View Full Version : [3.5]Ring of Spell Storing

2012-03-25, 01:53 AM
So...my character just snagged a Necklace of Spell Storing during an adventure (functionally identical to a Ring of Spell Storing - 5 spell levels).

My character (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351270)is a Ranger 2/Fighter 2/Barbarian 1 - primarily a melee type, but also a little archery. The casters in my party are a Cleric 5 (domains Good and War), a Conjuror 5 (forbidden schools Enchantment & Necromancy), and Rogue 3/Wiz 2 (can't remember what his forbidden or specialty schools are off the top of my head, but I know he can cast Enchantment & Necromancy). Spells are limited to PHB and PHB2 by the DM. PHB2 spells are subject to DM veto (no Celerity, and mostly no swift or immediate spells).

What are some good spells I can get my party to put into my necklace? So far, it's mostly been Mirror Image and Haste.

As a side question, the Rogue/Wizard has also just got a Short Sword of Spell Storing - it currently has Blindness in it. Any suggestions for other spells?

Cheers - T

2012-03-25, 02:54 AM
Haste is probably your best bet for now. You could also grab blind fight and a good listen modifier, cast sleet storm then rush in. You need to make a DC 20 listen check at a -4 penalty (from sleet storm) to find a foe after most of his standard actions. One trick would be to put long duration personal-only buffs into the ring like see invisibility, cast them, then recharge the ring with another spell.

For the remaining 2 levels I might go web. It's obscenely handy when you can use it, and when you can't you can stab things instead. You could do mirror image or bull's strength if you ever get 2 buffing rounds but otherwise I wouldn't blow a combat round on either, I'd rather hit something.

Once you guys hit level 9 you can never have enough wall of force. Even if the wizard also prepared it the two of you can triangle some foes against a dungeon wall and eliminate them from the fight with no save. At level 7 greater invisibility is a must for the rogue. For now I'd at least take glitterdust over blindness. Or else one of the same spells as you.

2012-03-25, 10:02 AM
True Strike, Enlarge Person, or Fly might be useful once in a while.

2012-03-25, 12:28 PM
Your casters can cast haste on the entire party
Load up on low level level utilities - though you could potion most of these.
What you need are options and get outs. You don't have enough capacity for buffs, though they would be good - especially personal ones.

Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Magic Weapon, etc.
Invisibility or Spider Climb perhaps ?
Fly is also good, but only 1/day.
Eventually go for Dimension Door

Or From the cleric
Meld into stone or Windwall.
Freedom of Movement, Trueseeing, Rightous Might

Really you can customise this depending upon the expected threats and the spells available. Treat it as a little vancian thing.

2012-03-25, 01:44 PM
Except for feather fall I wouldn't get level 1 spells because of dirt cheap potions. Utilities don't get used very often so you'll be squatting on an unused ring for a long time. Fly could be better if you can convince the whole party to get it and then pick on non-range, ground based foes. Otherwise if a single party member stays down it's overrated because he's open, or if foes have range.

Haste is so good that I would get haste AND the 2nd best spell AND the 3rd best spell between the two spell storers and the party caster and that's still usually better than anything else you might do round 1. Let's see haste, sleet storm... fireball. or haste + 2 fireballs.

I mean don't get me wrong at high levels I love low level utility in scrolls and potions, but when level 2-3 are your highest level spells I prefer boom. At level 5, 3 fireballs can end most fights in round 1. And when it can't you haste and/or sleet storm and draw your swords instead.

2012-03-25, 04:38 PM
The arguement for the Nova is pretty good, but it has the same problem as all Novas. How many encounters a day do you normally get ? If its only 1 then this works fine, more than that then its a waste of resources you might need later. Bear in mind that you have to recharge this, so you might only ever get to do this occasionally since the spell casters will not have the spells you want. The ring will then languish around unused and empty.

2012-03-25, 10:40 PM
What are some good spells I can get my party to put into my necklace? So far, it's mostly been Mirror Image and Haste.

I think, in core these are as good as it gets. Situationally - fly, climb and such (especially if you expect difficult terrain and/or multistory structures), but these two are almost universally useful. There are some better things in SpC, but mostly swift and/or too cheesy.

As a side question, the Rogue/Wizard has also just got a Short Sword of Spell Storing - it currently has Blindness in it. Any suggestions for other spells?

Since storing spell in an item really hurts DC, you should not target their best save. So, unless you tend to encounter wizards and such, consider replacing it with Glitterdust - even not heightened it would have better chance and at CL5 it has just enough duration not to need any more. Otherwise, you might want to use something that does not offer a save. Dispel Magic might be a good thing later on, otherwise... not sure if Shield is valid to store, but any other thing that is used often and does not require a save, especially rays, since the guy is part rogue. Sneak attack against touch armor from any close range without provoking AoO? Yes, please. Or, really, Shocking Grasp x3. Mirror Image too.

upd: Just remembered that weapon has different mechanics than a ring. Still CL5 Shocking Grasp.

2012-03-26, 05:32 AM
No Spell Compendium? That hurts, since there are a few excellent options for you in there.

From PHB2, you might want to consider Cloud of Knives.

2012-03-26, 05:55 AM
No Spell Compendium? That hurts, since there are a few excellent options for you in there.
Yeah, our group is basically core only, with most of the PHB2 thrown in.

From PHB2, you might want to consider Cloud of Knives.
Definitely worth considering, thanks.