View Full Version : Dragon Age RPG

2012-03-18, 08:36 AM
I got the Dragon Age RPG as a bargain and reading through the entire rules, I really like it. A good system for campaigns in which combat is not the centerpiece of the game, that is easy to learn and very quick to make characters.

Does anyone have experience how much the power of character changes, as they gain levels? It can easily take until 8th level to double your starting hit points and your attack and defense scores only increase if you raise your Strength and Dexterity scores. How much difference is there between, say 1st, 5th, and 10th level characters? Do the standard genlocks and hurlocs become pointless at some point, or do they remain a threat if you throw them at the PCs in greater numbers?
a hurloc has a 26% chance to hit a Defense of 19, which would take a heavy shield and a Dexterity of 6 to get. Which I suppose is doable for a level 12 warrior if he raises Str, Dex, and Con equally. And at 30 health and armor 8, 2d6+Strength damage will take a while, even if you hit on every attack.
How high can PCs get for almost anything still being able to cause injuries?

Also, what do you think of this Specialization?
Class: Rogue or Warrior.
Requirement: You must have Dexterity and Magic 3 or higher.

Novice: You gain Magic + 1d6 mana points and one spell. Strain from armor is reduced by 1.
Journeyman: You gain Magic + 1d6 mana points and one spell. Strain from armor is reduced by 2.
Master: You gain Magic + 1d6 mana points and one spell. Strain from armor is reduced by 3.

That's about 20 MP at 10th level with three spells known. A 2nd level mage has more.

2012-03-19, 07:13 AM
I found this site: Dragon Age Orcale (http://dragonageoracle.com/)

There's a lot of free homebrew stuff that will probably take me a couple of day to get through.

2012-03-23, 01:04 PM
Now, bear in mind that I have yet to actually run a game, but these are my thoughts, for I have been thinking about it too.

Scaling: after level 5, stats cost more points to raise, with 12 being the hard cap on all stats. Now, that being said, I would guess with outnumbering and other circumstantial bonuses, hurlock and genlock would likely be threatening for a while, at least through level 10. Also, consider leathal blow, mighty blow and pierce armor, those three directly or otherwise increase your damage. I have been worried that at higher levels things are going to become slug-fests, rather than the tactical and brutal combat that we see at lower levels.

The specialization seems pretty good, and on par with the others, I think.