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View Full Version : An idea for a Compendium that actually works!

Barbarian MD
2012-03-20, 07:25 PM
So, as someone that has tried to create a Compendium, and has seen other compendiums develop, it's clear to me that they are too much for one person to maintain.

So here's my idea: we start several threads, one for base classes, one for prestige, one for races, one for feats, etc.

It would work like the homebrewer's extended signature, only separated by category for ease of browsing. Short entries with links and brief descriptions only. It's not dependent on one person to maintain.

And then--here's where the mods come in--we sticky the threads.

Is this something that would work?

2012-03-20, 09:15 PM
I think this would probably be the most workable solution to the proponderance of compendiums. Or a compendium of compendiums, but that'd be quite messy. Have you messaged a Mod about this yet?

Barbarian MD
2012-03-20, 09:45 PM
I figured I'd gauge interest first. Is there one in particular I should contact?

2012-03-20, 09:58 PM
Mark Hall and Roland St. Jude are the two that preside over the Homebrew section, so I'd assume they'd be who you'd want to talk to.

Barbarian MD
2012-03-21, 01:01 PM
Just PMed Roland.

Now, I suppose we'd want a standardized nomenclature for ease of searching. Like a prefix of melee or divine or arcane or something before each class/feat/etc entry so people could search for the type of class they're looking for (as in, find all the fighter fixes)? What would be the best way to accomplish that?

2012-03-21, 01:16 PM
Just PMed Roland.

Now, I suppose we'd want a standardized nomenclature for ease of searching. Like a prefix of melee or divine or arcane or something before each class/feat/etc entry so people could search for the type of class they're looking for (as in, find all the fighter fixes)? What would be the best way to accomplish that?

Classifying the types of brew then creating subcategories would be a good idea. The actual entries would likely have any relevant descriptors in square brackets, the title below that, then a spoiler containing a brief description of the work. The title should be a hyperlink to where the actual work would be found.

How's that sound?

2012-03-21, 01:18 PM
You definitely want to have an index explaining the different acronyms - especially when it comes to sourcing books.
And make sure to have a link to the tier system explanation. It took me a while to find the definitions to figure out what exactly was going on.

Barbarian MD
2012-03-21, 01:46 PM
So, something like this:

Thread 1: Base Classes
Entry format: [Type] Title (with link): brief one-line description
(Where [Type] would be one of several agreed upon type that would make searching for a "melee" type easier.)

Thread 2: PRCs
Same as Base Classes

Thread 3: Races/Templates
[LA/RHD] Name (with link): one line description

Thread 4: Feats
[Type] Name: one line description.
(Where Type is one of several agreed upon categories like [Fighter] [Arcane] [Divine] [Flaw] [Etc])

Thread 5: Spells/Maneuvers/Invocations/Vestiges/Soulmelds
[Type/Level] Name: one line description.
(Type being "arcane/divine/vestige/discipline" and level "if applicable")

Thread 6: Other
[Magical/Mundane Item] Name: description.

Thread 7: Subsystems
Name: one-line description(followed by Spoiler with fuller description)

What other threads would we need?

It occurs to me that even if the mods don't want to sticky this, it would probably stay fairly near the top, especially if we cross-index all the links at the first post of each thread...

2012-03-21, 02:12 PM
Agreed, if people continue contributing, it'll continue being bumped.

I'd reccomend having a "Subsystem" category as well. This would encompass larger projects that greatly affect the way the game works and/or introduces a new supernatural system. This could include one or more base classes, but these are always dependent on their parent system. Examples would be my Magitech and Bloodline subsystems, as well as Xenoalchemy, Xenotheurgey, Kitty Magic and so on.

Barbarian MD
2012-03-21, 02:34 PM
Okay, thread for subsystems. Good idea.

When it comes to the classification system, I was thinking something like this:

Base classes and Prestige Classes:
[Ftr] = classes that count as fighter levels specifically
[BAB20] = classes that have full BAB (Barbarian)
[Melee] = primarily melee with a couple of spells or supernaturals and less than Full BAB(Monk)
[FullArc] = classes that have full arcane casting at every level (Wizard, Sorcerer)
[FullDiv] = classes that have full divine casting at every level (Cleric, Druid)
[ArcCast] = arcane casters that have potential to cast 9th level spells, but do not advance casting at every level (a lot of prestige classes will fit here)
[DivCast] = divine casters that have potential to cast 9th level spells,, but do not advance casting at every level (a lot of prestige classes will fit here)
[Gish] = less than 20 BAB, but whose spell lists do not attain 9th level spells (Ranger, Bard--basically, those that don't fit in the above)
[Incar] = incarnum classes
[Invok] = invoking classes
[Bind] = binders
[Util] = utility (Rogue, Factotum?)
[Craft] = crafting (Artificers)
[Psion] = psionic

Are there any other categories that I'm not thinking of, or should I roll some of these categories together? I want this to be as complete as possible before people start posting, so that it doesn't change mid-stream.

2012-03-21, 02:58 PM
That list looks pretty good for classes and PrCs. I think you missed Psionic casters. And how does Caster relate to FullArcane and FullDivine? Is Caster added to all classes that have one of the latter?

Barbarian MD
2012-03-21, 03:58 PM
Caster would be less than full casting. It would allow people to differentiate between those PrCs that continue full casting, and those that cause you to lose caster levels. Perhaps I should split between Divine and Arcane, though.

Good call on Psion.

EDIT: As I was editing the last post, I thought of a better way to categorize: there are arcane casters that can cast 9th level spells, and there are arcane casters whose spell lists top out below that. The ones that top out at 4th or so are typically the "Gishes", while those that top out at 9th are the "Casters." "Full" Casters advance casting at every level, while the others may skip levels in casting progression.

2012-03-22, 06:17 AM
Sounds good to me!

As youve likely seen, i have recently begun collecting base class fixes into a single thread. Feel free to link that as one of your categories if you loke.

Unfortunately you may need to find someone else willing to put together a prestige class fixes compendium

Barbarian MD
2012-03-22, 07:33 AM
Yeah, I'll include that under the table of contents as a non-compendium bonus link.

Ultimately, you're going to stop updating yours (it's happened to everyone, including me). My idea doesn't depend on any one person updating it. Anyone can contribute to the new compendium, much like the homebrewer's extended signature. Following a strict format and breaking it up into categories should help to maintain its readability.

If no further suggestions develop, I'll post the first of many threads this afternoon.

2012-03-22, 08:52 AM
Did you ever get a reply from Roland?

Barbarian MD
2012-03-22, 10:24 AM
Apparently current policy is against stickies in general. He was going to pass it along to a couple of other mods to see if it was worth an exception. I feel like once we actually get it going and prove its worth (and staying power), they might be more receptive.

Anyone with final suggestions for the Base class thread or PrC thread classification system? I'm planning on posting it around 4pm today, along with the table of contents thread and a new discussion thread (all cross-linked).