View Full Version : Daily Dungeon - Ruins of Blaykeep

2012-03-19, 11:12 AM


After a brisk morning walk, you arrive at the ruins of Blaykeep. It's about 8 miles from Waymouth and sits on a hilltop with good views of the surrounding lands. The foundations of the walls run for hundreds of feet in every direction, you could imagine that when the place was still standing it was quite the edifice. After about half an hour of kicking around the broken rubble you find a half-wall with an entrance to the subterranean levels. A staircase leads you down about 10' to a room that is dimly illuminated from the daylight outside.

The room is 20' wide by 30' long, with the stairs dropping you to the far right of the wall. At the opposite wall all the way to the left there is a closed wooden door. The floor and walls are masonry with well cut stones. The ceiling is about 9' high and looks black and sooty.

To your left there is a bed shoved up against the left wall. In the center of the room there is a pile of refuse and mud (about 6' in diameter). In the far right corner there is a fireplace built into the wall and some other solid structure (about the dimensions of a table) sits next to it, but in the poor illumination you can't make it out well.


Everyone post your starting location either on the stairs or in the doorway (note 5'wide stairs and doorway) and actions and make a spot check.

Active mapper, give us a map. Timekeeper, start the clock at 12:30pm. Cartographer, start the dungeon map.

My rolls... sometimes I'll make these for a reason, sometimes I'll just randomly drop some dice to keep you on your toes. Once you get into combat, I only roll dice that count (so you can be sure I don't fudge rolls).

2012-03-19, 12:27 PM

Etcetera | Tala (Human Barb) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=379103) | Bard

Lexin | Ien Sheel (Halfing Drd) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=379416) | Quartermaster

Karlik | Hedraer (Gnome Sorc) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=379528) | Timekeeper

LordDice | Lem Shalehill (Human Ftr) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=379431) | Active Mapper

Sallera | Komari (Orc Monk) (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=57847) | Cartographer

Marthinwurer | Rouge Bashildy (Human Rogue) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=380179) |Trophy Tracker


Tala took point, lighting a torch with his flint and steel and holding it aloft in his ungauntleted hand.

2012-03-19, 12:56 PM
Third in line, Komari looks around the room curiously as it comes into view, welcoming the relief from the sun's light. As odd as a structure of this nature underground seemed, it was preferable to one above.

Komari's got Darkvision, mind, so poor illumination doesn't mean much to him.

Spot: [roll0]

2012-03-19, 02:41 PM
With the torch lit (and Komari's darkvision), you can see the object next to the fireplace is a blacksmith's forge and chimney hood. On the ground next to it, several iron bars lay on the ground.

Additionally there is a set of dice on the ground next to the bed along with some writing on the wall next to it.

2012-03-19, 03:04 PM
Rouge steps down the stairs, his bow at the ready. He then steps to the side, allowing the others to pass.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2012-03-19, 03:11 PM
Readying his mace and slightly shivering in anticipation he looks by Tala to peer into what room he can see.

Map I'm not happy with this, gimme a bit more time and I'm gonna find something better. but here's an idea to work with.

Edit: Removed old incorrect map
Second in line, between Tala and Ko and on the stairs.

2012-03-19, 03:36 PM
After Lem (or Rouge, if he went 4th) goes Pery the Dog and just after him Ien, readying his sling and looking around with slight anxiety.


2012-03-19, 03:39 PM

Yeah... door on the north wall to the left. Forge & fireplace on same wall to the right. Bed on the west wall all the way south. Pile is in the center of the room. Also, in the future I'm going to use a 5' grid to describe rooms for you. Starting in the top left corner and moving across the top are numbers 1 and up. Starting in the same place and moving down are letters A and up. So for this room, I could describe the door as A1 (north wall), the pile as C2/D3, the fireplace as A4 (north wall), the forge as A3 and the bed as F1(west wall). We kosher?

Also I got bored and filled out the random dungeon for your next 3 steps in any given direction. I figure if I keep this margin in place I should provide some continuity to the random dungeon experience and always have a quick post to update the story regardless of how busy life gets personally.

2012-03-19, 03:51 PM
Updated map
This probably isn't my best idea, but seeing as I have no fancy mapping software and little time to find and learn it. I thought I'd fall back on what I did know....MINECRAFT (don't look at me that way)
a 2x2 block= a 5ft square for these purposes.

2012-03-19, 04:06 PM

Alright... I won't lie... that's the most awesome active map I've ever seen.

That said, the bed should be in the south western corner. Other than that it looks good... real good. Once Karlik posts, we'll move forward.

Also: [roll0]

2012-03-19, 04:19 PM
Hedraer goes in last line of party.

2012-03-19, 04:57 PM
You have crept into this dungeon quietly. The air in this room is stale and without scent. The torch blooms to life in Tala's hands and in response the darkness chitters at you. From the still fireplace crawl three spiders of enormous size, like small dogs.

Two of them scuttle out on the floor while the other climbs up to the ceiling.


Spiders in C1 and D1, another is on the ceiling of D1.

Small Spider1:[roll0]
Small Spider2:[roll1]
Small Spider3:[roll2]
Ien:[roll4] Pery:[roll5]

Post your actions. Don't wait for your turn to come up, if someone acts to botch up your actions severely we can deal with that later. This will ensure combat stays at 1 round per day which is tolerable. Let's keep conversation to a minimum during combat... one sentence or phrase per round, max.

2012-03-19, 05:21 PM
"I see: large spiders. Normal here?" Komari moves forward warily into the room, attempting to leave the oversized vermin space to get by.

Komari moves to E3, and readies an action to attack any spider that attacks him.
Readied action:Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] nonlethal

2012-03-19, 05:29 PM
Tala drops his torch to the side, hoisting his guisarme and moving 5ft towards the fireplace.

OOC: Tala will resolve up to two AoOs (As per combat reflexes) on any spiders that enter his 10ft threatened area, as long as they were acting after him initiative-wise.

2012-03-19, 05:35 PM
They look like animals, should they be so big?
Hedraer leaves in entry and tries to attack climbing spider
Acid splash:
[roll0] against touch
[roll1] damage

2012-03-19, 05:48 PM
Pery waits for Ien, then keeps close to protect the small druid, any spider in 5 ft radius from dog or druid will be attacked. They both go 15 ft downstairs and if Ien has a clean shot at any spider, if they are aggressive, he would attack it with sling.

Attack roll (Pery):

Attack roll (Ien):

2012-03-19, 05:51 PM
Lem moves next to Tala and hefts his club ""Ugh, Spiders of all things"
Readying to attack spiders coming in range
I reoriented the map in accordance with the new info on the placement of things. I moved you to corresponding square Sallera, hope that's right.
Edit: I accidentally made the room the wrong size, so I remade the map yet again !. pretty sure it's right this time...forgot to add the hood over the anvil...no big

2012-03-20, 07:10 PM
Rouge calmly lifts his bow, swiftly aims, and quickly launches two arrows at the spiders.

Rouge will use rapid shot to take two attacks with his bow as a full-round action. He will first aim at the nearest spider, and if the first arrow puts it down, he will aim at the next nearest. Otherwise, he will fire the second arrow at the nearest.


2012-03-20, 08:23 PM
End of Round 1:

Lem moves forward to defend the group with his large club. One of the spiders scuttles forward avoiding his swing and gives him a nasty bite on his leg. Pery's ears fold back as he crouches and guards his master. Komari moves forward to bring the fight to the creatures and Tala drops the torch to switch to his polearm. From the back Hedraer launches a bolt of acid at the spider on the ceiling and burns it, sending it into a rage. Rouge fires off two quick shots but fails to aim as the shots clatter off the wall behind the vermin. One of the spiders moves up to Komari and the two dance but both fail to harm the other. The last spider moves quickly along the ceiling toward the stairs, a quick flick from Tala slices the creature in two and removes the threat. Ien fires off a shot from his sling but fails to get the opening he needs and the sound of stone on stone echoes through this small chamber.


Lem - Readied Action: Attacks with club (misses)
Spider1 - moves to B4 and bites at Lem [roll0] for [roll1] (that's still 1 point) damage. Lem needs to make a fort sv vs DC 10 or take 1d3 Str damage.
Pery (wait for Ien)
Komari - moves forward to B6, readied action to hit (misses)
Tala - moves forward, gets 2 AoO (need to roll)
Hedraer - Attacks Spider 3 with acid splash for 1 hp (hits)
Rouge - Fires off two arrows (both miss)
Spider2&3 - Spider2 moves to A5 to attack Komari [roll2] for [roll3] damage. Spider3 moves along the ceiling provoking an AoO from Komari [roll4] for [roll5] damage and Tala [roll6] for [roll7] damage and dies before dropping to D4 to crit Tala [roll8] for [roll9] damage.
Ien and Pery - Pery guards master who attacks with a sling (miss)

Next round's Initiative Count:

Ien and Pery

Feel free to post your actions for Round 2. Let's get an updated map up as well.

2012-03-20, 09:14 PM
Lem takes a quick few steps ahead and swings the unwieldy club.

FortSave [roll0]
5ft Step to C4, attacking Spider 1 at B4
err -2 from both those, what with the str damage.


I'm about 90% sure Komari didn't intend to be there, but due to mistakes in my maps earler ended up placed there. Sorry bout all the map errors so far guys, can't promise I wont make more, but I'm triplechecking now.

2012-03-20, 09:21 PM
"Not food. Find elsewhere." Offering the mindless creature a gentle rebuke, Komari swings both palms at the spider's head in quick sequence, attempting to stun the creature long enough that they can drag it outside.

My intended location would have been C5 on the new map, but it was taken anyway, so don't worry about it.

Flurry of blows at S2.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] nonlethal
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] nonlethal

(Just as a note for AoO purposes, Komari's pretty much always going to be doing nonlethal unless we're fighting a construct/undead/etc.)

2012-03-21, 01:28 AM
Tala, feeling considerably less gentle, attacked the first spider.

5ft step if necessary, attack Spider 1.
To hit:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-03-21, 10:04 AM
If in my turn any spider is still alive, I'll hit in priority: s1,s2.
If both are dead I do nothing in battle (I guess the battle is finished then).

2012-03-21, 11:22 AM
Seeing he doesn't have a clear shot on any spider Ien doesn't even try. He reloads his sling and, if there is enough space to move, asks Pery to attack the nearest spider.

Handle animal (attack):
Attack [Pery] (if defending or attacking):

2012-03-21, 05:02 PM
Rouge draws another arrow and fits it to his string. He then waits until he can get a clear shot off.

Rouge is going to delay his turn until he can get a clear shot at the spiders, or until the next round of combat. Then, he will follow the same instructions as in the previous round.


2012-03-21, 07:59 PM
Once again the spider dances and catches Lem with a solid bite to his calf muscle, the virulent venom pulsing through it's mandibles before it releases. Apparently Lem makes for an succulent dinner this spider is intent on dining. Weakened and in pain, Lem's shot goes wide but his team mates step up quickly to aid him. Komari open hand slaps the other spider so hard that it drops and ceases to move. A moment later Tala finds his opening and skewers Lem's spider, ending it.

With the adrenaline fueled heart beats pumping in your ears you breathe a sigh of relief as this challenge is over.


End of Round 2:
Spider1 - Attacks Lem [roll0] for [roll1] damage plus poison.
Lem - Moves to C4 and attacks spider (miss)
Komari - Slaps spider2 and knocks it unconscious
Tala - Attacks and kills Spider1
***Combat over***

Sorry mate, looks like a second dose of spider venom for Lem. Same DC, make a Fort Save.

Map note: No anvil. There is a forge with a hood above it next to the fireplace. The forge is the place where a smith heats coals and metal for working. With a set of bellows, an anvil and proper tools a smith could once again set to work here.

Timekeeper note: Yeah, that was all of 12 seconds. Also, remind Lem to make his second saves vs. poison in 1 minute.

I'll edit the post again to add the fluff, after which you are free to explore the room as you see fit.

When you are ready to move out of this room, I need a post from you stating that intention along with where you are standing and what you are holding.

2012-03-21, 10:52 PM
Lem looking around for a second making sure all the damned spiders are gone, realizes that one isn't clearly dead he grumbles and curses under his breath about the foul beasts while he limps over to finish it off.

Coup de Grace on the unconsious spider
taking the hp off.
Fort Save
just in case the str damage

2012-03-21, 11:13 PM
Komari's reactions are slow at the best of times, and Lem's weapon is through the spider's head before he so much as realizes the warrior's intention. Shaking his head sadly, he lays a heavy hand on the human's shoulder. "Fight was over. Why kill?"

2012-03-22, 01:40 AM
"Pa always said ya don't fool around with things like this just kill em clean, it's best that way."

2012-03-22, 07:22 AM
Ien goes to Lem taking some clean rags from his cloak pockets, soaking them with water. Finally he takes out some herbs and says to Lem:
I am more used to dealing with animals, but my master taught me well. If you let me, I will help you with the poison.
He sounds a lot more confident, healing others is what he is quite good at.


Heal (treat poison):
1 [roll0]
2 [roll1]
According to rules:
The poisoned character uses your check result or his or her saving throw, whichever is higher.

2012-03-22, 11:00 AM
Lem takes a seat on the edge of the old bed and pulls the armor away from his leg a bit, grimacing and gesturing at his wound. ""Any help would be appreciated"

Resting a minute a letting Ien help with the bites.

2012-03-22, 02:48 PM
Hedraer checks if there is anything interesting near the forge.
Search: [roll0]
I guess I found... forge? ;)

After looking around he decides to check if there is any fancy magic in this dungeon... there sure be a lot of it... at least according to tales he heard. He moves close to the door muttering something quietly and forming strange symbols with his hands, ending the spell by touching his closed eyes.
He opens them once again and takes a look both on the inside of the room and in the direction of door and nearest walls to check for any magic surprises outside.

Hedraer moves to b2 and casts detect magic, rest as above

2012-03-22, 05:09 PM
Rouge waits warily, on the lookout for more danger.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-03-22, 05:17 PM
Unsure how to deal with such a direct response, Komari wanders over to inspect the writing on the wall instead.

2012-03-22, 06:25 PM
Tala drags the spider corpses into a corner before giving the room a quick search.

Whereas I found a room.

2012-03-23, 04:12 PM
Lem kills the spider. Ien treats the poison well and Lem feels no more ill effects.

Some of the party search areas of the room (10 min per 10' square) but don't manage to find anything.

Hedaer casts a spell but fails to detect any magical auras nearby.

Komari checks out the writing on the wall and discovers it's in orc and simply reads, "Clean the fireplace."

Otherwise it appears nothing else of interest is in this room.

2012-03-23, 04:57 PM
Tala walks to the door and makes a listen check to determine if anything is on the other side.


2012-03-23, 05:16 PM
Komari nods sagely at the wall; good advice, even if there was no longer anyone here to follow it. While the others continue their thorough inspection of the room, he takes his spade and begins digging the ash and dirt out of the fireplace, methodically carrying each shovelful up to the top of the stairs and dumping it outside. He also takes the time to put the dead spiders in the same pile.

Once it seems everyone is finished with their inspections, he taps the spade against a wall to remove the worst of the ash and ties it to the side of his pack again. "We go?"

Komari will do the chores for the 10-20 minutes the others spend searching. :smalltongue:

2012-03-23, 05:58 PM
There is no magic here. I think we can go.
How long Tala was searching? One hour? Hmmm... long time.
Hedraer is waiting for others and is looking around the room (without searching anything special). He tries to listen and hear something (or somebody) behind the door.
Spot: [roll0] if there is anything interesting (first look).
Listen: [roll1]

2012-03-23, 07:00 PM
Thanking Ien after tending to his leg he walks around a minute before picking up and playing with the dice that were next to the bed for a few rolls before tossing them in his pack later...always good to have some entertainment while sitting around a campfire.

Hearing the others ready to go he picks himself up and hefts the club back on his shoulder.Sounds like it's time to move on.

Standing at B1, Club in hand.

2012-03-23, 07:26 PM
Ien waits quietly as others are searching, cleaning and everything else, when they decide to go he will position himself (and Pery) after the warriors.
Ready to go.

2012-03-23, 09:03 PM
Rouge steps up to the door, and says, "let me check for traps first. Be prepared, I always say."

I believe that searching for traps is a hidden roll.

2012-03-24, 06:11 PM
Tala retrieved his dropped torch and waited until Rouge finished his trapfinding and possibly disarming. This done, he returned to the front of the party and opened the door.

2012-03-24, 08:51 PM

I'm fine with you rolling for traps. I was wrong on the time it takes to search. A single 5' square can be searched in a single full round action. If you would like to 'take 20' on the search it takes 2 minutes per square.

That said, I'll assume you took 20 on the search for traps on the door. No traps, the door is wooden and of good quality and unlocked.

Similarly, everyone's searches turn up nothing that I haven't already described to you.

Likewise, no one hears anything through the door from the next room.

State your location and open the door and we'll move on.

2012-03-24, 09:09 PM
After Rouge finishes searching the door, he steps back to A2 and draws his bow and an arrow.

2012-03-25, 11:08 AM
Ok then we spent in the room no more than 48 minutes (Tala was searching whole room taking 20, right?).
Hedraer goes as last person in party. While the door is being opened, he stays near A5 (B4?).

2012-03-25, 12:29 PM
Ok then we spent in the room no more than 48 minutes (Tala was searching whole room taking 20, right?).
Hedraer goes as last person in party. While the door is being opened, he stays near A5 (B4?).

OOC: No, because otherwise I wouldn't have rolled for it. Anyway, Tala's opened the door now.

2012-03-25, 05:28 PM
Komari brushes dust off his hands, standing behind Tala and waiting to see what new oddities 'adventurers' were expected to deal with.

Komari will be in B2.

2012-03-25, 08:14 PM
Still staying behind warriors
C4 Pery
C5 Ien

2012-03-25, 10:33 PM
Tala swings the door open to reveal another room, this one 30' wide by 20' deep, with similar construction to the one you just finished searching. The door opens up just left of center of the southern wall (position C4 on a new matrix). The room is empty and has two doors on the north wall (positions A1 and F1 on a new matrix).

The door to the left appears wooden and the one to the right has a dark color that dances in the torchlight.

There is nothing else interesting to this room.

2012-03-25, 11:14 PM

OOC and Map
I know that right door isn't supposed to be lighter:/ but there's only 2 door types in minecraft and I was just trying to show the diffrence somehow.
probably could have just made it out of obsidian and you guys wouldn't have cared that it wasn't a functional doorway :P

Transitional double room map.

2012-03-25, 11:27 PM

No complaints, great mapping so far. As the active mapper, two rooms at once will likely be the limit you'll have to maintain.

Cartographer, so us what you got so far. Everytime we enter a new room, give us a display of the dungeon map.

Last but not least, for the last room you each earned 100xp. If you want to know how I got that number, Small Spiders are 1/2 CR. 3 of them is equal to a CR 2 encounter, which is worth 600xp. Divided 6 ways equals 100xp each.

2012-03-26, 04:26 AM
Tala walks to A2.

2012-03-26, 05:34 AM
Rouge slides to D4, Looking around the room for anything interesting.

2012-03-26, 07:48 AM
Ien waits for a while and then follows.
Pery B3
Ien B4

2012-03-26, 09:20 AM
Komari follows behind Tala, deciding the plainer door is probably safer. Their goals here were rather nebulous, anyway.

Move to B2.

I'll get the dungeon map up once I'm home.

2012-03-26, 10:32 AM
Lem takes his time wincing slightly as he walks around the new room a bit before setting up near the wooden door.

Moved to B1

2012-03-26, 01:04 PM
Assuming that Rouge turns up nothing interesting, Tala moves one square forward and opens the door.

2012-03-26, 01:56 PM
I get into the new room and stay at C3, looking around.

2012-03-26, 02:32 PM
The door on the east side of the room is made of iron and has very strange looking hinges. It does not appear to have a lock of any sort.

Otherwise, there is nothing interesting found in this room. Tala finds the wooden door unlocked and swings it open. Luckily the door is not trapped.

Beyond is a 5' wide hallway that runs east-west. To the west it appears to end in a dead end. To the east you see the same door that was in the previous room 25' down on the right hand side of the hallway. While 20' down the hallway turns 90 degrees to the left and widens to 10'.

You feel a slight breeze in the hallway blowing from the East.


BTW- Rouge checked some of the room looking for anything of interest, but didn't check the door or the walls. Timekeeper, it's 2 min, 24 seconds to search the floor (along with any objects or features on it) of a 600 square foot room. Walls (and doors on them) equal another 2 minutes. Ceiling would require the same amount of time as searching the floor of a room.

Make sure you are specific on your actions, I won't assume in your favor.

Map and Actions?

2012-03-26, 03:18 PM
Rouge tsks at Tala. "Always search the doors. At least that's what my mentor told me. He saw one of his friends decapitated by an axe trap." Rouge lightly steps out into the hallway, looking to the east.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2012-03-26, 05:26 PM
Lem steps through the door and heads to his right a bit.

I'm not 100% on how far west the hall goes, waiting on an answer but I thought I'd toss up something for now and if for some reason you want to move west call those squares west of A, -B, -C etc.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24472751/Room%202-3%20Transition%20Movement.png edit:wrong image at first.

2012-03-26, 09:09 PM
Komari continues to follow Lem, apparently examining the walls.


2012-03-26, 09:37 PM

Maps... the corridor heads west for 30' past the wooden door you just opened before hitting a dead end.

2012-03-27, 01:30 PM
Hedraer follows the party.
He says quietly
None of the rooms should be empty. Empty rooms are optimal for nothing.

2012-03-27, 03:03 PM
Lem decides to take a few steps further and check out around the corner.

not sure how precice we're being with movement here, hope I didn't move out of turn too bad but there ain't room for everyone in that tiny hallway.

Also, lazy on the map, I'm sure you can fill in the missing letters (that part drives me nuts trying to get them all semi-lined up)

2012-03-27, 03:20 PM
Tala squeezed past his compatriots to put himself abreast with Lem.

2012-03-27, 03:35 PM
Tucking away a scrap of parchment, Komari moves up to the corner to take a look.

2012-03-27, 03:44 PM
Ien moves to the door, following the group and looks around.
Hey, maybe there are secret passages somewhere here. I've heard that in dungeons you can find some... And this dead end looks really suspicious...

Not sure about the new map, but Ien moves just next to Rouge. G4(?) Pery stays next to him, (H4).

2012-03-27, 03:51 PM

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24472751/Hallway%20Movement.pngSorry, I'll go ahead and add the rest of the letters. still trying to find a quick way to do that that doesn't drive me mad trying to get them evenly lined up.

2012-03-27, 05:07 PM
What are you working in? Adjusting the tracking on the text object can sometimes work for that, if you're not too concerned about perfection.

2012-03-27, 05:41 PM
The 10' wide hallway continues north 40' (which is the extent of your LoS with the torch) beyond your location. You do not see an end to the hallway, only darkness beyond the torchlight.

So far both hallways appear empty.

2012-03-27, 07:23 PM
Not always mindful of the light requirements of other people, Komari continues moving forward to look further down the hallway.

Still have Darkvision 60ft.

2012-03-27, 08:17 PM

Sallera, which hallway is Komari moving down?

To everyone, be specific with your moves and actions. Otherwise I'm going to ignore your post. I won't control your PCs for you based on your intentions.

2012-03-27, 08:48 PM
I did say he was looking around the corner. East hallway.

2012-03-27, 08:50 PM
Rouge takes out his 10' pole and moves to K1, and starts to move down the hall, tapping the floor and walls, checking for traps. He moves to the edge of the light.

Search: [roll0]

2012-03-27, 10:29 PM
Komari can see a little better in the darkness than the rest of you. The passage north continues more than 60', remains 10' wide and has no other doors or passages.

Rouge moves up the same hallway slowly to the extent of the torchlight (about 40') but finds no traps.

2012-03-27, 11:12 PM
Emboldened by the presence of another, Komari moves further down the hallway.

Move 35ft down the hallway (just behind Rouge).

2012-03-28, 01:02 AM
Komari's darkvision can make out that this hallway is 90' long from one end to the other. The far end of the hallway opens up into either another corridor or a chamber, there is no door. Your darkvision ends there, so to make out anything else you'll have to move up.

2012-03-28, 10:02 AM
Lem moves to keep up, wincing slightly every time he puts weight on his twice bitten leg. Squinting hard into the darkness he mutters "Gah, can't see anything."


2012-03-28, 10:03 AM
Tala follows his compatriots down the corridor, bringing the torch with him.


Scratch that, he moves to F3, next to Komari.

2012-03-28, 10:13 AM
"No door at end. Move careful." Komari advances ahead, finally realizing why his compatriots are so hesitant.

Move to E3.

2012-03-28, 01:43 PM
Ien is somehow disturbed by the lack of light as Tala moves away. He decides to take one of the torches from the equipment carried by Pery and lights it.
I'm of no use in combat, but at least I can help by bringing some light to this place.

2012-03-28, 02:07 PM
Hedraer follows the Ien's light to see as much as possible.
I am not sure. The blind person are not affected by color spray. It is the same for person who cover his/her eyes?
If yes I would like to say:
If there is something dangerous and if you are before me and if I say 'blind', please close and cover your eyes for a while. I want to show the enemy something fascinating.

2012-03-28, 02:23 PM

You would have to communicate the round before you executed the action. Then any PC would effectively 'close his eyes' for the round, treating all opponents as invisible (Total cover and enemies attack him flat footed with a +2 bonus).

I've never seen this done well, but you're welcome to try. It's usually easier to take an action getting into position before blowing AoE spells like this.

2012-03-28, 02:41 PM
Lem follows the other two trying to see what's down the hall.

Spot once I'm at E4

Kar, I just kinda guessed where you wanted to be moved, wasn't really that specific.

2012-03-28, 02:50 PM
Ien and Pery follow the group.

Pery F5
Ien F6

2012-03-28, 02:51 PM
He is following Ien. After all moves I think place for Hedraer is E6.

2012-03-28, 03:40 PM
Updated Map.

2012-03-28, 04:01 PM
The passage opens up into a room 20' wide (with the 10' wide passage in the center of the wall) by 30' long. At the opposite wall there is another 10' wide passage again central to the wall. On the adjacent walls there are 20' wide passages that head east and west from this chamber.

The chamber has a high 12' ceiling. In the center of the room is a strange grouping of furniture. There is an Iron Maiden that is currently closed, a chest and a stool with a violin sitting on it. A candelabra hangs from the ceiling in darkness. The floor around the furniture is scoured with claw marks. A quiet but eerie howling fills this room, though it may just be the wind blowing from the western corridor.



2012-03-28, 06:23 PM
Updated Map.http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24472751/Wide%20Hall%20and%20Room%203%20Active%201.png

2012-03-28, 10:36 PM
Rouge advances to D7, peering around the room. He places his 10' pole back behind his pack and draws his bow and two arrows.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Love the map. You have been doing excellent at your job. Now I probably should do mine:

Giant Spiders: 3

2012-03-29, 01:13 PM
Tala, a little more cautiously than in the previous room, follows Rogue's lead, guisarme in hand.

Aren't you meant to keep track of individual kills as well? Not that I'm biased or anything.

2012-03-29, 02:00 PM
"Strange music. Self-working?" Komari keeps a little further back, attempting to discern the source of the sound.

Move to D8.

Listen: [roll0]

2012-03-29, 04:28 PM
Hedraer prepares for battle and listen if he can hear anybody walking in darkness.

2012-03-29, 06:54 PM
Lem keeps up with the others, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. "Okay...that's really quite spooky"

-removed map-

2012-03-29, 07:10 PM
Ien could as well stay where he is, but fighting with ones own curiosity is a tough battle.
Pery D10
Ien D11

2012-03-29, 07:38 PM
LordDice, it looks like you have me in D8 instead of D7. Am I reading the map wrong or did you put me in the wrong place?

Also, personal kills:
Tala: 2 Giant Spiders
Komari: KO of one Giant Spider
Lem: CDG of one Giant Spider

2012-03-29, 08:41 PM
New Map

Yep, my bad I was fiddling with something and undid some work and managed to shift everyone down a square when I redid it.

Moved you to the proper square in relation to the party rather than the literal square due to that error Lexin


2012-03-29, 09:19 PM

2012-03-30, 07:22 AM
As the group slowly creeps forward, the room comes into full view. The quiet howling noise seems to be nothing more than a breeze from the west hallway as it enters this room with it's high ceiling. Otherwise the room is still. Similarly, there is nothing visible in the torchlight that goes down the hallways, just empty corridors.


Your checks reveal no creatures, traps or sounds other than what I've described here. Feel free to check out the chamber now that you're practically standing in it. Good approach though... you guys are turning into a team of pros.

2012-03-30, 09:15 AM
As it seems nothing interesting is about to happen, Komari steps forward to take up the violin. He has, technically, never played one before, but he has heard it done, and the quiet whine of the wind had put him in mind of a lament one of the monks used to be fond of. Experimenting with the bow, he eventually finds a workable position, and sits down on the stool to give it a try. Untrained as he is, however, the music fails to come out anything like what he was expecting, and he puts the instrument away in his pack with a sad shake of his head.

Perform (strings): [roll0]

2012-03-30, 10:39 AM
Lem walks around the room while Komari tries to play, trying to peer into the darkness of the hallways surrounding them. After a bit he just moves towards the chest and looks somewhat expectant.

At C2

2012-03-30, 11:22 AM
Tala walks over to the Iron Maiden, giving the door a weak pull to test its resistance.

2012-03-30, 02:49 PM
The chest is of good condition but missing a padlock (meaning it's unlocked). The iron maiden's door has a latch that can easily be thrown. Looking through the slot at the head it appears empty but it reeks of death.

The violin looks rather ordinary and when played it is obvious that it is out of tune.

2012-03-30, 06:40 PM
Hedraer gets into the chamber following the warriors. He is at C4 and looks right and left to see if there is anything interesting.

2012-03-30, 06:41 PM
Following the group.

Pery B5
Ien C5

2012-03-30, 07:43 PM
"What leave? Not important?" Resolving to puzzle out the mysteries of violin playing later, Komari eases open the chest from behind without touching the edges, curious as to what it is doing sitting here along with these other strange contraptions but well aware that it may contain yet more spiders.

2012-03-30, 08:16 PM

2012-03-31, 07:19 AM
Rouge advances further into the room to E3. He then looks down the eastern corridor.

Spot: [roll0]

2012-03-31, 07:41 AM
As the chest is opened from behind, and immediately sees two tiny vipers inside (which is fairly large in size for a snake) which are beginning to stir in the torchlight. Also, the torchlight shines off of two coins sitting under the snakes. They gleam with a silvery sheen but are not silver... they're platnum!


Roll initiative everyone.
Viper#1 [roll0]
Viper#2 [roll1]

2012-03-31, 08:46 AM

Not sure if Tala can resolve attacks of opportunity from where he's standing, but I assume not. Otherwise, 5-ft step and attack.

2012-03-31, 09:56 AM
Init [roll0]

2012-03-31, 01:04 PM

2012-03-31, 02:14 PM
Init: [roll0]

2012-03-31, 03:34 PM
Init: [roll0]

2012-03-31, 11:39 PM

2012-04-01, 01:39 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2012-04-01, 11:10 AM

Attempted to post this early this morning but apparently the server crashed. Sometimes it still takes the post, othertimes it does not. At 1 in the morning I wasn't game for staying up til the issue was resolved and I could check it.

That said, everyone post actions and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2012-04-01, 11:21 AM
5ft step if necessary, attack Viper 1.
To hit AC 17 [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-04-01, 01:33 PM
Noticing that he had been right to be cautious in opening the chest, Komari attempts to grab the second snake before it finishes waking up.

Flurry two grapple attempts on V2; since it acts after Komari, he'll avoid provoking AoOs from it.
Touch attack: [roll0]
Grapple check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] nonlethal

Touch attack (if the first attempt failed): [roll3]
Grapple check (either way): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] nonlethal

2012-04-01, 02:00 PM
If any viper is still alive Hedraer shoots acid splash in order V2,V1 and moves to D5.
Attack:[roll0] (touch)

2012-04-01, 02:27 PM
Rouge sets his bow down and grabs his Quarterstaff from his pack, and steps to D3, then sneak attacks the nearest viper

To Hit: [roll0] (I'll assume that Rouge will be flanking)
Damage: [roll1] (1d6 (staff) + 1d6 (Sneak Attack) + 1 (STR)

2012-04-01, 02:41 PM
Pery attacks the nearest viper, while Ien... prepares bandages.

Pery Initiative (I forgot):
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-04-01, 03:09 PM
Lem swings at the tiny snake hoping not to get bit this time

Attacking Viper 1
[roll0] (presuming a flank also)