View Full Version : Ways to bolster a weak will save? (3.P)

2012-03-21, 02:59 AM
So I was just looking over my Wildshape Ranger/Master of Many Forms build. Noticed that that due to multiclassing I actually have a weaker will save than my wild cohort/animal companion*. Despite having the same wisdom bonus.

Egg. On. My. Face. x.x

So right now I'm currently looking for a cloak of resistance to shore up my saves a smidgen. While I have all the prerequisites for steadfast determination, my constitution isn't that much higher than my wisdom, at present due to some fun times when first making this character and not having gotten to an extended enough rest for any kind of significant rebuilding.

I know a protection from evil or magic circle against evil from the party cleric will at least keep me/my companion from being mind-controlled outright, so there's less worries there when we have reason to believe we'll be running into that ahead of time...

As for the rest of the party, there's a paladin of freedom, a fighter-type of unknown race and build, a bard, and a marshal in addition to myself and the cleric. Marshal's going to get rebuilt, probably, before next session, but he might just go with a Sublime Marshal/Warblade combo...

*(DM houseruled that to stack, am currently negotiating for wild cohort/urban companion, but that's beside the point)

Andion Isurand
2012-03-21, 03:33 AM
You could use character traits like Detached and Plucky to move some of your save bonuses from Fort and Reflex to Will.

2012-03-21, 03:38 AM
No excessive Charisma for Pally 2/Marshal 1/Force of Personality I suppose?

Some UMD and a high caster level wand of Conviction (SC) might help, but that also requires cha (this assumes a cleric can't just cast it on you). You probably want an item for +1 luck to saves, such as that Vagabond one in Complete Champion (see magic item merging rules in MiC if you are slot deprived).

Another intensive option would be to invest a lot in bumping your con with an item and steadfast determination anyway, but that probably won't do too much by itself. It'll do more if you stack some big +Con template on yourself Wildshape into something with lots of con, and/or dip Barbarian for Rage and its Con/Will Save bonuses.

Andion Isurand
2012-03-21, 03:39 AM
How is your intelligence?

And if you go for Steadfast Determination, you may want to couple that with the Arctic Template from Dragon 306 for +2 Con and -2 Cha at a +0 LA.

2012-03-21, 03:59 AM
No excessive Charisma for Pally 2/Marshal 1/Force of Personality I suppose?

Unfortunately not, I've got a 11 in Charisma.

Str 16
Dex 18+2
Con 14+2
Int 14
Wis 13
Cha 11

Ah, the joys of having a one-shot character outlast itself.

Some UMD and a high caster level wand of Conviction (SC) might help, but that also requires cha (this assumes a cleric can't just cast it on you). You probably want an item for +1 luck to saves, such as that Vagabond one in Complete Champion (see magic item merging rules in MiC if you are slot deprived).

I'll check that out then.

Another intensive option would be to invest a lot in bumping your con with an item and steadfast determination anyway, but that probably won't do too much by itself. It'll do more if you stack some big +Con template on yourself Wildshape into something with lots of con, and/or dip Barbarian for Rage and its Con/Will Save bonuses.

Ah. I'd forgotten that the form boosts saves, I'm so used to having to remember that the con of the form doesn't do anything with HP I must've just trained myself to ignore it completely.

2012-03-21, 04:08 AM
Consider the vest of resistance to the cloak. Same price, less used body slot. Then get the belt of magnificence +6. That's another three points to all your saves right there! :p

2012-03-21, 04:10 AM
You can play a Necropolitan and become immune to mind-effecting spells and abilities.

2012-03-21, 05:31 AM
You can play a Necropolitan and become immune to mind-effecting spells and abilities.

Unfortunately I don't believe I'd get a chance to do that properly for a good while, and I don't particularly want to go necropolitan with this character given the number of necromancers we've managed to make enemies out of compared to the number we've managed to make friendly contact with and his backstory & patron deity.

Consider the vest of resistance to the cloak. Same price, less used body slot.

I am saving up for a vestment of many styles combo'd with the handy haversack or belt of many pockets idea, so stacking on the vest would make sense from a wilding clasp standpoint....

2012-03-21, 06:30 AM
The Marshal, if he gets rebuilt right, can help the Will save considerably. (Not with the problem of your companion's being higher, though. :smalltongue:)

The MIC offers two cheap things that may help: The Crystal of Mind Cloaking and the Mind Armor enhancement. Both only work against mind-affecting, but the bonuses are rather big.

2012-03-21, 06:53 AM
So right now I'm currently looking for a cloak of resistance to shore up my saves a smidgen. While I have all the prerequisites for steadfast determination, my constitution isn't that much higher than my wisdom, at present due to some fun times when first making this character and not having gotten to an extended enough rest for any kind of significant rebuilding.

Iron Will + Cumbrous Will (Savage Species) could be interesting... +8 bonus to any Will save. Add Planar Touchstone -> Dream domain to become immune to shaken.

I know a protection from evil or magic circle against evil from the party cleric will at least keep me/my companion from being mind-controlled outright, so there's less worries there when we have reason to believe we'll be running into that ahead of time...

Shape Soulmeld: Planar Ward can give you continuous immunity to mental control, similar to protection from evil.

Magic Items:

Mindarmor property (+3000 GP, MIC) is pretty affordable, 3/day gain a +5 bonus on a Will save as an immediate action. Can be added to any armor/shield. Pairs up nicely with a Lesser Crystal of Mind Cloaking (4000 GP, MIC) for another +3 competence bonus on mind-affects.

You've got Ranger levels, so I'd highly recommend getting a Wand Chamber (Dungeonscape) + wand of instant of power (Forge of War): As an immediate action, give any ally within close range (including yourself) a +4 enhancement bonus on their next attack, save, or damage roll. 850 GP.