View Full Version : Armor...for Mages?

2012-03-20, 04:34 PM
So I'm looking for extra bonuses for my armor. Also, I'm not good at pricing things. What I have so far:

Celestial Mithril Scale
+1 Nimbleness
+1 twilight

+7 AC
+6 Max Dex
-0 Skill penalty
0% arcane spell failure

If I'm correct, it should cost about 14k (+3 bonus=9000, special metal=5000)

I'm a Sorcerer, and I can't find any other extremely useful bonuses. Is there anything that anybody knows of that is in general a good bonus to have?

2012-03-20, 04:42 PM
IIRC celestial is described as made of gold, can you really put it on mithral?

2012-03-20, 04:44 PM
IIRC celestial is described as made of gold, can you really put it on mithral?

2012-03-20, 04:48 PM
Some usefull additions
Blueshine +1500
Buoyant +4000
Deathward +1
Easytravel +1500
healing +8000
landing +4000
magic-eating +10000

Elric VIII
2012-03-20, 04:48 PM
One of my favorites for armor (or even a Feycraft, Mithril Buckler) is the Freedom property (MIC). It's a +5 property that grants Freedom of Movement. You can keep the armor from costing too much by adding numerical enhancements via Magic Vestment (although unless you are gishing, you might not want to waste a spell slot on it). I really like this property since it frees up ring slots, which tend to be more potent.

Another one that I really like is Soulfire (BoED). Grants immunity to negative energy, death effects, energy drain and a bunch of other stuff. Costs +4 enhancement.

2012-03-20, 04:50 PM
IIRC celestial is described as made of gold, can you really put it on mithral?

My DM has a chart for quick reference, I assumed it wasn't homebrew.

+1 AC
+2 Max Dex
+3 Skill Penalty (as in reduce penalty by 3)
DR none
-1 Critical Check
15 hardness
HP per PHB
weight -30%
price +250gp/lb

Thats all of the applicable information

2012-03-20, 04:52 PM
Scale is 50 where as chainmail is 150 (what celestial armor is based on)
It is medium armor so +4000 for mithral

so 22400+3900=26300

2012-03-20, 05:17 PM
It appears it might be somewhat homebrew based on the Celestial Armor upgrades over basic chainmail in the DMG.
Those are
made of bright silver or gold
+3 bonus (9000 gp)
Dex bonus increase +6
ASF decrease 15%
ACP decrease 3
weight decrease 50%
1/day use of fly
and considered light

Pricing is 22400 -400 (chain +MW) - 9000 for +3 leaves 13000 for the other features

Mithral would normal give you a dex increase of +2, ACP -3 and ASF -10 and 50% weight decrease.

It has been debated I am sure on here before if mithral adds any benefits to celestial armor

2012-03-20, 05:25 PM
IIRC, Celestial Armor is a specific armor, so Celestial isn't a property that you can add to any old armor (barring houseruling, of course).


RAW, you can't alter the base properties of Celestial Armor in any way (though it doesn't mention anything about modifying the armor...), such as changing the base material.

Dumbledore lives
2012-03-20, 05:26 PM
In general I believe +1 Mithral Twillight chain is a favorite, with no ACP or ASF, and adds 5 AC, as well as any goodies you want to stack onto it.

2012-03-20, 06:06 PM
This reminds me of something.


Edit: If you apply both Feycraft and Githcraft to +1 Twilight Mithral Fullplate with Thistledown, you can reduce its spell failure to 0%. I feel like there is a rule that says you can only have one item template, but upon rechecking I didn't see one- and while incredibly convoluted, you can satisfy the requirement for both templates at the same time. It just takes a little work.

Actually, the requirement for Githcraft is that you have to be a githyanki, and what is more, you have to be on the astral plane. And while non-fey can make feycraft armor, they have to be guided by and magically controlled by fey.

So when you're talking about +1 Twilight Mithral Feycraft Githcraft Thistledown Full Plate, you're talking about armor forged from the rare metal mithral in an unpopulated portion of the astral plane by a githyanki mentally dominated by a fey, its padding stitched with special elven silk, then enchanted by a wizard.

So, possible? Yes. Convoluted? Incredibly.

I'll just leave this here. Of course, I couldn't imagine justifying starting the game with this, now matter how much cash you throw around. :smalltongue:

2012-03-20, 06:16 PM
This reminds me of something.

I'll just leave this here. Of course, I couldn't imagine justifying starting the game with this, now matter how much cash you throw around. :smalltongue:

This sounds interesting, BUT whats the skill check penalty? Of course, a multiclass would help with this easily, but if its more than 0 than it wouldn't work for my current guy...I'm totally saving this though.

2012-03-20, 06:18 PM
I'll just leave this here. Of course, I couldn't imagine justifying starting the game with this, now matter how much cash you throw around. :smalltongue:

I dunno.. if you know it exists and you *really* don't mind throwing a lot of cash around, you could Wish one into existence (a Feycraft Githcraft Mithral Full Plate, anyway. It's not worth trying to Wish the magic properties into it, and you can pick up Thistledown as a separate addition easily enough.) Otherwise.. play a Fey race, kidnap a gith master craftsman, and Charm/Dominate him into making the armor for you?

2012-03-20, 06:42 PM
@ zoobob9 - I'm fairly certain she mentioned that the skill check penalty was 0. Maybe not in that thread that I quoted it from, but another time I was talking to her.

@ tyckspoon - I just think it should be side quest material rather than "cheating" it into existence that way. And playing a fey might be the best way in theory, but presumably the fey needs knowledge how to make it. I'm not sure if there are rules for that, or if it's just a high craft skill. :smalltongue:

2012-03-20, 06:50 PM
There's some armor that my colleague has that's just a plant that regrows everyday...what its called or what book it is from I don't know.

But of course, this idea of a sidequest intrigues me. Assuming that the party has no fey, they'd need to convince a fey to make it...I believe it would be very interesting.

2012-03-20, 07:27 PM
@ zoobob9 - I'm fairly certain she mentioned that the skill check penalty was 0. Maybe not in that thread that I quoted it from, but another time I was talking to her.

@ tyckspoon - I just think it should be side quest material rather than "cheating" it into existence that way. And playing a fey might be the best way in theory, but presumably the fey needs knowledge how to make it. I'm not sure if there are rules for that, or if it's just a high craft skill. :smalltongue:

The D&D universe is a pretty big place. I'm sure there's at least one Astral Fey/Githyanki Smithy that's just a divination away.

We are talking about a business worth the GDP of a small country here. That's gotta be enough for somebody.

...of course, you could just save yourself a pile of money and cast Mage Armor in the morning.

2012-03-20, 07:44 PM
...of course, you could just save yourself a pile of money and cast Mage Armor in the morning.

Where's the fun in that?

2012-03-20, 08:12 PM
I think zoobob9 hit the nail on the head. :smalltongue:

2012-03-20, 08:33 PM
A MW Feycraft Dwarven Buckler Axe costs 670gp, has 0%ASF, and 0 ACP, and can receive both weapon and armor enchantments. Furthermore, it can hold a wand chamber for an extra 100gp (and both types of augment crystals).