View Full Version : Illusionist help

2012-03-25, 12:22 PM
Hello Playground,
For my next game I want to play a gnomish illusionist, but I'm having some trouble coming up with how to get the most out of it. Gnomish illusionist substitute levels seems like a good idea, and so does the master specialist. I don't usually play casters, so this is mostly new ground to me.

3.5, and I'd have to clear anything I'd take with my DM so no game breaking stuff. I want to be capable, not a god who walks among men, so likely no shadow spell shenanigans.

I think there's a wizard variant or something allowing more specialization in your chosen school, can't seem to find it though, is there a way I can combine this with gnomish illusionist substitution levels?

Thanks in advance!

2012-03-25, 12:33 PM
Everyone has different goals and advice, and mine isn't built on optimizing, so lots will disagree with it.

I would not go specialist. The extra spells are very tempting, but my reasoning is this: the best illusionists are the ones who keep people guessing, and if all you can really throw are images, you are limited. Instead, you need to be able to toss almost anything into the mix, and keep people guessing: is that a summoned Minotaur, or an illusion? Is that a fireball, or an illusion? Did he polymorph that fighter into a troll, or is that an illusion? If you have the ability to do either, you can play a chess game with the enemy's mind, and never let them know which one is coming. Do they waste a moment dodging the fireball, or stand and ignore it because it's an illusion?

To me, an illusionist is a guy with a big bag of tricks. So, be a generalist, and have plenty of tricks. You can get pearls and rings for extra spells, eventually.

2012-03-25, 12:44 PM
Illusionist (Barred: Enchantment, [Your pick; I suggest Evocation (or, if Pathfinder, Divination]) with the first Gnome substitution level would be my pick.

You could go something like:
Wizard 3/Master Specialist 4/Shadowcraft Mage 5/Shadowcrafter 8

Signature Spell (Silent Image) will give you semi-spontaneous Evocation and Conjuration (which makes up for barred Evocation IMO).

I'll second mixing up summons with illusions, but an illusionist should remember that battlefield control is key. Wall of Gloom, demoralize via Intimidation and so on are all useful.

If you're playing 3.5, ask the GM to still get to use Threatening Illusion (Metamagic) (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/metamagic-feats/threatening-illusion-metamagic).

2012-03-25, 01:10 PM
Check out one of the many Shadowcraft Mage Handooks, it's probably exactly what you're looking for.

2012-03-25, 01:19 PM
What book is the Shadowcraft Mage in? Also if you could provide what books feat suggestions and such are in; that would be super helpful.

Edit: Also also; is there a way to get bluff added to my class skills easily?

2012-03-25, 01:37 PM
What book is the Shadowcraft Mage in? Also if you could provide what books feat suggestions and such are in; that would be super helpful.

Edit: Also also; is there a way to get bluff added to my class skills easily?

Play a Sorceror or a Beguiler or a Bard.:smallbiggrin:

2012-03-25, 02:13 PM
If you don't know where to find a feat/class/etc. you can always check the lists (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/lists).

Shadowcraft Mage is in Races of Stone, along with its most enabling feat, Earth Spell (which requires Earth Sense also in RoS, plus Heighten Spell).

The Shadowcraft Mage's signature ability is Shadow Illusion, which allows a list of several spells (namely Silent Image) to emulate a Shadow Evocation or Shadow Conjuration. Basically, you use a Heightened Silent Image to imitate whatever offensive spell you want to cast, and with Earth Spell you cast it from the same level spell slot as the spell you're emulating. Earth Spell also gives you an inflated caster level, considering the Gnome Illusionist 1 sub level makes it a 0-level spell for you. All of your Illusion-buffing effects (Spell Focus, Master Specialist 4, etc.) will apply to your Shadow Illusions as well.

You can pick up the feat Signature Spell in Player's Guide to Faerun and convert any spell you have prepared into a Heightened Silent Image, which then emulates one of hundreds of different spells. Add on the feat Residual Magic in Complete Mage, and every other Silent Image you cast can be from a 0-level spell slot that gets Heightened for free. The Focused Specialist variant also in Complete Mage will give you even more spells per day. The UA Illusionist variants (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#illusionistVariants) are also useful, though I'd skip Illusion Mastery if you're not taking Signature Spell.

Wearing sandals made from stone slabs will allow you to always use the Earth Spell feat, regardless of your surroundings.

Edit: Shadowcraft Mage Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=5638.0); another Shadowcraft Mage Handbook (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872354/Shadowcraft_Mage_Handbook).

2012-03-25, 11:12 PM
You might want to check with the DM before going for any "killer gnome" build (meaning one that creates shadow magic spells that are actually more than 100% real, so when they are disbelieved they have more of an effect). Because that is about when I as DM would start closing doors and swinging the nerf bat. :smallsmile: