View Full Version : Quick Incarnum Question

2012-03-18, 12:17 PM
I just want some clarification on something.

The Totem Avatar Chakra Bind for shoulders says "your natural weapons (whether from soulmelds or other sources) deal damage as if you were one size category larger."

I know some soulmelds explicitly say they deal different damage based on size, but many don't say. So my question is; do all soulmelds deal size based damage?

2012-03-18, 04:28 PM
P 54, under Damage Values (in the first column), states that the damage values given for soulmelds that grant natural weapons are for Medium creatures. Meldshapers larger or smaller than Medium should adjust these damage values as normal for weapons of sizes other than Medium.

I think that the xd6 soulmelds like lightning gauntlets and such do not scale based on size, but I don't have a citation for that. Incarnate Weapon makes an actual weapon, so of course it scales with size.

Magic of Incarnum is a poorly organized book.