View Full Version : The Ghola Character?

2012-03-25, 03:51 PM
Can't seem to find it on google. Or web archive. :smallfrown:
Can somebody tell me what it is?

2012-03-25, 04:14 PM
The Ghola is a poster on Brilliant Gameologists. There is no one "The Ghola" character AFAIK.

2012-03-25, 04:21 PM
All I could find after a quick Google search was the poster and a brief reference to a build which made use of Fusion and Ice Assassin to stack creature qualities (presumably made by and named after the poster in question).

2012-03-25, 04:30 PM
A poster by the handle of 17flyingaxes posited this "ghola character" a while back on the WotC forums:

(name is a reference to the Tleilaxu Masters of Dune, although this combo also reminds me of the Dosadi Experiment)

So, I was reading the Druid spell Reincarnation, and I noticed the following:

"The magic of the spell creates an entirely new young adult body for the soul to inhabit"

So, "young adult" would imply that the new creature loses any aging penalties it may have had in its last body. At the same time:

"Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores depend partly on the new body." but mental scores are never mentioned!

This leads me to conclude that any aging bonuses to mental scores are retained in the new body. This makes sense... you've accrued years of wisdom and knowledge, which don't just go away because your muscles have been rejeuvenated.

So... could a team of druids theoretically commit seppoku right before dying of old age, resurrect each other one at a time, and then age again, eventually getting really high mental ability scores?

Also... I think reincarnation looks like a way to get impossible racial feat combos. (For instance: "my taer with Battle Jump was killed defending the forest, so a druid brought him back as a half-orc, and then he also learned Headlong Rush")

Wings of Peace
2012-03-25, 05:22 PM
I never saw the build but if I remember right the Ghola character was Tleilaxu_Ghola's attempt at creating a character as close to pun-pun strength as possible without being pun-pun. I could be misremembering things though.

2012-03-25, 08:04 PM
I never saw the build but if I remember right the Ghola character was Tleilaxu_Ghola's attempt at creating a character as close to pun-pun strength as possible without being pun-pun. I could be misremembering things though.

That's what it says on Campaign Smashers II.