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al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-25, 02:08 PM
Many of you have recently returned from a (not particularly profitable) business (ad)venture, but have formed a band, however motley. As you begin to settle yourselves once more into the flow of the city you discover things have changed in your absence. The aged Archa Leane has supposedly lost her grip on power, and the council of lords is circling.

It seems she is making one last desperate bid for power and has arranged a grand celebration: 15 years of benevolent rulership. Games and entertainments have been proceeding for the past 5 days, until today, where a grand procession is set to pass through the streets and arrive at the purpose built stadium where Leane is set to publicly open the ceremonies that will last another 15 days.

It is the morning of the procession, and they are just setting out from the Castello, the sprawling district where the nobility rules from.

There's no rest for the wicked, and certainly no public holidays, not in your line of work. You have been given a letter and told to take it to Phaedrus, a man with whom you have had some connection in the past.The letter is sealed with black wax bearing a crescent moon sigil. You either know or have been informed that he is often resident in the library.

2012-03-25, 08:30 PM
Stupid library. Muttering to herself the whole way, Malaina slips quickly through narrow passageways, many known only to her, in the most direct route to the building of books she greatly detests. I could be making a haul if I was out in that crowd. She sneaks up on Phaedrus, then thinks better and falls back several steps, coughs, and approaches more noticeably, but still quiet as Phaedrus has reprimanded her in the past about library etiquette. Stupid library.

Letter, is all she says, handing him a letter sealed with black wax bearing a crescent moon sigil. She steps back respectfully, and waits for further instruction or dismissal, in the shadows of some shelves. This better bring something in for me. Stupid letter. Stupid library.

2012-03-25, 09:04 PM
Selena's ears perk up as she hears the cough of the halfling, from the other side of the shelf, and the tantalizing prospect of a fun task from Phaedrus's pushy bosses at the thieves' guild.

She snaps shut the book of elven legends (boring anyway) and slides it back onto the shelf before levering herself up to cruise into the next aisle and find out what's new.

She glances around, but Maliana is not immediately visible, so she leans on the shelves, trying to wait patiently for Phaedrus to read the letter.

2012-03-25, 11:28 PM
Phaedrus looks up from his book, bearing diagrams with arcane words and sigils, he smiles at Malaina and takes the letter. "Thank you for whispering," he responds quietly. He glances at the crest and and his smile disappears, he sighs, "I had hoped to do some studying today...but c'est la vie." Glancing quickly around the immediate area, he checks to see if he need be worried about anyone.* After making sure of safety he cracks the seal, and reads the letter quickly paying attention to the writing and signature as much as the content of the letter.**

*Spot: [roll0]
**Forgery: [roll1] (takes about a minute)
Side note: Never thought of this before, but I really want to pepper my speech with foreign languages. That said I don't have a way to translate things into Elven, Dwarven, or Draconic. As such, French is going to be Elven, German Dwarven, and Greek Draconic - Unless people disapprove.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-26, 02:08 AM
You can't see that there's anyone around. You think the letter is in some sort of cipher, randomly mixing letters from many of the languages you know of. The hand writing isn't too swishy, but neither is it without decoration or emphasis.
A smaller note in a different hand requires you to make three copies of the letter and have 'the halfing thief' take them on to the new addressees before sun down. This mission is said to be of the highest importance. The second note is signed. Lissa Thevya.

2012-03-26, 08:15 AM
Selena's reactions:

When Phaedrus finishes reading his letter:

He would know Selena was waiting to see if anything fun was up, and if he doesn't say anything I'll ask about the letter.

If she sees Maliana:

Selena will ask how she's been and offer to help or accompany her if she would like. (If invited, and Phaedrus does not, she'll go with Maliana).

If Phaedrus/Maliana both leave:

Selena will ask if she can come along, and if refused will try to follow them anyway from the rooftops (not likely to succeed if they really don't want to be followed, as she's not terribly good at shadowing, and they know she's nosy and likes roof running).

If she loses track of both Phaedrus and Maliana:

Selena will return to her room at Mama Gurka's exotic bordello (doesn't really work there, but likes the company, and gets a cheap room for occasionally helping the girls ATTRACT and vet new customers and help deter trouble and thieves.) If her roommate is out (or in) working, she'll go check out the parade from a rooftop with a good view.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-03-26, 08:26 AM
((OOC: Should have mentioned this in the OOC thread. Whatever. Anyway, unless I explicity state otherwise, Aquarius will have his hood drawn.))

Waking up from his slumber, Aquarius sits up and surveys his surroundings. "So yesterday really DID happen? Great. Well, better get the day going then." Gathering up his belongings, Aquarius puts them on, one by one. First his shirt, then pants and boots. He decides to study his spell book, and selects a few spells for the day. ((One hour later.))

After his spells were committed to memory, Aquarius put on his armour, slotted his sword into his belt, and pulls his cloak about him, covering a large chunk of his sword. ((No effort will be needed to find it, but a quick glance won't really tell you it's there.)) Walking down stairs, he takes a seat at a table. Pondering the day ahead. I didn't get much from playing guard to that caravan. The journey was fun though. Learned some things, too. Speaking of learning, this town has a library, right? I have nothing better to do, hopefully it has some spells or some such that could help me. Well, looks like today is decided, then.

Paying for his cheap room, Aquarius left the inn, and walked at a leisurely pace to the library.

2012-03-26, 12:01 PM
Phaedrus begins to rummage through the pouches on his belt and reach into the sack waiting by him as he whispers to Malaina, "If you would be so kind to wait around for a little bit, I need to make a few copies of this...apparently you're up for a busy day." As he produces the necessary materials, he begins to print in neat, tidy letters. Head down and scrawling quickly, he asks in a more casual tone, "So, mademoiselle, how has the world been treating you? Well, I hope."

I am making the assumption that I thought the letter was legit. I was primarily trying to figure out if I should trust it or not.

Also, as a cipher seems like an interesting way to spend time, I make an effort to memorize the script with auto-hypnosis so I can replicate it later and try to crack it: [roll0], I also attempt to while writing it out: [roll1].

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-26, 12:34 PM
Phaedrus: You think you've got the basic idea of the cipher memorized. You can't quite work it out, though you have narrowed down the style of the cipher to a few types, with more time you could crack it.

Malaina: There are three recipients for these letters. You have an address in a rougher part of town, an inn known as the Savant's Repose and a house in the vicinity of the Castello.

2012-03-26, 12:44 PM
Selena should definitely spot Maliana when Phaedrus hands her the letters:

"Maliana! How's it going? If you are running deliveries on my side of the woods, we should catch up. You'll love the story about the new centaur client Maggie has."

2012-03-26, 03:06 PM
"Things have been slow in the way of cash, but work is work. I'll have these delivered as quickly as possible though as I'd like to see some of the celebration today. Are there any you'd like me to get letters back from?" (Malaina can hardly read, and she's sure this is why she often is delivering letters) Turning with more interest to Selena "A Centaur? That has to be good. I would not mind the company in my travels. Perhaps you could tie me up later today and we could catch up."

SelenaMalaina has several types of rope that you've tied her up with in the past. You know this is merely her asking for help to stay fit and nimble as she asks you to do this regularly to see how quickly she can get out of the restraints.

2012-03-26, 03:40 PM
I hope she never hears Madame Gurka's jokes about her escape artist practice... or how I learned those knots...

"Sure, let's dash these wherever, then we'll have free time to take in the sights and you can gossip with the girls."

Between Maliana and Selena they should know a lot of shortcuts through the city. Especially with Selena's psionic ability to run up walls as if they were laying flat, and Maliana's speed up a hanging rope, they can go right over inconvenient buildings and fences to dodge crowds and roadblocks.

2012-03-26, 03:53 PM
"If you will give me a moment to clean up here, I will come with you. No need to keep you ladies from the festivities any longer than needed with pointless errands keeping you running to and fro. If they need make a reply, I'll receive it directly," Phaedrus says, quietly putting his things away. After gathering everything except the tome he had been reading, Phaedrus glances at it briefly. Then, picking it up, he follows the women out of the library, stopping quickly at the desk to ask that the book be put on reserve for him.

I am assuming since there are three addresses and three copies that I am keeping the original (which I did not realize earlier, hence the auto-hypnosis check). If this would generally not be the case, however, Phaedrus will do as protocol dictates. Let me know so I know if I should add the letter to my inventory.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-26, 04:15 PM
Woops, my brain was not wide awake when I wrote that, sorry. But no you should also return one of the copies to Lissa so she can check the quality.

As you set about intending to leave a young boy of about 12 runs in panting. Once he has had time to catch his breath he quickly delivers a message ina frantic tone that doesn't sound at all like the rote learned messages these boys normally carry.
"There are toughs on the streets, toughs and scuvvys. And some of the Guilds out. Mr Coursan said we shouldn't but I seen gangs out, and Fervon's got his men all across town. We was told to get everyone to sort this out. Miss Thevya sent me to ask yous to help out. She said we need everyone to stop thm doing anything stupid. I can take the letters if you want." He shows a token which identifies him as having the permission of a guild member, and has the red loop to show it was given by Lissa Thevya.

A scuv is someone not affiliated with the thieves guild.

2012-03-26, 06:29 PM
"Verdammt!" Phaedrus exclaims, with uncharacteristic vulgarity. Looking up to the ceiling he mumbles, "One day, that's all I wanted, just one. quiet. day." Looking at the kid he asks where exactly the ruckus was, once told he begins to head through the people toward the indicated area...Please keep me from having to kill someone

I suppose this establishes italics as thoughts for Phaedrus

2012-03-26, 06:47 PM
Please... not again.

"Guys, you know where the best place to see a riot is? Far away."

Despite her whining, she follows Phaedrus at no more than arm's length as she tries to urge him not to get involved in the kind of gang warfare that drove her to flee River City.

2012-03-26, 08:01 PM
Shall I see to these first? Or assist you with the riot Phaedrus I know how letters about you can be, and if they should be unseen I'll take to the roofs as Selena suggests to see them safely delivered. Malaina vanishes the letters into a hidden pocket.
Phaedrushope you don't mind, the first post had me taking them, so I thought I might have them to hide. If you feel that you still have them I give them back in post spec.

(Pending Phaedrus's response Malaina vanishes or follows close behind him.)

2012-03-26, 08:27 PM
"Malaina, let the boy take them, if what he says is true we will likely be missed if we aren't there...and the last thing I want is the Guild to miss either of us. Selena, you don't happen to know anything that can help us do you...I want to avoid fighting if we can."

2012-03-26, 08:38 PM
"Fade, if those letters are important I would not let them go on even a well known single runner in a riot, and I don't think you know that boy well or he wouldn't have had to show you all those signs. We should be able to carry them to their destinations together."

"I'm with you on sticking together, and cooling the troubles we can. I can help in two ways. If you think you may need to lie, I can make that much easier for an hour. Also, if there is a particular person you need to impress or attract either point them out or call them "friend" and I will try to subtly improve their opinion of you."

I guess Selena gets sort of wordy when she gets nervous, and she's definitely nervous at the prospect of riots again.

Social Buffs:

If Phaedus thinks he'll need to lie, I'll pop a 25gp (lvl 1 scroll) of Conceal thoughts (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/concealThoughts.htm) that makes it much harder to sense his deceptions for an hour.
Otherwise, I'll follow him, staying within 5 yards or so, so I can hear him talking and cast Attraction (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/attraction.htm) on anyone he especially wants to influence (with him as the object of the attraction getting +4 to almost all social skills).

I'll try to cast without any outward sign by casting without any display (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#display) and defensively.

In case of diplomancy fail:

I will be hanging towards a wall with an overhang or flat roof I can run up and duck behind using my feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#upTheWalls) if diplomacy fails.

If there is no suitable spot in range of standard movement, I'll move my standard movement towards the nearest. If someone is already on top of me, I'll try to take 5' step out of range, if that fails I'll just try and cast defensively (and without display to reduce aggro).

Regardless of where I am, if I can spot 3-5 targets within 15' of each other, I'll be casting elemental missile to try and hit them all.

I prefer to use cold missile 3*(d6+1) fort DC 16/half, but if I can only catch 3 people in the blast, I'll switch to sonic and add their 1 handed weapons and bows/xbows as targets 3*(d6-1) reflex DC 16/half (ignores hardness, so should probably get those 5hp weapons).

I'll only blast while I'm in a target rich environment, once we outnumber our foes, I'll run down and help flank and stab (or stabalize friendlies with magic bandages).

2012-03-26, 09:59 PM
Glanror had forgotten how much he liked Cleyarna, he had awakened later than usual but he figured with all the festivities he might want to rest up before addressing nobles. He had combed out his beard and hair being without down time he would often forget to keep clean and his beard was a mess of tangles. After that he walked down stairs and decided to order some actual food rather than just eat the conjured crap from a magical bag. Both he and Stevens, his squire, went down to have a quite breakfast before heading off to festivities. He had dressed socially, leaving his Warpike and Gauntlets with Stevens, but kept his Chain Mail on under his clothes and his Longsword on his side. He had forgotten how good the tailor who made his robes was perhaps he ought to drop by his establishment at some point during the festival. Stevens was dress for the festival wearing his best clothes he had, a Courtier's Outfit Glanror had bought him.

After they had both eaten and talked for a bit they Glanror decided they ought to go to the festival as to not miss the best parts.

I specifcally don't state a time as to not be somewhere I'm not suppose to be feel free to write me in at anytime, I'm just stating my equipment set up with this post.

2012-03-26, 09:59 PM
"I suppose you're right on that..." he responds, closing his eyes to calm his mind quickly, a slow breath out...and then "Malaina, those letters are being delivered all over town...I think this is likely more urgent. Help us sort out the fight, then we can be message runners. If Thevya has a problem with it, I'll deal with it."

"Kid, thanks for your help, but as you said, we need everyone. Why don't you lead the way?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-27, 05:22 AM
Glanror & Aquarius: As you travel through the town you see groups of men and women haunting the alleyways, and you can sense a tension in the air. Most of these groups seem to be lining the parade route, though no one has come to blows yet.

Phaedrus & Co.:The boy nods and tuns swiftly on his heel and heads for the door, glancing back only occasionally to check you are following.

As you leave you see a man strolling towards you, who is distinctly familiar from your previous expedition [Insert description of Aquarius here].

Spot checks for everyone but Glanror. Aquarius gets an extra +2.

Also, roll Initiative checks for everyone which we will use for this section. Regardless of how many combats etc you face, just so you know the order you'll end up acting in and we don't waste time with everyone posting one Initiative roll.

2012-03-27, 06:04 AM
Crystalena:Selena hasn't sent Crystalena off her shoulder yet, so benefits from a familiar owner's Alertness.

Actually, I don't have any plans for Crystalena this section, so unless something comes up that could ignore her impressive construct defenses, or I need to scout, I'm probably going to ignore her except to note that she is eyes at my back.

Selena initiative
Selena spot [roll]1d20+4+2

2012-03-27, 06:06 AM
Selena spot take two (stupid multiple slashes):
Skill = 4 Alertness = 2


2012-03-27, 06:17 AM
Ok, this was harder than it looked.

Selena spot: [roll0]

2012-03-27, 06:21 AM
With the letters safely hidden Malaina follows closely to Phadreus and Selena checking her sling, daggers, and rapier for accessibility. She also checks her arrows, "They can sleep at your order Phadreus. If there's not too many of them."

Malaina avoids conflict (and when necessary, arrest) using sleep arrows. You may of may not have seen her use them for crowd control in the past if asked.

Spot= 1d20
Init= 1d20+3
my spot is +0...that doesn't sound right...odd...

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-27, 06:51 AM

[roll0] Init
[roll1] Spot

You don't want spaces between the [] and the 1dx

You see two men a woman lurking near an alleyway all glancing at you whilst trying to be inconspicuous.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-03-27, 11:37 AM
((OOC: Aquarius, even with his hood drawn, usually has a couple of locks of silvery-white hair drooping from his hood. If I haven't mentioned this before, Aquarius' hair is slightly longer than shoulder length.)

Spot: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Seeing the people in the alleyways, Aquarius grew anxious. The tension between them was obvious, though it seems like they are not going to attack one another. Aquarius instinctively shifts his hand on the handle of his rapier. OK, so no one is attacking any one else. Why? They are lining the parade route... Are they going to attack Archa Leane? Maybe I can get them to attack each other? Or at the very least, break their concentration.... Heh, don't want to overdo it.

((OOC: The following can happen anytime before combat, Al.))

((Casting ghost sound, with a caster level of one))

Lifting his hand from his sword, Aquarius makes a quick gesture and a utters a few words. Suddenly, from one of the alleyways comes a shout.

"It's a trap, the guard is here, infiltrated! It could be anyo..." a gurgling sound cuts it off.

Spells cast today: 1 cantrip. 5 left.

2012-03-27, 12:01 PM
I don't think I need any more shadows today Phaedrus thinks quietly. Keeping an eye on them he deliberately tries to make himself blend in a bit more, hoping that the others catch on and follow his lead.

Initiative: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2012-03-27, 01:52 PM
Oh dear, he's gone nonchalant. The games are starting.

Selena starts walking a bit slower, falling several feet behind Fade and a few feet closer to the buildings by the edge of the street, trying to follow him without looking like she's overly interested in him.

Not that this will fool anyone who has been watching our exit...

I see initiatives:
?? Glanror
?? Kalthen
?? Caladeran
22 Aquarius
16 Mal
11 Fade
3 Selena

Are those three local?

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-27, 02:37 PM
sdream: Yep they look local.

Aquarius: On hearing the shout one of the men tenses and begins to draw a dagger, but the woman slaps his hand away, and with a curt admonition leads the other two away down the alley.

2012-03-27, 03:04 PM
Malaina adjusts her stride, to blend into the crowd. Due to her height even Phaedrus and Selena might lose her in the sea of humanity. If I didn't know we were here to stop the business I'd be making some of my own. There are several likely picks here.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-28, 03:17 PM
If you want to RP your meet up with Aquarius we can include it retrospectively- here's what happens afterwards.

The boy leads you through the streets and occasionally you see a face peeking out of an alleyway, but the five of you form a fair deterrent.

As you approach a plaza near the centre of the city you find groups of ordinary people hustling away. When you reach the plaza you find various groups (5 distinct) standing throughout the square eyeing each other threateningly, many with hands on weapons. This is on the route of the parade which will arrive in twenty or so minutes.

2012-03-28, 05:51 PM
Malaina walks up to the group that she feels least likely to kill her for interrupting and most likely to chat a bit with her to ask What's going on? Do we get to highjack the Archa? Can I help in some way?

'lan, you said ooc I might recognize them...I don't want to be in the dead center of a melee, so I'm going to the group I 1) know the best, 2) trust the most, and 3) may have worked with before. Goal is to remind them we're not supposed to be working this event...

2012-03-28, 06:14 PM

Standing amidst the peasants, the elf glanced down at the notice declaring the reason for recent events. 'Fifteen years Of benevolent ruler ship?' One may as well celebrate one's next breath or blink, for all the significance. What would these mayflies think of ten times that amount?

Such a strange land his master's had sent him to study - the humans were always rushing about, desperately grasping for reasons to celebrate. Perhaps Caladeran's people would feel similarly, if their lives were measured in decades instead of centuries. However, it seemed as unlikely as it was unthinkable. It added to the duskblade's inability to relate to the majority of humans, highlighting the distance between cultures.

Looking about, the elf felt a change in the air. Where many of the city had been thronging to the streets, Caladeran noticed a distinct change - fewer men roamed, in small packs, each one watching others very closely. Frowning, the duskblade watched as one group eyed him appraisingly. Reaching to his back, Caladeran rested a hand on the hilt of the giant blade jutting up from his shoulders. The group moved on, finding another interest elsewhere.

Shaking his head, The elf looked around closely. The streets seemed to be filled with malcontents ... and bespoke of a potential shift in power. He considered finding a different location to watch from when he recognized his companions approaching.

"Comrades. 'Ware yourselves ... the peasants seem restless ..."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-29, 05:08 AM
OOC: ok, then you pick a group that has 4 people you recognise (and 2 you don't), two of them you know well as solid guild members; Jil and Haf, one of them is an older man you know to be a bit of a veteran, Gonry, and then there is another runner like yourself, a bit of a dogsbody called Cenn. The other two both carry short swords and are unknown to you.

Haf turns to you with a grimace and replies: "Unfortunately that's not the plan. Coursan[the guild leader]said we weren't interfereing with this, it's already a dangerous game with all those toffs jockeying for position, and he doesn't want the guild getting involved in House politics at the moment, not when we don't know who's going to come out on top."

"These guys have obviously just forgotten that..." he finished, gesturing to the other groups.

2012-03-29, 06:04 AM
"All of them?" Malaina looks at the other groups uneasily. "That'll be hard business keeping them in place. If we were to some how stop the Achea from traveling this way it may be best" Malaina slips from the group with the idea, and gets herself close to Pheadrus to relay that at least four of this mob are on our side (more if Haf can point out others) and that it might be best to deter the procession from coming this way or to start something big enough that once the Achea gets close her guards will join in to protect her. Though I think these messages should be away if we're outright starting a fight.

2012-03-29, 08:35 AM
With no bystanders to blend in with, Selena edges back into the group while Maliana is talking to her acquaintances, and can hear her report clearly.

"I think we have a good chance of skipping a fight entirely if we can turn some of those other groups either away or to our side. Fade, you see any friendly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/diplomacy.htm) faces in those groups, and do you want a hand swaying their emotions?"

Selena's friends know she was turned off diplomacy because of the way her father used it to manipulate her family (although in retrospect she has come to appreciate growing up without physical threats). She can appreciate it's advantages of brute intimidation and violence, however.

2012-03-29, 10:07 AM
Phaedrus approaches one of the smaller groups where he knows some rogues, and tries to identify a "leader" if their is one. If one is there he primarily addresses the leader, but also the group as a whole. If there is no leader he begins to address the group as a whole in calm clear tones: "Freunden, I don't know what you are hoping to accomplish here, but the last thing it should be is a fight. The way this guild works best is if everyone keeps their nose down and avoid notice. Let's settle down a bit before the parade gets here and we look like a bunch of mooks. The best we can pray for is that the Archea retains as much power as possible; public stability, status quo and complacency are how your pockets get filled. So let's set an example for everyone else, I will go talk to the others to make sure that they know what's at stake too.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

I would have raised my voice slightly to be heard, but it's too risky to shout (then anyone could hear).

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-29, 10:35 AM
Phaedrus: You see a rogue you know, a Human called Jac. He turns to you and you can tell that the rest of the group is nodding along with your words. Then he sighs and responds: "I'm sorry old chap, but there is little we can do now. These Scuvvies are here," he says indicating the big group, "And some others have forgotten their places. We've been called out by Fervon but everyone seems to have their own factions. We can't stand down when there's obvious rebellion in the Guild, it has to be stamped out!"

Sgt. Cookie
2012-03-29, 11:27 AM
"Someone must be leading them. I tried a little phantom shout, but all that happened was three of them went to inspect the source. The fact that they are lining the parade route was a bit of a concern for me... I don't think that this is a rebellion against the guild. I think this is a coup."

Turning to face Caladeran, a small smile appears across his hidden face. "We need to destabilise them, at least enough for the guard to take notice." "Five gold pieces to who ever takes out more?"

Starbin: Up to this point, Caladeran has never heard Aquarius speak elven, preferably it should come as a bit of a surprise, but not as a shock, given Aquarius' well traveled nature.

2012-03-29, 05:00 PM
Glanror enters the area seeing the mobs gathering on the parade group and is dissapointed Today, he though, I was hoping to see a parade, but now I'll have to see another battle. Hopefully my clothes don't get ruined.
Seeing familiar faces Glanror find his other companions, making note to stay on the outer edges of the crowd, not wanting to preemptively starting a fight.
#OOC: Assuming Glanror makes it back with the group without bumping into someone.
Does anyone know what's going on? I was hoping to go out and have a pleasant day discussing things with politicians or watching a parade.
Glanror also gestures to Stevens to ready his pike.

Spot: 1d20 - 1
Initiative 1d20 + 2
Sense I botched that: I rerolled them here. Sorry 'bout that it shouldn't happen again. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12978944&postcount=61)
Stevens will have the Pike ready to hand to Glanror and will know that if something happens he should either stand with the allies (if there is a group) or back away into a building if he can. If someone decides to attack Stevens you will see a very angry Dwarf just as a comment.
Oh now that I've rolled mine (sorry for the delay wanted to wait until I knew I was with the group) can we get an Initiative Order?

2012-03-29, 07:44 PM
"Pheadrus, we've little time. the Archa will be here shortly." Malaina is obviously impatient as she regularly plans three possibilities to every action, but here only feels the eventuality of conflict that she has no power to prevent.

2012-03-30, 12:24 AM
"...We can't let the Archa come in here when a brawl's about to go down...the last thing we need is a someone to think that there is an attempt on her life. Or maybe it's exactly what we need! Malaina, I need you to buy us some time, can you get on the roofs and shoot at the Archa, miss, and hit a guard...I want him to go down. Hopefully, a direct threat will stop the parade and get them to hide the Archa."

Turning back to Jac, he says "And now we have a threat to quell the rebellious factions - whoever does not cease this foolishness takes the blame for the arrow and be turned over to the guard."

Back to Malaina, "And I would prefer the guards go down, not die, no need to cause more panic than necessary."

2012-03-30, 12:45 AM

It seemed his companions were concerened about some sort of coup ... but he was uncertain if it was within the guild, or the city's leadership. Cal glanced at the roving bands of thugs and ne'er-do-wells, eyes searching the crowds, before he snapped around at Aquarius' question in his native tongue. He stared searchingly for a long moment before turning back to the crowds.

"Why do we care? Is there some profit in this, or a hired task? Do you owe the Archa some favor? If this woman's hold is so tenuous, this unrest is just the beginning."

Caladeran wasn't squeamish about the potential for violence ... But he preferred to understand the choice before committing to a course of action. Besides, Aquarius' sudden use of elvish gave him food for thought.

And no small concern about who should have his trust.

Initiative check: [roll0]
Knowledge skill (Local): [roll1] for info and Knowledge devotion.
AC: 16; HP: 17

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-30, 02:49 AM
Jac seems useasy, and the rest of the group now seems on edge.

See how far you can get without me and then I'll catch up.

2012-03-30, 06:12 AM
"Understood sir; I'll attempt a sleeping shot first. Worse case they'll see the arrow and it vanishing will cause suspicion. Failing that I'll go for a damaging shot."Malaina takes no more than a minute to assess which building would be easiest for her to climb at this moment, shakes her head, "I'd like to leave the rapier with you, but unsheathing it might start this thing sooner than you wish." The halfling is off and scaling a building with awning she can easily pull her self up to, and land on should she for some reason fail.

Climb 1d20=3

once Malaina reaches the parade route (maybe about two minutes) she chooses her target as the guard closest to the Archa to hit: [roll0] her first shot is with one of her sleep arrows (If it hits the target must succeed at a DC 11 will save of they fall to sleep on the spot.) the arrow is visible until it hits a target, and shooting into a crowd even if the target is missed, I'll hit something(someone) The vanishing arrow again should cause a little panic even if no one falls...
"Readied actions (not as defined d&d, but my next set of plans)"
If within a minute of the shot there is no noticeable effect Malaina looses another arrow to hit: [roll1] damage: [roll2] Less than a minute later Malaina makes the choice whether to loose a third or vanish back to Fade with a report that time has been gotten, but she doesn't know how much. (If battle has already been engaged in the courtyard Malaina does not leave the roof but reassesses this plan)

2012-03-30, 07:52 AM
Selena strongly hopes that dramatic annoyance of the ruler of the city winds up being unnecessary, as she has no idea what kinds of arcane and clerical powers Archa could rally to bring trouble back to her group of friends.

She sees the value of the backup plan, to keep archa away, however, and sees several other possible advantages. Stopping Maliana just long enough to slip her Crystalena and wish her well, she turns to Fade and begins plotting with him and Jac how to best re-unify the guild groups present to convince the scuvv's to leave quietly (by hook or crook).

"It seems like your guild would benefit from handling it's internal political issues INTERNALLY, and presenting a unified front to keep the scuvv's from making you look weak, or worse, rebellious. Perhaps we can convince the other groups to back our play and take this party home."

Maliana and the rest would know that Crystalena can speak common and understand several more languages, that she is a tiny slightly dim copy of Selena's mind, but most importantly, she is in constant telepathic contact with Selena.

This allows several advantages:
- If we can resolve the issue without riling up the archa, Maliana can switch to delivering the closest letter, and we can set rendevzous points
- If anything were to happen to Maliana, Crystalena can pretend to be "just a dumb, pretty magic rock" and guide us to her assistance.
- If Fade thinks of a better way for her to gain some time, or she spots other problems, we can communicate and coordinate anywhere within a mile as the crow flies.

And the only disadvantage is I lose my awareness feat while crystalena is away.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-03-30, 09:34 AM
"Sel, they are clearly being lead by someone, just as, or even more powerful than the guild. Now, who would be that powerful? Whatever is going on here, simple words will not help. Do you want to know why we should care Caladeran? Because I would rather trust a benevolent, albeit tenuous, ruler, than a shadowy one with unknown, ulterior motives.

2012-03-30, 09:46 AM
"Simple words would not sway a mysterious shadowy mastermind, but the smallest pebble can clog the gears of his machinations. Most of these people are guildmates and possibly friends, and most of THOSE people are ignorant flunkies, who are about to be outnumbered. We can have the upper hand here for little work, and Maliana is ready to execute Plan B."

2012-03-30, 12:27 PM
With Malaina on her way, Phaedrus says to Jac, "We need to collect everyone who is loyal from the other groups. We should find some like minded people with them over there," gesturing over to Haf's group.

Question for a'Lan when he gets back: where is that boy who led us here? Is he still with us?

2012-03-30, 02:59 PM
With the connection Crystalena can keep Malaina will wait until the last moment to actually start shooting at guards...a point about five minutes from the yard where the main group is...SDREAMNICE IDEA, I don't think I'd have thought of that...also, I hate to be a pain, but red is my speech color. That in itself I don't care about, but I chose it because it's really super hard for me to read things written in red...I need to copy/paste/color change to be able to know what it says...the purple was MUCH easier for me...Thanks

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-31, 01:13 PM
Malaina: You climb on to a roof and make your way towards the Archa. The procession is quite long and loud so it's not hard to find. Soon the vanguard passes you (made up of ceremonially dressed guards and various Household armsmen). A few minutes wait leads to the arrival of the Archa (this is probably about 5 minutes after you left- so I'm assuming you will wait 5 minutes from then). If you still want to fire your bow, post OOC saying so.
The Archa seems to be a 50-60 year old woman, who is looking quite healthy for her age, and a silver circlet surrounds her golden hair. She is thin but tough looking, and her face is hard but seems to have more than a hint of former beauty. She wears a long flowing red dress slashed with gold. She is surrounded by senior men of her House and senior advisers, as well as 4 ceremonially armed and armoured guards.
Make a Hide check

sdream & Jodah: Jac looks at you and nods: "You're right. We shouldn't 'air our laundry on a feast day' as my mum would say. Some of them's are good men, but if they want to be out on the street then we have to stand up and stop them, we can't let them ruin the Guild. And those scuvvys aren't gonna leave easily."

The boy is still with you.

2012-03-31, 04:19 PM
Phaedrus quickly walks over to the group that Malaina first talked to. He quickly begins to relate what is going on, "What are you doing out here? If this is guild business, this should be handled within the guild. If you are having trouble with the scuvs, why isn't the standing as a solid front? Now, help me talk some sense into our fellows before things get even more out of hand."

Diplomacy: [roll0] (I wouldn't mind a +2 from being aided from Jac and his group).

2012-04-01, 05:31 AM

As the others continued to plot, Cal shook his head, still somewhat confused. Aquarius made a valid point, but this situation still felt ready to spiral out of control with any number of potential missteps occurring. Sighing, he gave a resigned shrug.

"The devil we know vice the one we don't, eh? Well, I'm not starting a fight for the Guild ... But I'll stand with you all.

Besides, it would take to long to train suitable replacements."

The last bit was said under his breath but loud enough to be heard ... in normal Caladeran fashion.

2012-04-01, 09:58 AM
Selena tries to maneuver the core group and any convinced subgroups to follow Fade and the other leaders, as they try to talk more guild groups into backing their "Clear the scuvvs and back to the guildhouse plan". She will powwow with Fade and Aquarius (and get advice from Mal via Crystalena) about the most socially influential and receptive guildmates (using psionics to lubricate where helpful).

'Lan unless there is some particular puzzle or negotiation you want us to resolve, please roll up to 5 attracts as necessary (will DC 15, Concentration DC15 +11 to cast silently, and I believe Fade had said earlier he was saving inspiration points to help resolve the crowd issue, he'll probably post how many of those he is willing to spend.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-01, 10:22 AM
Phaedrus: The original group begins to nod and looks towards Jac's group with less distrust than previously. Haf, who seems to be their unofficial leader nods to you and says: "Your words make sense scribe, we'd do well to work together on this then. The procession should be here anytime now, and we don't wanna get caught out." He turns to the others and continues: "Ok guys, you heard what Phaedrus said, we should settle guild matters in private, not here." He turns back to your group: "I'm willing to let these other Guild members stay or go, but if they stay they best be prepared to help us deal with those scuvvs."

OOC: He is willing to ally with any Guild member or affiliate to get rid of Scuvvs. If scuvvs go, he is willing to leave asz well.

Your conversation is quite loud and due to your group going between the two groups, the other two groups with some Guild members are now looking at you more interestedly.

2012-04-01, 02:48 PM
"Why don't we meet with our friends and chase these scuvs away, they shouldn't be so keen on a fight if we have their numbers doubled." Phaedrus gives a brief glance of worry towards where the parade is coming from, "Selena, how much time do we have?"

Well, after that, I am basically going to go to the other groups and repeat, gathering the guild members together. Don't know if you want me to role play it all out.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-01, 03:21 PM
Selena uses attraction twice. No need to RP it.

Many of the guild members from the other two groups are flocking too you. Having joined up the first two groups you now have 20 men and women with you. There are two distinct groups against you now, one of 12, one of 6 (the latter looking decidedly edgy).
Your group is still agitated, and now since, they outnumber the other groups, many seem more willing to resort to the quick solution of violence.

The archa's parade is about 5 minutes away from the square.*
*I'm assuming that Malaina is keeping abreast of the procession waiting till the last moment. Still need a Hide check.

2012-04-01, 04:17 PM
Selena asks Aquarius to use his more skilled magic detection upon the two opposing groups (magic items are dangerous, those under a spell may be being buffed or controlled).

Detect magic is treated as a 1st level spell for me, and my spellcraft is much lower ranked for identifying magic effects.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-01, 05:35 PM
Malaina: Your arrow flies true and strikes the guard nearest to the Archa. It vanishes and the guard sways before collapsing on the dias that is carrying them.
People start crying out and the procession comes to a grinding halt. The other three guards jump on the Archa and try to hide her from future attacks.

*Hide check.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-02, 06:53 AM
"Sure Sel."

Aquarius casts detect magic.

If Aquarius detects something, he will try try to study it for as long as he can.

If Aquarius detects no magic in one group, he will move onto other groups, depending on the current hostility level.

Spellcraft check, if needed:


Spells cast today:
2 cantrips/orisons

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-02, 07:49 AM
Your spell detects no magic in the area.

2012-04-02, 09:34 PM
Phaedrus approaches the larger group. "I don't expect you to care to much, gentlemen, but I assure you there is a group of guards not 5 minutes away, just looking for someone to jail. They are going to be working their way towards us with surprising ease and I do not intend to be here when they get here- so what, pray tell, is causing your problem with these fellows and is it worth your own hide?" Phaedrus pauses for effect before continuing, "Don't get me wrong, you are quite terrifying with your clubs and your swords, but the guard is coming and has quite a few more members than you have been threatening here. I just want to make sure you are well abreast of the situation we have here."

I am expressly avoiding intimidation, trying to sound like I feel for them and don't want them to be inconvenienced in any way. I do not know if you want that to be a bluff, diplomacy, or both.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-03, 03:54 AM
A man who you take to be the leader glances to his other comrades, then towards the large group you've gathered behind you. Instead of replying directly the group starts talking amongst themselves and then starts to disintegrate. The smaller group, seeing this also turns around and flees.

2012-04-03, 08:05 PM
Malaina ducks trying to conceal herself:[roll0] (just an FYI RL wants to eat me up...I'll be offline for days at least Fri-Mon...hopefully I'll be able to post tomorrow and Thurs. but in case I'm bitten again here are basic actions if someone could roll for me if needed.
Malaina will ask Crystalina if the group is in need of assistance; actions are answer based:
Yes the group needs me; I go back to where the group is as quickly as possible ignoring guards (if any) from recent actions and take shots from the roof at the enemy
no the group has things under control: I vanish for at least ten minutes, then once very certain I'm not being followed I begin to deliver letters, waiting to be told if there will be a reply, but not necessarily waiting for the reply (I'll return to anyone who wished to make a reply) Then once I have all reply letters I will return either to Selena (with Crystalina's help) or the library

sorry wrong forum...too many tabs...rolls viewable OOC...

2012-04-04, 12:19 AM
Phaedrus turns to Jac, Haf, and the other leaders and, with a sigh of relief and a sign of gratitude, says, "May I suggest we disperse as well, those guards are still coming, and we probably shouldn't be caught with a group this large. Do any of you know the names of anyone in that last group that ran away? - someone needs to let Coursan know what is going on."

To the boy, "Thank you for finding us. What's your name kid?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-04, 04:12 AM
They nod and start to disperse, some assuring you they knew at least one person in the other groups.

"My name's Ben." He says quickly and runs off with the others.

You can hear some shouting from down the street, but not much else.

Malaina isn't seen. And contacts the others telling them what happened. Since they don't seem to need help she will go the inn and deliver the first letter.

2012-04-04, 01:29 PM

Watching the groups disperse, the duskblade nodded in amused appreciation. "Well played. But without the brainless masses to hide us, we should retreat to more discrete quarters."

He glanced around at the shouts from a distance, and remembered one of the ill-conceived 'back-up' plans discussed earlier. If the girl had fired an arrow at the Archa ...

"Did Malaina do what you had discussed? To think we were worried about violence in the streets, and now we may be the cause ..."

Caladeral headed towards the nearest public place, eager to get off the streets before any guards decided that all spectators were suspects.

Cal is working off the assumption that the shouts are because Mal shot an arrow at the Archa. If that ain't the case (i.e., someone confirms that it didn't happen, via the crystalline familiar) then he may change actions. Until then, let's get while the getting is good!

2012-04-04, 02:23 PM
Phaedrus disappears down a backstreet and works his way toward a bar, I'm glad that worked, and without any extra courage...maybe I should remedy that. Hope the guild appreciates this....

2012-04-04, 10:03 PM
Selena walks up to the noble dwarf and his footman.
"Thanks for standing with us today. I know you less fond of the idea of the theives guild than I am, but they did pull together on the side of order today. Of course, chaos is sneaky, and it seems we may caused a little delay in the parade trying to defused the ominous situation here. It would do us good to get off the street now. There is a lovely rooftop I know of overlooking the parade rout, which happens to have a bar underneath it, and a sturdy fire escape, if you are still interested in the spectacle."

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-05, 08:15 AM
Hmm, that woman from before. She seemed in control. I wonder if she is around somewhere?

Aquarius looks around to see if he can find her.

Spot check: [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-05, 01:38 PM
Aquarius: You think you may have seen her disappearing with some of the scuvvies.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-05, 03:36 PM
"Guys, I have something I need to do. If you need me, I'll probably be at the library in a while."

Aquarius starts to follow the woman, hand on hilt.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-05, 05:39 PM
Aquarius: As you follow her into the street you see her vanishing around a corner, though she is not travelling too fast more of a hurried walk. If you continue to follow her you see that she is travelling with one other companion, who could be one of the men from earlier. She takes a winding path through narrow streets.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-06, 08:02 AM
Aquarius continues to follow, keeping his distance.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-06, 08:13 AM
Aquarius: Take a Hide check and a Move Silently check please.

She continues to skirt through the streets until she comes to an inn in the centre of the city called the Savant's Repose, a nice looking tavern on a smallish thoroughfare. She glances around before heading into an alleyway to the side.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-06, 10:22 AM
Hide: [roll0]
Move silently:m[roll1]

Aquarius continues to follow.

((OOC: Wow, got both extremes.))

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-06, 11:29 AM
The woman glances round at the noise, but doesn't make any indication that she has seen you, she ducks into the alleyway and knocks quickly on a side door to the inn, waiting for a few seconds before the door is opened and she disappears inside.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-06, 11:44 AM
Hmm, side rooms in inns. Something is definitely out of the ordinary. OK, I have three choices. I can knock on the door, bluff my way in and see where it goes from there, or I can take a seat in the Inn and hope that she come out of the other side or I can sit here and wait till she comes out. Hmm. OK, I have a plan.

Walking up to the side door, Aquarius knocks. "Excuse me, I have a message to deliver."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-06, 12:26 PM

A scrawny man opens the door and stares at you, before remembering himself and holding out a hand as though waiting for you to give him something. He glances up and down the street checking to see if there is anyone watching.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-06, 01:26 PM
If you're after a piece of parchment, there isn't one. I was told to deliver a verbal message to a woman who is or will be here. I wasn't given a name, but I was given a description. ((Insert description of the woman here, If I could recognize her, I can describe her.)) I was told to tell her to go to the library, where someone will meet here there. Friend, I came to town yesterday and was offered 20 gold pieces to take a small detour. I don't care who you are and I don't care to know. So deliver it or don't, I get paid either way.

And a bluff roll: [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-06, 04:17 PM
The man nods and replies: "I'll keep your message then traveller, if a woman comes here with that description I'll give her it her."

He closes the door promptly leaving you alone in the alley.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-07, 04:52 AM
Phaedrus & Selena (& Glanror): You arrive at the 'Rising Sun' to find it's rather packed, full of adventuring types. You push your way through to find the balcony on the first floor that overlooks the parade route. You here some men shouting that the parade has been delayed as some thug shot at her. Some people are saying that the Archa herself was shot.

Take Spot checks.

2012-04-07, 09:17 AM
After a tense morning, Selena is very happy to hit her favorite bar, buying her friends a round a good drinks from the main bar on the way up to the rooftop beer garden.

-1gp for fine drinks
Spot (no crystalena bonus atm): [roll0]

Once there though, she frowns, virgin "Rising Sunrise" in hand. She loves this place because she can combine the open air freedom of a high perch with company... but there is such a thing as too much company, like the knot of surly looking mercenaries taking up her favorite bench by the wall of Gordo's fine fabrics next door.

2012-04-07, 03:20 PM
Phaedrus gets a drink from the barkeep, and settles down his favorite corner. He never used to care for corners - they made you look like you were hiding something ... ironically, now that he was, he enjoyed them. Perhaps it was some self-fulfilling prophecy in his life, but more likely it was because he could survey the entire bar and no one could sneak up on him from behind. He saw Selena and Glanror go up to the roof, and he considered for a moment. Then, smiling, he joined them upstairs. Approaching he says with a slight bow, "Thanks for helping today, you two. I know you didn't have to, and that it wasn't your favorite thing, but you lent a hand, so merci."

Spot: [roll0]

2012-04-08, 08:08 AM
As the group dispersed to avoid attention, Caladeran made his way to the Rising Sun - it had served as a rally point on more than one occasion and also provided a perfect venue to watch the Archa's procession ... if it were to continue as planned.

Arriving at the tavern, he nodded to the guard inside the door and made his way towards the roof. As always, it had a stench that was remarkably human in nature, but seemed more stifling than normal today. Making his way up the stairs, he saw that it was the number of people present ... apparently most of the tavern's clientele had the same idea and were all jockeying for a spot.

Grim-faced, he pushed his way through the crowds, lashing out with a sharp word when a patron bumped him, stepped on his feet, failed to move aside, or otherwise bothered his sensibilities. After a moment, he found the others and moved towards the comfort zone of their company.

"Finally. How I managed to find you amidst this rabble is no small miracle. What news from the parade?"

Spot Check, if necessary: [roll0]

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-08, 09:19 AM
Aquarius starts to make his way back to the library, planning his next move.

OK, so that guy will deliver my message. With luck, she should go there. But what then? I could play the mercenary card, hopefully gaining access to the inner workings. But just another sword won't stand out much. Good thing I'm not just another sword.

Arriving at the library, Aquarius has a look around for Phaedrus ((OOC: I think it's safe to assume Aquarius knows he works here, if you think otherwise, let me know)), but he wasn't there. This is bad. I'm gonna have to pull something off as soon as he enters, assuming that woman is here.

Aquarius walks up to one of the tables, and begins his preparations.

First, he takes off the items at his belt, holy symbols, everlasting rations and sword, and places them on the table in a rather haphazard manner.

Then, he goes to Phaedrus's desk, and borrows a quill and inkwell. Aquarius returns to his table, and places the quill and inkwell on the table, also haphazardly.

He takes out his spell book, opens it on a blank page and sets it down next to the inkwell. He takes off his backpack and puts it on the floor, and throws his cloak on the back of the chair.

He then searches for some books on magic. Arcane and divine.


If he finds any, he will gather them up and put them on the table. He will stop when he finds three or four books.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-08, 09:45 AM
All in bar: You notice that the clientele seems extremely varied, though you would expect nothing less from so many adventuring types brought together, and a surprisingly even gender balance. You can also see more people running to get to the tavern, some shouting up at their comrades on the balcony that the procession is approaching.

You can't make anything out distinctly, but you think their might be something or somebody moving on a rooftop a few houses down from you.

You find some books on magic, nothing cutting edge and nothing that seems to carry ancient wisdom, but it is not too much difficulty to find 4 books on the arcane arts in some form of another. It takes you about 15 minutes to set up the scene, followed by a 10 minute wait.
If you are looking out the window you will see the woman arrive with two men in tow (not the same ones as earlier) looking harassed. You see them approach the door but cannot see more than that. 2 or 3 minutes later you can here the sound of footsteps on stone and the woman will push open the door.
She looks you up and down before giving a questioning look and approaching.

Please make bluff checks as necessary from now on.

2012-04-08, 11:29 PM
"Given what the 'rabble' is saying, my guess is that the parade is approaching. It's anyone's guess really though - rumors travel faster than facts, as they say." Phaedrus says looking up at Calderan with a small grin, he seems to be genuinely glad to be there. Then, standing up, "Un moment, s'il vous plaît - I'll go check out the front lines." With that he begins to dance though the crowd to get to the close enough to the front to check for the procession.

Spot: [roll0] - I am assuming I get some penalty due to the crowd and the distance, but it is a festive occasion and he is actually curious, so if you don't feel we are endangered Phaedrus will take the minute to take 20 (trying to actively spot is a move action, burn standard action as well to take two attempts per round).

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-09, 05:25 AM
You are definitely certain that there is a humanoid on next roof but one to the left. The roof is slightly lower than the terrace you are on, but there is a large house in between that obscures your view. Even when you look at the figure you can't make it out distinctly.

2012-04-09, 04:45 PM
As Caladeran took in the vista that the rooftop bar offered, he noticed someone or something on a roof nearby. Leaning towards the others, he nodded towards the house and what he saw. "Is Mal coming this way? It's either her, or someone else with dubious intentions ..."

2012-04-09, 05:30 PM
"Mal's still with Crystalena... I'm going to see who my new rooftop buddy is."

Selena seems to focus for a second, then starts running.

Selena loves roof running (she's actually more familiar with the roofs than with the alleys in some areas of the city, and prefers to hang around areas with nice sturdy, non-slippery roofs.

She's going to spend 3 pp to give herself 15 temporary hp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/vigor.htm) in case she does something stupid like fall on a fence, then take the fastest route to that roof. (Not doing the 5x running, just moving her full move action speed).

She'll try to minimize the mess and mental disturbance around her, as a good patron should (concentration DC15 to suppress casting material and olfactory displays)
Display suppression [roll0]

If she can run along or up a wall or make a short (6' jump) to get closer without running down to the street and running back up again she will do so. As long as she can find a flat spot 30' closer to the mystery to regain her balance, she should not need any climb rolls, but here's a bunch of rolls in case they are needed, feel free to roll any extra for me:

Initiative +0 [roll1]
Climb +3 [roll2]
Balance +2 [roll3]
Jump +1 [roll4]

Remember that she invested in boots of landing that allow her to always land on her feet, and subtract 20' from all fall damage, so she's not afraid to take a chance with that and her Vigor insurance.

Edit - gosh I hope there's not a gap of about 6 feet, because she surely would trip in the dark and plummet to her fairly cushy not-really-doom with that roll.

Edit 2 - On the other hand, woot for Nat20s on concentration and climbing.

2012-04-10, 12:52 AM
Glanror was glad to find good company in town and even more glad that he had found level headed ones. He had almost wished for a fight, hopefully a challenge, but was glad that no blood had to be spilled. The Rising Sun was always a busy he recognized very few people but still found his way through the varied place to he finds himself a corner to sit in the bar thinking that the stress of the day needed a quick drink.
Sorry for delay, its still day in game right.
Spot: [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-11, 01:54 PM
Glanror: Yep, about noon. You don't see anything, except Selena wandering off.

No one really takes notice of you, and you easily slide by the other patrons causing no disturbance. You quickly scale the first roof and traverse it, but coming down the other side is more difficult; you don't quite make the gap and only save yourself by catching the wall and climbing it.
As you make it up onto the second roof, the figure spots you and quickly starts to head off along the roof. The figure is dressed in tight fitting clothes, of good quality, but it is difficult to make it out as it seems somewhat blurred.

All: You hear the crash of many feet, indicating the imminent arrival of the procession.

2012-04-11, 02:27 PM
Selena pursues the mysterious visitor to her rooftop neighborhood, calling out to him/her in friendly greeting.

"Hey buddy, no need to clear off, we can both watch the procession together!"

Despite her recent experiences, her excitement at soon seeing the procession and the prospect of meeting another person who loves roof running has caused her to fumble her wis check for suspicious behavior.

"On the roof? I love roofs!"
"Great roof, Clark. Let’s jump around on it a bit."
-The Tick

EDIT - Oh, and I used the wrong color again - fixed.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-11, 02:37 PM

The figure spins and before you can react, you feel your limbs being bound by invisible restraints.

Will save

2012-04-11, 03:06 PM

Selena momentarily halted by some strange spell effect, but her agile mind quickly slips free.

I'm assuming a 22 will do me, as it would work against a pretty high level spell from a really clever caster. Feel free to update the others on what they observe and post who has the next action, as it is no longer a double post.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-11, 03:30 PM
Selena: With an effort of will you shatter the hold on you before it can effectively freeze you. As you exclaim, the figure seems surprised, and muttering something vanishes from sight.
Your go.

Everyone: You see the figure stop running and then vanish, as well as hear a faintly audible yelp. The procession (as described earlier) is now turning through the main square and is visible to the main group.

2012-04-11, 03:33 PM
Caladeran moved forward, hand on the spiked chain at this waist. Eyes furrowed, he searched the roof-tops for the figure, while checking to see if Selena was okay. "Curiouser and curiouser ...

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-11, 04:10 PM
Caladeran: You don't see the other figure anywhere.

2012-04-11, 04:33 PM
Selena is stays put and listens for the sound of motion around her.

Hmm, that's an oddly shy visitor... did she 'port out or just go invisible...

Selena squints her eyes as she summons the mental receptivity to analyze lingering traces of magical or psionic energy.

Listen (no action to needed to detect new sounds, like someone approaching me, or jumping around on the nearby roofs) DC = Move Silently

Concentration to cast detect psionics without a chime and glows - DC = 15

And then the part you will need to judge, detect psionics/magic detects the presence auras the first round, and it is also capable of detect the faint traces where auras have been within the last while.

Does the initial round return yes for these very faint traces of past spells, or only for an active spell or item? I would IC know the answer based upon past experience, but I don't OOC know your rules on such.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-11, 04:49 PM
You hear nothing.
As your 'spell' starts you pick up a faint aura around yourself and a muddle of auras along the roof, leading all over the roofs' of the two nearest houses. After about 20 seconds you can detect a cluster of strong auras coming from the roof two houses on, nearest to the edge.
At this point you can also see the head of the procession behind you.

2012-04-11, 05:18 PM
Selena spends about 30 seconds still, as she finds the auras and then watches a few seconds to see if they are still moving.

So since Selena's excalamation to now, you guys should have several actions, I should be able to converse with you, although I will be concentrating on tracking the magic.

PS - with 2 attracts, 3 points to vigor (2.2 minutes left by my count), and Detect Magic (2.5 minutes left by my count), I have used 6 of my 17 daily PP.

2012-04-11, 10:53 PM
Seeing that Selena is okay, Phaedrus goes to where the where she will be getting back on this roof. He begins to think about what he saw and tries to recall what he has read to see what magic is at work. What did they want...and why were they frightened by Sel?

Spell craft on restraints: [roll0]
Spell craft on vanishing: [roll1] - using my cunning knowledge for spellcraft on this roll

Unless this is psionics, in which case I can't do anything. So I suppose now is the time to ask - is psionics a type of magic (so spellcraft and knowledge arcana works on it) or is it different and needs its own skills.

2012-04-12, 04:39 AM
Not seeing the figure reappear, Caladeran focused on watching Selena. He knew of magics that could render someone invisible to the world at large; however, the flaw in their weave was that they usually disappated when the cloaked creature attacked. At least at lower power levels.

As he continued to watch, the sounds of the procession grew closer and closer. The question came, almost unbidden, to his lips. "So who would be using magic to hide themselves on the Archa's route? And for what purpose?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-12, 01:19 PM
You heard no verbal parts to either spell, but you manage to identify the somatic components to the first spell; it seemed to be a Hold Person spell. The other spell was performed too far away and you couldn't identify it.

Skills and spells which deal with Magic/psionics will work on each other, though you can tell they are different.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-14, 10:47 AM
((Here I am. Sorry, IRL stuff))

Aquarius looked up from the book he was reading at the open door.
"If you're looking for a librarian, you are probably out of luck. I don't know if one is around."

((Only use the bluff roll if you feel it is needed: [roll0]))

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-14, 11:43 AM
Aquarius: The woman looks around, slightly confused. "No..." She began, "I was asked to meet someone here." She still did not seem quite certain, and she glanced around the shelves as if looking for someone.

2012-04-16, 03:06 PM
Meanwhile, as the procession came ever further towards her position and her friends made no moves to come help investigate, Selena was becoming very worried about the mysterious blurred and now invisible stranger.

He or she seemed to be parked (based on active magical effects and gear) just a couple rooftops over, waiting for the procession.

"I don't want to blow them away... they COULD just be a very shy innocent bystander. On the other hand, they seem very well equipped and very secretive for an innocent bystander. I need a hand."

Selena waves in the direction of her comrades, beckoning them to join her, as she remains crouched down by the roofline, focused on the magic auras of the stranger.

DM rulings:
- From my readings of Invis+Detect Magic I can pinpoint their location, but not actually see them, so they have full concealment. Does that mean spells with attack rolls are 50% miss chance? (Thinking of my stone of entangling ectoplasm)
- What about using my elemental missile? It is a direct cast spell with a save, I think that means it cannot be used on a concealed target usually (it requires line of sight). What about using the 5 missiles to pepper the area where I see the magic auras... I have line of sight to those locations, would that have a chance to land?
- Are the auras on a flat roof, or sloped? If I targetted the roof itself with Sonic Missile, could I get it to collapse as opposed to throwing the target off into the street? (Wood 1 inch think should have 10 hitpoints)

Obviously, Selena would prefer to spot for a friend, but if the procession gets closer than 100 feet from that roof, she's going to act to prevent the chance of a REAL attack.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-16, 04:54 PM
Since they are auras it's showing you the 5ft area where the person is, not the exact outline (in my way of thinking), so:
-Full concealment, so yes.
-Correct, you wouldn't be able to use direct cast, but the missiles makes sense so it would have the same 50% miss chance I think, for each missile.
-Slightly sloped, yes if you dealt enough damage you could break the roof.

The auras start to move up the roof, away from the street, and stop at the summit, with a good view of the surrounding area.

2012-04-18, 08:58 AM
When the auras move:

Selena has potentially essential information, but no good way to use it without her friends, and she's not keen on opening fire blindly (in a literal and figurative sense).

She's going to put this problem back where it belongs: in the hands of the Archa's security team.

With a use of Control Sound (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/controlSound.htm) she's going to magnify the sound of whatever conveyances (feet? Wagons?) the Archa's party is using (should be audible at ground zero over the roar of the crowd, but not disturbing to the crowd). She's going to replace it with her voice:

"This is the friendly psion on the roof 80 feet ahead on your right. Just a warning, there is a suspicious and aggressive invisible person lurking on the roofline 30 feet further along from me."

Daily PP - 17-2attract-3vigor-1detect-3sound = 8pp left

2012-04-18, 10:16 AM
Phaedrus, seeing Selena'a gesture, and watching her stare at a single spot, figures Mr. Mystery is still up to something and Selena is watching him. Muttering under his breath, "Just. One. Quiet. Day," he takes a few steps back, runs toward the edge and jumps.

Jump: [roll0] - Just to clarify, he is jumping to the roof Selena is on, not off the balcony to the street - my placement is kind of vague right now.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-18, 11:47 AM
"You look like you expect a crossbow bolt to appear out of the shelves. You should calm down. Anyway, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lucian, wielder of blemished steel, arcane might and divine favour, at your service. And what might your name be?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-18, 11:55 AM
She continues to stare at you looking confused: "Maria... Wait, have you ever been to the Savant's Repose?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-18, 12:00 PM
She continues to stare at you looking confused: "Maria... Wait, have you ever been to the Savant's Repose?"

You feel a sudden surge in conjuration auras, and then you feel them weaken significantly.

You manage to jump onto the roof and approach Selena, and mid way there here her voicing booming across the street.

The procession is now fully in the street below. The Dias that the Archa is on has halted and she now an older man stands next to her, wearing blue robes and a long golden chain around his neck with a heavy looking orb on it.

Many of the soldiers are looking around, and on spotting the two people on the roof, start sending men in through the houses' front doors.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-18, 01:10 PM
Aquarius shrugs in an off hand manner, and returns to looking at one of the books.

"I've been to a lot of places. I don't really bother with place names, since I'm never anywhere for more than a couple of days. So I couldn't really say. Why? Is it any good?"

2012-04-18, 01:51 PM
Oops, that was a bit louder than I intended. What a time for Fade to jump over. Oh well. I've got nothing to hide right now.

Selena looks over at Phaedrus, who has just arrived from the Beer Garden Balcony, and points towards the last position she sensed the auras at, before her awareness retracted to produce the warning for the Archa.

"That guy who went invisible was over there last, something happened right when I warned the Archa though. We're probably going to have guards up here in a second. You cool to wait for them?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-18, 02:37 PM

She looks you up and down, before shaking her head and turning away "I'm sorry, I'm looking for someone else."

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-18, 03:22 PM
Looking up from his books, Aquarius carries a look of amusement and curiosity.

"A secret pass code? Really? My, my. Have you been reading bad epics, by any chance? Heh."

Aquarius leans back in his chair.

"You're no trained operative. That's for sure. You are a little paranoid, two cohorts to escort you to the library, you are more paranoid than a Necromancer in a graveyard and there has been an attempt on the life of the local lord. Doesn't take a genius, you know..."

Aquarius leaves it hanging, but prepares his defenses.

If the three of them become obviously hostile, Aquarius will cast Summon Monster 1 and grab his sword.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-18, 04:46 PM

She turns back to you, adopting a loose fighting stance but not reaching for any weapon.
"So, it was you who wanted to talk to me. Tell me quickly what it is, I am not anybody's lapdog to be summoned."

2012-04-18, 06:48 PM
Caladeran watch as Selena motioned for them to join her. Blinking at the distance, he snorted. I'll not break my neck leaping across rooftops like a human street rat ... He did watch with amusement as Phaedrus stood and followed the psion's lead, jumping forward to join her ... just in time for the procession to round the corner and spot the two.

Shaking his head, he watched as the guards moved towards the house Selena and Phaedrus were perched upon. Damn the luck, but they should know better than to be sitting out in the open ... especially when Mal just gave the Archa clear reason to fear assassin's!

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-19, 04:52 AM
Aquarius looks up sharply and closes the book he was reading.

"Miss Maria, I was implying that you were a conspirator. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.

Incidentally, send my applause to the person that came up with the idea of using the scuvvies. It was a masterstroke.

Aquarius gets up and wanders to one of the shelves, and picks out a random, but related to magic, book and starts flicking through it.

"Miss Maria, I am a vagrant drifter; I have no ties to home, country or king. All I am loyal to is a pouch of gold. If it wasn't for the fact that I haven’t decided which direction to travel, I would already be gone. So pray, tell. What possible reason would I have to talk to you?

Bluff roll: [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-19, 05:07 AM

She looks worried, but snaps back: "I ain't no squealer"

2012-04-20, 08:03 AM
Meanwhile, at the other train wreck of poor communication, Selena tells Fade: "I'm going to go explain to the procession, you could probably go back to the roof if you wished to avoid dealing with official attention."

Selena waves to the guards below the roof, then places her hands obviously on her head and runs down the side of the building to the ground.

Once there, she is going to tell the guards she urgently needs to speak to a caster.

Besides being on the lookout for an invisible sniper going to a new roost, they should really check out the auras left when the stranger tried to hold me, and then conjurationed away, to try and identify the caster before they fade.

As for my identity, I'm just a citizen who wants to prevent the chaos of an assasination, loosely affiliated with a guild which is still to my knowledge loyal to the establishment, and I would prefer to be named no more precisely than that.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-20, 08:44 AM
When you say running down the building without the use of your hands, how are you doing this? Do you still have spell on?

Also, the Thieves Guild isn't strictly legal, so I'd avoid mentioning that.

Once you reach the street, you are surrounded by soldiers (5) and after your calming assurances, the old man who was standing next to the Archa approaches you

[Spot Check for all]

He nods at your suggestion to examine the auras and waves to another man, wearing a blue cloak, who heads up onto the roof.

"Well it seems you have done the city a service this day, obviously, you won't mind being accompanied by these men and going to the Castello? Purely for your own protection, obviously." [Sense Motive]
Another Blue-Cloak comes over and stands with the soldiers in a protective box around you.
Soldiers are still climbing onto the roof to get to Phaedrus.

2012-04-20, 09:27 AM
Running on walls is one of my psionic feats (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#upTheWalls). I think there is a skill trick that does the same thing somewhere, but I can do it nonstop as long as I start and end each turn safely. (And as long as I remain psionically focused, which takes a minute or two in the morning, and is currently only lost if I get knocked out or spend it to take 15 on a concentration check. Many psionic feats require either staying focused, or spending your focus.

As for the theives guild, good to know, I thought it was an official organization. (Read too much Pratchett).

"I don't have any more information to give you, and was looking forward to seeing the rest of the parade. That fellow seemed uninterested in me beyond wishing to keep me from spoiling his surprise, so I do not feel I need protection.

While the service I did was for the peace of the city, an account I receive interest from regularly, the rest of my day would be a new service someone would need to cover."

Oops, forgot my rolls. Go ahead and roll them for me secretly - Spot +4 (crystaleena is still with Mal, my little walky talky keeping her informed), and Sense motive +2.

2nd OOC edit:
In fact, please feel free to make all spot, listen and sense motive tests for me "off the table" and just mention the effective results (if appropriate). Such as "He seems trustworthy." or "The empty valley beckons you to frolic carefree amongst the tall, pointy and innocently reflective bushes."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-20, 09:56 AM
Ah thanks.

And yes I was getting a Pratchett vibe when I read that.

Spot: You notice the man moving his hands in a distinctly magical way before he leaves the Archa.

The man nods at your words, but forestalls your protestations, saying: "Ah, my dear, you never know, your information may be very helpful to the city. Please." He gestures for you to go with the men.

2012-04-20, 10:03 AM
Selena will be helpful and accommodating (and assume she'll have the favor returned) as long as she is treated well and not placed in any small or dingy rooms for longer than a couple minutes.

If left alone, mistreated, or enclosed, she'll probably decide to go for a walk.

2012-04-21, 12:32 AM
Well, I guess I should be a bit presentable, Phaedrus ponders as he see the guards enter the house. Making sure the guards at street level can't see him very clearly, he reaches into his pockets and dons his eye patch. Then taking the coded sheet out of the bag, he wads it up and replaces the stopper of one his ink bottles with it Gotta remember to buy some more.... Rubbing his "bad" leg and his lower back, he grimaces in pain. Remember old boy, he muses you're too old for adventuring these days...damned memories, as he relaxes the tension in his gut, letting it look just a little flabby, one of the less flattering part of getting himself in character.

By the time the guards get rooftop, there is a not quite middle aged man, but one decidedly past his prime, sitting on the roof, muttering to himself about not getting caught up in the glory days.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-21, 07:36 AM
Phaedrus: The guards arrive on the top of the building, looking slightly baffled.
"You're coming with us, mister," a man who you presume is their captain states. "Lucian will want a word with you as well."

If you go with them peacefully they take you out onto street level where the blue robed old man is waiting. Selena will be nearby, but they won't let you get within 5ft of each other.

2012-04-21, 10:00 PM
Limping as he follow them, Phaedrus asks, "The girl, she is okay, right? I heard her yell, then I saw that guy disappear..." he fades off, shaking his head.

When they get street level, he checks to make sure Selena is okay, and then follows where the guards take him.

Sensing motive on anything that I can, want to see how neutral these guards are, want to know what is up with the guy in the cloak (does he seem like a caster, I know OOC, but it is useful to know IC). I think this qualifies as the hunch option, but I don't really know.

Rooftop guards: [roll0]
Guards by Selena: [roll1]
Man in Blue: [roll2]

Also, as it is may be pertinent, does this start a new encounter (the previous with the roof toppers, new one with the guard) or is the same one (this is all bleeding together and the guards are the next section of the same encounter) this will let me keep track of my inspiration points (really, there is only one that has been used, but I only have 4)

2012-04-22, 02:09 AM
Caladeran watched the events unfold as should have been expected, with Selena and Phaedrus being taken into custody. Damn these impetuous younglings ... Glancing around, Caladeran looked for the others, pointing towards the events occuring down below.

Selena had found someone on the roof, that much was certain. Her presence, especially given Mal's attempt to alert the Archa to a possible assassination attempt, had made her the prime suspect, however. That being said, the duskblade could either try and free his two comrades, or watch for the figure that was previously there ... if ever there were a time to attack, now would be it.

Knowing any attempt to free the others might worsen the condition, and seeing they themselves weren't quite fighting their custody, Cal concentrated on the roof, scanning for movement. If their invisible friend decided to take advantage of the distraction, being caught in the act might be the very thing to expedite Sel and Fade's freedom.

Can use Detect Magic to find auras ... Feel free to roll for me, but KS (Arcana) is +6.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-22, 07:01 AM
Phaedrus: They treat you well as they take you down, and the blue robed man makes the same stern suggestion to go to the Castello, and you know it is not meant as a request.

Calderan: You detect strong auras surrounding the Archa, most notably Conjuration, Abjuration and Divination, with weak auras of illusion and enchantment.

Phaedrus & Selena:
You are swiftly marched ahead of the procession, with two blue cloaked men and ten guards. A small force, but they seemed determined.
When/if you arrive at the Castello, you are taken within the walls of the Archa's palace, and separated. You are both taken to nicely furnished sitting rooms that are about 20 ft squared, Selena's being predominantly green and Phaedrus's being reddish, with plentiful amounts of gilding.
You are left alone for ten minutes.

Malaina: After your attempt to slow the procession you made quick progress through the streets. You could still here a little commotion from behind you, but they weren't even close to catching you and were cumbersome compared to your agility.

you made your way to the first location, an inn named the Savant's Repose, and on entering found it to be reasonably nice but austere, as though the patrons were not ones too focussed on comfort. The barman is an older man, grubby and careworn, but brings the owner out after a short time (though he first took a bit of convincing that you weren't a child and this wasn't some stupid joke).

The owner was of a similar age, and whose clothes, although of good quality, were smudged and stained by various liquids and powders. He looks harassed, as though he didn't want to be disturbed. He takes the note and opens it in front of you, but after a few seconds chucks you a gold coin and disappears into the back rooms.

On your way out you see a man in a sword and armour sneak [Aquarius] around the side of the building, but he reappears shortly afterwards and heads off. As you stand in the street a young woman approaches you, a decidedly frantic expression on her face, she walks up to you, but when she looks into your face is suddenly startled and panicking, turns and runs inside a building on the other side of the street (an undertakers, Marley and Spools).

Via Crystalena, you are aware of where the others are and begin to head back to the bar they are gathered in to catch up and explain the days already bizarre events, but when you are close you here Selena's voice faintly, not through the crystal but with your ears. As you rush there you are updated by the crystal on the events, and arrive as the procession is starting again and the other two have already been whisked away.

2012-04-22, 08:11 AM
If offered the use of facilities and some water to drink when she arrived, Selena will take them up on the offer and patiently wait the 10 minutes.

If not offered, after about 5 minutes she will knock loudly on the door and request these if she is to wait much longer.

If the door is locked or attendants refuse her request, she'll have a comment about their hospitality to whomever comes after 10 minutes.

If the door is not locked and no-one responds to her request, she'll go looking for these herself.

2012-04-22, 08:46 AM
Staying just at the perimeter of Crystalena's connection with Lena to know which building they are being held in. "quick as a cat we'll get rid of these letters and return" I ask Crystalena to rely through the walls to Selena, then Mal is off at a quick pace to the remaining locations. Crystalena includes in her message that Malaina thought it quite absurd that the group went to watch the procession from a roof top knowing that the reason it stopped was one of my arrows.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-22, 09:36 AM
Aquarius simply lets out a small cold laugh.

"I never claimed you were. You made that assumption. Now, let me make a few of my own. Let me know if I get any of this right.

You are part of a coup, long, drawn out and with only the appearance of organisation, all wrapped up in over secrecy. After all, you came to an isolated location without any clue as to whom you were meeting.

You work for someone already quite powerful, but for whom the Archa is a problem, even with such a tenuous grip. So that could only be a noble, official, or otherwise, who has the wealth to pull this off. A few enquiries and I could find out who has the wealth and motive to pull this off. For the sake of argument, I will refer to this person as, "The Noble".

The Noble is also no friend of the thieves guild. Given that he had no qualms about using the scuvvies. Or, he, or someone close to him, has promised the scuvvies that they will be free from the confines of the guild, which prompted their involvement in today's attempt.

The other people were, like yourself, simply hired thugs. Albeit, you are higher in the hierarchy. You claimed, quite spiritedly, after all, you "Ain't no squealer". You two cohorts made no move to defend you after you blurted that out, indicating that their loyalties lie with The Noble and not with you, at least not personally.

So, those are my assumptions. Let's hear your adamant dismissal of them all."

2012-04-22, 10:01 AM
Selena brings crystalena and Mal up to speed on that their current involvement is the result of their entirely unrelated SECOND attempt at keeping troublemakers away from the Archa, not the arrowy first one.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-22, 10:22 AM
Selena: Is offered a drink after she bangs on the door for it, but you discover the door is locked, and when they open it to give you water you can see men in armour and a tell-tale blue cloak.

It is difficult to tell the time in the room, since it is lit by oil lamps and there are no windows or timepieces, but you would estimate nearly an hour passed before the door opened again and the blue robed old man entered, with another grizzled old veteran, still wearing ceremonial armour, and recognizable as one of the men from the procession.

They calmly sit before you, assessing, until after a short time, the blue robed man clears his throat and says: "I am Stanley Vorn, and this is captain general Reddik. I'd like you to explain what happened on the roof top, so that we can get a few things sorted it out."
He seems quite relaxed, fatherly almost.

Aquarius: She grits her teeth at your manner, before snapping a retort. "I don't have time for your foolishness. Don't try and play games with me."

She storms out.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-22, 10:30 AM
As she leaves, Aquarius shouts to her.

By the way, if you need a magician and swordsman, i'll be here every day at high noon for the next few days.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-22, 10:32 AM
She doesn't turn, but her fists clench and she quickens her stride.
The men go with her.

There are two addresses. One of a house near the Castello, another a house in the rougher part of the town.

2012-04-22, 12:54 PM
I assume they have this same chat separately with Fade, everything I say here is basically the whole truth without anything left out.
Main question:

"As your men saw, I have a rare gift for roofwalking, which I enjoy using a great deal. While I was waiting for the procession on the balcony of the Rising Sun, an acquaintance spotted a shadowy figure on the next roof over. As the roofs over there are sort of my neighborhood, I went to greet the new neighbor."

"Sadly, the person, who was all sort of blurred, really did not want to talk when I called out in a friendly manner. They ran off, and cast a holding spell on me... not that it worked. Then they went invisible."

"The way they were acting shady was making me nervous, and when I searched for magical signatures I could see that they were still lurking around just a couple houses further down. They had a LOT of magic on them and they seemed to be waiting for the archa. I tried to wave over my acquaintances, to make sure nothing went down, but the procession was getting closer and the auras suddenly started moving again."

"I needed to warn your team quickly, but I didn't want to alarm the crowd or have my warning drowned out. I figured altering the noise of your float would be heard easily by all your people, but something seemed to interact with my spell and amplify it beyond what I expected. As I warned you, I felt a surge of calling magic from the stranger, probably calling himself away. And that's where you all came in."

If asked about her motivation for getting involved:

"I grew up here, but I was working in River City until last year's troubles after the death of Don Duc."

Selena has a momentary waking nightmare of being back trapped on the burning roof of the old guildhouse, burning Cheedle's men alive and trying to stay away from any more crossbow bolts... she shakes herself back to the present.

"I never want to see the like again, and certainly not here. I took a small merchant group to the Grey Market last month and River City is still a mess."

If asked about Fade:

"He's someone I've spent time with before. I've known him for a long time, although not much more than by name until recently. Guess he was the only one willing to jump across from the balcony to help."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-22, 01:30 PM
Yes after you have finished chatting they will have the same conversation with Phaedrus.

Stanley nods, "She speaks the truth Reddik. She is not so skilled as to hide anything from me. Though it seems you have done well, and a service to the city if all balances. We will question the other now, but I would give you a warning, Miss Fisher, don't put yourself in such a dangerous position again. There are many men who thought that killing you straight off would be the safest thing for the Archa. There has been unrest in the city of late, and it is not safe to make yourself a target."

The men rise, with Reddik nodding at his words and they leave you alone again in the room, pending the outcome of Phaedrus's meeting.

*If you didn't plan on giving them your name, or an alias, then omit this.

Phaedrus: It is difficult to tell the time in the room, since it is lit by oil lamps and there are no windows or timepieces, but you would estimate nearly an hour passed before the door opened again and the blue robed old man entered, with another grizzled old veteran, still wearing ceremonial armour, and recognizable as one of the men from the procession.

They calmly sit before you, assessing, until after a short time, the blue robed man clears his throat and says: "I am Stanley Vorn, and this man is our esteemed Captain General Reddik. I'd like you to clarify what happened on the roof top, so that we can get a few things sorted it out. We have already spoken with Miss Fisher, and you may be assured she is unharmed."
He seems quite relaxed, fatherly almost.

2012-04-22, 01:39 PM

Only Fade knows my full story and name, I prefer to go by Seal or Fish (if I have to give a "full name" I give Ceil Fisher usually, as it is my homage to my actual name Selena Fortuna (4 tuna).

I'm uncomfortable using my family name, both out of fear it will reflect badly on them, and that they may hear of me and seek me out.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-04-25, 11:46 AM
Well, that went well. Maybe I should go look for the others, and relay my theories. But, Miss Mara and her thugs may be waiting outside for me. Better wait for a while. Since I'm here, I might as well have a look around for a few spells or some such.

Aquarius decides to take his time looking through the shelves, searching for any books about arcane or divine magic.

I'm going to take 20 on the check, for a grand total of 22.

2012-04-27, 12:55 PM
In the intermediate time, from being put in the room to when Vorn comes in, Phaedrus is reading a book he pulls out of his bag. As Vorn enters he looks up, dogears the page, and stows it in his satchel.

In response to Vorn: "I am glad to hear she's ok, I was really worried. I used to be an adventurer, until I took an arrow to the knee. In my travels I saw a lot of magic, and when I saw whoever it was attack her and then disappear, I sort of slipped back into my old habits. I heard her shout and I jumped to the next roof, to help," at this Phaedrus pauses and chuckles a bit, "It was a really dumb idea, but I'm sure you know how it is to think you are younger than you are. Anyway, I'm glad she is okay." Looking up and leaning forward more in his seat, Phaedrus continues, "Y'know, I'm sorry, I tend to ramble a bit...what exactly are you looking to know?"

I tried not to say the joke, I really did, but it was too perfect. Anywho, I need to make a bluff check for relaying my story ([roll0] - 1IP used, cunning knowledge for bluff).

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-27, 01:17 PM
Aquarius: You don't find any more books than you found before. Unfortunately as this is a generally public library it is unlikely that any valuable tomes have survived long.

Stanley nods to you. "Yes, what he says is true. We are done here Captain General, there is no more to be learnt."
Heturns back to you as he is leaving and adds, "You're free to go now, but I warn you to be careful and aoid any mroe of these 'adventures' in the near future."

About ten minutes after being left by the pair, the bluecloak at your door sticks his head in and says gruffly: "You're free to go, miss Fisher."

Phaedrus & Selena:
A guard then guides you to the exit, through various courtyards and corridors until you are reunited near the main gates to the Castello, and they walk you outside together.

2012-04-28, 07:17 AM
As they walk away from the palace, Selena checks on Maliana via Crystalena and updates her on their status.

"Only an hour and a half or so wasted, I bet we could watch the procession come back into the Costello."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-28, 07:29 AM
Selena: You quickly discover that the Archa and the main part of the procession have already returned to the Castello (possibly due to the multiple assassination attempts), but there are celebrations being held throughout the city.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-28, 12:36 PM
Selena and Phaedrus: As you exit the main square in front of the Castello you see a small body lying in the street.

2012-04-28, 11:06 PM
Phaedrus hurries forward and bends down to check the body, gesturing for Selena to stay back. "Sir," (or madam if appropriate) "are you okay?" he says raising his voice a little. Phaedrus continues to approach and checks for signs of being heard.

spot: [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-29, 05:51 AM
It's a road that approaches the Castello but it is surprisingly empty. The body is that of the young boy who gave you your orders previously. His throat has been slit. He is dead.

2012-04-29, 06:59 AM
Caladeran stood watching the street for a moment as Sel and Fade were taken off. Seeing none of the usual signals, he presumed they would be fine. Unfortunately, there was little chance of freeing them by other than ultra violent means, and that just wasn't in the cards today.

Sipping the rest of his drink, the duskblade waited for the procession to start up again before nodding to Glanor. Leaning over, he spoke in low tones, "Time to collect our curious companions." With that, he slowly departed the bar, making his way casually towards the keep. Eyes open, he figured he could find a spot nearby that would allow him to watch for Selena and Phaedrus to return ... perhaps a bar for 'royalty chasers' and the like.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-29, 07:07 AM
Calaeran: You manage to make your way to the area outside the Castello, but it seems pretty deserted due to the procession still being out. YOu watch as the procession returns, still a breath taking sight but the people seem subdued and wary rather than celebratory, and the Archa looks exceedingly dour, maybe even angry.

After a while (and a few drinks) you see Selena and Phaedrus being escorted to the gates and by the time you've extracted yourself from the various drunks you see them walking across the courtyard to disappear down one of the streets.

2012-04-29, 07:12 AM
"They killed Benny! Those bastards!"

Selena recovers her composure and thinks for a second.

"Who did he claim to work for? They either have something to avenge, or something to pay for. Do you know if Brother John can speak with the dead? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/speakWithDead.htm)"

A guild affiliated cleric should cast the 3rd level spell for free to investigate the death of a runner probably on guild business, but may not be 5th level.

And a very OOC note on hanging prepositions, one of Selena's favorite memories was discovering that contrary to what her father had said, it is perfectly proper (http://www.merriam-webster.com/video/0025-preposition.htm) to end many sentences (http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/ending-prepositions.aspx) with a preposition (http://oxforddictionaries.com/words/ending-sentences-with-prepositions).

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-29, 08:15 AM
Yes there are a few clerics offiliated with the Guild who would be able to cast the spell. You know the location of brother John's home.

2012-04-29, 03:04 PM
Caladeran's noted the mood of the Archa, shaking his head silently. She had to be frustrated - teetering on the edge of losing power and during her gamble to establish support, she's almost struck down twice ... or so she would think. Walking towards the direction Selena and Phaedrus went, the duskblade wondered how this would impact the Archa's future efforts. A more ruthless individual would take this opportunity to crack down, and wash the streets in the blood of her rivals. A savvy leader might find a way to martyr herself in the eyes of the people.

Or she could become more reclusive, and give the initiative to her enemies. Only time would tell ... and the Archa's hourglass was running out.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-29, 03:26 PM
Caladeran: You round the corner and see the pair of them alone in the street except for a small body.

2012-04-29, 05:31 PM
Pausing to scan the area, Caladeran's waited for a moment before clearing his throat as he approached. Wouldn't do to have his companions turn on him by accident.

Or design, for that matter. With that thought in mind, he kept on hand on the end grip of the chain coiled around his waist.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

"And what do we have here? More extra-curricular activities?"

2012-04-30, 05:07 PM
Selena pulled away from her huddle with Fade to greet their mysterious elven friend.

"Foul play, sadly. Someone killed the poor runner we met earlier today. We were just discussing the best way to get his body to a priest who could at least help us get some answers on who killed him, and why. Mal should be meeting us shortly, with her deliveries done, she can help run interference and stay abreast of this guild issue as it unfolds. Has Aquarius come back from his library trip yet?"

2012-04-30, 06:21 PM
Caladeran snorted. "After you two went roof-jumping, I've heard little from the others. Glanror seemed more interested in socializing at the bar, Aquarius never returned from wherever he went, and you would know more about where Malaina is than I."

Leaning down over the body, but not touching it, Caladeran stared at the boy dispassionately. Looking back at Phaedrus and Selena, brow furrowed in thought, he shook his head in confusion. "What have you two gotten caught up in? Faction politics can be a dangerous sport, even for the professionals ..."

KS (Local): [roll0] Determine players in the current power struggle, and ones most likely to use the scuvvs, vice the guild.

2012-05-01, 01:14 AM
"What have we gotten caught up in? Games. And the worst kind too. I hate the casualties of these chess matches, the pawns sacrificed for the sake of the bishop, the bishop for the rook. It matters not to the players, so long as the exchange is in their favor. The elites cannot understand the true price it takes to buy their power," Phaedrus looks truly sad with a more than a hint of anger as he regards the boy, "Let's get him out of here, last thing any of us need is attention. I'll use my contacts to find a priest willing to help him have a few last words...it can't be coincidence that he was left here." Phaedrus quickly inspects the body, takes out a piece of chalk, grinds it up and uses it to clot the wound. "Miss Fisher, could you please tell a friend to meet me by the temple? Ami elfe (friend elf), do have any way to check if anyone is watching us?" Phaedrus asks looking up, hoping that they both catch on to his meaning of the second question.

I don't know what pantheon we are using, but if Olidammara has a shrine I will take Ben there - I figure they would be thief friendly. Otherwise, where should I go for an approximation

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-01, 05:07 AM
You know that there are Guild members with Divine Magic. Brother Jon leaves nearby and you know where his house his. You believe he'd be likely to help.

The head of the Guild is Tomillin Coursan (Male). He has two potential successors who've been vying for the position when he's gone: Perran Fervon and Lissa Thevya (the woman who gave you the task of writing the letters).

2012-05-01, 08:09 AM
"Sure Fade."

Selena walks around a couple corners before she starts hustling to Brother Jon's house. Evidently Fade would rather not bring his troubles directly into his friends house but rather ask him to meet them at the temple of tricksters and travelers.

I hope he's home... and he has that delicious gourmet coffee on.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-01, 09:40 AM
Brother John is a well respected member of the Guild, devout worshipper of Olidammara who believes that everything has a price, but you shouldn't always have to pay it.
His house is quite upmarket in a nice area near to the Castello (as befits a higher ranking member) but the title brother shows him to be a man of the people who isn't as self centred as some of your other brethren.
After knocking on his door you hear the approach of footsteps, and a young lady, scantily clad opens the door for you.
"How may I help you?" She enquires lazily.

2012-05-01, 09:52 AM
"I bear grim tidings and a sad request for Brother Jon, is he disposed?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-01, 10:19 AM
"Come on in, then I guess." She says, and turns around wandering into the well furnished home and walking into the living room where you see Brother John, a blading middle aged man in a doublet and smart trousers.
He looks up at you as you come in and says, "Hello, Miss, ah um, you must forgive you, it has been a long time since my minds been what it was."

2012-05-01, 10:32 AM
"I go by Miss Fisher these days. I'm sorry to inform you that young Ben, whom you may know from your work was just found dead not too far from here. My friends had just met him today, and we were wondering if you could come to the temple and help him have the last word about his murder."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-01, 10:55 AM
"Ben, can't say I remember him. But I'll come along, meet me at the temple in 15 minutes."
He ushers you out and grabs a coat and heads off to the temple leaving the girl in charge of his home.

2012-05-02, 04:48 AM
Caladeran shook his head in response to Phaedrus' intonation. "Only if magery is in play ... you surely remember that my training lies with the arts of a more offensive nature." The duskblade is prepared to assist Phaedrus as necessary ... as long as it does not require him to carry the dead boy. Instead, he moves into a position to watch for anyone coming, least this be a ploy to accuse the group of murder.

2012-05-02, 10:23 AM
"No, come back...I need to know if I am being scryed," Phaedrus quickly whispers.

2012-05-02, 10:34 AM
Selena walks to the temple to meet the others.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-02, 11:55 AM
Well, that was a waste of time. I really should try to find the others, but I don't want to risk fighting that lot. Better look for a back way out.

Aquarius gathers up his things, slots them all correctly and proceeds to look for a back door.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-02, 12:48 PM
Aquarius: You find an old wooden door that, although warped and stiff still functions and lets you out into some twisting alleyways and eventually out onto the main thoroughfare.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-02, 02:36 PM
Gonna have to remember that door, should I need a hasty retreat at some point. I don't think anyone else has used that door though, had to force the damn thing open.

Aquarius edges his way towards the thoroughfare, keeping his eyes out for Maria and her bodyguards.

Spot check: [roll0]

If Aquarius doesn't see them he will proceed to the temple.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-02, 03:42 PM
Aquarius: You don't see them, and make your way to the temple swiftly. There is a small amount of incense burning, creating a light fog inside the old stone building, and there seem to be lots of ancient statues of stone, marble and gold scattered throughout the building. On a raised dais in the centre is a font above which hangs the bisected mask of Olidammara.

You are still about an 45/50miutes ahead of the rest of the party

2012-05-03, 05:03 PM
Caladeran sighed at Phaedrus' urgency. "Fine, I'll check. But as I said, my magiks are not of the right variety. Perhaps if whoever you fear is watching is an idiot ..."

Muttering under his breath, the duskblade called upon his abilities and concentrated for a moment. Opening his eyes, he saw the world in muted grays, searching for the tell-tale colors that would indicate arcane powers were in play.

Detect Magic (3 minutes), KS (Arcana): [roll0] and Spellcheck: [roll1]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-03, 05:47 PM
Caladeran: You detect no auras in this street.

2012-05-03, 06:31 PM
Caladeran blinked once, then turned back to Phaedrus. "As I suspected ... nothing. Now grab the body quickly and let us away."

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-04, 07:23 AM
Aquarius looks around to see if he can find any of the priests.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-04, 10:24 AM
Aquarius: Yes, there are a few men around, two older men studying ancient looking books, and a younger man kneeling before the giant mask. They all wear the same symbol around their necks, the bisected mask face.

2012-05-04, 11:51 AM
"Thank you for understanding." Phaedrus bends to pick up the boy, being careful not to get too much blood on himself. Then he silently leads the way through the backstreets toward Olidammara's temple.

If he arrives before Brother John
Phaedrus enters the foyer area and goes to a dark corner and waits until John gets there.
If he arrives afterward
Upon entering Phaedrus immediately approaches the man of the cloth. "Brother, one of the guild's has been taken. This little one brought me a message today, and I fear that he has one more message for us now. Can you help him relay it?

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-04, 12:38 PM
Phaedrus: When you arrive, Brother Jon is just taking his coat off as you enter, and he passes it to an attendant who hurries off with it. He turns to you and nods at your suggestion, his eyes clouding as he sees the small boy's corpse.

He draws you two over to the main altar and begins his prayers and entreaties. He warns you that this will take a short while.
This lasts for about 15 minutes.

Selena arrives at the temple a little before you but only about a minute before John.

Aquarius is about 40 minutes ahead (which could prove problematic)

2012-05-04, 01:32 PM
Caladeran waved away the thanks. Following Phaedrus, he kept his eyes out for threats, trails, or any other unusual activities. Once they reached the temple, he followed the other man inside and waited patiently as Phaedrus found his contact.

Spot Check: [roll0]; Listen check: [roll1]

2012-05-04, 01:43 PM
Selena had merely found Jon again when she arrived and offered to point out her friends when they showed up.

She thought it a bit weird and possibly shady that Brother Jon wanted to find his own way to the temple. However, we came to him for a favor, so he can protect himself how he pleases.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-04, 04:09 PM
You venture into a darker part of town and find a small nondescript house that seems to be in good shape, but nothing special. When you have knocked twice a plain looking man comes to the door, he has a little stubble growing and seems to be in quite good shape. His eyes though stick out, constantly alert and darting back and forth, assessing you as you briefly state your purpose and hand over the letter.

The second address is a well off manse in the vicinity of the Castello. The inside seems somewhat overwhelmed with gilt and silks of dark reds and purples. A scantily clad young man seems offended that you wouldn't let him deliver the letter, and after doing a double take and realising you aren't some delivery boy he takes you up a marble staircase to a nicely furnished room with a young blonde woman of incredible beauty. She is surrounded by other nubile women and a cross section of the middle and upperclasses, though mainly male. She says that she is Seraila, the recipient of the letter, and dismisses you after giving you a gold piece for your trouble.

It is then a short walk to the temple.

2012-05-04, 08:28 PM
Malaina grimaces at the small boy in Phaedrus's arms and shakes her head. "A foul day indeed" she stands aside silently, as the brother is at his prayers she adds a silent wish to not see another child ended so worthlessly.

2012-05-06, 02:11 PM
While Fade and Jon prepare to question the boy, Selena is catching up with Aquarius and Maliana, comparing notes on their activities while they were away.

Got to put together the details of the Savant's repose at some point.

2012-05-09, 02:57 AM
Watching brother John cast the spell, Phaedrus mutters quietly "I wonder if there was anything we could have done. Maybe if I had let him take the letters he would have been in a different spot...maybe he wouldn't have died."

If uninterrupted:
Pulling out his book Phaedrus opens it up to a section describing various gods and showing their holy symbols and prays briefly before several.

I'm going to wait on the questions until everyone has posted, that way suggestions can be offered. I am unskilled at this part as a player, as I have never interrogated a dead man before, and so OoC I need some help (other than the obvious, can you describe what your killer looked like). But also in character, ideas would be great - as at least 3 questions can be asked and Phaedrus is concerned with 2 - who was the killer, what was Ben doing at the castello.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-09, 05:20 AM
Brother Jon finishes his prayers and looks up to see you all assembled around him (Aquarius I'm assuming is with you).
He looks sombre, "It is prepared." He begins, "You will have four questions, remember to be precise, he won't really have come back, only the knowledge that his body retained in life, it will have no initiative to respond on it's own."
"I can guarantee you four questions, but beyond that I can't promise anything. I suggest you decide now what you wish to ask, and the exact phrasing."

2012-05-09, 09:37 AM
Selena wanders over from talking to Aquarius and Maliana.

"Mal and Aquarius bumped into each other today. Looks like one of your copies may have gone to the same inn one of the scuv ringleaders was working out of. You should ask him what he has done recently near or in the Savant's Repose, what he was doing before he was murdered (bear in mind, he might just have been dumped here), who was involved in his murder, and how to find people he's been working with recently."

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-12, 05:11 PM
"Ask if he was killed by a scuv. If he was, then I have something I can use in tomorrow’s hopeful meeting. Oh, incidentally, I'm called Lucian, if anyone asks."

2012-05-12, 10:31 PM
"4 questions. So 'what did your killer look like, in detail?' 'was he a scuv?' 'who were you working for when you were killed?' and 'what do you know about the Savant's Repose?' Are these going to be our questions?"

2012-05-13, 07:14 AM
Watching the others discuss questions, Caladeran simply shook his head. They assumed that they were speaking with the spirit of the boy, something that might be interested in helping them solve his murder. Instead, they would be trying to pull answers imprinted on the body ... more akin to muscle memory fingerprints instead of actual memories.

Nodding towards the body, he snorted. "Convoluted questions may yield answers, or may prevent them. The body may not know much about the killer, nor who the killer worked for ... but it should be cognizant of the tasks it was working towards and who it served in life. Expect cryptic or vague responses, so you may need to rephrase or change your questions. Unless human spells work different than ours do, you should have more than enough time to adapt your queries ..." Caladeran glared at the priest, wondering if the man had an ulterior motive.

"Only ask what you think you cannot find out in life with investigation."

2012-05-16, 02:28 PM
"What do you suggest then? I am more of a dilettante when it come to magic. I know some, but you clearly know more."

2012-05-16, 05:14 PM
Caladeran crossed his arms, looking at Phaedrus with one raised eye. "My expertise in magic has little merit in defining the substance of your queries. However, based on the rough rulesets of questing the dead, as I understand them ..."

Pausing to think, the duskblade continued after a moment. "I would suggest the following as potential questions.
'Describe your killer'
'Who is your employer?'
'To whom did you deliver messages to today?'
'Where in the city did you travel today?'

Other questions you could ask are:
'Where does your employer live?'
'Where were you killed?'
'Tell what you know about the Savant's Repose'

However, I think these are inferior questions. The first four seem to go to the heart of what we need to know in order to track down the killer and make a connection to the scuvs. The other questions simply expound upon the first set ..."

2012-05-17, 02:33 AM
Thinking it over, Phaedrus nods in ascent with the questions given. He turns to Brother Jon to check for the go ahead, then after pulling out paper and pen, proceeds to ask the questions suggested by Calderan, pausing to hear the answer after each one - jotting the responses down as completely as possible.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-17, 06:10 AM
John nods and beginnings his chanting. A cold wind gusts as if from nowhere and the whole room seems to darken visibly.

'Describe your killer'

The boy's mouth opens and he responds in his natural high pitched voice, yet there is no emotion, it is cold and empty, the pauses in the sentences unnatural and the entire recitation without feeling.
"A tall woman, with long dark hair. Pale, human. Wearing black clothes, trousers and jerkin. Her name was Maria."

'Who is your employer?'

"Lissa Thevya sent me. She told me what to do, and she paid me for it.

'To whom did you deliver messages to today?'

"I only took one message today. I delivered a message to an old scribe in the library."

'Where in the city did you travel today?'

"To the bakers, then to the market. Then to the roses street and the smithies. Then to the library, then to the square, then to the roses street and the smithies. Then in a box."

After those last words a look of marked horror passes across the boy's face and his body spasms. Brother John's face bears a rictus of pain and his hands strain in the air as he battles with his magic, then the body slumps and John staggers against the wall. He moves his hands in a peculiar pattern (Knowledge Religion check) and mutters "It is done."

2012-05-17, 11:54 AM
"Fade, we need to get Lissa involved. She may know who this Maria is, or at the very least she can take care of notifying any family the boy may have had."

"On a related not, are you planning on getting involved in your guilds internal politics related to their antics in the square this morning? I would really rather this city not go the way River City did, and I'd be happy to help."

2012-05-17, 02:15 PM
As if a little reluctant, Phaedrus says "Oui, I think it's time to talk to Thevya...I have a fair amount to report. We shall see what she needs from me - either way, I shall follow up on talking with the smithies," and with a slight edge "maybe more than talk."

Turning to Jon and bowing slightly, "Merci Brother, your service here is invaluable, shall I pass a bill to Coursan?"

A knowledge roll...I'll take that bait (here's to hoping for a good roll): [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-17, 02:30 PM
"No need, just make sure you care for the temple or any of it's adherents. It riles me that guild runners can be slain so easily."

Knowledge for what?
You know where the street is that most of the smithies are on.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-17, 02:37 PM
"No need Sel, I've met her. She's in charge of the Scuvs. Paranoid as hell. Two bodyguards to go to a library, and when I mentioned I was a Sellsword, she quickly proclaimed "I ain't no squealer". Probably thought I was there to kill her."

"I don't think that her safety is all that important, at least to whomever pays her. Her "bodyguards" stood idly by as she protested her innocence, not even flinching. Clearly, they were loyal to someone else."

Aquarius walks over to the body, kneels, takes the boy's lifeless hand and states softly:

"Your journey has ended, little one. We are honoured to have been with you during your final steps. Rest now, and know that the leagues have not been in vain and the paths that crossed yours are better for it."

Aquarius stands up, leans against a wall and waits.

2012-05-17, 04:16 PM
I think he was doing the knowledge religion roll to identify the hand gesture Brother Jon made after the conclusion of his spell. Not a very impressive roll though.

Selena passes on the opportunity to identify it, she's purposefully unengaged in religious matters.

"Pity Mal had to run off, but we might see her at Theyva's later."

Looking at Cal and Aquarius:

"Can you guys stay close? I don't like the mood of the city right now, and I don't want to find anyone else I know with a slit throat... or get one myself."

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-18, 05:47 AM
"Yeah, sure Sel."

2012-05-18, 12:55 PM
As the soulless body answered questions, Caladeran nodded somewhat smugly to himself. The answers seemed as valuable as one could hope for, given the situation. He simply listened as the conversation continued afterwards, rolling his eyes somewhat at the various good-byes and emotions his comrades were displaying for the nameless boy. Oh, certainly the lad had a name, but it was not one Caladeran had known previously ... and it wasn't one he was going to commit to memory now. Life on the streets was apparently hard, and while the loss of any life was unfortunate, the duskblade felt his energy was better served keeping himself and companions alive, rather than plotting vengeance for a boy he never knew.

At Selena's question, he smirked somewhat. "I suppose it will be more interesting than watching sewer rats scurry about. Where to first?"

2012-05-20, 04:57 PM
"Let's escort Fade to Theyva's first."

2012-05-20, 09:20 PM
Fade nods and says, "This way then, Thevya may not want to talk about guild matters in front of you, but I am sure I can convince her that you are allies."

2012-05-20, 10:27 PM
Selena follows Fade as far as guild politics allows, trying to make sure no-one can ambush or vanish him.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-21, 03:58 AM
You make your way to Thevya's known base of operations, a discrete house next to the Three Roses tavern. You can hear the bustle of the crowds heading home for the evening and the ring of hammers from the next street.

You know that the entrance for Guild work is through the tavern, and only potential customers use the front door.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-21, 08:06 AM
As Aquarius walks with the others, he notes the hammer-on-anvil sound.

"Blacksmiths nearby? When we're done, do you guys mind if I go and pick up a dagger? This sword here is rather conspicuous. Maybe a Stiletto blade, hmmm."

OOC Note:
For those of you that don't know, a Stiletto is a stabbing weapon, not designed for slashing. Similar to a poingard, or a very short raiper.

2012-05-21, 11:57 AM
Caladeran shrugged at Aquarius' question. "I do not care. The rest of us could probably use a drink anyway." He glanced suggestively at the tavern that covered as a front, waiting for the others to head in.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-21, 12:07 PM
"Maybe later we could engage in a drinking contest. 5 gold to the victor?"

2012-05-21, 12:13 PM
"I don't think now is the best time to get sloppy. We should be right back."

Selena has been in Theyva's guild back rooms before as guest of various members, and she intends to accompany Fade again. If Theyva asks to talk to Fade alone she won't be going far. Having everyone in range of a quick yell gives her peace of mind.

She heads into the guild entrance.

2012-05-21, 12:19 PM
Caladeran shook his head with a smirk. "If a fool and his money are soon parted, then a drunk and his last meal are equally fated. I see no value in a contest that leaves me poor and hungry."

Once the group entered the tavern, the duskblade found a table that was near the guild entrance and waited, ordering a simple ale for now.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-21, 12:42 PM
"Fair enough." Aquarius walks to the bar. "I'd like a glass and a bottle of whiskey, please." After collecting his order, Aquarius walks to Caladeran's table. "How about a game of darts? Just to pass the time, of course."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-21, 12:52 PM
All: Though most taverns wouldn't normally be busy at this time, due to the day's events it is quite packed, though the atmosphere seems more on edge in this place than the other taverns you've been in today.

Phaedrus nods to one of the barmen who recognises him and the man soon disappears. You enjoy a few minutes of awkwardness whilst you wait, until the man slips back into the room and approaches you.
"She's been busy today, mate, but, you can see her. She's only got 'bout five minutes," he warns, then leads you behind the bar and through a door into the adjoining house.
A few men and women are hanging around on the ground floor, talking in hushed tones and entertaining themselves, but the barman leads you up to the next floor without a word. Two more men wait up there, and ask you to surrender your weapons (obvious ones such as swords and hammers. Staffs and daggers are fine.)

2012-05-23, 01:27 AM
Phaedrus surrenders his arrows and sword and there's not much a bow is good for once the ammo is gone. Mentally preparing himself, he enters the room.

"Madam Thevya, I won't take too much of your time, I know you are busy so I am going to be blunt, there are just some things I would like to report that you may find useful," Phaedrus begins with a small genuflection.

"The first is about that the boy you sent with a message to me this morning was killed. I know that an attack against the a member is an attack against the guild, lest we present a weak front to others. As such, I have taken upon myself to follow up on any leads to track the killer down.

"And speaking of weak front - the almost riot today was an...ungemütlich...an inopportune and disquieting...show on our part, as I am sure you know, but there seemed to be only one group truly pushing for a fight - and joining with the scuvs it seemed, I have a list around here with some of their names..." Phaedrus fishes through a few of his pockets and retrieves the paper with the information given by Ben's corpse and hand it over to her with out looking at it, all the while continuing talking and watching closely for any sign of recognition from his employer, "My personal recommendation would be using one of them as a scapegoat for the assassination attempts - sends a message to not mess with the guild's orders, gets the public feeling a bit more safe, and lastly ends the public manhunt leaving us out of suspicion and free to do it our way if we choose."

a'Lan: I am intentionally handing her the wrong paper. I want to let you know so that my post is read properly - I tried to make it clear which paper I was referring to, but I still didn't know if I succeeded.

I am making a diplomacy check, to gauge how well I am representing myself in game, I am hoping to get on her good side since I am playing a little bit of a risky game right now (not telling her everything and being a little sneaky): [roll0] +3 from cunning knowledge, and one inspiration point down.

This is bluff check to keep a poker face (if needed): [roll1] +3, same thing, two down

This is a spot check to catch her face as she scans the paper (is there any tell to see if she is perturbed by any of the information: [roll2] +3, same thing, three total

Man, I hate to use so many IPs in such a short span, but the first two I feel are necessary and the last is because how terrible my rolls for spot have been.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-23, 04:48 AM
She looks really puzzled and a bit suspicious as she reads the notes you made on Ben's answers.

She looks up at you and you can see she is tired. The woman you knew was strong and independent, feisty and quick, but this woman's hair has lost it's natural lustre and is a dull blonde, whilst her normally lithe frame looks decidedly frail.
She starts off responding to your statement about the riots
"I know, what do you think I've been doing all day? I heard your name bandied about a bit, seems you had some involvement in the stand off in the square, but I guess no blood was shed so that's all to the good. Still, when we find out who tried to kill the Archa there's going to be hell to may, Coursan explicitly forbade getting involved right now."
"In fact I meant to talk to you about something," she continues, but cuts off when she processes the piece of paper you gave her. "What is this? I don't know of anyone in the guild named Maria, and what's the rest about?"

2012-05-23, 08:13 AM
Selena is happy to have the most of her friends in one place in these troubled times, and is just doing her best to look calm and nonthreatening. The fact that she's a bit tired from her exertions and travels of the day probably helps.

She's keeping an ear on the conversation but not intently scanning anyone's face or trying to commit any details to memory. She trusts Theyva has some secret political irons in the fire, but doubts she is either the source or the trouble or in it's employ. She does hope Fade asks who the copy sent to the savant was intended for, if not Maria.

2012-05-24, 11:26 AM
"Ein Moment, let me see that..." Phaedrus says, reaching out for the paper, "Sorry, wrong notes." Phaedrus begins to fish through his pockets again, producing the correct sheet this time. "Here would be the names," he says as he hands it to her, "What did you wish to talk about, madam?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-24, 02:15 PM
Thevya eyes you with a mixture of confusion and suspicion, but seems unable to read you.
She glances down the list and purses her lips, then sharply replies: "I'll see they are dealt with accordingly."

She nods to your last question and seems to become calm again, less agitated. "I require an artifact. And I thought you might be the one to find it for me, I've had reports that you have done well at acquiring 'resources' for us before."

2012-05-24, 02:53 PM
Caladeran paused for a moment, a sharp retort dying on his lips. This felt like and obvious attempt to gauge the duskblade's ability under the guise of a 'friendly game.' However, over his time spent with the group, Caladeran had found them to often engage in social events, as well. Perhaps the offer of a drink and a game had more to do with some human need to connect, vice an ulterior motive.

Shrugging, Cal nodded for Aquarius to gather the darts and start. He held his drink, sipping judiciously, while keeping an eye on the room and the door his companions had went through.

After a few moments, he glanced over at the other man. "So. What banal topic shall we prattle about, in an effort to portray interest in the meaningless tedium of daily life in this city? The weather ... it is warm, yes?" The look on his face clearly indicated this was still new territory as he struggeled to interact with a fellow comrade.

Ah the beauty of an arrogant, stiff elf with little social grace!

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-25, 07:59 AM
"Here are the rules. Three darts per turn. Whoever scores higher after five rounds, wins a set. First to three sets, wins."

After listening to Cal's, less than good attempt at casual conversation.

"Actually, I was wondering about Elven magic. What I mean is, how does it work, particularly. I really don't know if it is similar or different to what the rest of us use."

Assuming that three darts is three rolls:

Throw 1:

Throw 2:

Throw 3:

OOC: In case either Al or Star don't have access to Cityscape, the darts game, in an abridged form, is presented below:

The characters make opposed ranged touch attacks. Whoever rolls a higher score, wins the round.

2012-05-25, 08:47 PM
Caladeran's mouth clamped shut for a moment as he threw his darts in uncomfortable silence.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot my flaw ... 6, 19, and 13 are the correct numbers.

After a few moments, he spoke softly. "Perhaps a different line of conversation. As well ask me to explain why the wind has no color ..."

The duskblade returned to his drink, waiting for his next turn.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-26, 06:10 AM
"Sorry if that was uncomfortable for you. It's just that I am interested in all facets of magic. Anyway, better make my throws."

Throw 1:

Throw 2:

Throw 3:

2012-05-29, 10:49 AM
"Since you didn't ask me to leave, I assume this is a job where you don't mind Fade taking advantage of trusted help outside the guild?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-29, 12:08 PM
She turns to Selena as she asks her question, and nods in response. "Talented as Phaedrus undoubtedly is, I had expected him to make use of others to retrieve it, pick those you trust most and find this thing, but make sure it does not fall into the hands of anyone else." With that last comment she gives Selena a more pointed look, as if to say: 'you can help, but don't cross me'.
"Everyone involved will be suitably reimbursed for their time."

2012-05-29, 03:53 PM
"What sort of artifact are we talking about here," Phaedrus begins, a bit more animated, "I have come across mentions of quite a few in my studies..." he trails off as he realizes that his commentary is probably unwanted. Resuming he says, "As always, I am at your service. Will this be a precision job, or would you rather there should be some looting?"

Phaedrus is referring to "get the item and get out" style or taking the item with several other things (both for profiting the guild and sometimes to disguise what the object desired).

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-29, 04:42 PM
"This is not a heist, that is why I am asking you to do it, old man." You can see her patience is wearing thin. "I apologise, this day has been a trial. The artifact I want you to retrieve is known as the Ice Heart. It is obscure, of that I know, and many believed it lost. But there have been rumours that have led some to suspect it could be found on the Linian Isles. Brig it back to me and keep whatever you like that you find on the way, but remember our rules, the Linians are still the Archa's subjects and this job ought not to be overt: if you find yourself with an ancient artifact, I would advise you do not draw attention to yourselves."

"That is all I know currently. I would request that you put all your attention onto this, and submit a list of those who you will be employing to assist you so that they can be reimbursed."

2012-05-29, 07:37 PM
Caladeran simply shrugged, not saying much as he too, took his turn.

2012-05-29, 10:50 PM
"Could you share with us the contents of these rumors? Perhaps a description of the rough size, shape, or function of the object? Anything about the kind of person or place that it is rumored to rest with?"

"So far this errand seems so vague as to just be an effort of one of your foes to deprive you of manpower for an indefinite while."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-05-30, 03:44 AM
Thevya's eyes flashed towards Selena. "Do not think me so easily conned girl, I've played this game a long time and I am no fool. There is little enough information, and I'm certain you can gather the rest, that is what we employ you for after all." She says aiming now at Phaedrus as though to question his judgement in bringing Selena here.
"I doubt it will be held by any of power, since the Linians are a cautious folk and do not have much time for the arcane arts. Now go, I asked you to find it, not council me."

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-30, 07:18 AM
Aquarius remains silent, and takes his throws.

Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:


Aquarius: 1 round
Caladeran: 1 round

2012-05-30, 07:48 AM
Selena leaves Theyva and rejoins the others just outside in the common area.

"Hmm, we'll see what Fade has to say, but I'm smelling wild goose chase myself. Wild goose chase based only upon the flimsiest of hearsay. Who's winning so far out here?"

Sgt. Cookie
2012-05-30, 07:51 AM
"Draw, so far. One round a piece. I've just taken my third lot of throws, though. What you you lot discussing in there?"

2012-05-30, 08:16 AM
"She requested Fade assemble a team for a mission, which as I mentioned, seemed suspiciously short on details and long on scope to me. But Fade knows her better than I."

2012-05-30, 02:51 PM
Caladeran listened to the exchange between Selena and Aquarius silently, taking the darts and throwing them.

The game was mildly amusing, were it not for his wound. Was the choice of a game that highlighted his limited vision some subtle slight from Aquarius, or simply a coincedence?

It probably did not matter ... if winning such a game meant anything of importance to either of them, it would be a surprise. No, Aquarius' true intent was probably learning more of the elven way of magic. Perhaps the discussion would be worth having later ...

Looking back to Selena, he nodded to the door she had left. "What mission?"

2012-05-30, 04:17 PM
"I apologize for the misunderstanding on the assignment. I will attempt to recover it as soon as possible, and I'll get you a list of those that helped at with duties performed at the end of it all."

Relevant: what exactly are "the rules" that I should be remembering. In context I am suspecting pro-rating details and/or discretion, but I don't know which.

2012-06-11, 06:52 PM
Phaedrus waits until he is dismissed, and then heads back to the bar. Seeing the group, he approaches in time to see Caladeran pulling his darts from board. Walking up he begins in response to the question, "Thevya has a mission for me and anyone who is interested, guaranteeing good compensation. At first it is going to be a bit of researching, finding out what exactly we're looking for - all I know right now is it is called the Ice Heart. It'll take us out of town, and I know some of you have just returned - so I don't know how keen you are on another trek," dropping his voice he says, "I know that I am going to also use my time to track down any information I can about Ben's killer, probably starting today while Aquarius picks up a dagger." The last bit is said with a glance at the sound of the smithies across the way.

Phaedrus give a brief motion to the bartender and asks for a drink, then glances back with a look as if to ask if anyone else wants anything. So long as we don't drink too much, it'll be fine - and just maybe it will help us have a chance to relax, we've all been on the move all day it seems.

2012-06-11, 08:07 PM
As if in answer to his question to Selena, Phaedrus appears. "Thevya has a mission for me and anyone who is interested, guaranteeing good compensation. At first it is going to be a bit of researching, finding out what exactly we're looking for - all I know right now is it is called the Ice Heart. It'll take us out of town, and I know some of you have just returned - so I don't know how keen you are on another trek. I know that I am going to also use my time to track down any information I can about Ben's killer, probably starting today while Aquarius picks up a dagger."

The last was said in a lower tone of voice, presumably for fear of conspirators lurking within the crowds. Caladeran handed the darts over to Aquarius, nodding towards the board before he spoke. "I have nothing else pressing. I would be interested in discussing this further, perhaps where there is less noise and commotion."

2012-06-12, 11:47 AM
"I wouldn't mind getting out of town right now, seems things are getting ugly over here."

Seal shakes her head slightly at Fade's offer of refreshment.

I'm not sure where this branch of his guild is headed. There are too many unanswered questions right now to drink their ale.

Sgt. Cookie
2012-06-14, 04:24 AM
OOC: Current score

Aquarius: 2
Calderan: 1

"Maria. Leader of the Scuvs, paranoid as hell, willing to go to a location on simple verbal words. Bodyguards are loyal to someone else, who ever is funding this guild rebellion. If you are willing to wait until tomorrow before we leave town, chances are Maria will be at the library at high noon. Any questions?

Aquarius throws his darts:

Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

2012-06-14, 08:37 AM
"We should be doing at least that much research before leaving town. But perhaps we should grab this woman for questions BEFORE she too winds up with a slit throat."

2012-06-15, 07:19 PM
Coming back with his drink, Phaedrus responds, "I plan to run in to the library tonight yet if I can, but I will be in there again tomorrow. I could keep an eye out for her if someone can follow up any lead we can find at the smithies. I want to talk her anyway, and if she really does lead the scuvs I would like to get her on friendly term - don't want what happened this morning to happen again."

OoC: I will be out of town and afk for about a week. I'll try to get on tomorrow to catch up anything that happens today, and I will log on again asap when I return. Sorry guys, life calls.

2012-06-17, 05:43 AM
Caladeran shrugged at the discussion. "I agree with Selena. I would rather start looking for information, vice waiting around for some woman who may or may not be a part of something sinister."

Taking the darts, he flung them at the board, seemingly paying little attention to his efforts.
I thought the score was two to one in C's favor
C won the first round 38 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13290282&postcount=224) to 25 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13286832&postcount=223); A won the second round 50 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13291943&postcount=225) to 47 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13310083&postcount=230); and C won the third round 43 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13314482&postcount=237) to 42 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13312327&postcount=233)

Roll 1: [roll0]
Roll 2: [roll1]
Roll 3: [roll2]

2012-06-18, 09:15 AM
"Ok, well while Fade does his research, lets pick up this Maria chick. It sounds like she might be the one who killed Benny, although I'd be happy to give her an opportunity to deny that, or make an argument as to why we should not just treat her the same.

Anyone good at taking folks alive? I could try to make them like us, but I'm running low on juice, and that is always an uncertain prospect."

Finishing the dart game should take under a minute (24 seconds a turn, if you guys are making sure to use your highest attack mod only, full round action each toss, then a FRA to collect). Just make all the rest of your throws and we'll compare scores and pay up on the road.

Lets see if we can take Maria alive and bring her to Fade for questioning by the time Jodah gets back. After all, I think Cal used Fade's office to meet her the first time, only fitting we bring her there the next.

"You've been a naughty girl."

Sgt. Cookie
2012-06-18, 10:58 AM
OOC note:
@sdream: Good point about the rolls, I'll make all mine in the next post.

I hate preview post, canceling the rolls...

"I might be able to magically induce slumber, though it might fail, depending on how hardy and mentally fit she is. If it does work, though, the sleep will be tentative, so I suggest you get some rope or other binding."

Sgt. Cookie
2012-06-18, 11:01 AM
Darts rolls:

Set 1, round 5:
Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Set 2:

Round 1:

Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Round 2:
Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Round 3:
Throw 1
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Round 4:
Throw 1
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Round 5:
Throw 1
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Set 3:

Round 1:
Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Round 2:
Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Round 3:
Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Round 4:
Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

Round 5:
Throw 1:
Throw 2:
Throw 3:

2012-06-18, 12:27 PM
"Magical sleep would be ideal really. I'll start by pushing their body heat away, hopefully leaving them in shock or much weakened, and you can follow up with sleep. Anyone left standing will be easy for you two to knock unconscious. We can pick up some gags, rope and pitch to make it sticky on the way there so we can tie them all up. Aquarius should be able to do a little healing if one is accidentally on death's door.

Now we just need to pick a good location which matches all of:
- near the Savant's Repose
- rough neighborhood
- low traffic, especially the watch
- we can load them on a cart and drag them to an interview location"

And that last is directed at A'lan. Pick us a spot from Fade and my combined knowledge, perhaps roll Knowledge local (mine is +5) and that's how ideal our spot turns out to be (we won't know ahead of time so a secret roll is perfect).

Also buying a cart and donkey would be 23gp, how much to rent one for a day? (to help a friend move, bluff the uncaring cart lender for me as needed).

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-06-18, 12:38 PM
This map (http://www.freewebs.com/kalevalahammer/Nuln_own.jpg) again

Savant's Repose is W9.
You know that the streets get a lot rougher near the river, so you think that Cold Hole Lane would be a good place.
The docks get quieter when evening comes on, so any time after 7pm (ish) though today the docks would be clear earlier (due to celebrations) but there may be the odd person wandering about.
Lastly you realise it is a bit of a trek to the library from there. (C31-33 +C45-6)