View Full Version : build help

2012-03-20, 06:04 AM
Hey guys building a battle field control druid with a bit of summoning on the side. Starting level is 3, I am human, 2080gp to spend on gear, dragon mag is out and anything non-core is kind of a case by case basis, and setting is sandstorm. I took spell focus conjuration and augment summonin for my human and level 1 feats. I need advice on gear, a level 3 feat, and spells since entangle will probably not be too useful in a desert. Also stats are 28 point buy. I went str8 dex 12 con 14 int 10 wis 18 cha 8.

I apologize if this is a jumpled mess, but I have slept maybe 10hrs in the past week and am just getting home from work.

2012-03-20, 06:40 AM
If this is for the game I think this is:

Greenbound Summoning (from one of the Faerun books)
It makes all your summoned beasts plants with SLA and such.

Ashbound Summoning (Eberron book), gives all your critters +3 luck bonus to hit and gives your summoning spells a double duration.

Natural Bond (for lvl 4 as soon as you upgrade yur companion he won't lag in level).

For gear:
Barding for your AC (leather or ask the DM to make it a Warbeast)

I don't know a lot about this part, sorry, but Sandstorm probably has some spells that are desert themed.

Know that the feats that I have are quite powerfull which means that it's not always a good/smart thing to use them. Just state the sources :)