View Full Version : New to RPing, need help selecting/creating Pathfinder character

2012-03-25, 04:00 PM
Hi! I am completely new to roleplaying games and plan on starting a Pathfinder campaign with some friends. We have an experienced DM and 4 other players with low/no experience. We met to discuss the setting for the game and roll characters, but decided we should each do some research on the game before finalizing characters and starting. I made a Paladin just to see the character creation process, but do not believe I actually want to play a Paladin and need help choosing a class.

The campaign will be city-based and be heavily focused on the politics in the city (though still lots of combat). Other members of the party are: a sorc (future spellsword), a fighter, a bard, and a cleric.

I really enjoy the flavor of hybrid melee classes with some healing ability. I dislike playing characters centered around stealth (though do not mind the option of doing so). I prefer off-tank, in-your-face type characters. The issue with Paladin is that I do not want to play a Lawful character. Ideally I'd be Neutral Good, true Neutral, or maybe Chaotic Good and would prefer to not play an Evil character. I want to be at least competent at interacting with townsfolk/politicians. Another comparison: when I played WoW, I played an Enhancement Shaman, and this is the kind of character I end up wanting to play in every game.

I am still not completely clear on how prestige classes or mixed classes work, but would be willing to try any route as long as I'm not sacrificing too much power for flavor.

Also, the stats I rolled are: 17, 16, 14, 14, 13, 12. (with 4 D6 dropping the lowest dice)

So... what are my options here? If there's anything else that would be helpful to know about the campaign or my preferences, let me know. I'm a gamer, but have never RPed, so I'm not completely sure what information is relevant!

Mithril Leaf
2012-03-25, 04:40 PM
What you're asking for is referred to as a gish. There are a few of these in Pathfinder, in core there is the Ranger who has mild divine casting. If you can use the Pathfinder Psionic handbook, and like the idea of psychic powers, you might want to consider the psychic warrior, they're pretty strong.

One thing to remember is that unlike in MMORPGs, over time damage is bad, as is healing in battle. Ideally all your attacks will deal damage in 3 or 4 rounds at max, and your healing will be slowly and over time. You can probably just have your bard UMD a wand of cure light wounds to heal you. Remember that in D&D and Pathfinder by extension, Clerics aren't healbots, they are very powerful Divine casters.

2012-03-25, 04:57 PM
Bard has CLW on spell list, he doesn't need to UMD it.

2012-03-25, 05:08 PM
Honestly, I'd just go with Cleric. I'm rather unfamiliar with Pathfinder gods, but since I'm pretty sure that PF Clerics gain proficiency with their deity's chosen weapon, pick one that has a decent weapon (and an alignment/dogma that you can dig) and go for it. You'll get great buffs for yourself and your allies, and you'll have that healing ability you want. Medium armor and shield proficiency and your d8 HD ensure that you probably won't die anytime soon. In low-level games, Clerics tank like crazy. (At least, that's the way it is in 3.5, and from what I see looking at the PF rulebook, that pretty much seems to hold up.) Also, from a role playing perspective, clerics can be some of the most in-your-face people around, and they have access to social skills to sweeten the deal.

2012-03-25, 05:34 PM
While its a few more rules to learn, Alchemists can be built to be good meelee and can quaff and hand out self made healing potions in between battles.

My favourite gish is the Summoner synthesist though. You get to summon a powerful extradimensional being and wear it like armor. You also get some pretty decent spellcasting. Your healing is pretty much only usable on yourself though.