View Full Version : [3.5] Sorcerer Build Idea's

2012-03-18, 03:52 PM
Just getting back into the swing of things after not having played since I was 15 I am now 21. I typically don't play Wiz/Sorc but I have always thought that the idea of being able to cast

Prismatic Sphere and then bind it to yourself with permanency. So I wanted to pick your guy's brains for good build's and character ideas.

2012-03-18, 04:01 PM
Don't just be anyone

Be the man

The Mailman (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19868534/The_Mailman:_A_Direct_Damage_Sorcerer)

2012-03-18, 04:16 PM
There are tons of good builds and strategies. However, they're mostly centered around wizards.

My personal favorite option for sorcerers is the Sand Shaper PrC which gives a sorcerer access to a very large list of bonus spells to add to their spells known list. These include summonings, buffing spells, dispels, and a few offensive capabilities.

Most of the popular or frequently discussed sorcerer options like Battle Sorcerer just plain suck ass. Others like the Mailman often go way too far into the realm of awesomeness. (It's always wise to hold your character back a bit in order to not make your other party members cry whenever your turn comes around.)

Solo's Stupendously Superior Sorcerer Stratagems (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2180.0) can give you some great advice. Random lists of "What are the best spells per level for a spellcaster" can also help quite a bit.

Good luck and happy blasting!

2012-03-18, 04:17 PM
I've just hit this builds finish @16th level. I've never had so much fun :smallsmile:

We went up against a golem the other day that was going to very hard to beat.

My character stepped up - pointed his wand and...BOOM!

Maximised, empowered, twin spell, energy admixtured (sonic) Ray of de-animation.

(15d6 = 90 x 2) x 1.5 = 270 unavoidable certain damage

Not enough? - Celerity! Do it again!

Rest of the time you're just normal old wizard...till you deliver the mail :smallyuk:

2012-03-18, 07:08 PM
This link (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7802.0;wap2) outlines the optimization of a simple magic missile spell, to an extremely scary degree. Virtually nothing could take more than a couple rounds of punishment from this build.

Sorcerers should do what they do best. They are not best in battlefield control. They are not best being skill monkeys. They are not best on the front lines. They are best when they cast the spells that make the people fall down.

2012-03-18, 08:43 PM
To contrast a bit the builds posted, here is a concept I have played once.

Most sorcerers view dragon blood as the source of their power. I once played a sorceress who had fey blood in her veins. She mostly had spells that dealt with illusions, enchantments, battlefield control and debuffing. She had a spell theme that helped with keeping that theme, and took the fey prestige class of complete mage, which had the nice bonuseffect to give a sorcerer a few more spells known, and the ability to autoswitch his spells for summon natures ally spells.

2012-03-18, 09:25 PM
Snuggle up with Treantmonk (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=394). Most his advice applies to Sorcerers as well.

If you can, get Knowstones to know additional spells. (Cost is spell level squared * 1000G.)

2012-03-18, 09:34 PM
Solo's Guide to Sorcery (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74801)

How to Enjoy Your Sorcerer (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872258/Sorcerers_Guide._Your_help_wanted.)

The latter link includes one of my favorite bits by DocRoc:

For a sorcerer, however, dirty tricks are often the name of the day as you struggle to keep your party alive against all odds. Did the warrior's player come late and miss the part where the GM mentioned that the sword was cursed? Did he grab it anyway? [If his group is anything like ours, and I've found this to be more the case than not across various groups, the answer is an unequivocal "yes"]

It will be your job to keep the roof from caving in. No use in recriminations, just move, just act. Unlike your cousin the wizard, you can't say you didn't have the spell prepared. Your only refuge is absolute competence. Remember, the game mechanics are there to act as your crutch, your enabler as you struggle to be the master of arcane power you most certainly are not in real life. Best make sure you lean on a steady shoulder. That's when I'll be there to help you, the black-clad patron saint of desperate casters.
The Black Tactica by DocRoc.