View Full Version : [PF] Look at a Barbarian?

2012-03-21, 09:08 PM
Evain McKinney

Female Human Barbarian (Armored Hulk Archetype) 4

Lawful Good (Alignment restrictions not involving Paladins are unnessesary)

Campaign Setting and Era: Dragonlance (Pathfinder ruleset), Modern Era

Background: Evain McKinney is a young warrior who hails from the city
of Kalaman. Born to a prostitute 19 years ago, Evain was nought but an
unwanted nuisance to her mother. Fascinated at an early age by tales
of knightly exploits, she spent her childhood playing the brave
vassal, and eagerly dreamed of someday becoming a member of an order.
As a young teenager, she began training with the local milita, hoping
to gain the necessary skill at arms. A couple years later, she saw her first battle as a sellsword in government employ, and quickly proved herself an inordinately ferocious warrior, fighting with sheer ferocity more than practiced forms. This strength and courage has earned her much recognition in local military circles, and, while the Knights of Solamnia see her as a bit too wild, many individual nobles are considering sponsering her as a personal vassal. She is considering such offers at the moment, but has yet to decide which to accept.

She is a woman of average height and build, with long hazelnut hair, green eyes, and a smattering of freckles. She possesses an openly friendly demeanor, with a loud voice and a good sense of humor. Though she can be a bit of a loudmouth, she does try not to be disrespectful without a good reason, and doesn't have any major problems with authority or playing nice with others. She can, however, be a bit (or a lot) of a hothead when angered. She has a very deep and sincere desire to be helpful to people, and it sometimes gets her in over her head, though she's generally lucky, skilled, and ferocious enough to get herself back out.


Str 17
Dex 12
Con 16
Int 11
Wis 12
Cha 14

Hit Points: 53
Fort: +7
Ref: +2
Will: +2
CMB: +7
CMD: +18
BAB: +4
-Melee: +7
-Ranged: +5
AC 24
-FF 23
-Touch 11
Init: +1
Speed: 25 FT


Improved Shield Bash
Extra Rage
Power Attack

Skill Ranks:

Diplomacy 4
Intimidate 4
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 4
Knowledge (Local) 4
Sense Motive 4
Perception 4


Longsword +1
Masterwork Silver Dagger
Masterwork Light Crossbow
Heavy Steel Shield +1
Full Plate Armor +1

Rage Powers:

Reckless Abandon
Powerful Blow

Class Abilities:

Fast Movement
Rage 18 rounds/day
Armored Swiftness
Resiliance of Steel

2012-03-22, 08:55 AM
I am really no fan of powerful blow. I think even with rage cycling, lesser elemental rage is much better. But I would definately take strength surge over them both, I realise you aren't a manuever build, but it can be used defensively as well to bolster your CMD when some beast tries to grab you. And when you decide to try and sunder a holy symbol, or bullrush your way into a room, you get a nice bonus to your roll.

also, if you are going to take reckless abandon, I would fully embrace the AC loss and not go with sword and board, and instead opt for a 2hander. If you are planning to tank, then one of the defensive rage powers might be a better fit, or auspicious mark since you have a lot of rage to expend.

also, also, depending on how big an offensive force you are for your party, I would suggest taking raging deathblow over extra rage, as it will likely serve you better for the longevity of the build.