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Milo v3
2012-03-19, 08:15 AM
This is Chapter Eleven for my Binder Of Souls Project.
Details can be found in this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12786843#post12786843).

This chapter is home to the Nomadic Souls, a group of people who master the souls bound into them, with this power they can create powerful weapons and possess other creatures.

Also this class is based off Igneel's PrC Fiend Of Possession and has several features from that class.

Nomadic Soul
Blood, Darkness, Come unto Me!
-A Knight Possessed by his demonic blade.

Many know about the power a Binder has over souls. These can result in placing the soul of a creature in the body of another. This imparts gifts upon the vessel. This causes the link between his soul and his body slightly weaker.
Nomadic Souls are those who use this to their advantage. They empower the souls within them, force souls out of themselves, even remove themselves from a mortal shell and possess others.

Nomadic Souls have the following game statistics.
Abilities: The most important ability for a Nomadic Soul is either Wisdom or Charisma. Each Nomadic Soul selects one path upon entering this prestige class. This choice reflects whether it is will power or force of personality which grants their abilities. After that constitution is rather important, giving the Nomadic Soul more chance for survival.
Hit Die: d6.

Skills: 6 ranks in concentration, 8 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), and 4 ranks in Use Magic Device.
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast arcane spells of 3rd level.
Special: Must have had the soul of another creature within your body via the soul merge ability of a binder.
Special: Must not have the Soul Merge class ability.

Nomadic Soul
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spellcasting

+2| Soul Attunement, Soul Vessel|

+3|Empowered Soul Merge, Warper of Taint|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+3|Tainted Weapons|

+4|Astral Form, Possess Object|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+4|Echoing Soul, Hide Presence|

+5|Twin Tainted Weapons, Wandering Spirit|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+5|Charitable Soul|

+4 |
+6|Tainted Form|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+6|Astral Merge|

+7|Assuming Control, Soul Pact|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+7|Strong Soul|

+8|Essence Release, Empowered Tainted Weapons|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+8|Possess Dynamic Object|

+9|Soul Tear|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class


+10|Thrall’s Blade|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+10| |

+11|Thrall’s Armory|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+9/+4 |
+11|Soul Rend|

+12|Nomadic Soul|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class[/table]

Class Skills
The Nomadic Souls class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Listen, Knowledge (Arcana), Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, and Use Magic Device.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Nomadic Soul.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gain no proficiency with any weapons, armor, or shields.

Spellcasting: When a new nomadic soul level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a nomadic soul, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

Soul Attunement : At 1st level, you must choose how you manipulate your soul. This choice can be either Wisdom (Using your willpower to control you soul), or Charisma (Using your force of personality to control your soul).
This determines the power of several effects and your choice is referred to as your selected ability score throughout this text.

Soul Vessel: A Nomadic Soul can store more souls within his physical form than most. A Nomadic can can add his selected ability score's modifer to his will save to determine the number of souls he can hold in his body via the Soul Merge ability.

Empowered Soul Merge (Ex): A Nomadic Soul of 2nd level or above soul resonates with others within his body. Whenever a Binder would use Soul Merge to place a soul within the body of the Nomadic Soul, the Binder's Effective Binder Level is increased by one level per four Nomadic Soul Levels (minimum +1).

Warper of Taint (Su): As of 2nd level a Nomadic Soul can control the taint within his body, allowing him to choose what taint manifests.
As a move action the Nomadic Soul can choose to suppress which ever taints he would currently be effected by from Soul Merging. As a free action he can return his body to being affected by all taints again or a few specific taints (choosen by the Nomadic Soul).

Tainted Weapons (Su) Once a Nomadic Soul reaches 3rd level he can use the taint within his body to manifest weapons. As a move action he can grow a natural weapon. The options for this weapon is the natural weapons the creatures bound into you possess. This function as the creatures weapon except for the following:

The Weapons Size is changed to that of the Nomadic Binder.
Damage Dealt is changed to that of its new size.
It functions as a normal natural weapon of that type and doesn't grant any abilities associated with it (Such as Poison, Ability Damage, etc.).

The Nomadic Soul can only have one natural weapon grown at a single time via use of this ability. This ability can be dismissed as a free action.

This ability can be used in your normal form in addition to whatever form you are possessing while possessing a creature.

At 6th level you can grow up to two natural weapons at a time.

At 12th level you can use one of the Souls bound into you and use it to enchant the natural weapon as if it was bound into a normal weapon via Apparatus Binding..

Astral Form (Su): At will, a Nomadic Soul can leave his body and become ethereal, as though using the etherealness spell as cast by a sorcerer of the Nomad's total Hit Dice plus your Selected Ability Score Modifier. The creature’s new form is ethereal and thus immune to even the most potent physical attacks and most magical attacks (except, for example, force attacks) by non-ethereal creatures.

When a Nomadic Soul possesses a creature or object, even force effects no longer affect the Nomad. Only spells such as dismissal can affect the possessing Nomad when cast by non-ethereal creatures. Any sort of attack, magical or otherwise, directed against the Nomadic Soul affects the possessed creature or object, however.

Possessing an object or creature effectively ends a use of this ability, so time spent in another body or object does not count against the duration of this ability. While in ethereal form the body of the Nomadic Soul is left behind. It temporarily becomes an NPC and gains the Sunken Soul Template (see Chapter 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=234111)). This template is lost if he returns to it and possesses his own body (This can be done without any difficulty as long as you are within 5ft) or if another Nomadic Soul possesses it (as normal possession rules)

The Nomadic Soul retains all the bounds bound to it in its astral form and when it is possessing. When possessing an object the soul merged with you lie dormant. When possessing a creature, you can choose to affect the creature the effects of one of the Soul Merges which you are affected by. This choice can be changed as a full round action.

If the duration of this effect ends the Nomadic Soul must make a Will Save (DC 15). If they succeed then Astral Form is used again. If they fail they are killed. They can be resurrected as normal if their natural body is killed. If their natural body is still alive, then if a resurrection spell is cast upon the body the soul will return as if the Nomadic Soul was killed.

Possess Object (Su): A Nomadic Soul in astral form can possess an object on the Material Plane or whatever physical object found on any other plane such as rocks in the Earth Elemental plane. The object must be at least Tiny and no larger than Huge. Magic items and attended items receive Will saving throws. Unattended nonmagical items are automatically possessed.

A Nomadic Soul takes up residency inside of the object it possesses, much like a parasite to a creature so it is no longer ethereal. The Nomad is aware of what is going on around the object: It can see and hear up to 60 feet away as if using its normal sense (it does not gain blind sight). In any round in which it takes no other actions (such as using a spell-like ability), it extends its senses to twice its normal range (120 feet). It can't communicate physically though, but gains telepathy with anyone in contact with the object.

The nomad is vulnerable to spells that specifically affect outsiders or creatures of the nomad's alignment (such as holy word and holy smite, as well as chaos hammer or order's wrath) and mind-affecting spells or effects, but it is unaffected by physical attacks or standard magical effects (such as fireball) unless it specifically affects objects (such as shatter).
If harming the object causes it to be destroyed; the nomad is forced back into its astral form for however long the duration remains of the last use of Astral Form ability.

While possessing an object, a Nomadic Soul can use any ability it has that requires no physical action, such as using Astral Form (which ends Object Possession), a spell-like ability (but not invocations unless they don’t possess somatic or other components that a normal body could easily supply) or telepathy. It cannot cast spells that require movement or speech, attack physically or perform any other physical action, until it reaches a high enough level to make the possessed object perform these tasks for it.

Echoing Soul (Su): Upon reaching 5th level, when a Nomadic Soul is possessing an object he can speak through it as if it was his body.

Hide Presence (Ex): A Nomad which is possessing an object or creature can attempt to hide its presence by making a special Hide check.

This "mental" Hide check uses the nomad's Int modifier instead of its Dex modifier, and modifiers such as being invisible, a size modifier from being Small or smaller, Large or bigger, cover, etc aren’t added to the check as mental hiding isn’t affected by physical hiding modifiers.

A successful check allows a Nomadic Soul to avoid virtually anything that would betray its presence in the possessed creature or object: it can pass through a magic circle against evil, enter a temple warded by forbiddance, escape detection via detect evil or elude mind reading effects like detect thoughts. The DC for this Hide check is the same as the saving throw DC for the spell the nomadis trying to avoid. The nomad gains a +4 circumstance bonus on this check if it is not controlling the possessed creature or object at the time of the check.

When possessing a creature, a Nomadic Soul can make this Hide check to protect the possessed creature from the full effects of alignment-based spells such as holy smite. If the Nomad makes a successful Hide check (against the save DC of the spell), the possessed creature takes damage appropriate to its actual alignment, but if the nomad fails the Hide check, the possessed creature is affected as if it were the nomad.
Making this check is not an action; the nomad can do it in response to another creature's action (such as casting detect evil).

Wandering Spirit (Su): As of 6th level, while a Nomadic Soul is possessing an object you can force the object to move.
The Nomad can cause a vehicle or similar object he is possessing to move at a speed up to the Nomad's own land speed in its corporeal form. If it lacks a proper means of movement then its base land speed is 5ft.

In addition the Nomad can manipulate other moving parts of a possessed object - such as a clock's hands or a crossbow's firing mechanism. Thus, a nomad could make a wagon steer toward a pedestrian, or roll out of a stable without a horse to pull it. Cocking a crossbow and firing it is more then within its power, but it can't aim or load itself using this ability. Exerting control is itself a free action, though actually moving an object requires a move action.

Charitable Soul (Ex) Once a Nomadic Soul attains level 7, he can empower the objects possesses.

The nomad can bestow powers on the item with a value as an enhancement bonus of up to half its Nomadic Soul class level, so a 6th level Nomadic Soul could make a sword a +3 weapon, a +2 keen weapon, or a +1 wounding weapon, for example.

If the possessed object is already magical, the nomad can increase the powers on the item by the same amount - so a 10th level Nomadic Soul could turn a +1 sword into a +1 vorpal sword, for example. The enchantment bonus on items possessed is limited to a maximum of +10.

Despite the nomad's duplication of magic item abilities, a nonmagical possessed item doesn’t become actually magical. Detect magic will not sense an aura; detect evil or other detect ‘alignment’ corresponding to the nomad's alignment will, however. Smart characters might notice that the possessed item behaves strangely or has an unusual appearance (a magic weapon that isn’t masterwork quality, for example, is a tipoff that something is awry). A character who succeeds at a Search check (DC 25) notes that there is “something strange” about the item.

Tainted Form (Su): At 8th level and above, a Nomadic Soul taints whatever it is possessing as if it was used in Soul Merge or Apparatus Binding.

The Nomadic Soul can choose the effects of its taint but they all must be relating to a single theme.

Note: The effects of binding are only cosmetic and have no effect on the actual object or creature.
Example Themes for Tainted Form
Minor Weapon Taint : Has a collection of flesh growing at the hilt and hand-guard area with a yellow eye.
Moderate Weapon Taint : A portion of the blade is missing and the flesh area is exposed and forced to grow to the point of creeping over the hilt itself. A large eye resides within the fleshy area.
Major Weapon Taint : The weapon appears to be made entirely out of organic material, with teeth, flesh and an abundance of eyes covering its surface.
Minor Armor Taint : Under the armor it feels like flesh.
Moderate Armor Taint : The armor seems to grip to you when worn. Upon observation it is made of flesh.
Major Armor Taint : The armor becomes darker in colour and the inside is made of flesh.
Minor Creature Taint : Eyes become demonic.
Moderate Creature Taint : Your left arm becomes a darker fleshy color with several red eyes.
Major Creature Taint : The flesh from your arm continues to move and covers the left half of your chest. On this chest flesh is a large maw.
Minor Weapon Taint : Is hot to the touch but doesn’t burn.
Moderate Weapon Taint : A trail of flame follows the weapon’s strikes.
Major Weapon Taint : The weapon appears to be made entirely out of fire, with exception to the hilt which seems to be made from magma.
Minor Armor Taint : Is hot to the touch but doesn’t burn.
Moderate Armor Taint : Wisps of flame drift the the armor
Major Armor Taint : The armor seems to be made of magma or obsidian.
Minor Creature Taint : Eyes become like fire.
Moderate Creature Taint : You blood turns into magma, this stings to the touch when out of your body. Your veins also know glow red through your skin.
Major Creature Taint : Flesh becomes like obsidian, except your glowing veins can still be seen.

Astral Merge (Su): At 9th level, a Nomadic Soul gains the ability to possess a creature as well as objects. The nomad must be in ethereal form and adjacent to its target, and must use a standard action to attempt possession. A protection from evil spell or similar magic wards a creature against being possessed in this manner. An unprotected target must make a Will saving throw.

The possessing nomad gets a bonus on attempts to possess creatures that carry, hold, or wear an item they are currently possessing. For each day the possessed item was worn, held, or carried by the target prior to the possession attempt, the DC for the target’s Will save increases by +1, up to a maximum of +10. If the saving throw is successful, that creature is immune to that nomad's possession attempts for one day. If the saving throw is failed, the creature is possessed, through it is not necessarily aware of this fact.
A nomad possessing a creature takes up residency inside of the victim much like a parasite, so it is no longer ethereal. It cannot be targeted by spells or attacks separately from the victim, including attacks from ethereal creatures. Damage taken by the possessed creature has no effect on the nomad. If the victim dies, the nomad is forced back into its ethereal form.

Only one Nomadic Soul or other creatures with the possession ability can possess a target at a time. If another tries to possess an already possessed target the two possessing forces make a check similar to an Ego check (DC= HD+selected ability score vs opposing total). If the already possessing force wins they get to stay in possession, if the opposing nomad to possess wins they wrestle control away and possesses the target forcing the old possessor back into ethereal form.

The nomad can sense anything the victim can, even including the benefits of blind sight or other exceptional senses the victim may have. At any time, the Nomadic Soul can communicate with the victim telepathically, projecting words in any language the victim understands directly into the victim's thoughts. The nomad is constantly aware of the victim's thoughts. It can also choose to probe the creature's memories as well, but the victim is allowed a Will save. If this saving throw is successful, the nomad cannot probe that creature's thoughts for one day.

A persons soul slowly builds up a defense against the Nomadic Soul. After residing within a specific individual's body for 1 Year - x months, where x is equal to the hosts wisdom modifier (minimum 1 week), the host can take a swift action and instead force the Nomad out from his body and into astral form as if the body was killed. If you try and possess the specific individual again they retain their ability to reject you.

Assume Control (Su): At 10th level, a Nomadic Soul gains the ability to exert direct control over a creature it is possessing. Attempting to establish control is a standard action for the Nomad. The victim must make a Will saving throw each round until the Nomad abandons the attempt, or the victim fails a saving throw and the Nomad gains control, or the victim makes three consecutive successful saves, indicating that the Nomad cannot control the victim that day (though it remains in possession of the victim).

Each round of struggle, the victim can take only a single move or attack action. Once the Nomad gains control, it automatically maintains it for a number of rounds equal to its class level + selected ability score modifier, +1 for each previous occasion on which it has controlled this host. When this time elapses, the nomad can attempt to reassert control, as it chooses.

While in control of a victim, the Nomadic Soul has access to all the creature's abilities, skill ranks, and extraordinary abilities. The Nomad now acts as though it is the creature in all respects, until it loses or relinquishes control. The Nomad uses its own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores for actions such as casting spells and their effects, but adopts all of the possessed creature's physical ability scores. The physical scores of a possessed creature are reduced while being possessed getting a -4 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. After a days worth possessing the body of the species, the penalty lowers by one. If this would cause the penalty to go to zero then the penalty disappears. Note that the penalty is reduced for each day in a body of the possessed species overall, not just in this exact body.

The Nomad retains the use of all his class abilities. This includes spells, assuming the victim’s body allows it, such as a nomad with a spell that depends on his original body to speak wouldn’t be able to use such spell while in a victim’s body that doesn’t have a humanoid mouth. The nomad retains the creature's type, and is affected by spells and other effects as if it were the possessed creature except in regard to its alignment.
For instance, a cornugon possessing the body of a wolf is subject to spells that affect animals, even though it is far more intelligent than a normal wolf.
A balor possessing the body of a paladin is not subject to unholy blight, however, but is fully affected by holy smite and gains a negative level due to the paladin wielding a Holy sword.
A imp possessing a animated table is not subject to spells that don’t affect objects, but is subject to spells like shatter that does affect objects.

The Nomad can choose whether the possessed creature retains awareness of its body's senses and actions, in which case it can mentally communicate with the nomad, or simply blacks out for the duration of the control.

While this is in effect you can use class abilities as though it was your body.

Soul Pact: Upon reaching tenth level a Nomadic Soul starts to become less stable. This will cause his soul to be destroyed in 10d10 years. After that time the Nomadic Soul cannot be resurrected, except by a miracle or wish spell.
This can be stopped by making a deal with a powerful outsider (at least 5+Nomadic Soul's HD).

The details of the deal are up to the DM but the result is that the Nomad's soul is stablised.

In addition in order to level up further in this class you must make this deal, as your ability cannot increase while your soul is damaged.

Strong Soul (Ex): As of eleventh level any attempts to bind the Nomadic Soul are fought as if his soul was more powerful. When a Binder tries to make a binders pact with the Nomad against their will his will save is increased by a number, equal to his Nomadic Soul level.

Essence Release (Su) At level twelve and above, a Nomadic Soul can as a full round action force a soul, bound to his or anothers willing creatures body out and back into the world. This returns it to it normal body, it does not matter where the body is, except in two situations:
The soul is that of an Elemental or Outsider.
The body was destroyed.
If either of these is the case then a new body for the creature is created which has the exact same stats as it when it was originally used in the soul merge.

The creature who has been released from the binding knows the name, race, and gender of the nomad who released it.

Possess Dynamic Object (Su): At 13th level, a nomad can also possess a substance that has no fixed shape (such as a pool of water or a dust cloud) or is part of a larger object (such as a section of a wall). When it does so, a nomad cannot possess an area or a volume larger than 10ft square per class level.

Soul Tear (Su): As of fourteenth level, a Nomadic Soul's touch can tear at the souls of others.
This ability can be activated in one of two ways, firstly he can activate it when he does a natural or unarmed attack, and secondly he can take a standard action to make a touch attack.

If this attack hits, in addition to the damage dealt normally it deals an extra 2d10 untyped damage. If this would cause the target to be unconscious or dying they gain the Sunken Soul template.

Avatar (Su): Once a Nomadic Soul attains 15th level, using a burst of taint he can turn the body of the possessed into a hybrid of yours and his temporarily.

As a move action while possessing a creature he can enter Avatar State. This grants the creature:
The use of your extraordinary abilities.
The use of all your Supernatural abilities.
All your natural attacks (Scaled to fit the possessed creatures size) (This includes any that would be gained from the Warped Weapons ability)
All your movement modes (If you share a movement mode use whichever one is higher)
Your damage reduction (if you both have Damage reduction then it uses the one with higher DR)
All your vulnerabilities
The possessed creatures caster level is increased by +5.
you gain immunity to being forced out of the possessed creatures body, except by death of the creature.

This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Nomadic Soul Level + Selected ability modifier. This ability can only be activated when the two of you are willing to use it. This ability can be used once per day.

Thrall's Blade (Su): Upon reaching level sixteen, while you possess a creature, if it wields a weapon it is affected as though you were possessing it. Thus it can be affected by Charitable Soul, Taint, Wandering Spirit, and increasing the DC of Assume Control.

In addition, if the creature your possessing dies and you would normally be forced into Astral Form, you can choose to instead continue to possess the weapon wielded by the creature.

Thrall's Armory (Su): Upon reaching level eighteen, while you possess a creature, if it wields a weapon, wearing armor, or clothing all are affected as though you were possessing them. Thus it can be affected by Charitable Soul, Taint, Wandering Spirit, and increasing the DC of Assume Control.

In addition, if the creature your possessing dies and you would normally be forced into Astral Form, you can choose to instead continue to possess the weapon or armor that was being used by the creature.

Soul Rend (Su): As of nineteenth level, a Nomadic Soul's touch can rend the souls of others.
This ability can be activated in one of two ways, firstly he can activate it when he does a natural or unarmed attack, and secondly he can take a standard action to make a touch attack. These attacks gain a +3 distortion bonus on hitting.

If this attack hits, in addition to the damage dealt normally it deals an extra 3d8 untyped damage. If this would cause the target to be unconsious or dying they gain the Sunken Soul template.
If this kills the creature it can never be resurrected, except by the gods themselves.

Soul Rend cannot be used in the same round as Soul Tear.

Nomadic Soul (Ex): Upon reaching the pinnacle of its power, a Nomadic Soul truly masters his control over manipulating his soul. Upon reaching 20th level his type changes to Outsider (Native).
Also the duration of his Astral Form ability turns to permanent, and the nomad can use Avatar three times per day.

Ending Possession: Spells such as dismissal and banishment are among the only effects that can target a Nomadic Soul separately from the object or creature it inhabits. When these spells are directed against a Nomadic Soul, the spell effect is resolved as if the nomad were in its normal, corporeal form, using its own Hit Dice, saving throws, ability scores, and so on. If successful, these spells drive the nomad out of the victim and back to its home plane. Holy word and similar spells can also drive out a possessing nomad and send it back to its home plane, but a nomad can hide its presence to escape the effects of such spells. Certain other special abilities (such as the Exorcism granted power of the Sacred Exorcist prestige class described in Complete Divine) can force a Nomadic Soul out of a victim and back into its astral form.

Milo v3
2012-03-20, 05:45 AM
Any Comments? Is this too Overpowered, too Underpowered, good favour, bad favour, needs tweak.
Is it that people don't like the Binder of Souls project so they don't want to comment on this?

How can this be improved?

2012-03-21, 10:18 AM
Ahah! Found what you were asking permission from me about!

Gotta say, its an interesting looking PrC, with an earliest entry by ~5/6th level by using your Binder class.

Going to have to take a quick look at other things, but bumping this up so that I can find it easier should help at least me.

But from a quick look I'm happy to of helped even a little bit with the Possession rules! Good job Milo.

Milo v3
2012-03-21, 04:02 PM
Ahah! Found what you were asking permission from me about!

Gotta say, its an interesting looking PrC, with an earliest entry by ~5/6th level by using your Binder class.

Going to have to take a quick look at other things, but bumping this up so that I can find it easier should help at least me.

But from a quick look I'm happy to of helped even a little bit with the Possession rules! Good job Milo.

Yeah.. In hindsight I should've sent you a link.

2012-03-24, 04:22 AM
I do not like the soul will be destroyed if you do not make a pact with a outsider which you can't force into a pact (through conventional means as far I can tell) because you can't be a binder (can't have soul merging and I also think). This also discourages good aligned people from this class because let's not forget that this class originated from a pc who wished to imprison outsiders, not deal with them.

I am not good at determining if a class is overpowered or underpowered but I do have some suggestions to either balance it or innovate it a bit. They are:

1) Have a rejection period: They cannot stay in the body too long before it begins rejecting the foreign host. This forces the player to always find new bodies and/but stops them from stealing the status and names of others for long periods of time.

2) Have a stat reduction: Well in reality you cannot just jump into another person's body and already be familiar with every muscle and bone will you? So have dexterity and maybe strength reduced until the nomadic soul become familiar with it within x amount of days.

I was thinking of the nomadic soul adopting the hosts strength and constitution (muscles don't transfer of course) but that will be annoying.

Milo v3
2012-03-24, 05:43 AM
I do not like the soul will be destroyed if you do not make a pact with a outsider which you can't force into a pact (through conventional means as far I can tell) because you can't be a binder (can't have soul merging and I also think).
I'll reword it. I meant that they had to make a deal. But as I made the word Pact an ability for binder I probably should've known better.
Also a binder can take this class, he just has to be under level 15.

This also discourages good aligned people from this class because let's not forget that this class originated from a pc who wished to imprison outsiders, not deal with them.
I want this class for all alignments. Not just for your character.

1) Have a rejection period: They cannot stay in the body too long before it begins rejecting the foreign host. This forces the player to always find new bodies and/but stops them from stealing the status and names of others for long periods of time.
How long days, months, years? Also wouldn't that stop characters who stay away from everyone, live only in possessed people, and stay in their dungeons for years on end (like your character). Or does it only stop possession's effects but not soul merge? Or maybe it allows the person to force the Nomadic Soul out, but if the person is willing they can remain until they decide to force them out.

2) Have a stat reduction: Well in reality you cannot just jump into another person's body and already be familiar with every muscle and bone will you? So have dexterity and maybe strength reduced until x amount of days.
Well in reality you cannot just jump into another person's body. :smalltongue:
But I get your point. The penalty will probably be per species though not per person.

I was thinking of the nomadic soul adopting the hosts strength and constitution (muscles don't transfer of course) but that will be annoying.
I have no idea what you mean by that.

2012-03-24, 07:32 AM
I want this class for all alignments. Not just for your character.

That was part of the point as engaging pacts with demons isn't what good aligned people wish to do.

How long days, months, years? Also wouldn't that stop characters who stay away from everyone, live only in possessed people, and stay in their dungeons for years on end (like your character). Or does it only stop possession's effects but not soul merge? Or maybe it allows the person to force the Nomadic Soul out, but if the person is willing they can remain until they decide to force them out.

Your choice, it is meant to be a balancing element and since I'm no good at balancing I can't be specific.

I have no idea what you mean by that.

Well there is a slim chance that the person you're possessing is as strong as you are and as healthy as you are but changing your strength, constitution and dexterity each time you gain a new body is just annoying.

Milo v3
2012-03-24, 07:40 AM
That was part of the point as engaging pacts with demons isn't what good aligned people wish to do.
There are other outsiders. Like angels, archon, eladrin, etc. Which good aligned people would happily work with.

Your choice, it is meant to be a balancing element and since I'm no good at balancing I can't be specific.
1 Year - x months, where x is equal to the hosts wisdom modifier (minimum 1 week).

Well there is a slim chance that the person you're possessing is as strong as you are and as healthy as you are but changing your strength, constitution and dexterity each time you gain a new body is just annoying.
Your right that would get annoying with all that book keeping.

2012-03-25, 03:06 AM
Alright, had to type this up offline, but I hope this helps.

Skills: 6 ranks in concentration, 8 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), and 4 ranks in Use Magic Device.
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast arcane spells of 3rd level.
Special: Must have had the soul of another creature within your body via the soul merge ability of a binder.
Special: Must not have the Soul Merge class ability.

Assuming a player is dedicated to getting into the class ASAP, it seems that this class has an entry at about 5th level minus the first special requirement. Considering that its built differently in that its 20 levels long this will of course mean 5 levels of a casting class (preferrably your Binder) and 15 levels in this class by lvl 20 which seems to make sense.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Disciple of Noble Blood.

Copy & Pasta mistake I take it?


Might be beneficial for you to put a description on the spellcasting advancement like most PrC's have, explaining if it only effects spells known/cast per day, or other class abilities.

Soul Attunement: At 1st level, your must choose how you manipulate your soul.

Typo, believe you were going for "you" instead of "your".
An interesting ability to get a choice between Wis (dominately a Divine caster stat) or Cha (Half of most Arcane casters dominate stat). Seeing as how you also get Use Magic Device, arcane casting progression, and need arcane casting to qualify I can see people choosing Cha more. Not to mention that Cha is well known for having ways of boosting and multiple other uses (HP, Saves, Attack bonus, etc) this will be a class for Cha SAD classes.
I have no real suggestion on how to fix it, this just comes to mind.

Soul Vessel:

"can have up to his Will save bonus + his selected ability score's modifer", might be a tidier way of saying it.
Not sure how you get souls as I didn't look closely at your Binder class or project, but would 9 (Nomadic Soul Will save)+X (Base class Will save)+Y Wis/Cha number of souls seem ridiculus at level 20? Ex: Binder 5/Nomadic Soul 15 with a base of 18 Cha gets 9+4+4 souls without items. If he put all his ability increases, played a LA +0 Cha increasing race, and bought Cha increasing items that's at least an Cha score of ~36 for 9 additional souls of a total ~26 souls. Part of me wants to say add half your Will save bonus (rounded down), but since I haven't looked at the entire Project I don't even know what benefits getting souls does for you.

Empowered Soul Merge (Ex):

What if the character entered without being a binder since you mention the binder so many times in this entry? Is it assumed to only be for Binders?

Warper of Taint (Su): As of 2nd level a Nomadic Soul can control the taint within his body, allowing him to choose want what taint manifests.
As a move action the Nomadic Soul can choose to suppress which ever taints he would currently be effected by from Soul Merging. As a free action he can return his body to being affected by all taints again or a few specific taints (choosen by the Nomadic Soul).


Tainted Weapons (Su):

Do pairs of natural weapons count against your limit of 'a natural weapon', such as a pair of claws, or are you limited to just a claw?
An interesting ability in anycase as most people would probably try to get souls of dragons or abberations like Mindflayers for unique or various natural weapons.

Astral Form (Su):

Not as abusive as the Fiend of Possession as you leave your body behind, meaning you need to be sure that its safe somewhere while out possessing things. What happens if your body (the one you were born in) dies? Does this leave you as a spirit with no body to return to that you can call home, does it kill you, is it a danger to leave it or a benefit by letting it get killed?

Charitable Soul (Ex):

Basically like the Fiend of Possession save you get a max of +10 instead of +6.

Tainted Form (Su):

Kinda confused on the point of the various taints besides for looks. Do any of them have mechanic effects, like the eye for the weapons grant a minor spot check bonus, the flames giving off light, etc?

Astral Merge (Su):

Basically the same as my Fiend of Possession safe for a duration for residing inside a creature.
I personally find the ability for the host to eventually be able to force the Nomad out a welcome addition, especially with you leaving your body in some closet somewhere with enough food and water to survive while your away. What if the host chooses to keep the Nomad? Does he automatically evict the Nomad when the time comes up, or can he forgo that and let him stay?

Assume Control (Su):

Several things added on top of my version which I think are nice. I personally agree with the penalty to physical scores so that a spur of the moment possession can replicate you not being used to the body. But being in a body for 4 or so days should definitely be long enough to replicate you watching the host how he does things and familiarize yourself with how the body works.

Soul Pact:

Minimum of 10 years to maximum of 100 years till you die and can't be resurrected by 'normal' means. Maybe mention what is considered 'not normal' like Wish?
Do you mean 'at least 5+Nomadic Soul's HD' over 'at least +5 Nomadic Souls HD'? So in short you need to make a deal with a Outsider of minimum 15 HD to continue with the class, which gives an interesting reason to go on a side quest/take time off.

Strong Soul (Ex):

"Nomad against their will"
A boon for a spirit that doesn't want to be binded.

Essence Release (Su)

Originally instead of orginally.
Kinda makes me wonder if a released soul knows if you were the one to release it, and if so if they will treat you nicer. :smallbigsmile:

Soul Tear (Su):

Typo, unconscious instead of unconsious.

Avatar (Su):

Typo, abilities instead of abilties.
Otherwise a interesting ability that I was actually considering about for a Epic progression for Fiend of Possession.

Thrall's Blade (Su):

Dang, yet another ability that would work with the Epic Fiend of Possession. That's two for two...

Thrall's Armory (Su):

Obvious progression after Blade is obvious. Does this mean that you effect both a weapon and armor at the same time, or do you have to decide on one or the other?

Soul Rend (Su):

Does this stack with Soul Tear or is it a upgrade? If they stack then as a natural or unarmed attack I could be doing 2d10+3d8 untyped damage.

Nomadic Soul (Ex):

Typo, pinnacle instead of pinacle.
Nice upgrade to Astral Form, and Avatar.

Milo v3
2012-03-25, 06:08 AM
Assuming a player is dedicated to getting into the class ASAP, it seems that this class has an entry at about 5th level minus the first special requirement. Considering that its built differently in that its 20 levels long this will of course mean 5 levels of a casting class (preferrably your Binder) and 15 levels in this class by lvl 20 which seems to make sense.
That was my aim so that's good.

Copy & Pasta mistake I take it?

Might be beneficial for you to put a description on the spellcasting advancement like most PrC's have, explaining if it only effects spells known/cast per day, or other class abilities.

Typo, believe you were going for "you" instead of "your". Fixed.

An interesting ability to get a choice between Wis (dominately a Divine caster stat) or Cha (Half of most Arcane casters dominate stat). Seeing as how you also get Use Magic Device, arcane casting progression, and need arcane casting to qualify I can see people choosing Cha more. Not to mention that Cha is well known for having ways of boosting and multiple other uses (HP, Saves, Attack bonus, etc) this will be a class for Cha SAD classes.
I have no real suggestion on how to fix it, this just comes to mind.
I could change it to only wisdom. The person this was made for had low charisma but charisma seemed to be more appropriate for possession. And wisdom determines the strength of your will so it fits as well.

"can have up to his Will save bonus + his selected ability score's modifer", might be a tidier way of saying it.

Not sure how you get souls as I didn't look closely at your Binder class or project, but would 9 (Nomadic Soul Will save)+X (Base class Will save)+Y Wis/Cha number of souls seem ridiculus at level 20? Ex: Binder 5/Nomadic Soul 15 with a base of 18 Cha gets 9+4+4 souls without items. If he put all his ability increases, played a LA +0 Cha increasing race, and bought Cha increasing items that's at least an Cha score of ~36 for 9 additional souls of a total ~26 souls. Part of me wants to say add half your Will save bonus (rounded down), but since I haven't looked at the entire Project I don't even know what benefits getting souls does for you.
You get souls from a binder making a pact with a creature and then using Soul Merge you can put the creatures soul into another creatures body. Originally everyone could have infinite souls in their bodies. But then I reduced it to a number equal your will save. This ability simply increases it by your selected ability score. I've rewriten it now.

What if the character entered without being a binder since you mention the binder so many times in this entry? Is it assumed to only be for Binders?
No this ability empowers the ability of other binders that give you soul merges. I've rewritten it so it makes more sense, but I think people will still get confused.


Do pairs of natural weapons count against your limit of 'a natural weapon', such as a pair of claws, or are you limited to just a claw?
Each natural weapon is a single natural weapon. So if you have a kobold soul you could get a bite or a claw attack, but not two claws. If you were level 6 though you could get two claw attacks or a bite attack and a claw attack.

An interesting ability in anycase as most people would probably try to get souls of dragons or abberations like Mindflayers for unique or various natural weapons.
That was the idea behind it.

Not as abusive as the Fiend of Possession as you leave your body behind, meaning you need to be sure that its safe somewhere while out possessing things. What happens if your body (the one you were born in) dies? Does this leave you as a spirit with no body to return to that you can call home, does it kill you, is it a danger to leave it or a benefit by letting it get killed?
If your body dies you are perfectly fine. As your body becomes an NPC seperate to you. But you can't possess your body anymore, so you need to possess something else. Your body doesn't come back unless someone resurrects it. This can be severely restrictive if you are only level four where you will have to possess an item until you get your body back.

Basically like the Fiend of Possession save you get a max of +10 instead of +6.

Kinda confused on the point of the various taints besides for looks. Do any of them have mechanic effects, like the eye for the weapons grant a minor spot check bonus, the flames giving off light, etc?
No taint is only favour and makes it more likely to be noticed as a magical item. Thing is a creature automatically inflicts taint upon things its soul is in. This ability allows you to choose yours, so you can make yourself more noticable or more discret.

Basically the same as my Fiend of Possession safe for a duration for residing inside a creature.
I personally find the ability for the host to eventually be able to force the Nomad out a welcome addition, especially with you leaving your body in some closet somewhere with enough food and water to survive while your away. What if the host chooses to keep the Nomad? Does he automatically evict the Nomad when the time comes up, or can he forgo that and let him stay?After the times up then the host can choose to force you out with a swift action. If they don't choose to force you out then you can stay until they do.

Minimum of 10 years to maximum of 100 years till you die and can't be resurrected by 'normal' means. Maybe mention what is considered 'not normal' like Wish?
I'll rewrite it.

Do you mean 'at least 5+Nomadic Soul's HD' over 'at least +5 Nomadic Souls HD'? So in short you need to make a deal with a Outsider of minimum 15 HD to continue with the class, which gives an interesting reason to go on a side quest/take time off.
Yes I meant that, thanks.

"Nomad against their will"
A boon for a spirit that doesn't want to be binded.

Kinda makes me wonder if a released soul knows if you were the one to release it, and if so if they will treat you nicer. :smallbigsmile:
Added that in.

Otherwise a interesting ability that I was actually considering about for a Epic progression for Fiend of Possession.
Really. What a coincidence.

Dang, yet another ability that would work with the Epic Fiend of Possession. That's two for two...

Obvious progression after Blade is obvious. Does this mean that you effect both a weapon and armor at the same time, or do you have to decide on one or the other?
It affects both at the same time. I'll rewrite.

Does this stack with Soul Tear or is it a upgrade? If they stack then as a natural or unarmed attack I could be doing 2d10+3d8 untyped damage.
They aren't meant to stack. I'll rewrite.

Thanks for this run down.