View Full Version : [PF] Special Build Advice Please

Chained Birds
2012-03-17, 11:44 PM
Greeting fellow playgrounders,

I'm posting this thread because I'm stumped on the Crunch aspects to a character concept I've been working on. I figured that having creative minds helping me out on this will really cement my character idea.

I'm looking for builds and build ideas that suit a character with the title of "Soldier of Misfortune." This character spreads misfortune, not by his own will, but by the simple fact that he has a literal aura of energy that causes Misfortune on to others. He is very powerful in this regard because, as we all know, messing with probability in D&D can win you the game. Though he is a bit of a downer and believes all the misfortune in the world is caused by him.
-- Mechanically --
- The person who bares the title of "Soldier of Misfortune" has an Aura of Misfortune surrounding them at all times. This Aura causes all creatures within 60ft of the title barer to roll a second D20 whenever they make a D20 roll; they must take the roll with the lowest result regardless of any effects or abilities that would allow them to take a higher roll.
- In addition, the result of any item, spell, spell-like ability or other effect used within the Aura that would cause the roll of a D100, the roll's result will automatically become as though the user or caster rolled a 1.
- A willing target may be granted a minor version of this Aura by the title barer. The Aura extends only to 10ft around the subject and can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to their HD. Activating or ending this effect is a Free Action.
The creature that carries the title of "Soldier of Misfortune" is immune to these effects and can remove the granted Aura at anytime as a Free Action.
- There are no saves granted to resist these effects.

Now I'm looking for a build that can use this to its fullest, but with the following limitations due to the fluff aspects I've developed for the character.

1. Must be of the Goblin Race.
2. Must be Male (His name is Galgehide FWI). I don't actually see this having much impact though.
3. Looking for creative builds, not just "Wizard 20 because they're the only class that matters"...
4. Speaking of casters, I'd like limited casting for this character as he is fairly indifferent towards magic and would only really use it for buffs or minor crowd control purposes if any.
5. Though he is a Goblin, he's actually very hesitant to get into combat; even if he has great combat prowess.
6. He seeks to unite the Goblins and other Goblinoids in a peaceful coexistence with other races, like Humans and Dwarfs.
7. He grants many of his loyal followers the minor version of his Aura so they may pretend to be him and serve as doubles in case of assassinations.
8. All Goblins that follow his way of thinking wear masks as does he. Female Goblins however wear skull helms.


Build Info:

- 15 Point-Buy
- 2 Traits
- Level 15
- Anything on the PFSRD can be used to develop this character.


Yes, this is somewhat of a build challenge (and I don't expect many to take it on) but I do hope some people find this interesting and would like to help me build this character up.

I thank you all in advance for whatever suggestions or build ideas you come up with!

2012-03-18, 10:13 AM
The best fit I can think of is Hexcrafter Magus, possibly mixing some Witch and Cavalier or Bard in there as well. If you go Bard, you could pursue in Battle Singer, which gets you better boosts when Inspiring Courage in fellow Goblins.

Hope that helps a bit in your build for at least getting a direction to go in. :smallsmile:

2012-03-18, 11:18 AM
Is he a player or an NPC in a world?

If he is the latter then why bother with build legality? It seems he is some kind of hero/minor god since you give him the ability to grant his power to followers and doubles.

I think a home-brew prestige class available only to him might serve best here.

EDIT: Actually home-brewing an oracle of misfortune seems like a good way to go.

Chained Birds
2012-03-18, 11:32 AM
The story goes that he, along with 14 others, were granted the 15 contagious powers that inhabit the world. The person who gave it to him was a being from another dimension/realm with great powers. Many of these "Soldiers" have died due to their ineptitude or through the strengths of those who oppose them.

I still want him to be fairly legit, just with a special power (Fully available to PCs if they meet certain specific requirements, kill or remove a "Soldier", and meet the extra-planar being who grants these powers) that is unique to him and him alone.
Also, I suck at making Home-brew classes/prestiges. :smallredface:

I'm liking Hexcrafter Magus a bit, but can't seem to see anything that might go well with Magus besides Magus. I'll give some more thought on this and see what I can come up with...

Bards are usually draw attention, which is something this character strives not to do; thanks anyway.

2012-03-18, 12:37 PM
The person who gave it to him was a being from another dimension/realm with great powers.

They sound a lot like Oracles. Oracles don't necessarily worship a god, they can be given powers by powerful beings or gods, that they them selves bear no allegiance to.

It sounds like these 15 hero characters would all make for fine Gestalt: Oracle of (x) + whatever class they were prior.

In the goblin's case he would be a gestalt: oracle of misfortune+cavalier(dragon order) <--- you can re-skin the dragon into something more goblinesque like a dire rat or worg

this would make him a tactical leader on the battle field and also a hero infused by the juju of this cosmic being.


edit it doesn't necessarily need to be a full on class gestalt, you could make up simple little boons that mirror sorcerer bloodlines that get infused into the characters. Give it a 1st level multiple times per day power, an 8th level couple time per day power, and a 15th level uber power.

1st level "Glare of misfortune" ChaMod+3/day the hero can as an immediate action (which consumes his/her next standard action) give his/her aid another bonus as a penalty to an enemy. Range 60. (This would incorporate well with a dragon order cavalier because they get bonuses to aid another.)

8th level "Aura of the black cat" Level in rounds/day (does not need to be consecutive.) As an immediate action the player may emit an imperceptible 15' aura in which all d20 rolls must be made twice, and the worst roll must be taken.

15th level "Snake eyes" once/day. Range 60. Move action. The hero may drain the luck from an individual. For the next 10 rounds any dice roll they make must be rolled twice and the worst roll must be chosen, in addition any roll made by the hero in this time may be rolled twice and either roll may be chosen.

2012-03-18, 12:59 PM
They sound a lot like Oracles. Oracles don't necessarily worship a god, they can be given powers by powerful beings or gods, that they them selves bear no allegiance to.

It sounds like these 15 hero characters would all make for fine Gestalt: Oracle of (x) + whatever class they were prior.

In the goblin's case he would be a gestalt: oracle of misfortune+cavalier(dragon order) <--- you can re-skin the dragon into something more goblinesque like a dire rat or worg

this would make him a tactical leader on the battle field and also a hero infused by the juju of this cosmic being.


edit it doesn't necessarily need to be a full on class gestalt, you could make up simple little boons that mirror sorcerer bloodlines that get infused into the characters. Give it a 1st level multiple times per day power, an 8th level couple time per day power, and a 15th level uber power.

I'd refluff the Dragon as a Goblin Dog, myself. :smallbiggrin:

As for the Oracle, I'd also consider Witch, as they have a similar theme between their Patron and Hexes. Their spell list is also very misfortune oriented by default, so there's that as well.

2012-03-18, 01:06 PM
-- Mechanically --

- In addition, the result of any item, spell, spell-like ability or other effect used within the Aura that would cause the roll of a D100, the roll's result will automatically become as though the user or caster rolled a 1.

So, Teleport spells always work flawlessly around this character? :smallsmile:

Chained Birds
2012-03-18, 01:57 PM
So, Teleport spells always work flawlessly around this character? :smallsmile:

Not every misfortune is a misfortune. He can also teleport perfectly too when given the option. :smallwink:

Hexcrafter Magus seems okay, but the loss of Spell Recall really suchs... a lot!

I was looking through Oracle, and I'm not sure which mystery works... Maybe Lore...

Dragon Cavalier is pretty awesome, but perhaps something a bit more 1-on-1-ish. I do like the strength in numbers capability of this guy though.

Cool suggestions so far guys!

2012-03-19, 12:32 AM
Ok, 2 suggestions, which could be rolled into one.

First, you don't really need to homebrew a misfortune Oracle, there's already an archetype that can force enemies to reroll, the Dual Cursed Oracle. You select 2 curses, one of which doesn't improve with levels (Haunted would be perfect) and get 2 more revelations at levels 5 and 13. You also get 2 new revelations to choose from, one of which is:

Misfortune (Ex): At 1st level, as an immediate action, you can force a creature within 30 feet to reroll any one d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. Once a creature has suffered from your misfortune, it cannot be the target of this revelation again for 1 day.

Second suggestion. You said anything in the PFSRD, right? Well, this is the Jinx (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-prestige-classes/4-winds-fantasy-gaming/jinx)

3rd Party prestige class, 1/2 BAB, 7/10 Casting (You could take Oracle 6/ Jinx 9)

Gets an aura that gives penalties to everyone around you, and cannot be turned off. Starts with -1 to attack rolls, but you can customize it and add skills checks, saves, ac and casting

Chained Birds
2012-03-19, 05:19 AM
Ok, 2 suggestions, which could be rolled into one.

First, you don't really need to homebrew a misfortune Oracle, there's already an archetype that can force enemies to reroll, the Dual Cursed Oracle. You select 2 curses, one of which doesn't improve with levels (Haunted would be perfect) and get 2 more revelations at levels 5 and 13. You also get 2 new revelations to choose from, one of which is:

Second suggestion. You said anything in the PFSRD, right? Well, this is the Jinx (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-prestige-classes/4-winds-fantasy-gaming/jinx)

3rd Party prestige class, 1/2 BAB, 7/10 Casting (You could take Oracle 6/ Jinx 9)

Gets an aura that gives penalties to everyone around you, and cannot be turned off. Starts with -1 to attack rolls, but you can customize it and add skills checks, saves, ac and casting

These are all very nice! I was looking for an Oracle Ability that forced re-rolling but was disappointed by the lack of them on vanilla Oracle. And Jinx also seems very nice as it's not full casting and should fit the criteria for the fluff.

With that, I don't think I'll go Gestalt for this guy. Might change my mind down the line, as it was a nice suggestion, but I do want defeating an "Soldier of [Blank]" to be possible; just difficult due to their granted abilities mixing well with their overall build.

Thank you all for the help!

2012-03-19, 08:05 AM
The story goes that he, along with 14 others, were granted the 15 contagious powers that inhabit the world.

Since the power is "contagious", I'm assuming passed on through death, like a highlander type thing. (or perhaps by willingly transfer {or both})

If this is the case, I wouldn't suggest doing this like a class dip these characters are doing.. they should be stand alone level 15 characters who were infected. Then you just need to craft 15 templates that can be passed on through the "contagion".

Not really that hard to do. You could easily model them after racial templates or bloodline templates that Paizo has made.

It just doesn't make much sense if the power is "contageous", but you need 15 levels of classes to mimic it.

Chained Birds
2012-03-19, 08:40 AM
Actually, here are the 15 "Soldiers".
Soldier of Misfortune*
Soldier of Ruin
Soldier of Malice
Soldier of Ignorance
Soldier of Madness
Soldier of Fear
Soldier of Sorrow
Soldier of Chaos

Soldier of Luck
Soldier of Knowledge
Soldier of Kindness
Soldier of Order
Soldier of Courage*
Soldier of Hope
Soldier of Renewal

I've only got about half of them mapped out, with the other half just simple character ideas with not much written down about them. Each Soldier is also a different race, as the Being that granted them these powers is just funny that way.

How big a +CR should the "Soldier of Misfortune" Template be in your opinion? I'm thinking +2.

2012-03-19, 08:50 AM
Not sure if this is in PF and I'm also AFB but there is a sorc/wiz spell that makes your opponent reroll everything and take the lowest roll. This quite misfortunate ;)


2012-03-19, 09:22 AM
How big a +CR should the "Soldier of Misfortune" Template be in your opinion? I'm thinking +2.

that all depends on how powerful and/or double edged you make them.

if you made the misfortune target both friend and foe and hero alike it might be a 0 sum. If it gave the player control, then I suppose it would be a 1+ shift.. they would have to pay xp back taxes for and grow into I guess.

If I were doing this I would try hard to make it a 0 sum power, like incorporate some type of draw back into each power

Example-Soldier of Kindness: it gives you the effect of a gaes or something to do kind acts unto even your enemies, so if you don't follow a vow of kindness it doesn't function for you (or even gives you drawbacks).. like you must do subdual damage to enemies and you must put the needs of friends above your own, forgoing a lot of healing and treasure.

you might also look at how ravenloft does its corruption powers, since this is a disease of sorts.

but if you are entertaining the "homebrew" concept I suggest, I would repost this in the homebrew forum, or petition a mod to move it.

Chained Birds
2012-03-19, 11:57 AM
Well, I've gotten what I was searching for. Maybe next time I'll post my Homebrew Soldiers when they are "completed" in the homebrew area for advice.