View Full Version : Monster skill levels

2012-03-21, 03:34 AM
The Fleshraker from MM3 has 4HD, and a Jump skill of +24.

It has a +8 racial bonus on jump, 17 str, and 2 int.

+11 of the jump total makes sense. Where on earth does the rest come from? Animals get 2+int per hit die, and even if they had a high int, the max ranks with 4HD should be 7.

That totals +18... where is the rest coming from?


2012-03-21, 04:23 AM
+3 to Jump from having 17 Strength
+7 to Jump by using all skill points
+6 racial bonus to Jump
+8 to Jump from having a speed of 50ft
+24 to Jump

SRD link to the Jump skill section (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/jump.htm). For every 10ft of movement speed a creature has above 30ft, they gain a +4 to Jump.

I'd forgotten about that bonus to Jump. It's something good to remember.

2012-03-21, 04:47 AM
+3 to Jump from having 17 Strength
+7 to Jump by using all skill points
+6 racial bonus to Jump
+8 to Jump from having a speed of 50ft
+24 to Jump

SRD link to the Jump skill section (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/jump.htm). For every 10ft of movement speed a creature has above 30ft, they gain a +4 to Jump.

I'd forgotten about that bonus to Jump. It's something good to remember.

Whoah, so assuming this fleshraker had monk class levels (i.e. this is for a player character), which increase speed, he gets an ADDITIONAL bonus to jump? Holy crap. (Right now, I'm looking at a move speed of 90, and thus a +30 to jump, not counting skill ranks or strength.)

Thanks a ton!

2012-03-21, 03:16 PM
Whoah, so assuming this fleshraker had monk class levels (i.e. this is for a player character), which increase speed, he gets an ADDITIONAL bonus to jump? Holy crap. (Right now, I'm looking at a move speed of 90, and thus a +30 to jump, not counting skill ranks or strength.)

Thanks a ton!

Monks may not be good at many things, but Jump is something they can do. An arcanist fleshraker with Expeditious Retreat is better still.

2012-03-21, 03:27 PM
Whoah, so assuming this fleshraker had monk class levels (i.e. this is for a player character), which increase speed, he gets an ADDITIONAL bonus to jump? Holy crap. (Right now, I'm looking at a move speed of 90, and thus a +30 to jump, not counting skill ranks or strength.)

Thanks a ton!

Yup. Also, if your movement speed is slower than 30ft, then you get a -6 to jump for every 10ft. That means that half the PHB races (dwarfs, gnomes, halflings) actually have a -6 penalty to jump that 95% of players probably never put onto their character sheet.

2012-03-21, 08:01 PM
... 95% of players probably never put onto their character sheet.
Thats a bit of a sweeping statement: I would expect the opposite.
Its slightly circumstantial - give that someone could cast any one of a number of spells which would cancel it.

2012-03-21, 10:35 PM
Thats a bit of a sweeping statement: I would expect the opposite.
Its slightly circumstantial - give that someone could cast any one of a number of spells which would cancel it.

You think that more than 50% of players who play a Gnome, Halfling, or Dwarf are aware that they should have a -6 penalty to all jump checks? I seriously doubt its on all of their character sheets.

It's a slightly obscure rule and jumping isn't super popular for common usage outside of Charging feat chains and Tiger Claw maneuvers.

2012-03-22, 08:35 PM
It's a slightly obscure rule and jumping isn't super popular for common usage outside of Charging feat chains and Tiger Claw maneuvers.

At least in my experience, a lot of DMs just RP stuff like jumps unless it's a really epic jump. Nobody wants to roll to jump across the 5 foot chasm :P

King Atticus
2012-03-22, 09:09 PM
Thats a bit of a sweeping statement: I would expect the opposite.
Its slightly circumstantial - give that someone could cast any one of a number of spells which would cancel it.

Actually I bet it's about right. I never realized this until I read this thread. I don't think people do it to be underhanded and cheat the game, it's just simple ignorance of a rule you actually have to look for to know your not doing it correctly.

2012-03-22, 09:11 PM
Actually I bet it's about right. I never realized this until I read this thread. I don't think people do it to be underhanded and cheat the game, it's just simple ignorance of a rule you actually have to look for to know your not doing it correctly.

I know I looked over and forgot to include it on my first dwarf character ever after reading this thread.

2012-03-23, 04:39 AM
That means that half the PHB races (dwarfs, gnomes, halflings) actually have a -6 penalty to jump that 95% of players probably never put onto their character sheet.
-4 for PHB halflings, they get a racial bonus to Jump.

Edit: okay, it's technically -6 +2, but most sheets don't have room for every single modifier. It's also so unknown a rule that Mythweavers doesn't calculate your Jump modifier based on your given speed.

2012-03-23, 02:28 PM
You think that more than 50% of players who play a Gnome, Halfling, or Dwarf are aware that they should have a -6 penalty to all jump checks? I seriously doubt its on all of their character sheets.

It's a slightly obscure rule and jumping isn't super popular for common usage outside of Charging feat chains and Tiger Claw maneuvers.

Well I'm running a game where everyone is a Dwarf, and yes all the eight players we've had were aware of this. Of course many of them took classes which gave +10' move or gave them access to Longstrider etc. but still 100% complience in my experience. This is also true in the other games I've played in. Now you are right: it doesn't come up to often, but then they do tend to avoid haveing to make jump rolls.

You are of course aware that Expeditious Retreat adds +12 to Jump, or +14 if your a Dwarf. Whilst the Jump spell only adds +10 until 5th, when you can probably cast Fly.

2012-03-23, 03:45 PM
Well I'm running a game where everyone is a Dwarf[...]

Well, yes, odds are if at least one person remembers it in a group and it becomes topical because others are playing in the same circumstances, they'd bring it up. :smalltongue: