View Full Version : Divine Spell Power

2012-03-23, 04:52 PM
So, I enjoy playing divine casters.

I have also never used turn undead for anything but fueling divine feats and metamagic. However, I have played alot of DMM and want a change (as well as seeing it banned far too often). So while skiming through my copy of CD for the umpteenth time, I looked at a feat I have never really had room for. Divine Spell Power. It looks like it can give you between -4 to +4 on CL and it is trivially easy to ensure that you never take penalties.

But then I got to thinking, is there any way to go above that +4 CL from this feat alone? I want to drop holy words like nobody's business without relying on bizarre PrC wording or items (at least not to much on items) so via feats, feats and mostly feats (ok, and PrCs and ACFs and traits, fine) how can I go about pumping my CL into the stratosphere?

2012-03-23, 05:01 PM
When I had a Cleric with that feat, he used Improved Turning to count as one level higher to start with. I'm not sure it's RAW legal, however.

Consumptive Field helps your CL, but that's quite evil.

2012-03-23, 05:12 PM
If you're going to abuse Divine Spell power you'll need to crank your turning check up into the stratosphere. What level are you?

In order to max it out, here's a starting (but not exhaustive) list:

Crank your charisma up as high as you can. If you can get it to 18, there's a +4 right there.
Get an admiral's bicorn. That's another +5, for a net +9.
The sacred shield from BoED gives another +2, for a net +11.
The glory domain increases it another +2, for a net +13
There's a synergy bonus for having high ranks in Knowledge (Religion), which grants another +2, for a net +15.
Casting consecrate gives another +3 to turning checks (according to Libris Mortis) for a net +18.

You can replace the bicorn with a circlet of persuasion, which only provides a +3 instead of a +5.

From my Mailcleric thread http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=237159

2012-03-23, 05:28 PM
From my Mailcleric thread http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=237159

It seems that those boost the check, but SRD lists a roll of 22 or higher as a flat +4. I'll look into more of them given time to see if they remove the cap

2012-03-23, 05:46 PM
It seems that those boost the check, but SRD lists a roll of 22 or higher as a flat +4. I'll look into more of them given time to see if they remove the cap

Yeah, I pointed it out to the person who made the list. Idk if they changed it, but +4 from a single feat is nasty.

2012-03-23, 05:58 PM
You could try going something like Cleric 5/ Morninglord 1/ Radiant Servant 5/ Morninglord 9, and use your Turn Undead ability to actually turn undead. Get a Phylactery of Undead Turning, Rod of Defiance, Scepter of the Netherworld, Ephod of Authority, etc. with the Glory domain via Radiant Servant, and your Greater Turning is pretty much guaranteed to outright destroy any undead you'll ever encounter.