View Full Version : [pf] Rabies!

2012-03-19, 10:14 PM
Inspired by a suggestion in this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=236368), I would like to know if it's possible/viable to make a "Rabies" themed character.
That is, a class that turns into an animal, and then uses RageRabies (or similar) to become a wild killing machine.

The suggestion was for Gestalt, I'd like to see if we can do it in a normal build.

For the RageRabies portion, we have Barbarian (duh), Wild Stalker Ranger, and any class that can take the Destruction Domain (RageRabies Sub-domain). RageRabies-domain classes are Cleric, Inquisitor and certain Druid Archetypes.

For the Animal-form, we have Druid, Shapeshifter Ranger, and....?

For a single-class build, the best options are Ape/Boar Shaman Druid, or Shapeshifter+Wild Stalker Ranger (they stack*).

Druid can Wildshape more often, but get RageRabies much later with shorter duration (rounds equals Druid level), and have 3/4 Bab.

SS+WS Ranger has more/earlier RageRabies, and Full Bab, but has more limited Shifting ability.

The other option is to multi-class, probably Barbarian/Druid.

I think the Ranger option is overall the better one.

For RageRabies powers I really like Hive Totem Toxicity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/hive-totem-toxicity-su), although the flavor is wrong (Bugs? NO!), the effect seems perfect for a Rabies! build.
Although you have to take THREE other RageRabies powers to qualify for it, and you can only do it once per RageRabies. (although there are ways to circumvent this).

Anyone have any better ideas?

(*The only possible conflict between Shapeshifter Ranger and Wild Stalker, is that SS says you must take the Natural Weapon combat style, while WS trades away all combat style feats. It's easy enough to get allowed, but a real rules-strict DM may say no.)

2012-03-19, 10:24 PM
What do you do when the cleric casts remove disease on you? :smallamused::smallconfused: