View Full Version : Rereading Strip 326

2012-03-16, 09:54 PM
How many of you have hard time reading, especially the old goblin dan, after
-Azure City fell
- Azurite Resistance crushed?
It kinda look like Gobbotopia will exist...FOREVER!
Well, we know that it will have a good ending.

2012-03-16, 09:59 PM
We don't know that, all we know is there's a Goblin who owns a BBQ hut, with a bunch of Goblin customers.

Mr. Pants
2012-03-16, 10:00 PM
It won't exist once Xykon :xykon: finds out about Redcloak's :redcloak: betrayal...

2012-03-16, 10:08 PM
Its called, franchising. Goblin Dan has a whole streamlined process of packaging, shipping, and preparation. If you want a franchise and happen to be a goblin, it will only cost 5000 Gp to own your own Hydra Head franchise.:smallcool:

2012-03-16, 10:08 PM
We don't know that, all we know is there's a Goblin who owns a BBQ hut, with a bunch of Goblin customers.

Look at Goblin Dan, he's old meaning that he will survive in the future.
Here's him after 1 year.

2012-03-16, 10:19 PM
Yes, I know, I'm saying that indicates very little about the political landscape aside from it being unlikely that Goblins are persecuted in any major capacity.

2012-03-16, 10:23 PM
Look at Goblin Dan, he's old meaning that he will survive in the future.
Here's him after 1 year.

Which just shows that the snarl won't destroy the entire world, not that Gobbtopia will survive. It just shows that a few years from now Goblins will still exist.

Belril Duskwalk
2012-03-16, 10:24 PM
For one, Goblins have a short lifespan compared to humans, 50 is about the maximum, so Old Goblin Dan is probably in his late 40s. His current age is harder to guess, but even at the younger estimates all that 326 'proves' is that Goblin Dan's Hydra BBQ will last at least 40 more years. 40 years is awhile, but it is FAR short of forever. All of this assumes that 326 is in fact a look at the definitive future, rather than merely a glimpse (or vision) forward into one possible future.

As to my feelings on these strips after seeing how Azure City turns out... good for Goblin Dan.

2012-03-16, 10:58 PM
I can honestly say that knowing Goblin Dan opens a successful chain of Hydra restaurants in the future in no way made me less eager to read the rest of the comic. I am willing to bet 5 Internet cookies that this is true of every single other person who reads the comic.

2012-03-16, 11:47 PM
I can honestly say that knowing Goblin Dan opens a successful chain of Hydra restaurants in the future in no way made me less eager to read the rest of the comic. I am willing to bet 5 Internet cookies that this is true of every single other person who reads the comic.

Depends, are these Identity cookies or tracking cookies?:smallbiggrin:

2012-03-17, 01:48 AM
Which just shows that the snarl won't destroy the entire world, not that Gobbtopia will survive. It just shows that a few years from now Goblins will still exist.

I mean if Azurites, they could go on genocidal crusade instead of letting him run his restaurant.
So Azure City fell, Goblins hold strong on nearby lands.
Azurite Resistance fell, Hold on lands even stronger since there is no more saboteur and guerrillas to weaken for azurites to reclaim (and exterminate) hobgoblins. Goblin Dan profit from his restaurant more.
(Unless Order of the stick find time travel and mess it up).

2012-03-17, 04:16 AM
It kinda look like Gobbotopia will exist...FOREVER!
Well, we know that it will have a good ending.

Do you think this contradicts each other?

2012-03-17, 07:27 AM
I mean if Azurites, they could go on genocidal crusade instead of letting him run his restaurant.
So Azure City fell, Goblins hold strong on nearby lands.
Azurite Resistance fell, Hold on lands even stronger since there is no more saboteur and guerrillas to weaken for azurites to reclaim (and exterminate) hobgoblins. Goblin Dan profit from his restaurant more.
(Unless Order of the stick find time travel and mess it up).

I think that first sentence lacks a word or two, possibly. The rest of the comment states a few facts about the situation in the area close to Azure City, but I fail to see what point you are making.

Keep in mind, Hinjo and his lot did find a new area to settle with V's help. Is the New Azure City co-existing with Gobbotopia really such a big deal?

Also, time travel is messy at best. For the sanity of the readers, and the author, it should be left out, as there are far too few limits as to what it can do.

2012-03-17, 08:33 AM
I mean if Azurites, they could go on genocidal crusade instead of letting him run his restaurant.

Yes, that is possible. There is also a chance that will not happen if they return.

2012-03-17, 08:34 AM
Do you think this contradicts each other?

Not really.

2012-03-17, 10:03 AM
really though, ever since the azurites arived at that abandoned island i wondered why they didnt decide to give up azure city completely.

i mean, obviously they still wanted those slaves freed, and i can understand they would want to take their homeland back. but at one point maybe you should realize you've lost the war, found a new place to settle, and move on.

i really have a hard time seeing the azurites go back to azure city and retake it from the goblins.

Hord Sin'orakos
2012-03-17, 10:33 AM
I don't know, to me the flash-forward to Goblin Dan's hydra based restaurant seemed like more of a punchline. Not that any of it is actually going to happen, or that any of it meant literally, but instead used to tie up that comic and give direction to the introduction of the Hydra as an enemy. When they showed Goblin Dan in Gobbotopia later, that was a nice reference to a previous joke, but I don't think it's meant to give away spoilers to a potential ending. Rich is not the type to set something in stone if it gives him less options to make you laugh uncontrollably/drop your jaw in awe/scream at the stick people on your screen.

2012-03-17, 10:40 AM
I don't know, to me the flash-forward to Goblin Dan's hydra based restaurant seemed like more of a punchline. Not that any of it is actually going to happen, or that any of it meant literally, but instead used to tie up that comic and give direction to the introduction of the Hydra as an enemy. When they showed Goblin Dan in Gobbotopia later, that was a nice reference to a previous joke, but I don't think it's meant to give away spoilers to a potential ending. Rich is not the type to set something in stone if it gives him less options to make you laugh uncontrollably/drop your jaw in awe/scream at the stick people on your screen.
It may (May not) be a joke gag. But it is kinda like Funny Aneurysm Moment (A joke that is no longer funny after one event
Like Buffy's mom died from Aneurysm and the joke that she made about having aneurysm on book's price is no longer funny.

Mr. Pants
2012-03-17, 10:49 AM
I wonder if hydra heads really taste that good...:smallconfused:

2012-03-17, 11:06 AM
I wonder if hydra heads really taste that good...:smallconfused:

Imagine a steak .. that grows back after you took a bite. (well, if you order it rare, that is)

2012-03-17, 04:50 PM
Imagine a steak .. that grows back after you took a bite. (well, if you order it rare, that is)

Well, I kinda eat Pork Head salad (Burmese food). So, I kinda imagine it like it.
P.S- How about its brains and ears? That could be nice.

Surfing HalfOrc
2012-03-17, 05:32 PM
Meh. The Hydra Hut in 326 is in the Valley of the Oracle, and appears to be the first Hydra Hut. Kind of like the first McDonalds or first Wendy's.

Goblin Dan only had a mobile kitchen in Azure City Gobbitopia, nothing indicates that he has any permanent buildings there. If the Azurites manage to wrest control of the city back from the goblinoids, Goblin Dan will just have to sell franchises elsewhere to still become a multi-millionaire.

I've seen more than a few McDonalds that have gone out of business and have been boarded up, but McDonalds as a corporation still sells those burgers, fries and chicken nuggets.

As with the Azureites, loss of the city doesn't mean the end of the people. Just like the humans, the goblins will grab their stuff and run. The hobgoblins still have their city up in the mountains to retreat to.

2012-03-17, 05:40 PM
I mean if Azurites, they could go on genocidal crusade instead of letting him run his restaurant.

They could, but they haven't done so up until now, and since we -know- that massacring entire villages causes Paladins to fall, I can say with pretty firm certainty that the SG aren't going to try and wipe out entire races...

2012-03-18, 08:55 PM
really though, ever since the azurites arived at that abandoned island i wondered why they didnt decide to give up azure city completely.

i mean, obviously they still wanted those slaves freed, and i can understand they would want to take their homeland back. but at one point maybe you should realize you've lost the war, found a new place to settle, and move on.

i really have a hard time seeing the azurites go back to azure city and retake it from the goblins.

Now every one in the resistance is dead (Including the freed slaves and clerics and Elven commandoes). Now Hinjo's gonna deal with the lack of Clerics, crying family members, and the Elven High Command.
Only thing left for Azure City is shipping between Hinjo and Niu.
P.S- Should have put a cleric or two on his "junk".
P.P.S- Dammnit Miko!

2012-03-18, 09:14 PM
Even if Gobbotopia falls that doesn't mean Goblin Dan's Hydra Head BBQ will fall too.

Remember, Goblin Dan got the idea (and the hydra needed) to found a BBQ-restaurant before Redcloak and hobgoblins conquered Azure city.

Edit: Sorry, the triple post wasn't intentional.

Belril Duskwalk
2012-03-18, 09:53 PM
They could, but they haven't done so up until now, and since we -know- that massacring entire villages causes Paladins to fall, I can say with pretty firm certainty that the SG aren't going to try and wipe out entire races...

Another compelling argument for no further goblin genocides is that the Sapphire Guard membership is likely currently a single digit number. Unless I am mistaken, the entire known living membership is Lien, O'Chul and Hinjo. And at the very least O'Chul strikes me as being wise enough to recognize that there is a difference between an enemy goblin and just a regular goblin.

2012-03-18, 10:02 PM
Another compelling argument for no further goblin genocides is that the Sapphire Guard membership is likely currently a single digit number. Unless I am mistaken, the entire known living membership is Lien, O'Chul and Hinjo. And at the very least O'Chul strikes me as being wise enough to recognize that there is a difference between an enemy goblin and just a regular goblin.
I think we will learn it in his Backstory, "How a paladin got his scar?" He was a soldier, not a noble paladin.