dreadful lack of experience with shadow magic. What feats would this NPC take (Besides Darkstalker)? What fundamentals and mysteries would be best suited for him? What interesting tactics could I take advantage of? What synergies am I missing? Any suggestions on how to improve it?

Backstory-wise, this NPC was a shadowcaster and the victim of a hired assassin who used not shadows, but dazzling light, to catch their victims unaware. The entire subplot is that the shadowcaster was investigating some murders and got silenced the hard way, leaving the murders unsolved and buried in the past. The NPC's shadow lingered, fuelled by his desire to see justice served. But this happened in a holy place with lots of priests, angels and positive energy about, so the shadow lingered impotently, gaining experience from observing the world but unable to act, until he was unearthed recently. This coincides with a reappearance of the hired assassin (or at least someone copying his M.O.) and thus the beginning of the NPC's progression throughout the Shadow of a Murder PrC as he becomes a scornful vigilante in the cathedral-castle the story takes place.

Some houserules I'm enforcing relevant to this NPC is the fact that undead retain the alignment they had in life (LG, in this case) and that they're not immune to mind-affecting effects.

If it helps, the player is playing a pixie rogue/beguiler heading for arcane trickster (no LA whatsoever, basically just pile up all the pixie's goodies on the rogue/beguiler chassis). He's not very good at optimising, but he's learning fast and he's very intelligent and resourceful, so I fully expect him to surprise me whenever I throw an encounter his way.

2012-03-16, 11:45 PM
Ghostly Grasp (LM)
Endure Sunlight (LM)
Empowered Ability Damage (LM)

Shadowcaster Level 2 Fundamentals: Umbral Hand, Mystic Refelections, Black Candle
Shadowcaster Level 2 Mysteries: Life Fades, Voice of Shadows, or Carpet of Shadows

Shadow of Murder:
Fundamentals: Arrow of Dusk, Sound of the Shade, Caul of Shadows, Raven Eyes, Hazards of the Dark, Cadaver Removal
Mysteries: Apprentice Path: Touch of Twilight, Undreamt Danger
Initiate Path: Death Row, Ebon Roads

2012-03-17, 02:27 PM
Oh hey, I got a reply from the shadow magic guy! :smallbiggrin:

Ghostly Grasp (LM)

Oh, nifty.

Endure Sunlight (LM)

For some weird reason, I thought this feat was like the one found in Races of Faerun, the one that allowed you to outright ignore any inconveniences the sun produced. Which sort of defeated the purpose of making this guy powerless in sunlight. But now that I went to read it, it's frankly perfect! Those few rounds might be all they need to be somewhat scary even in broad daylight without being overpowered (and having a reason to lurk in the dark catacombs during the day). Thanks!

Empowered Ability Damage (LM)

Oh, great idea.

Shadowcaster Level 2 Fundamentals: Umbral Hand, Mystic Refelections, Black Candle

Ohh, nice. Umbral hand helps with the ghostly shenanigans, Black Candle is always useful and Mystic Reflections is practically a necessity. Awesome.

Shadowcaster Level 2 Mysteries: Life Fades, Voice of Shadows, or Carpet of Shadows

Life Fades works for this guy if he doesn't want to damage strength while still not killing anyone, and Carpet of Shadows is not that useful when half of the people he could be facing can fly. So I'll take Voice of Shadows instead.

Shadow of Murder:
Fundamentals: Arrow of Dusk, Sound of the Shade, Caul of Shadows, Raven Eyes, Hazards of the Dark, Cadaver Removal

Arrow of Dusk and Caul of Shadows look like the bread and butter of any spellcaster. Sound of the Shade helps with the ghostly shenanigans and Raven Eyes is awesome. However, because of what I said before about flying foes, Hazards of the Dark doesn't look too good and Cadaver Removal might be against the character's philosophy (who wants murders to be found, not concealed). Having said that, the first four are awesome and will last me up to level 6 of the PrC, so I'm cool with just that for now. Thanks!

Mysteries: Apprentice Path: Touch of Twilight, Undreamt Danger

Wouldn't I get Life Fades again if I went with Touch of Twilight? Should I pick another level 1 mystery from the shadowcaster list to avoid overlapping? Undreamt Danger looks cool, Sleep is always a useful condition to inflict on possible witnesses and innocents, and the illusions help the misdirection.

Initiate Path: Death Row, Ebon Roads

Ebon Roads is good, helps with the transportation problems inherent in being a shadow. Death Row, though, it's terribly effective at what it does. I like the idea of those mysteries being used exclusively to execute murderers, very flavourful.

Thanks for the help! Of course, if you've got any recommendations for shadow magic feats, I'll be all ears.

2012-03-17, 11:23 PM
However, because of what I said before about flying foes, Hazards of the Dark doesn't look too good and Cadaver Removal might be against the character's philosophy (who wants murders to be found, not concealed).

With your character being a Shadow some of the other fundamentals are kinda useless: Black Wings (you have a fly speed), Quiet Entrance (you're incorporeal), Sight Obscured (you're incorporeal). That leaves Venom Trace (you're immune to poison so this is only useful if you plan to use poison) and Shadow Hood (meh, an extremely minor debuff). So mainly Hazards of the Dark and Cadaver Removal are filler, however Hazards of the Dark will still work on any non-flying foes.

Wouldn't I get Life Fades again if I went with Touch of Twilight? Should I pick another level 1 mystery from the shadowcaster list to avoid overlapping? Undreamt Danger looks cool, Sleep is always a useful condition to inflict on possible witnesses and innocents, and the illusions help the misdirection.

An extra casting of Life Fades is nice. If you decide to go with a different 1st level mystery for the Shadow of Murder I would recommend either Secret Magic (Never Known path) or Ebony Blade (Tools of the Trade path).

Of course, if you've got any recommendations for shadow magic feats, I'll be all ears.
Reach Mystery (for Touch of Twilight path) and Quicken Mystery (always nice to be able to cast two mysteries in a round). Take multiple times as needed.

2012-03-18, 01:38 PM
With your character being a Shadow some of the other fundamentals are kinda useless: Black Wings (you have a fly speed), Quiet Entrance (you're incorporeal), Sight Obscured (you're incorporeal). That leaves Venom Trace (you're immune to poison so this is only useful if you plan to use poison) and Shadow Hood (meh, an extremely minor debuff). So mainly Hazards of the Dark and Cadaver Removal are filler, however Hazards of the Dark will still work on any non-flying foes.

Well, I will have uses for Venom Trace and you make a good point on Hazards of the Dark, so I'll take those.

An extra casting of Life Fades is nice. If you decide to go with a different 1st level mystery for the Shadow of Murder I would recommend either Secret Magic (Never Known path) or Ebony Blade (Tools of the Trade path).

Well, I do wonder if there wouldn't be a better use for my standard actions in combat than piling up non-lethal (which isn't the most optimal idea at mid levels).

I was wondering about the Never Known path, so I'm glad you're recommending it, it was something that looked fairly tempting, so I'm definitely taking that one.

Reach Mystery (for Touch of Twilight path) and Quicken Mystery (always nice to be able to cast two mysteries in a round). Take multiple times as needed.

Oh, huh, those are good ideas indeed. Reach Mystery is good to strike from the shadows while Quicken Mystery will make him less fragile. I intend to make him more slippery than a damage powerhouse, so it helps if he can cast multiple times per round. Drops in, casts, then quicken-casts a getaway.

Thanks again for the help! Any recommendations on how to use shadow magic as a DM or general tips?