View Full Version : [PF] Vivisectionist + Black Tyranno

2012-03-23, 08:34 PM
I've been looking over the Vivisectionist class, and specifically the bonus spells they get. Obviously, you're supposed to be playing Dr. Moreau here, and Anthropomorphic Animal + Awaken does work if you do it in that order rather than the other way around. It requires 26 hours of work to do both, costs 9500 gold in reagents, and the animal in question:

+Gets 3d6 intelligence, +1d3 charisma, and +2hd
+Can speak a language you know
+Is friendly and serves in any tasks you request
+Has a bipedal humanoid body and useable hands
-Loses it's natural attacks except it's bite
-Loses any movement modes it has except land speed
-Loses any special attacks that rely on its natural attacks. (excluding bite?)

So we want something with a big bite attack, not many special attacks, and no fly/swim/climb speed. I immediately went to the most humble of nature's creatures, the Tyrannosaurus rex. Catching the thing is easy-peasy, it's dumb enough that a big pit trap and some illusory (Or real) bait will work. Tying it down for the +24 hours of surgury required to turn it into a devoted minion less so.

So, playgrounders, my questions are 3 fold:

How would you trap and restrain a T-Rex so that it can be turned into a follower?
Is a T-Rex companion worth 9500 gold? If you can get your DM to let the thing train and take a level of Warrior/Fighter for armor/weapon proficiency alongside it's bite is it worth the cash?
What other animals are worth the money of turning into allies? You must make a will save of 10 + creature's HD pre-awakening to make them intelligent and your minions, so keep that in mind, as well as that you can't start the process unless you are level 9.

2012-03-23, 10:06 PM
A cheetah for a really fast ally might have its uses. Also, this probably creates a catgirl, for good or ill.

Venomous snakes have an interesting bite attack, naturally.

RAW you need a source of ranged nonlethal damage once you've got the animal in the pit. A merciful +1 bow or crossbow and a lot of ammo should do.

2012-03-24, 12:32 AM
Anything with Pounce.