View Full Version : Some questions on the spell: Secret Chest

King Atticus
2012-03-22, 09:03 PM
Secret Chest (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/secretChest.htm)

I have a couple quick questions on this spell. This quite possibly should be evident in the spell description but it's eluding me.

1] It say in the 'Duration' line that it's 60 days or until discharged, does that mean that the first time you recall the chest the spell discharges, making it 1 time use per casting?

2] You have to have a crazy fancy chest (and a replicated mini) made for you to use with the casting of this spell. Can you use the same crazy fancy chest (and a replicated mini) for subsequent castings, or do you need a new crazy fancy chest (and a replicated mini) each time you use this spell.

3] Does time function the same in the chest as it does out of the chest? It says living things can stay in the chest if they have enough food, air, water, or whatever they need to survive. Is that something you can keep track of on the Material Plane so you can recall the truck before it dies? Seems like it could be a handy way to smuggle someone in or out of a location.

Thanks in advance, the playground never fails to impart knowledge (or at the very least a wide assortment of other random thoughts :smallwink:)

2012-03-22, 09:11 PM
1: Yes, it discharges when you call the chest back. Note that the spell provides no provision for sending the chest back without casting the spell itself again.

2: You can use the same chest and replica pair as many times as you wish, up until the point your DM decides he's tired of you and has some random Ethereal creature destroy it. Focuses are not consumed by casting the way standard Material Components are, and the chest itself is simply the target of the spell, and is just as persistent as any other object- it's just moved to the Ethereal Plane, you aren't destroying it to create an Ethereal duplicate or anything.

3: Yes, time flows normally for the contents of the chest. Again, note that you're basically just planeshifting a box and its contents; since time flows the same on the Prime Material and the Ethereal, time will affect the contents of the chest on the Ethereal just the same as it would on the Prime Material.

2012-03-22, 09:15 PM
1) Yes. You have to recast the spell each time you retrieve the chest.

2) The chest (And the replica) are focuses. That means they don't disappear like material components do, and can be used again.

3) Time passes normally on the Ethereal plane. 1 day on the material plane is still 1 day on the ethereal plane.

King Atticus
2012-03-22, 09:18 PM
Perfect, thanks for the quick responses.