View Full Version : Incarnum Question

2012-03-18, 02:33 PM
Yes, it's a cheesy idea, but given the bunch of players I would probably be DMing for cheese is good.

Looking at Magic of Incarnum we have just one class to link Divine casting with incarnum use and it requires the Law domain.

Looking at the spell lists, the druid list of buffs would be somewhat useful for a totemist, but to push druid would make a hash of either druid abilities for totemist abilities - so what about a Spirit Shaman/Totemist?

So - what's the best way to get Law domain without taking one level is cleric?

Elric VIII
2012-03-18, 02:48 PM
Well, the thing about a Druid's class features is that they make you a melee powerhouse. But, so does Totemist. Wildshape/AC is about T3 power level (as evidenced by Wildshape Ranger) and so is Totemist. So I wouldn't worry about losing Druid class features in favor of Incarnum. It's not that big a loss (especially since you can get higher level Chakra Binds via Open Greater Chakra).

As for domain access, I'm not sure how to get that on a Druid. There may be some classes that grant bonus domains that you can squeeze in before you take Sapphire Heirarch (Contemplative is good, but requires level 11). Maybe see if your DM will allow you to take Law Devotion in place of having the Law domain.

2012-03-18, 02:52 PM
Rainbow Servant CDiv gives Law, Sun, and Good. but Law is by 7th level so maybe not... In Pathfinder there is a Domain variant Druid? see if your DM could okay that. (you loose animal companion...)

Jeff the Green
2012-03-18, 03:10 PM
Rainbow Servant is also an arcane PrC, so not all that much help.

According to the Lists of Stuff (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871954/Lists_of_Stuff), your choices are Sovereign Speaker (FoE), Contemplative, and Divine Disciple (FRCS). Sovereign Speaker requires a domain, so it's not terribly helpful. Contemplative, as mentioned, is only available at ECL 11. So, we're left with Divine Disciple. Prereqs are:

4th level divine spells
Diplomacy 5 ranks
Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks

So if you can get Knowledge (Religion) as a class skill, you could get in after Druid or Spirit Shaman 7.

2012-03-18, 03:18 PM
Thank-you for the responses.

I forgot to say that it is 3.5, and though I am DMing it's a shared Planar campaign with each DMing having a subset of the outer planes to play with to rulings have to be made in common which keeps things interesting...