View Full Version : Maximising fun/interest in D&D sessions

2012-03-20, 08:59 AM
Hey there.

I've been a player of D&D for about 3 years now, and boy has the experience been fun. 3.5 was our first love, we tasted the hardships of being level one mooks struggling through castles and dungeons, learning and growing our way through the system. We did experiment with 4e, but realised that we wanted a more open ended feel, as opposed to an mmorpg-esque tabletop game.

We have bought our share of miniatures, also dungeon tiles, but found that a paizo grid board with white board markers was more convenient. So far, our dm has played modules, created and winged a few campaigns, yep.

However, now most of us are parting ways, going to different colleges. We realised that we may not be seeing each other as much for roughly 4 years, and thus this year we planned to up our D&D ante, to have as much fun together as humanely possible.

I want to ask the players/veterans out there, what are the ways you maximise how fun and interesting your sessions are? I'm not just talking about hitting the reset button, restarting campaigns/characters to keep things fresh and new. I want to obtain more from our D&D experience, hopefully something deeper and richer, with your help.

Are there any more ways to improve our D&D games? Equipment, player and dming styles, interesting character or campaign suggestions, you name it, I'll process it.

I hope this thread will also benefit those out there currently enjoying the experience. In the meantime, kudos :D

The Bandicoot
2012-03-20, 10:03 AM
My advice is to just remember The Rule of Cool. Go crazy with the items and the characters. A ladle that turns liquid into life-sustaining jello? A midget half orc albino bear riding Druid? A psychotic half-fey half-dragon with a penchant for explosive runes? A brass monkey figurine that plays dance music? All these things and more can be yours if you look at some homebrew and ignore a couple rules.

2012-03-20, 10:14 AM
Have cookouts and other gathering related days! I by far enjoy having a day of grilling with friends and then later on gaming for hours on end. I'm sure you might do this already, but I tend to remember those days more. It's not just about throwing dice, it's about a community of friends and having fun! Food Always makes it fun!