View Full Version : Building Blocks; Dragonwrought Kobold (Special)

2012-03-19, 02:41 PM
Alright, my DM is allowing me to play a Dragonwrought Kobold. That said, he is doing age penalties and such differently.

In his setting, Dragons are immortal, so are elves and the standard fey and what not.

Since dragonwrought kobolds are dragons, my character will be immortal. Now, how he is doing the aging pluses. As the standard rules for aging, I get the +1 middle, +1 old, +1 venerable. I get no penalties thanks to dragonwrought. He is letting me have him at 500 years old. The kicker here is that every 120 years, which is the age set at for venerable normally for kobolds, that every 120 years I get an additional +1!

So recap, +1 middle, +1 old, +1 venerable, +3 for being 240,360,480 years old. Thats a free +6 to all mental stats starting out! Also, my DM got rid of the penalty to strength and con that kobolds normally have.

Now, my question is, how should I fully utilize this? I'm thinking a wizard, for obvious reasons, but am curious as to what others idea's and builds would be.

All 3.5 material is allowed, even homebrew, I'd just have to run it by my DM. I'll be selecting one of the builds to use for the upcoming campaign.

Stats are as followed (Yes, I know they are high)
20, 20, 20, 19, 17, 16
Put those in any attribute, str,dex,con etc.
Then all the mental stats, INT, WIS, CHA all get the +6

Now playgrounders, have fun and lets see the builds! :smalltongue:

King Atticus
2012-03-19, 06:36 PM
ummm...is this your DM's first campaign? If so, be gentle with him and don't break this just because he's begging you to. If not, beware because he's pulling out all the stops and is going to be actively trying to kill you guys.

That being said have fun with this and please share the results with us so those of us who could never dream of this kind of creation leniency can live vicariously through you. :smallwink:

2012-03-19, 07:00 PM
Well, traditionally they would be sorcerers, right? So one of the 20s should go to charisma. Hit points are good, so put a 20 there, and dex is good so put a 20 there. Strength is not needed so put the 16 there. Skills are nice so put the 19 there, and then the 17 goes into wis.

So, 16, 20, 20, 25, 23, 26. I think there is a greater rite of dragonwroughtness or something that gives you an extra sorcerer level. Then take the two feats to beat spell resistance when you can (because your DCs are so high, SR is really all you need to worry about).

As for the rest, it comes down partly to style. What kind of spells would you like to cast? If you have no preference, make sure you have a variety when you can (at the very least at least one spell that targets each save), and also take heighten spell later one to get more use out of some spells.

I am sure there are others that can give you better advice, but this is my take on it.

King Atticus
2012-03-19, 07:08 PM
greater rite of dragonwroughtness

:smallbiggrin: Greater Draconic Rite of Passage (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a)

2012-03-19, 09:33 PM
That being said have fun with this and please share the results with us so those of us who could never dream of this kind of creation leniency can live vicariously through you. :smallwink:

Haha dear god, that made me spit my pop all over my table.

Anyways, yes he is buffing the bad guys just the same, and will mercilessly slay us if we can't hold our own.

Yes, draconic right of passage, of course I'll do that. Sorcerer, again, Kobolds main shtick.

I was hoping for more variety and builds to be thrown in though :/

King Atticus
2012-03-19, 10:36 PM
I was hoping for more variety and builds to be thrown in though :/

Seriously though, brutha, with those stats you could literally be anything you want and be great at it. If you've ever had a build you wanted to try but couldn't pull it off...now is the time. I don't think you could gimp this character without major effort on your part.

I've never seen a stat line like that.

Dumbledore lives
2012-03-19, 10:41 PM
Monk/Paladin/Factotum to use all those mental stats?

As a more serious option I'd say you could make a great Factotum with those stats, since they are pretty sad, but can always use other stats. Get some Iajutsu focus, Use Magic device, put a 20 in charisma and you'll be good, with like +16 to any mental skills for an inspiration point, and that's excluding skill ranks, so you'll be the ultimate skill monkey, and with enough fonts of inspiration you could have all the standard actions.

But like King Atticus said anything you want really, play that weird multiclass that needed great stats to function, or use vow of poverty or something discarding magic items because you are too awesome to use them.

2012-03-19, 11:27 PM
Yeah basically be a Sorc. Then learn Genesis. Create a Plane that has time speed up nigh infinitely faster than the normal world. Step into the plan with Ring of Sustinence on. Age an infinite number of times. Have infinite mental stats. Then look at this list: Here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=215.0) and do everything.

Just play the character. Some decent builds might be Sorcadin (Paladin 2/ Sorc 5 / Swiftblade 10 (using greater draconic rite)) or just any caster. Maybe even Ultimate Magus.

Edit: Also I totally don't understand the aging thing. That you DM made.

2012-03-19, 11:31 PM
Buff you Cha as much as possible and THEN take Leadership. Heck, I bet some of your followers could have cohorts!

2012-03-19, 11:50 PM
Edit: Also I totally don't understand the aging thing. That you DM made.

How he did it is that if you are immortal, you should get continuing mental stat bumps like how the standard is. So why stop at the +3 once you get venerable, if you can live to be 8 times older than the venerable age on the chart.

So Kobold, for example, is venerable at 120 years. So every additional 120 you live, you get another stay increase.

Broken yes but, he wants to have a high power fun slaughter type game.

Oh and you think the stats I rolled are bad? My friend got 4 20's and 2 19's... We did, which is ludicrous, you roll 1d10+10 or 1d20 and if it's lower then 10 add 10. Do that 10 times, and pick the top 6.

2012-03-20, 08:02 AM
If everything is available, slap on some LA 0 dragon psychosies! Lets see, spell hoarding would turn all your sorcerer levels into wizard spellcasting (With INT as the base), and then throw in that Loredrake thing from Dragons of Eberon for +2 sorcerer level, and Greater Draconic Rite for another +1 sorcerer levels. A sleight hit to wisdom and a plus to intelegence.

For another massive boost we can take the Riddled dragon psych' (Mad hit to WIS but good +INT), which totals are bonuses to arount -4 STR -2CON -8 WIS +8 INT +2 DEX, and you have an unlimited spellbook that you can burn spells from it to use them as scrolls (So you effectively just have to keep copying spells in your book instead of making scrolls), you can counter spells a certain way to add them to your spell list by sacrificing gems (to get non-wiz divine spells or even other schools.), and you are effectively +3 levels higher than you should be. Take a level dip in Wiz for specialization, or even progress farther now as a Wizard and use it's PrCs. Put it all together, and you have a very analytical, yet very oblivious small dragon that will live forever to learn everything he can. (Plus, the mad +'s to your mental stats would cover most of the WIS hits.

As for PrCs, because you can basically copy spells in your spell book and use them as scrolls, a Geometer dip would let you make even 9th level spell "scrolls" for just 100gp. Other than that, just anything you would use as a Wiz.

You could also throw in some psionics, take a couple levels in psion, and constantly level in cerebramancer for ghits and shiggles, and enjoy the psion blasting wizardry, (And making more than 10 levels of cerebramancer as homebrew is like, 10 seconds of work, if you even have to do that, because I think you could just use the continued progression of Epic Theurge) This would make you an effectively balanced Psion/Wizard, lol. Lack of class features, but you would have a spell or power for everything.

2012-03-20, 08:30 AM
Using Spellhoarding Loredrake with the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage on an Ultimate Magus build you can get 9th-level spells by level 11, IIRC.

You know you want to.

2012-03-20, 09:10 AM
i support the idea of the spellhoarding and riddled psychoses.

i also suggest, since with those you'd be up so many effective levels, burn a few of them.

cloistered cleric [with dragon or trickery domain for bluff]1 / sorcerer8 / ur-priest2 / mystic theurge8 / 1open
1dragonwrought / 3spell focus [evil] / 6iron will / 9greater draconic rite of passage / 12open / 15open / 18open
spellhoarding psychosis gives eschew materials and scribe scroll feats

20th level wizard casting, 10th level ur-priest casting with cl18 / 14, depending on how you handle theurge'd cls

those last 3 feats can be used for whatever, and the last level could be a geometer dip, as axier suggested.

base stats = -4str, +2dex, -2con, +8int, -8wis -- lawful evil alignment needed

and it makes sense in game, answering the 'venerable' question of "what was he doing all this time?" with cloistered cleric, nerding it up in the library for centuries

although most people don't want to give up the cheese of dragonwroughts, this is just what i would do. but then, i love the ur-priest class, and i love trying to theurge without failing too hard :smallbiggrin:

2012-03-20, 10:27 AM
See now this is more of what I'm talkin about!

Now, I suppose it's fairly late to mention this, but I just have to. I just found out, that the cheesy doom this character will already be, will also be dipped into cheese fondue.

He will be a Gestalt spellcaster. Now, here's the awesomeness. I get spell progression as a Wizard. I don't need a spellbook and can cast spontaneously. Also, did I mention I can select spells from arcane OR divine spell lists?

That being said, now let's see what you all think :smallbiggrin:

2012-03-20, 11:56 AM
from what i know of gestalt and synergy, you could just put warblade20 on the other side and call it a day [d12's for health the whole way, too :smallbiggrin:]. it uses int for a couple of things. but with a melee on the other side, you'd probably be best dipping spellsword1 and getting a mithril breastplate or something. but honestly, with those stats, you could do anything. most of the crazier builds are limited by the stats, so go nuts!

example - i completely forgot, and didn't even notice the connection between the psychoses' super-low wis and ur-priests needing wis to cast, then i noticed if you put a 20 in wis, with your modifiers, it would still be 18.

classes i know high int [i think 34 for you if you put a 20 to it] can be used with - factotum, warblade, and swashbuckler3 [for int to melee damage]

incidentally, i too envy your creative freedom.

2012-03-20, 12:22 PM
Errm the Dragonwrought Feat makes it so you don't take Aging Penalties to your Str or Dex normally. Like wise go with a Desert Kobold from Unearthed Arcana to get rid of that pesky -Con in exchange for -Wis. Though that would change your Favored Class to Rogue.

If your DM is not making you stick to your Favored Class as part of your Gestalt, have fun with Obliterating. Maybe a 999 build for good measure.

2012-03-20, 03:52 PM
Yes I know dragonwought gets rid of the penalties for aging. My DM is also getting rid of the str and con penalty the normal kobold gets. So I won't have any penalties to any of my scores starting out, only bumps to my mental stats.

I don't exactly wanna go to cheesy with the spellhoarding and loredrake but I'll look at them and see what my DM says. I missed the first session so I'll start at 5 while the 6 are at 6 and one is at 7.

My DM is splitting XP differently. It's not just you being in the party you get XP. Depends on how much you contribute, and if you go off and kill stuff by yourself, you get all the XP for yourself.

I plan on killing villages while they sleep via invisible cloudkill.

King Atticus
2012-03-20, 03:59 PM
Like wise go with a Desert Kobold from Unearthed Arcana to get rid of that pesky -Con in exchange for -Wis.

From the way I read it, his Dm is just hand-waving away ANY neg ability mods anyway (no neg str no neg con) . So I think this is an unneeded step.

I plan on killing villages while they sleep via invisible cloudkill.

This is glorious :smallbiggrin:

2012-03-20, 05:32 PM
Hmm, if you're gonna opt for a caster build why not throw in a level or two of binder and then grab anima mage prc*.

You'll end up with bindings alongside some 'free' to apply metamagic, and if you can hit a high enough effective binder level you grab Zceryll for free psuedonatural template (lots of nice passive defence boosts on that template) along with telepathy and mindsight.
Only thing cooler that dragonwrought kobold is an ungodly dragonwrought kobold infused with the essences of evil horrors from beyond reality.

* i think it's possible to enter the prc without even having binder levels due to how some of the binder feats can be interpretted. Rather cheesy though so might not be able to run it past your DM

2012-03-21, 11:15 AM
Well I did it, I asked my DM and I will be a spellhoarding loredrake dragonwrought kobold with crazy good stats.

Now, any particular spells I should take? Just curious if there are any out of the ordinary that happen to be awesome that I don't know of. I know most PHB, PHB II, SpC, CA, CM, CD. Eberron and faerun are fair game, I just haven't looked in those.

Also what gear for standard wealth bonus for level 5.

2012-03-21, 12:11 PM
I don't know why no-one offers you a gestalt Wizard//Beguiler6/Rainbow servant 10/Beguiler4

With some level in Ultimate magus on the wizard size to get back the few Beguiler caster levels losts.

Obviously, any Arcane-casting prc would be good to add.

2012-03-21, 12:27 PM
The gestalt is strictly the spellcaster I mentioned before. It's a homebrew spellcaster my DM made and depending on how we roll we can get it. I rolle and was able to get it. So one side is only the Weaver as he calls it.

The otherside is whatever I pick. It's basically free spellcasting so I could be a fighter and get 9th level arcane and/or divine casting. However I see fit to build it.

Just saying this to not focus on spellcasting completely.