View Full Version : Purposefully powerful TO build. Anybody got suggestions for feats and equipment?

2012-03-23, 02:09 PM
Okay. I'm making the strongest gestalt non-Pun-Pun build I can think of in order to solo every critter from every 3.0/3.5 supplement in the game. I've gone a long way toward that goal, but there are a few holes in the build.

He's a telepath 20 // factotum 3/marshal 1/bard 1/warshaper 1/thrallherd 1/illithid savant 3/sublime chord 2/illithid savant 7/something else 1 (I forget the last level; I've got it written down at home). He has three bloodlines (gold dragon, storm giant, and a psionic bloodline as well).

Using illithid savant I stole the erudite's ability to learn powers (but not the unique powers per day), the metamind's font of power, and the wilder's wild surge +6 mechanic (without stealing enervation!) and ACFs that trade in feats are ruled to count as feats I can steal, so I stole the mantled erudite and the convert spell-to-power ACFs, the chronotyryn's dual actions (2 full round actions each round), the choker's quickness ability (1 extra standard action each round), and a bunch more feats and skills (including four skills from a 57 HD critter :smalltongue:). He gets one feat at every odd level, as well.

It's 1 xp away from epic, and can't progress past, but it does have level 21 WBL.

I started out with an LA +1 pair of dvati twins with the Human Heritage feat, crafted a thought bottle, stored my XP cost and list of powers known, created two soul crystals of Polymorph Any Object and Metamorphosis, bought off the LA, went elan with each body (so elan twins; the DM said that I keep the dvati goodies even with the elanhood) which sent me back to level 0, Metamorphosis'd into a random animal, manifested a Maximized/Empowered Awaken (which set all my mental scores to 18+3d6*.5), used the PAO soul crystals to become a sarrukh permanently (for the physical stats and Int), then leveled back up to level 20 using the thought bottle, and summarily used the thought bottle, Extra Spell, Expanded Knowledge, and power research for literally every single pre-epic spell and psionic power in the game (including divine and arcane lists from every possible base and prestige class). Then I used Alter Self to become a spell weaver for 6 arms, then Fuse Arms for a +8 to my Str score.

I'm abusing crafting cost mitigation with Legendary Artisan and Extraordinary Artisan (both from the Eberron Campaign Setting), Magical Artisan (Extraordinary Artisan) and Mercantile Background (both from Player's Guide to Faerun), and Apprentice Craftsman (from the DMG II). I'm ALSO using dreamstained items from Hyperconscious to craft all my items at 1/4 cost, and the Psychic Bastion feat to prevent myself from actually taking Con damage. With 21st WBL and all the cost mitigation I effectively have somewhere in the realm of 16,000,000 gp to spend, and infinite xp to power it with, and I can ignore most item prereqs using the dreamstained items, so epic items are also on the table.

Most of my skills are at 50+, what with factotum 3 adding +Int to all my Str and Dex skills, and marshal 1 and Motivate Intellect giving me +Cha to all my Int skills (which includes all the Str and Dex skills, by the way), and all of it ALSO adds to my initiative, which is at +65.

My stats are Str 44, Dex 28, Con 33, Int 62, Wis 57, Cha 49, and my manifester level is 34 (without spells or powers to boost it), with the option of boosting it up to 39 with some temporary items. And I have yet to buy those power shard things from Secrets of Xen'drik (?).

I have over 900 power points normally, and I use font of power, Schism, Temporal Reiteration, and Timeless Body to maintain infinite power points and near-invulnerability, but AMFs and Disjunctions still screw me over. The tinfoil hat trick will work for the first, and I can work around the second, but it's still a real glaring problem I need to resolve.

My feats so far:
Alertness (Psicrystal)
Improved Initiative (from the Heroics spell)
Iron Will (Otyugh Hole)
Psychic Bastion (Hyperconscious) (DCFS'd out Tactile Trapsmith, from the Ironwyrm Vault)
Primordial Surge (Hyperconscious) (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
Visceral Surge (Hyperconscious) (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
Boost Construct (XPH) (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
Durable Construct (Hyperconscious) (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
Extra Music x3 (Eberron) (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
Mobile Spellcasting (CAdv) (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
??? (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
??? (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
??? (DCFS'd out feat from bloodline)
Supernatural Transformation (Psionics) (Flaw)
Linked Power (Flaw)
Psicrystal Affinity, Nimble (XPH) (Psion)
Telepathy 100' (Telepath ACF) (Psion)
Psicrystal Containment (XPH) (Psion)
Metamorphic Transfer (XPH) (Psion)
Improved Psicrystal (XPH) (Psion)
Convert Spell to Power (CPsi) (Illithid Savant)
Dungeoncrasher Fighter (Dungeonscape) (Illithid Savant)
Soulbound Weapon (Psywar ACF) (Illithid Savant)
Mantled Erudite (Erudite ACF) (Illithid Savant)
Able Learner (Races of Destiny) (1st)
Inquisitor (XPH) (3rd)
Mindsight (LoM) (5th)
Psionic Meditation (XPH) (7th)
Darkstalker (LoM) (9th)
Flyby Attack (MM I) (11th)
Invisible Spell (Dungeonscape) (13th)
Supernatural Transformation (Font of Power) (15th)
Shape Soulmeld (Phase Cloak) (MoI) (17th)
Reserves of Strength (Dragonlance Campaign Setting) (19th)

Psicrystal Feats
Quicken Power
Burrowing Power
Empower Power
Twin Power
Life Sense (Lords of Madness)
Chain Power
Split Psionic Ray
Delay Power
Transdimensional Power
Maximize Power
[epic, 21st level] Permanent Emanation
Martial Study (White Raven Tactics) (the Heroics Spell)


I have a ton of feats, but I'm missing a few, and that (and the Disjunction/AMF issue) are the things I want some help with.

Also, what emanation spell should I get on my psicrystal for its 21st level feat? That's why I took Improved Psicrystal, after all. :smalltongue:

2012-03-23, 03:08 PM
Note that you will need some direct damage powers to kill deities as they are flat out immune to just about everything else.

2012-03-23, 03:15 PM
Note that you will need some direct damage powers to kill deities as they are flat out immune to just about everything else.I already have every non-epic power and spell in the game. THAT'S taken care of, at least.

2012-03-23, 03:15 PM
Also, what emanation spell should I get on my psicrystal for its 21st level feat? That's why I took Improved Psicrystal, after all. :smalltongue:
Greater Consumptive Field. Stroll through a forest or a few villages, and then have fun with your psicrystal's world-shattering strength and absurd temp hp.

2012-03-23, 03:25 PM
Greater Consumptive Field. Stroll through a forest or a few villages, and then have fun with your psicrystal's world-shattering strength and absurd temp hp.I'd considered that, but I have to be careful, since part of the point of the game is to prevent collateral damage to all the innocent sources of temp hp bystanders floating around. Basically it's "the real world is being invaded by another campaign world; you came across an artifact that gave you the powers you wrote on your sheet. It's time to make or break the world." My boyfriend will be my thrall (willing, I assure you!).

I wouldn't want to kill any non-hostile NPCs, though I do plan on taking over the world at some point, for the lulz.

Also, I have a number of items already, which I plan on stacking the hell out of, including an animated epic spell reflection shield, a torc of power preservation, an epic ring of the psion (for 147 extra pp) and 20 power shards, but does anyone have any additional item suggestions? I REALLY want to become immune to AMFs and Disjunction, but they're not targeted, and so my spell reflection shield does nothing on them.

[edit] I've figured out that the best way to avoid AMFs and Disjunctions is to just have a few Contingent Synchronicities and Celerities on at all times. Then I can have them be multipurpose, and can just get an extra action when I need it to manifest anything that might help, such as Dimension Door, Teleport, Empowered/Maximized Dispel Psionics, or a massive direct damage bomb.

[edit] And I forgot to say that I also stole the wilder's wild surge class feature without stealing enervation, as well. +6 ML for everyone me!

2012-03-26, 07:30 PM
Anybody know of any ways to add AC bonuses to armor above and beyond the standard +5 enhancement bonus? I'm looking into boosting gnomish twistcloth WAAAAY high for cheap for the touch AC bonus, but I'm not sure what resources are available for boosting the regular AC bonus on armor. So long as it's magical I can UMD it to get it to work without wasting a feat. I'd use a monk's belt (given my insane Wis score), but I'm using some kickarse dastana bracers and an awesome shield.

[edit] Also, check the Ranged shield property in the MIC. Ranged touch attack that ignores deflection bonuses, Shield of Chaos, and similar.

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-26, 07:57 PM
You might want to steal my build from here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12959325&postcount=115), or at least large parts of it.

It's how to kill a god without house rules or DM adjudication, and just incidentally it happens to be utterly immune to all harm, have every ability in the game, and have most anything you can think of that is useful and can be created as an Epic spell as an Ex ability.

Demon of Death
2012-03-26, 08:45 PM
...Metamorphosis'd into a random animal, manifested a Maximized/Empowered Awaken (which set all my mental scores to 18+3d6*.5)

Awaken does this for animals.

An awakened animal gets 3d6 Intelligence, +1d3 Charisma, and +2 HD.

An awakened tree has characteristics as if it were an animated object, except that it gains the plant type and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are each 3d6.
If you had used a tree, then you get those stats for mental.

Assuming I didn't miss something and I read that as you using only Awaken to get those mental stats.

Otherwise, a very nice idea on that, hadn't thought of it for stats.

Edit:If you had used Metamorphosis to turn into a construct, like a warforged, then used Awaken Construct (SpC) then you would have 18+3d6*.5 mental stats.

2012-03-27, 11:48 AM
Awaken does this for animals.

If you had used a tree, then you get those stats for mental.

Assuming I didn't miss something and I read that as you using only Awaken to get those mental stats.You're right. That's pretty much what I was thinking. D'oh! I'd actually gone over that and made a note (on a piece of paper I don't have with me at the moment) to turn into a non-creature plant via Metamorphosis (which is totally doable since plants are considered objects).

Otherwise, a very nice idea on that, hadn't thought of it for stats.

Edit:If you had used Metamorphosis to turn into a construct, like a warforged, then used Awaken Construct (SpC) then you would have 18+3d6*.5 mental stats.It's the same basic thing, yes.

You might want to steal my build from here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12959325&postcount=115), or at least large parts of it.

It's how to kill a god without house rules or DM adjudication, and just incidentally it happens to be utterly immune to all harm, have every ability in the game, and have most anything you can think of that is useful and can be created as an Epic spell as an Ex ability.Actually you don't need an epic feat for your ice assassin scheme to work, since regular ol' Eschew Materials gets rid of the creature corpuscular component (and with my build being a StP erudite, I can sub out the diamond for 2 pp instead of 20k gp).

Not sure where aleaxes are from, though. Elucidate me, por favor? I'd have to see the Singular Enemy ability to get the full scale of the trick, though I suspect it has something to do with "only killable by a single creature," with that creature being one that can't actually hurt you. However, Ice Assassin does specify that it cannot grow in experience, meaning you'd be castrating further advancement (though that's pretty well mitigated by the fact that you can advance at will).

Regardless, I'm fairly happy with what I have thus far, though some additional equipment advice would certainly come in handy. After all, I can already go Pun Pun if it's not ruled out, so I can already unleash Ultimate Cosmic Power if it's possible; though having everything be Ex would certainly make avoiding Disjunctions and AMFs easier, and relying on being an aleax would make it nice for not-dying purposes. (Though are they immortal? Gotta be immortal.)

Oh, and I remember what that last level was. I took the changeling rogue ACF at first level for a boatload of skill points (and can qualify due to the whole, "can be whatever whenever due to Metamorphosis etc" and the fact that, if I start out at 0 level after becoming dvati-elan and use a Soul Crystal, I can PAO myself into a sarrukh for the 30 Intelligence (plus other accrued bonuses), Metamorph one body into a changeling, use the thought bottle, take a few levels, Metamorph the other body into an illithid, become a savant, grab the goodies, and go. I forgot about that level of changeling rogue; my apologies.

And I decided the feats would be Sanctum Spell (and an acorn of far travel for +1 ML), Earth Sense (as a prereq), and Earth Power (for -1 pp's savings per manifestation, which amounts to [about half of] +1 ML). With all said and done I can now spend 38 pp on my standard manifestations and can give some major boostage up to 76 pp in augmentation a handful of times per day (it's awesome having two bodies to implant quori power link shards into). At gestalt level 20.

2012-03-27, 12:10 PM
This is based on that thread you made about being a gestalt D&D character you made?

The Aleax is here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20030914a). Tippy is getting two different versions of the Singular Enemy ability to be immune to absolutely everything.

I did this with Initiate of Mystra so I could cover myself in AMFs to make the chance of a Disjunction getting through quite low. You should look at Dweomer of Transference (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/spells/dweomerOfTransference.htm) to make yourself immune to any spell that would effect you and turn them into PP.

2012-03-27, 12:32 PM
This is based on that thread you made about being a gestalt D&D character you made?Yup.

The Aleax is here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20030914a). Tippy is getting two different versions of the Singular Enemy ability to be immune to absolutely everything. Ah. Thanks. Yeah, that looks like a fun "no" button. Why does Wizards make so many things in the game so abusable? Why?

I did this with Initiate of Mystra so I could cover myself in AMFs to make the chance of a Disjunction getting through quite low. You should look at Dweomer of Transference (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/spells/dweomerOfTransference.htm) to make yourself immune to any spell that would effect you and turn them into PP.Ah. Well, IoM must have cleric levels. I don't have cleric levels.

I'll just go after a tinfoil hat or five. So I'll wear five hats. I've seen worse.

Anybody got a way to overcome a dead magic zone or a no magic plane? Other than the Ex trick described by Tippy, that is. (Thanks Tippy!)

Also, what would be fun to do IRL if you could do so? I've already got huge skills (Kn: Technology is maxed, my social skills are golden, and I've got tons of divination and mind-affecting stuff). But what magic items would be just ****ING COOL to have? I have so much crafting money it's ridiculous, so I might as well spend it. I can make *real* money in all sorts of ways later, and magic items are rather difficult to acquire in the "RL" campaign world, so I'll either be crafting them or scavenging them from the invading hordes. So crafting it is! Remember, I have effectively 16,000,000 gp (after cost reductions), infinite XP for crafting (in chunks of ~11,000 xp), and I can ignore item crafting prereqs (as per Dreamstained items).

So... What kickarse things should I make myself?

[edit] And Dweomer of Transference looks like a better way to become immune to Disjunction. Yeehaw!

2012-03-28, 05:46 AM
OK, I've been reading these boards for years now, and I've seen "TO build" bandied about, but I've never actually heard it defined and I can't find it in the "Common Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms" thread, so what does it mean? The best I can come up with in this situation is "Totally Overkill". Anybody?

2012-03-28, 06:50 AM
OK, I've been reading these boards for years now, and I've seen "TO build" bandied about, but I've never actually heard it defined and I can't find it in the "Common Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms" thread, so what does it mean? The best I can come up with in this situation is "Totally Overkill". Anybody?

Theoretical optimization.

2012-03-28, 06:58 AM
OK, I've been reading these boards for years now, and I've seen "TO build" bandied about, but I've never actually heard it defined and I can't find it in the "Common Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms" thread, so what does it mean? The best I can come up with in this situation is "Totally Overkill". Anybody?
TO = Theoretical Optimization. TO builds typically involve exploiting RAW with a complete disregard for likely DM rulings and suitability for actual play. The goal of TO is to figure out what is theoretically possible within the rules of the game. If a TO exercise produces a level 1 character capable of bitch slapping gods and literally rewriting entire campaign settings on a whim, then that's just an unusually extreme success and is completely valid. That it requires a supremely unlikely combination of 17 close ancestors, 3 specific distinct wizard experiments on the character soon after birth, and a convoluted scheme involving several dubious but possible rules interpretations is all irrelevant, as is the fact that it would make almost any game no fun to play because it could automatically overcome any challenge presented to it.

This is contrasted with Practical Optimization, where the point is to produce something that, while powerful, would be reasonable to actually play in a typical game.

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-28, 07:02 AM
[edit] And Dweomer of Transference looks like a better way to become immune to Disjunction. Yeehaw!

The best way to do that is using the Epic Ward seed to create a personal ward against Disjunction (probably should throw on AMF and every other dispel magic or variant around), push the CL level to resist dispels pretty much as high as you can get it. The second step is, of course, to turn it into an Ex ability on and Origin of the Species creation and then eat it's brain. If Illithid Savant isn't in play then your best bet is creating a single create with all such spells and abilities that you want, engineering it to be perfectly loyal to you, giving it the ability to reproduce by budding in 6 seconds or so, create one, Ice Assassin an Aleax of it, and then have the Ice Assassin True Mind Switch with you.

2012-03-28, 07:26 AM
Totally overkill is a pretty good acronym, though.

2012-03-28, 10:51 AM
The best way to do that is using the Epic Ward seed to create a personal ward against Disjunction (probably should throw on AMF and every other dispel magic or variant around), push the CL level to resist dispels pretty much as high as you can get it. The second step is, of course, to turn it into an Ex ability on and Origin of the Species creation and then eat it's brain. If Illithid Savant isn't in play then your best bet is creating a single create with all such spells and abilities that you want, engineering it to be perfectly loyal to you, giving it the ability to reproduce by budding in 6 seconds or so, create one, Ice Assassin an Aleax of it, and then have the Ice Assassin True Mind Switch with you.No epic allowed directly on my character. The only reason I have an epic psicrystal feat is due to Improved Psicrystal.

2012-03-28, 11:14 AM
Thanks so much for the definitions; that one has been driving me crazy, and do you know how hard it is to do a search for "TO"???

2012-03-28, 11:32 AM
No Beholder Mage or Ur-Priest?
If you are Chaos Shuffling you have ever feat ever (except for creation feats). You should ask your DM if you can double PrC, its non-standard Gestalt but if you are TOing then why not. Also Wish as a spell like ability via Dweomkeeper is awesome. You might be able to get into Iniaite of Mystra through Ur-Priest (if you are stealing her power mostly). 1 Dip in Pious Templar gives Mettle, 2 feats from Incarnum give you Evasion (though it is dispel-able, both are quite useful (maybe not against random monsters) due to it making your Saves actual Saves (except against You Lose; Seriously You Lose spells).
If you have infinite XP you have infinite wealth due to wishes.
If you have infinite wealth and infinite XP you have all effect on you as continuous effect via unslotted items, they can be rings that line your ribs for all RAW cares about.
Make sure everything is either Dragonhide or that metal from Stronghold builder's guide.
You can't level past 21 but can you apply templates? There are plenty of fun aquired templates. Or you could Polymorph Any Object a rock into a Half Fiend Half blue dragon half black dragon half red dragon... Winged Half Minotaur Troll corpse, revive it and True Mind swap with it. Or what ever.
That's all that comes off the top of my head.

What does Marshal 1 get you? I see why but is it worth it?
Why does he only have 3 Bloodlines? I mean he has infinite XP.

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-28, 11:42 AM
No Beholder Mage or Ur-Priest?
If you are Chaos Shuffling you have ever feat ever (except for creation feats). You should ask your DM if you can double PrC, its non-standard Gestalt but if you are TOing then why not. Also Wish as a spell like ability via Dweomkeeper is awesome. You might be able to get into Iniaite of Mystra through Ur-Priest (if you are stealing her power mostly). 1 Dip in Pious Templar gives Mettle, 2 feats from Incarnum give you Evasion (though it is dispel-able, both are quite useful (maybe not against random monsters) due to it making your Saves actual Saves (except against You Lose; Seriously You Lose spells).
If you have infinite XP you have infinite wealth due to wishes.
If you have infinite wealth and infinite XP you have all effect on you as continuous effect via unslotted items, they can be rings that line your ribs for all RAW cares about.
Make sure everything is either Dragonhide or that metal from Stronghold builder's guide.
You can't level past 21 but can you apply templates? There are plenty of fun aquired templates. Or you could Polymorph Any Object a rock into a Half Fiend Half blue dragon half black dragon half red dragon... Winged Half Minotaur Troll corpse, revive it and True Mind swap with it. Or what ever.
That's all that comes off the top of my head.

What does Marshal 1 get you?
Why does he only have 3 Bloodlines? I mean he has infinite XP.
He has 10 levels of Illithid Savant, none of that matters.

Thanks to Eating a Solar he has 1/day Wish as an SLA. Thanks to Eating an Elder Phaerimm he can cast as a 19th level Sorcerer with all those spells being cast as SLA's. Thanks to Eating a Solar he casts as a level 20 Cleric. Etc.

He is an Illithid Savant, if he feels like it and any class or monster has the ability, he has it now.

2012-03-28, 11:48 AM
No Beholder Mage or Ur-Priest?I'm using illithid savant. That's insanely powerful as is.

If you are Chaos Shuffling you have ever feat ever (except for creation feats).In this game any DCFS'd temporary feat goes away when it would otherwise, and there aren't that many ways to get extra permanent feats.

You should ask your DM if you can double PrC, its non-standard Gestalt but if you are TOing then why not.No double PrCing allowed, I'm afraid. This is mostly RAW with a few minor houserules (which don't include double-PrCs).

Also Wish as a spell like ability via Dweomkeeper is awesome. You might be able to get into Iniaite of Mystra through Ur-Priest (if you are stealing her power mostly). 1 Dip in Pious Templar gives Mettle, 2 feats from Incarnum give you Evasion (though it is dispel-able, both are quite useful (maybe not against random monsters) due to it making your Saves actual Saves (except against You Lose; Seriously You Lose spells).I'm already using the build above, and it allows me to get the best thing about the metamind (which leads to infinite Font of Power, for infinite power points) already. And with psion nova shenanigans I should be able to kill any and everything with an immediate action.

If you have infinite XP you have infinite wealth due to wishes.That's no fun. I already have 16,000,000 gp, which is already almost more than I can spend, even on epic items (as most epic items just aren't worth it when you can have every single 9th level and below spell and power in the whole game running infinitely already). Even with 2 dvati-elan bodies to equip.

If you have infinite wealth and infinite XP you have all effect on you as continuous effect via unslotted items, they can be rings that line your ribs for all RAW cares about.There is that, but it's also nice to have some limits, because I like to have some sort of a mild challenge, even if it's "Which items do I get?"

Make sure everything is either Dragonhide or that metal from Stronghold builder's guide.
You can't level past 21 but can you apply templates? There are plenty of fun aquired templates. Or you could Polymorph Any Object a rock into a Half Fiend Half blue dragon half black dragon half red dragon... Winged Half Minotaur Troll corpse, revive it and True Mind swap with it. Or what ever.
That's all that comes off the top of my head.I can apply templates if I can get them added on later (see below).

What does Marshal 1 get you?I have factotum 3, which grants me Int to all Str and Dex skills and checks, turning them into Int skills and checks as well. Marshal 1 (with Motivate Intellect) grants me +Cha to all Int skills and checks. That way I gain +Cha to everything but Con and Wis checks and skills. There are some things skills can do that spells and powers can't, and I've got 5 skill points or more in EVERY skill in the game (other than all the Craft, Perform, and Profession skills, which there are a potentially infinite number of).

Why does he only have 3 Bloodlines? I mean he has infinite XP.He only has infinite XP for crafting because of the thought bottle. LA buyoff burns xp used to level before I store my XP total in the thought bottle, and as such take up xp before the thought bottle comes into the equation (and so can't be regained until I kill stuff later). Plus, every template in the game gets a bit monotonous. I'd have to spend days writing it all down.

2012-03-28, 11:52 AM
He has 10 levels of Illithid Savant, none of that matters.

Thanks to Eating a Solar he has 1/day Wish as an SLA. Thanks to Eating an Elder Phaerimm he can cast as a 19th level Sorcerer with all those spells being cast as SLA's. Thanks to Eating a Solar he casts as a level 20 Cleric. Etc.

He is an Illithid Savant, if he feels like it and any class or monster has the ability, he has it now.Actually, I used magic mantle, Extra Spell, Expanded Knowledge, Psychic Chirurgery (and my thrall) and research to get every single non-epic spell and power in the whole game from every single list, and I have infinite power points to fuel them due to Font of Power and Temporal Reiteration, and am using a thought bottle to get all the xp I need for casting Wish and such. I don't need to eat all those spellcasters to get all those abilities. I also ate some erudites to get their ACFs and ability to gain powers known (but not the UPPD limitation) to put on a psion (not to mention a 20th level wilder for the +6 ML for wild surge -- but not enervation).

So I'm good on those, really.

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-28, 11:57 AM
In this game any DCFS'd temporary feat goes away when it would otherwise, and there aren't that many ways to get extra permanent feats.
IS lets you steal feats that you can then Chaos Shuffle into things that you want. It's a bit slower than you might want but it gets you every feat that you want and exists. Including things like a hundred copies of Font of Inspiration, five hundred copies of Psionic Talent, etc. Oh yeah, and grab 1,440 copies of Font of Power for unlimited PP without having to use tricks.

2012-03-28, 12:03 PM
IS lets you steal feats that you can then Chaos Shuffle into things that you want. It's a bit slower than you might want but it gets you every feat that you want and exists. Including things like a hundred copies of Font of Inspiration, five hundred copies of Psionic Talent, etc. Oh yeah, and grab 1,440 copies of Font of Power for unlimited PP without having to use tricks.You can only eat a limited number of feats, racial abilities, and class abilities, and in this case the ruling is that eating another illithid savant only gets you one use of the "eat and get stuff" abilities.

No dice there, I'm afraid.

2012-03-28, 12:09 PM
Yeah Illithad Servant is something I'm not familiar with and why I don't really know the power of this build or some of the stuff happening. I'm away from my books so I'll look at it when I'm home, what book is it in just as a quick question.

Also why is no infinite money a negative thing. I mean really? Really? I'd understand if this wasn't a TO thread. And if you weren't using Wish for other things.

Edit: Oh and Iron Will isn't Temporary. Just shuffle that away. And then go get it the same way.

2012-03-28, 12:15 PM
Yeah Illithad Servant is something I'm not familiar with and why I don't really know the power of this build or some of the stuff happening. I'm away from my books so I'll look at it when I'm home, what book is it in just as a quick question.Illithid savant is in Savage Species, and lets you eat other creatures' brains to get their class abilities, skills, feats, and racial abilities. It basically lets you get damned near anything.

Also why is no infinite money a negative thing. I mean really? Really? I'd understand if this wasn't a TO thread.A lot of it's for bookkeeping. Do you have any idea how much you can buy for 16,000,000 gp? And most of the epic stuff is crap, so I'm not bothering (everything else is really inexpensive, comparatively).

Dreamstained items cost 1/4 their normal price, so I can get a number of epic items for MUCH cheaper, since the base (Dreamstained) item is 1/10 the normal cost if the regular base item doesn't cost 800k or more (since anything over 200k is x10 on the price, which means the base item has to cost 8,000,000 gp or be a +6 or better bonus on a weapon or armor, or otherwise be on the list of epic item qualifiers to be epic -- and thus x10 on the price). So with the TO "cheats" it has to cost MORE THAN 8,000,000 gp or I can reduce it to 1/40th cost, if it's otherwise an epic item. And then further reduce it with crafting. Does that make sense?

It's sickening, really.

Edit: Oh and Iron Will isn't Temporary. Just shuffle that away.But you can only visit the Otyugh Hole once, so you only get Iron Will once (even if you shuffle it out).

2012-03-28, 12:39 PM
Illithid savant is in Savage Species, and lets you eat other creatures' brains to get their class abilities, skills, feats, and racial abilities. It basically lets you get damned near anything.

A lot of it's for bookkeeping. Do you have any idea how much you can buy for 16,000,000 gp?

But you can only visit the Otyugh Hole once, so you only get Iron Will once (even if you shuffle it out).

Wait you can only Hole once? I'll have to look that one up too. That makes it a lot more reasonable as a thing.

And its easy to spend GP. (This sounds complicated but isn't)
1: Make a spread sheet. Make Column A be the name of the spell that gives a buff, Column B will be the function, Column C will be the CL, Column D is the Spell Level, Column E is filled with 2000, Column F is the multiplier for the duration cost, Column G is 1.5 if its the second ability on the item 1 if its the first ability, Column H is 1 if it has an affinity to the slot 1.5 if it doesn't 2 if its unslotted, Column I is the cost of the material if it has any * 100 (I think its 100). Then Column B is =SUM(PRODUCT(CX:HX):IX) where X is the row number. If the ability you want on an item is from a magic item then make Column D (that's what I used) its cost and the other column 1 (or zero for material) unless its the second item where you change Column G.
2: Start googling things like "3.5 DMM Cleric Spells" or "3.5 Persist Spells" or something like that or make a thread here. Or look through the spell Compendium, PHB 1 & 2, and some of your favorite splat books.
3: Fill in the Spread sheet with all those abilities.
4: Max a cell in your spread sheet that sums all the numbers in Column B.
5: Keep finding things to put in your list till you reach your goal.

I've spent 2 Million before it didn't take long at all. In fact I had to cut several things.
I'd also personally add in Crusader 1 so you can have a good recovery method and start applying that item's ability from Tome of Battle that gives you maneuvers.
Then you have things you want to cast multiple times a day but don't want to burn your PP/Spells on so make rings of those.

2012-03-28, 12:45 PM
That's pretty much what I'm doing. Thing is, I have all those spells and powers and those obviate a lot of the items I would normally get (why get +5 soulfire armor if you can use Magic Vestment and Death Ward more or less permanently?).

There are a LOT of items I just don't need, and so I have to pick through everything and compare it to what I already get by default.

Also see the edit to my previous post above.

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-28, 12:48 PM
Why get any of it when you can eat an Aleax (or Gate+True Mind Switch with one) and be out right immune to harm?

Do that and you eliminate the need for all kinds of buffs and items.

2012-03-28, 12:53 PM
Why get any of it when you can eat an Aleax (or Gate+True Mind Switch with one) and be out right immune to harm?

Do that and you eliminate the need for all kinds of buffs and items.Well, I didn't even know about them until yesterday. Plus I'm not sure if turning myself into a dispellable magic effect would be a good idea.

Though given I could potentially get Ex manifesting and casting...I guess it could work. Any way to Disjoin an Ex effect?

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-28, 12:56 PM
Well, I didn't even know about them until yesterday. Plus I'm not sure if turning myself into a dispellable magic effect would be a good idea.

Though given I could potentially get Ex manifesting and casting...I guess it could work. Any way to Disjoin an Ex effect?

Where are you getting the idea that it's something that can be dispelled? An Ice Assassin Aleax with you as it's Singular Enemy and then eating it's brain gives you Singular Enemy (you) as an Ex ability. A True Mind Switch with a Gated Aleax Psion (Telepath) just drops you wherever the Aleax came from when Gate ends and then you plane shift back to your starting location.

Nothing that can be dispelled.

2012-03-28, 01:03 PM
Where are you getting the idea that it's something that can be dispelled? An Ice Assassin Aleax with you as it's Singular Enemy and then eating it's brain gives you Singular Enemy (you) as an Ex ability. A True Mind Switch with a Gated Aleax Psion (Telepath) just drops you wherever the Aleax came from when Gate ends and then you plane shift back to your starting location.

Nothing that can be dispelled.It's the effect of a spell. It's not an instantaneous Creation effect, it's illusion, so it should be dispellable.

I think, anyway.

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-28, 01:07 PM
It's the effect of a spell. It's not an instantaneous Creation effect, it's illusion, so it should be dispellable.

I think, anyway.
No, 1) Ice Assassin isn't dispellable as it is an Instantaneous effect. 2) Even if it was that wouldn't matter for you having the Ex ability. 3) Singular Enemy would prevent a dispel or disjunction from stripping the ability from you even if you ruled that it was possible to loose abilities that way (as that would be a harmful effect and thus blocked).

2012-03-28, 01:15 PM
No, 1) Ice Assassin isn't dispellable as it is an Instantaneous effect. 2) Even if it was that wouldn't matter for you having the Ex ability. 3) Singular Enemy would prevent a dispel or disjunction from stripping the ability from you even if you ruled that it was possible to loose abilities that way (as that would be a harmful effect and thus blocked).The only places in the SRD I can see that say that instantaneous spells can't be dispelled is under [Calling] and [Creation] spells. Though being Ex does rather nip that in the bud.

Also, wouldn't the Disjunction target the spell holding the aleax together, which would be separate from Singular Enemy?

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-28, 01:18 PM
The only places in the SRD I can see that say that instantaneous spells can't be dispelled is under [Calling] and [Creation] spells. Though being Ex does rather nip that in the bud.
Instantaneous effects can not be dispelled, there is no magic sustaining them to be dispelled.

Also, wouldn't the Disjunction target the spell holding the aleax together, which would be separate from Singular Enemy?
Under which definition would you rule the ending of the Aleax as not being harmful to it?

2012-03-28, 01:26 PM
Instantaneous effects can not be dispelled, there is no magic sustaining them to be dispelled.Alright, but it'd be nice to find a quote, just to make sure. As I said, I couldn't find anything in the SRD.

Under which definition would you rule the ending of the Aleax as not being harmful to it?Well, it's not affecting the aleax, but the Ice Assassin spell...that just happens to be holding the aleax together.

Is it pronounced Ale-Axe? Because I think bloodthirsty (or just regular thirsty) dwarves might end up hunting me...

2012-03-28, 02:05 PM
Alright, but it'd be nice to find a quote, just to make sure. As I said, I couldn't find anything in the SRD.

Well, it's not affecting the aleax, but the Ice Assassin spell...that just happens to be holding the aleax together.

Is it pronounced Ale-Axe? Because I think bloodthirsty (or just regular thirsty) dwarves might end up hunting me...
The spell is part of the aleax.

Also: Duration of spells. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#duration)

The spell energy comes and goes the instant the spell is cast, though the consequences might be long-lasting.

You can only eat a limited number of feats, racial abilities, and class abilities, and in this case the ruling is that eating another illithid savant only gets you one use of the "eat and get stuff" abilities.

No dice there, I'm afraid.
... What, this doesn't scream "raise your own illithid savants" to you?

2012-03-28, 02:11 PM
The spell is part of the aleax.The aleax is the spell, but is the spell the aleax?

Also: Duration of spells. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#duration)Not exactly clear-cut, though I did see it.

... What, this doesn't scream "raise your own illithid savants" to you?You use a use of your Consume-a-Brain ability to gain a use of someone else's Consume-a-Brain ability. It's zero-sum. Though you could eat a class ability to gain a racial ability or a skill.

Emperor Tippy
2012-03-28, 02:27 PM
You use a use of your Consume-a-Brain ability to gain a use of someone else's Consume-a-Brain ability. It's zero-sum. Though you could eat a class ability to gain a racial ability or a skill.
Except by RAW you gain all unused uses of the IS's Consume-a-Brain ability. It's one ability with a given number of uses, not multiple separate abilities.

2012-03-28, 03:06 PM
Except by RAW you gain all unused uses of the IS's Consume-a-Brain ability. It's one ability with a given number of uses, not multiple separate abilities.
His DM has ruled otherwise. See post 24 of this thread.

2012-03-28, 04:32 PM
The aleax is the spell, but is the spell the aleax?

Not exactly clear-cut, though I did see it.

You use a use of your Consume-a-Brain ability to gain a use of someone else's Consume-a-Brain ability. It's zero-sum. Though you could eat a class ability to gain a racial ability or a skill.
The spell is the aleax.
Aleax = Ice Assassin
Aleax = Impervious to harm
Therefore, Ice Assassin = Impervious to harm
Which is, of course, irrelevant, because:

From Dispel Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/dispelMagic.htm):

A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired.
The duration of an instantaneous spell has already ended once it has been cast.

I misunderstood what you said, and thought your DM had ruled that you get another use of each ability-gaining feature.
Hm... Is this worth getting into Sarrukh shenanigans?

2012-03-28, 05:43 PM
Heh. It's totally 3rd party, but I'm going to use a Wish to gain the Lust Creature template, from Encyclopedia Arcane: Nymphology. The DM agrees with me that it'll be hilarious to activate the aura of lust in the group of enemies and force them to engage in non-combat activities instead of killing bystanders, and with a moderate DC of 41 on a Will save, not many critters will be able to avoid it. It uses the rules from Savage Species for gaining templates. The Spellcraft DC for gaining each ability with a 100% success rate is essentially 40, but since I have a Spellcraft score of +126, that shouldn't be particularly difficult.

Outsider type, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Cha, the lust subtype (whatever that is; it's never explained), and a supernatural aura that...err..."disables" every living creature within 30' that fails its Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha, or DC 41 for me so far).

It even has out-of-combat applications!

2012-04-03, 05:06 PM
Okay. I've got a lot of stuff down, as I've been searching through my books and jotting down anything useful for someone who is nearly impossible to hurt directly.

I've got a TON of stuff, but I still have the equivalent of roughly 5 million gp left, after equipping myself and my thrallherd believers. Do you guys know of any items that would be awesome to have? Not specifically for the mechanical benefits during a fight or what have you, but stuff that you'd love to have IRL for whatever reason. Like, there's this gem called the kiira n'vaelahr in The Player's Guide to Faerun that allows you to store up to 10 hours of memories for replay later, and you can even store thoughts and emotions and physical feelings -- kind of like a full-body TIVO. Which is awesome. And weirdstones. And extradimensional anchors.

Anyone know of any other cool stuff like that? Remember that I can combine stuff for more awesome, too, especially if the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Morph Bark
2012-04-03, 05:43 PM
You seem to have forgotten that you get feats every 3 levels, not every 2 levels.

2012-04-03, 05:45 PM
You seem to have forgotten that you get feats every 3 levels, not every 2 levels.It's a Houserule.

[edit] And I'm switching over to society mind (from Untapped Potential). I get unlimited telepathy (throughout the planes), which is a LOT better than the 100' telepath would give me, and a lot of other goodies as well, and all I give up is Int-based manifesting (for Wis, which is very nearly as high) and the psion bonus feats. And with all the feats I'm DCFS'ing off of items, this really isn't a huge deal so long as I keep the items on all the time.

Also, I've figured I can use Sequester to make most of my items invisible, then use the Ghostform spell to make myself and all of my items incorporeal. So long as I have Improved Unarmed Strike (and I'm trading in that level of warshaper for unarmed swordsage) and a necklace of natural weaponry with the ghost touch property, my body can be corporeal while my magic equipment is incorporeal (and invisible), while still being wearable. It protects my investment from damage, makes it so I can wear it all 24/7 without having to EVER take it off, and it doesn't look or feel like I'm wearing anything. I just put on a mundane, corporeal shirt and pants and shoes and such, and be about my business. That way nobody can tell I'm wearing anything Dispellable or Disjunctionable (and I have Clasps of Safeguarding, which protect my items from Disjunction so long as I only fail my Will saves on a nat 1 - and with a +155 Will save, I probably won't fail under normal circumstances).