View Full Version : Wizard Optimization Help

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-18, 05:07 PM
Title says it all. I've never been too good at optimizing, I'm more or an RPer myself, so I'm calling on you to help me. You see, I'm running an Epic level game(really, really Epic level), and my players are using powerful homebrew and they are very good at optimizing. I'm actually using Gods for the main antagonists in the campaign, but I need help with one NPC in particular. She's a wizard/warblade gestalt, focusing on unarmed attacks. I need help for her spell list, to make her a real challenge if and when the players face her.

She's level 32, and I'm not using Epic Spellcasting. I want primarily buffing spells to help her in melee, and Enchantment, Necromancy or Transmutation spells for debuffing, hindering enemy spellcasters, and directly messing with her opponents. What are the best spells that do these things? I don't care too much about low level spells, as it will take her a long time to run out of high level spells. Any suggestions for me?

2012-03-18, 09:07 PM
Try using google-fu.

I once planned out a level 20 tristalt monk-sorcerer gish. (I was bored, okay?) Here are the spells I had on my spell list:

lvl 0: Dancing lights, Detect magic, Ghost sound, Prestigidation, resistance, Mending, Arcane mark, prestigidation, Launch object.
lvl 1: Shield, Blades of fire (good to persist), Corrosive grasp, chill touch, blood wind.
lvl 2: Blur, Mirror image, wraithstrike (good to persist), Minor image, Knock,
lvl 3: Greater Mighty Wallop, Protection from energy, Displacement, Haste, Anticipate teleportation, weapon of energy, weapon of impact. (3 extra, staff them. Anticipate teleportation can go in an eternal wand.)
lvl 4: Ray Deflection, Greater mirror image, Otiluk's suppressing field, celerity
lvl 5: Greater enlarge person, Overland Flight, Arcane Fusion, Greater Blink,
lvl 6: Greater dispel magic, Spectral Touch, Antimagic Field/Globe of invulnerability,
lvl 7: Energy immunity, Arcane Sight, Ironguard
lvl 8:Mind Blank, Greater Arcane Fusion, Lightning ring
lvl 9:Time Stop, Disjunction, Shapechange/dragonshape/gate

If you want to channel spells through your attacks, then you could throw 3 levels of duskblade, 5 of spellwarp sniper and 7 of enlightened fist. You can now punch someone with a disintigrate or fireball. Add a total of 13 duskblade levels and you can full attack with disintigrates, or fireballs, or cones of cold, or any spell you want, really. (remove the spellwarp sniper levels if you don't care about not having area spells)

2012-03-18, 09:12 PM
Shapechange is the best buff spell bar none. If you are ever in your natural form, it's because you're dead, except you shouldn't be dying.