View Full Version : PF Swordsage feat help

2012-03-25, 12:15 PM
Hello, fellow playgrounders. I'm going to be playing a Swordsage in an upcoming Pathfinder game, and I've got everything else under control for my character, but I'm pretty uncertain what to do for feats and was wondering if you guys have any brilliant suggestions to share.

My Swordsage is a pretty standard TWF Kukri crit fisher. Stats are 16/16/14/9/16/7, current level is one. Magic items are supposed to be extra rare. Here's what I've got feat wise so far.

H. Adapative Style (of course)
1. Two Weapon Fighting
(1). ?
3. ?
5. ?
7. ?
9. ?
11. Improved Critical: Kukri
13. ?
15. ?
17. ?
19. ?

PF srd material is all allowed, 3.5 material is allowed too, I just need to run it by the DM. I want this character to be cheese-free, but I'm open to suggestions. Thanks in advance for your help.

2012-03-25, 01:15 PM
Improved and Greater Two Weapon Fighting should be in there. Also look up Double Slice. It allows you to add your full strength to off-hand attacks instead of half.

2012-03-25, 01:20 PM
H. Adapative Style (of course)
1. Two Weapon Fighting
(1). Double Slice
3. ?
5. ?
7. ?
9. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
11. Improved Critical: Kukri
13. ?
15. Great Two-Weapon Fighting
17. ?
19. ?

Thanks for the suggestions jguy! Much appreciated.

2012-03-25, 06:10 PM
I can't remember what the feat prereqs are, but Master of Nine is a decent PrC if you can spare the feats.

2012-03-25, 06:21 PM
Shadow Blade?
This way you can become DEX-based

2012-03-25, 08:50 PM
You are planning on using some Crit Feats from Pathfinder in here, right? Seems to make Crit fishing much more worthwhile. Ya need Critical Focus for most of them and then add your selection of crit feats for debuff goodness.

Ya could take levels in Bloodclaw Master as an option. (Not a feat but it's advice.) It'd save ya the double slice feat effectively. It also eliminates the 2wp fighting penalty to attack altogether. Ya do lose a few maneuvers known and readied but it might be worth it. As a bonus for Str based Swordsages, the Shifting from BCM boosts Str.

Shadow Blade would work but for the whole Kukri not being a Shadow Hand Weapon thing. HOWEVER. as a backup plan, it might be worthwhile to carry a couple daggers and switch to them vs Crit immune baddies IF you have 1 feat to spare seeing as Daggers are included in the Bloodclaw Master weapon list.