View Full Version : How long does it take to excavate a dungeon?

2012-03-19, 06:04 AM
As per the title. Are there offical rules? If not, do you have custum rules for the matter?

I was thinking to use those in the Stronghold Builders Guidebook, considering the dungeon as a subterranean stronghold (as it, indeed, is). What do you think?

2012-03-19, 09:53 AM
The "Stronghold Builder's Guide" is pretty much the quintessential source for that line of thing. I have used it in my campaigns when my players have wanted to build there own dungeons or strongholds.

In my past as a player though. I have taken the shortcut route and found an occupied dungeon. Cleaned it out and then set it up to my own devices. I have found it as a timelier and cheaper process.


Dusk Eclipse
2012-03-19, 10:55 AM
I don't think there is a certain time frame to build a dungeon; but there are several ways to make it extremely easy and as fast as possible I guess,

An undead bard playing the Lyre of Building non-stop once the actual materials are gathered, a horde of zombies or skeletons for grunt force (golems and other constructs if you are adverse to use undeads).

There are also other spells to get material and even dug the area for the dungeon, there is major creation (bind a Noble Djinini and ask nicely or if you are evil well there is always torture and de-buffing) for plant-based materials and move earth and stone, wall of stone wall of iron, fabricate for other stufff.

Really to a mid to high level spellcaster constructing a dungeons is extremely easy, I guess that in a month or so they could build a decently sized dungeon.

2012-03-19, 02:58 PM
Yeah, it totally depends on who is doing the work and whether they have a Lyre of Building handy that they can trick out the sustained-use rolls on.

A troop of dwarves/gnomes/kobolds is going to take months to bore out a new space or refinish an existing one. A wizard with a charmed Umber Hulk and a Stone Shape spell for finishing touches... a lot less time.

2012-03-19, 06:01 PM
Tamed/trained/charmed ankegs could be useful as well, if they burrow at half speed(20ft. base burrow speed) they can create a 5ft. diameter tunnel that can be used by other creatures.