View Full Version : Need Help: Bardic Knowledge and Greyhawk setting

2012-03-19, 02:26 PM
Hiya! First time poster here, hope I don't get shanked by the big boys...
I've been invited to play in a campaign (3.5ed) and the class I chose was that of a bard. We're just using the three basic books to play, no additions to it.
I've never been a bard before, but plan to have fun with it. Anyways, to my question....

The DM is running the game in the city of Greyhawk, a place that I am not very familiar with at all. Sure, there's a whole bunch of wiki stuff all over the place, but my mission (pre game) is that I need to find a way to convince a group of adventurers (the other players) that I would be a useful source of info on the city and its surrounds, through bardic knowledge.

However, instead of just being an info dump, she wants me to pen three songs that touch upon the city of Greyhawk, the ruler, that insane mage fellow, and any rumours about Castle Greyhawk that may abound.
Seems a little vague for me, and I'm not quite sure where to start.

I can pen the songs - no worries there - but can anyone help with some bullet point information that would be useful to include?

Oh, the game to be set approx year 580CY, if that helps.

Thanks in advance!
