View Full Version : Heart of Darkness [PF, WIP] (PEACH)

2012-03-25, 08:26 PM
"The powers out on the mainland, and all the shopping malls are closed."

So, for a second attempt at world building I am looking to create a world with a steam-punk fantasy flair meets the gritty darkness of a post apocalyptic world. Borrowing heavily from Iron Kingdoms and using the mostly Pathfinder, I am seeking to have a world littered with the technology, be it steampunk, magitech or just nifty things, but much of it no longer in operation.

The world is a scary place in the twilight of a once much more glorious and prosperous era.

Posted below is what is needed vis a vis input. Things with their own posts are of course in need of review, constructive criticism and input. Things without links to their own posts are essentially still in purely idea phase and any suggestions are highly valued.

Obviously decay is a primary theme, as well as the ignorance of many on how certain things used to work. The world is littered with the relics of an industrial, steam punk world with far greater magical knowledge then people presently know. War, disease, and the over use of weapons that shouldn't have been used, many who knew how much of the world worked are dead and the surviving populations are generally ignorant of much of the old technology.

Quests that emphasize mystery, investigation, horror, are more what I'd like to build into this setting.

Another emphasis is the ghosts of the past. Sins of the past linger in the world, twisted experiments of alchemists run loose, angry dead who can't rest, and conflicts for who rules shattered countries and tiny fiefdoms reign across the country side.

Classes and Archetypes:

Most classes remain somewhat unchanged other then minor fluff changes that make the class suite the setting.

Classes from Pathfinder SRD:
Sorcerer, Oracle, Alchemist, Inquisitor, Witch, Cleric, Fighter, Bard, Barbarian, Gunslinger, Ranger, Cavalier, Summoners and Rogue.

One might notice a lack Paladins, Wizards, Magus, and Druid. Paladins are out specifically because I just feel Cleric and Inquisitor does the same thing. Druid in this setting is fulfilled by the Witch for this setting. Wizard and Magus are not outright banned, they are severally restricted because the advanced schooling required is incredibly hard to find. Alchemist and other classes require less formal schooling to learn and are thus more likely to happen. Some exceptions might exist, but largely Wizard and Magus' are restricted to DM approval.

Non-SRD Classes:
Machine Smith/Engineer (http://www.lpjdesign.com/pdfs/machinesmith_4.pdf). This class might need some retooling to fit and maybe some balancing. But the flavor and lore really clicks.

Archetypes and other recommended classes definitely needed.

Magic Items, Mundane Items, Crafting, General Technology.

Magic Items and Enchantments: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12967242)
Here is a brief covering of how +1,+2 ... ect enchantments and things like shocking and ghost touch are dealt with mechanically.

* Soon to come, Crafting, Specific gear ect.. *

Character Creation:

Races (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12971175)

Vitality And Wound Points (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/vitalityAndWoundPoints.htm):
For this setting, the wound and vitality points system replaces the traditional hitpoints.

Magic, Spells, Incantations and the Forbidden practices:

Not all magic spells exist in game. Of the base SRD spells several I am just using DM fiat and removing such as Wish and Miracle and Limited Wish ect... ideally these are things Spirit beings, Demons or the Dead could grant but not necessarily something your average wizard could do.

Also spells like resurrection and anything the brings the dead back to life become incantations, costly, dangerous incantations with the possibility of failure with horrible consequences. The Dream of raising the dead has still been considered taboo and even at the height of magical and technological knowledge that feat had been considered unethical, evil and had never been documented to be fully successful.

Also gone are smaller things like spells that navigate, and teleportation spells. Other spell changes are always welcome.

Magic, is also given a set property. Though primarily a fluff reason it will play out in game. Divine Magic and Arcane Magic are distinguishable only in their behavior. Arcane magic possesses no inherit consciousness. Magic is inherently a thing one manipulates, or is given. Divine Magic does have an inherent consciousness to it. The Divine will not act against it's alignment. Thus clerics of a specific philosophy can lose their faith and command of Divine magic by violating what the Divine consciousness wills one to do.

For Arcane magic, there is only the consciousness of the conjurer and spell wielder. Fumbling an arcane spell or spell failure can have dire consequences such as creating a living spell that will attack the creator.

Clerics, Gods, and Domains:
Religion will be slightly different then in standard D&D. Religion is highly diverse. The man from one country may proclaim X is the worlds maker, and the man from another land says it is Y. Effectively clerics have a philosophy within their faith, or simply a philosophy in general and then select domains and alignment. There is no defined known for sure deities that definitively act on the world, and it is unknown how involved said Gods are. Miracles are known in stories, and some people have gotten a miracle, but much like in our world it is less certain.

Favored weapons also are not tied specifically to ones deity, but instead to ones monastic order, church, temple or prophet or teacher.

All of course requiring DM approval.

For more about the nature of Gods and Goddesses, read the Planes section, specifically the "Astral Tapestry."

Cosmology! Inner Space and Outer Space:

The Planes are not well understood and attempts to go to them have been fraught with peril. The planes are for the most part theoretical, even simply just things derived from the worlds physicists and theoreticians and wizards to plausibly exist or fulfill arcane formula to explain things.

Theoretically, there are the planes of Positive and Negative energy. And then an Elemental plane or wheel representing Earth, Air, Wind, Fire, Electricity, ect...

Other planes, more definitively believed understood beyond simply mathematical formula are the following.

Material Plane: This is the real world, the world the players are born to (Ideally).
Ethereal Shadow: This is the essential plane of the Spirits. Functionally it acts as the "Plane of Shadow," for spell purposes. It also acts as the Ethereal plane. It also serves as the Feywild. This is the strange misty world of ghosts, demons and spirits. Theologians, Wizards and lay people alike have ventured a guess as to its nature, and some have even made contact with it. This world is filled with mirrored realities of the material plane, dreams, premonitions and the thoughts from the material plane can sometimes take real form here. This plane is linked heavily to the material world. It's true nature, shape and form is difficult to say. It has been divided up into several layers/realms/or demi-places
> Realm of Spirits: This is also known as the realm of Fey spirits or Fey creatures. Nature spirits and nature beings allegedly reside here. Nature magic and other such things dwell, live and sometimes cross over from here. This world is highly magical. Spirits should not be confused with ghosts.
> Realm of the Dead: By far the largest portion of the plane. It is a foggy, whispering purgatory where spirits wander in their final quest to discover meaning and pass on. Filled with the strange reflections of past lives and past eras, this realm as a long deep memory and holds many lost souls and souls finding their way. Wandering this plane are both the good and the bad, the righteous and the vile. Demons, Celestial and Devil beings also reside here. Demons often being the most vile of spirits, or even the creation of the collective vile thoughts of mortals. Celestials and Devils being the creations of the Astral Tapestry. Celestials being there to guide and Devils being there to torment and tempt.
> Realm of Dreams: Uncertain plane, said to be a place where thoughts, both good and bad become real. Were nightmares and dreams can manifest as material things. Typically though, they stay here. Some aberrational beings come from this realm when there is bleed threw into the material plane.
The Cosmic Chaos: This plane acts as the "Astral Sea," for spell purposes. The Cosmic Chaos is the raw twisting plane of magic. Separated from Astral Tapestry by its lack of intelligence, this is essentially the binding glue of reality and existence together. It is effectively that which is apart of and binding all the planes together. Raw magical energy exists here, but it lacks sentience or a consciousness. Alchemists, Wizards, Sorcerers ect have tapped this plane, and devices and rituals can allow for one (With skills and supreme mental faculties) to wield and give form to this unruly plane. Some theorize that aberrations can form here, but it is uncertain. As this plane does not appear conducive to any consciousness anyone can rationally understand.
The Astral Tapestry: This plane is less a plane and more a consciousness. It is a name given by some to a plausible heaven or source of Intelligence driving the universe. Some have allegedly gotten a glimpse of it but it is said to have caused blindness or confusion. Some theorize that it is not a plane but in fact an over-soul or collective consciousness in the universe. Gods and Goddesses allegedly live here, or are part of this plane. In reality Gods and Goddesses are more like bubbles within this consciousness, or the over-soul has multiple personalities within itself. This is essentially the plane of Divine magic, different from the Cosmic Chaos in that this is a plane made of magic that things. Divine magic is inherently intelligent, with a collective consciousness.

It is so large it gets its own post, (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12959792) click the link or scroll down

The World; Maps, Geography, Laws and History:

The Fionnian Islands, or "Commonwealth of Fionna"
Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12990223&postcount=20)

In short, the Fionnan Isles are a former colony commonwealth of one of the great world powers before the war. Fionna as it was called, was made up of three large islands and a few small ones. Once a mostly autonomous commonwealth of the Realm of Uisdonia, the country is now a remote, desolate place. Like the world in general it is littered with the scars of a world war, and the desolate cities that remain after global pandemics wiped the world out. Now factions fight over the largely empty island, gangs, tribes and small bands form up defending resources, and the working bits of civilization.

Well here it is, in all of its glory. The above are what I have done, or the fluff I have done. Recommendations, suggestions and input are infinitely welcome. Also questions are welcome if anything is unclear.

2012-03-25, 08:53 PM
The theme of decay reminds me of a dialogue between Neo and one of the human colony's leaders. I think it was in The Matrix Reloaded.

Here it is:

Councillor Harmann: There is so much in this world that I do not understand. See that machine? It has something to do with recycling our water supply. I have absolutely no idea how it works. But I do understand the reason for it to work. I have absolutely no idea how you are able to do some of the things you do, but I believe there's a reason for that as well. I only hope we understand that reason before it's too late.

Anyway, I'm thinking some sort of corruption mechanic based on urban decay might be kind of cool. I'll try to come up with some prototypical mechanics.

2012-03-25, 09:01 PM
The theme of decay reminds me of a dialogue between Neo and one of the human colony's leaders. I think it was in The Matrix Reloaded.

Here it is:

Councillor Harmann: There is so much in this world that I do not understand. See that machine? It has something to do with recycling our water supply. I have absolutely no idea how it works. But I do understand the reason for it to work. I have absolutely no idea how you are able to do some of the things you do, but I believe there's a reason for that as well. I only hope we understand that reason before it's too late.

Anyway, I'm thinking some sort of corruption mechanic based on urban decay might be kind of cool. I'll try to come up with some prototypical mechanics.

The degree to which people know or don't know technology is sort of up in the air. For example some surviving communities might wish to figure out how to turn the power back on, which could be used to start a quest that the players would be sent out to figure out the schematics, and follow the remains of the power lines to the source and figure out how to turn it on. Even potentially fighting rival groups and monsters in the quest to do so.

Also i welcome any mechanic suggestions. :smallsmile:

2012-03-25, 09:11 PM
You've actually just brought up a very good question.

Did societies slide into decay, rather than being shattered by a cataclysm? If so, there's likely to be quite a bit of infrastructure and knowledge available.

2012-03-25, 09:20 PM
You've actually just brought up a very good question.

Did societies slide into decay, rather than being shattered by a cataclysm? If so, there's likely to be quite a bit of infrastructure and knowledge available.

Society has been shocked by recent cataclysm. A few scattered about know how things worked. A few service manuals may still be left sitting in the ruins of abandoned cities, or bombed out buildings.

The sequence of events leading to this grimmer gloomier world is first, the first global war. With Industrial revolutions spreading, economic boom, magi-tech and growing magical understanding rising, Nation States are fearing over production and vast Empires vie for power over colonial holdings, resources and to outdo one another. Internally though the seeds of nationalism spread amongst these larger empires and opposing empires foment and support rebellion. Eventually the delicate balance of power that ensured global peace falters and the the world is plunged into a global war.

Unfortunately this is the first war of this era. Were weapons of mass destruction and death are used to horrifying effect. Alchemical noxious gas pours over the battlefields of the world, Missile rockets carrying strange magical transmutation bombs levels cities in the blink of an eye and pandemic disease and food shortages lead to global chaos.

Eventually the war becomes so devastating neither side can win or continue fighting, and pandemic diseases (Some of which display magical properties and are rumored to have been a weapons themselves) have effectively killed off much of the population around the world.

Player characters will likely be the children of, or the grandchildren of the generation that lived during that time when the empires fell apart and the fuel supply stopped flowing and the diseases emerged and largely subsided.

So, much infrastructure still remains in many areas but the areas most destroyed are those areas with the greatest cash of goodies from the previous era.

2012-03-25, 09:38 PM
In that case, it's quite possible that these events culminated in an eternal nuclear magic winter.

Now, people shut themselves within bunkers, sustained by magitech, but as the machinery fails, these people are forced to repair the devices, brave the ice, or failing those, they sit and starve. Hunger takes them like a disease, and soon, they resort to cannibalism.

Those who never had the benefit of these shelters have survived relatively well, but they have also mutated into snowbound monstrosities. Woe betide those who foolishly wander the icy wastes.

There is hope, however. Communications between bunkers were established several decades ago, and trade, while not plentiful, does exist. With trade, most bunker-dwellers have had their needs met, and everyone within them has the means to live, if not terribly comfortably.

Too much?

2012-03-25, 09:49 PM
In that case, it's quite possible that these events culminated in an eternal nuclear magic winter.

Now, people shut themselves within bunkers, sustained by magitech, but as the machinery fails, these people are forced to repair the devices, brave the ice, or failing those, they sit and starve. Hunger takes them like a disease, and soon, they resort to cannibalism.

Those who never had the benefit of these shelters have survived relatively well, but they have also mutated into snowbound monstrosities. Woe betide those who foolishly wander the icy wastes.

There is hope, however. Communications between bunkers were established several decades ago, and trade, while not plentiful, does exist. With trade, most bunker-dwellers have had their needs met, and everyone within them has the means to live, if not terribly comfortably.

Too much?

Slightly less snowfall. The world is cooler and mutants do wander the landscape. However I am not necessarily going for the global ice age element.

The players actually will be playing on an large island in the southern hemisphere of the planet. Much of the major warring nations were in the Northern hemisphere. This country (Still nameless for now) was a commonwealth colony of a larger Empire that had mostly independence (Think like Canada or Australia).

I do however like the bunkers idea. I did intend to go with that. Magic fallout is still world wide at times, and bunkers to escape the war and disease, for example quarantine shelters. The major global killer was a mysterious virulent plague that was sort of the final nail in the coffin. The war sort of weakened the countries to were they couldn't withstand the combined pressures of both such devastating weaponry and a pandemic.

2012-03-25, 10:01 PM

A couple of ideas:

Irradiation magic
Disease magic
Biannual caravans between bunkers

Edit: Forgot some things.

After the war, munitions stores were not entirely depleted, and bunkers that possess them guard them jealously.
Specialists, such as magitechnicians, are in high demand and are semi-regularly kidnapped for their services.

2012-03-26, 08:55 AM

... So the shopping malls are closed? I've got a dollar and you've got a chicken.

One great mechanic I contrived, implemented and am refining is the concept of variable economics and money systems. Borrowing heavily from the campaign I played in where the DM had multiple money systems and different currency then the standard, I in turn ran with the concept.

This world is not a place of static fixed prices. Goods and services are variable, hard to come by and can change day by day, week by week, year by year. The settlement that once sold you food at one price one day might be running low on food the next. Prices can change on a dime.

With much help from Ninjadeadbeard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12536163&postcount=3), Earlier on when I first attempted this, We get a way to have regional and shop level variation in pricing.

Regional Price Variations:
{table=head] d6 | Status | Adjustment | Example
1 | Devastated | +50% buy/sell | Extreme Scarcity, Bad scavenging, no production |
2 | Disturbed | +25% buy/sell | Slim pickings and but goods do flow |
3 | Restricted | +10% buy/sell | Restricted supply |
4 | No change | 0% | Supply goes undisturbed |
5 | Good Yield | -25% buy/sell | This group is growing, production and scavenging is good |
6 | Windfall | -50% buy/sell | Over Supply, This group has done well for itself |

This is a table, which can represent basic modes or status of a particular resources in a given region. This essentially represents the cost of a material or resources necessary to craft a good or perhaps perform a service.

Say the players require a armor, or even a vehicle to be built, maybe they need petrol or other alchemical fuels. Obviously some resources are scarcer then others. For example petrol will be in the devastated column obviously since extraction and refining is hard. Metals might not be as scrap might be plentiful. This table helps in establishing the base price for the various parts for goods and services, especially if they require raw materials whose availability is liable to fluctuate.

Beyond a base resource/commodity table there would possibly be a similar one for local prices, as in the conditions at any given store or town.

This table emphasizes additional cost/discount in prices based on localized conditions. For example a local merchant has cornered the Iron market and is inflating Iron prices. Thus anything crafted with Iron goes up in price. Or maybe their is increased price competition between two rival merchants and prices decline.

Local Shops variation:
{table=head] d8 | Status | Adjustment | Example
1 | Price Bubble/Monopoly | +10% buy/-10% Sell | Local merchant or cartel is buying up all the resource and is cornering the market |
2 | Production problem | +25% buy/sell | Factory/Foundry/Workshop is damaged, destroyed or shut down, or Labor strike |
3 | Labor shortage | +10% buy/Sell | Few laborers demand higher pay, |
4 | No change | 0% | All is well |
5 | No change | 0% | All is well |
6 | Competitive Pricing | -10% buy/+10% Sell | Merchants want your business, they can give you a discount |
7 | Over supply | -25%buy/-25% Sell | They have so much, you can buy for cheap and buyers are scarce |
8 | Regulated prices | -10%buy/-10% Sell | Said industry is regulated by local rulers, prices are lower, however buyers pay a lower prices for said item |

Each of these conditions might exist in a local area. Perhaps one shelter has emerged and has control over a large scrap yard. They tightly control prices and have effectively collectivized the market. Or maybe enterprising businesses own it... either way, from settlement to settlement these things may vary and effect prices.

Finally we also have currency, while local areas may open their own mints, some may attempt to keep the same familiar currency that the once unified national government may have used. Of course a barter economy may also be prevalent as the ability to mint coins is obviously intermittent in such a setting.

{table=head] Currency | Brass Pence | Copper Lady | Silver Crown | Gold Cross
Brass Pence | 1 | 1/10 | 1/100 | 1/1000
Copper Lady | 10 | 1 | 1/10 | 1/100
Silver Crown | 100 | 10 | 1 | 1/10
Gold Cross | 1000 | 100 | 10 | 1

Above is a table showing the countries currency system and basic values.

In this currency system, you deflate the one in the generic Pathfinder games and substitute one more reflective of the real world. Gold is extremely rare, Silver is more commonly used. In this you simply upgrade each coin to the next highest value of coin. So a Silver Piece becomes equal to a Gold Piece

To use existing SRD price listings, simply divide the price by 10. Effectively player money is not worth any less. It is simply less inflated. This is because, save for maybe the players finding an old cash register with hard coins in the till, the players will likely not be finding a massive horde of coins. In all likelihood most of the creatures they encounter will have no actual money on them.

Finally, Paper money may be in circulation. Some areas may still use paper notes to represent coinage values.

So a 10 crown note, would be worth 10 Silver crown coins, A 1 Silver Crown note is worth 1 Silver crown.

Obviously however the currency in use in an area will depend heavily on the number of people who have survived the cataclysmic events of the world and their technical skills. Some areas may be void of any money system and players are forced to barter. Those who held out in government shelters and bunkers likely still have mints and means of producing currency. The more organized groups will likely use currency of some form or another.

2012-03-27, 02:55 PM
Magic Items and Enchantments

Magic items are significantly reduced. Stat wise, things change little but in the fluff and means by which one gets enchanted items is changed. Gone is the magic mart and Christmas tree characters adorned with every little piece of gear. Instead characters merely grow more skilled of their own ability, with some enchantments, Essentially this is to demagicafy items. Mostly this is fluffing a new way in which people get these +1, +2 ect magic items. Instead armor metals are changed, or maybe some other form of enchantment exists as wonderous items attached, but most of the +1 type stuff is now reflective of increased character skill.

The idea is borrowed from here (http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz1zof?Rules-for-a-low-magic-setting#0).

Defensive Training
+1 enhancement bonuses to armor: L3, L6, L9, L11, L13, L15, L17, L18, L19, L20;
+1 deflection: L4, L9, L12, L15, L19;
+1 enhancement bonuses to natural armor: L5, L10, L13, L16, L20.

Enhancement bonuses to armor can be used to imbue a suit of armor with special abilities, like Fortification. The decision can be changed every time a new enhancement bonus to armor is gained. Gaining enchantments like Fortification, Ghost touch armor require the completion of specific quests and the performance of specific incantations (Incantations from Unearthed Arcana) to gain them.

Enhancement bonuses to armor can also be extended to another set of armor, like a shield, at the cost of one bonus point (for example, at level 11, a character can have a +4 enhancement bonus to its armor, a +1 enhancement bonus and save the other points to spend on enchantments like ghost touch, or a +3 enhancement bonus to both its armor and shield.

The maximum enhancement bonus to armor can only be +5, the rest must be taken special abilities.

Resistance Training
+1 Primary Save: L3, L5, L9, L15, L20
+1 Secondary Save: L6, L8, L12, L16, L20
+1 Tertiary Save: L7, L10, L14, L17, L20

Physical and Mental Training
A character picks a primary and secondary set of attributes from either the Physical and the Mental sets.
+2 Primary set of attributes: L7, L9, L11, L13, L15, L17, L18, L19, L20
+2 Secondary set of attributes: L10, L13, L16, L18, L20

Martial Training
+1 enhancement bonus to weapon: BAB +4, +7, +10, +12, +14, +16, +17, +18, +19, +20.

A character can apply this bonus to more than one weapon, used simultaneously, albeit the bonus is reduced by one for an additional weapon, and by two, for all additional weapons.

A character can also use his martial training bonuses to imbue his weapon, similarly as done with armor via quest, gathering specific items and incantations to create enchantments like flaming or keen.

Esoteric Training
Every day, a full spellcaster can recollect a number of spells, whose levels add up to half his caster level. For example, an 11th level cleric can recollect up to five levels of spells: one 1st, one 2nd and one 3rd, or a single 5th level spell, etc.
The spells thus recollected have a minimum casting time of ten minutes.

Spell Storing
Spellcasters can imbue special items to store their magic. Items must be wielded for the magic to be restored, as a standard action, or more if the casting time was longer. A caster can have spells of levels adding up to his caster level stored at any one time. Putting spells into items takes one hour of preparation per spell level and expends the spell on the caster list. Only the spellcaster can use the item.

Vast Knowledge
Spellcasters know one extra spell per spell level they can cast. For the wizard, it is spells he can add to his spellbook. For the bard or the sorcerer, it is spells known.

Skill Training
Skill training is only available to character who have levels in classes other than full spellcaster or full BAB classes. For each five levels in those classes, they can select a skill as their focus. They receive an enhancement bonus of +5 to that skill.

Basic Brewing Training
Characters can use their knowledge to craft potions, ointments, oils, perfumes, sniffing powders, balms, etc. that reproduce certain spells.
A character must have a minimum of three ranks in the following skills to be able to try and make a brew: craft (alchemy), heal, knowledge (engineering), knowledge (nature), profession (baker), profession (brewer), profession (cook), profession (herbalist).

A character knows a limited number of recipes. The sum of the recipes’ spell levels is equal or lower than his ranks in the appropriate skill. The rules for determining which spell can be translated to a magic potion also apply for brews.

The costs of crafting a brew are twice those for making magic potions. The DC for the skill is 10 + (2 x spell level). A character can only make brews of spells equal to half his ranks in the appropriate skill. The basic training only allows to make brews of spell level three and below. The feat Intermediate Brewing Training is needed for spells of level four to six and the feat Advanced Brewing Training is needed for spells of level seven to nine.

Each skill is treated separately to determine the number of recipes, the DC and the maximum spell level possible. DMs may wish to link certain skills with certain particular spells.

This requirement is replaced by DR/Mithril. Mithril still is equivalent to silver regarding DR, but not the other way around.

Incorporeal opponents
Normally, magic weapon had a 50 % reduction of their damage, while ghost touch weapons were doing full damage. Silver and Mithril give the same advantage than magic weapons against incorporeal creatures.

All create magic item feats, save for creating wondrous items is replaced. Craft Ring, Rod and Wands also should be replaced by I am unsure how to do so fluff wise. Any comment, input and criticism of this is most welcome.

Ideally, I'd want to replace wands completely with something else that might accomplish the same basic activity.

EDIT: I am also looking for help to scale things down slightly to match a more horror themed setting so that the players are less epic and more vulnerable.

2012-03-28, 09:04 AM

To say that there are player races is somewhat of a misnomer. Technically all player characters play as the same species, with perhaps minor differences in appearances. Players are all essentially human, or a human variant (Mutation of Human). Players pick the standard free feat based on being human, their class feat and 2 traits. Players then pick a third additional feat based on their region of origin ect. For purposes of this game all Pathfinder SRD traits related to "Regional," are unavailable. Instead a list of regional feats for this game are presented and one of these is picked for your third trait.

Why just humans? Well for one it gives commonality to players, and two It relieves me of the difficulty of having to explain how all these incredibly divergent sapient species arose and why one specifically seems to rule the world.

Background traits as well as Human variant options to be listed.

Human Racial Traits:

+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Background Bonus Trait: While selecting the individuals two starting traits, you pick a third from those listed specifically for your background.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking the language of their specific national, ethnic or geographic location. Consult DM.

Background Traits:
* Soon to be included as country map is finished *

Human Variant Options:
Ideally this allows someone to trade out features of the human race features for some measure of variation. Essentially for those who want to play a character with maybe a pointed shape to their ears, or maybe a tail or perhaps someone with horns?

Little Person: Not all children are born of normal height, some are born small and with higher pitched voices. The character becomes Small Size. Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) and Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD), and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Elvish Heritage: Some are the sons and daughters of Salem, Dilmund, Atzelotan, or Kaorie. One gains pointed ears instead of the typical human shaped ears. Elvish Humans gain Low-Light Vision: You can see twice as far as regular humans in conditions of dim light (see low-light vision). Also gain +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects and magical sleep. And a + 2 Perception checks. They also gain Skill Focus feat as a bonus feat. This replaces the bonus skill points and free feat race feature.

Others to come....

2012-03-28, 10:09 AM

A couple of ideas:

Irradiation magic
Disease magic
Biannual caravans between bunkers

Edit: Forgot some things.

After the war, munitions stores were not entirely depleted, and bunkers that possess them guard them jealously.
Specialists, such as magitechnicians, are in high demand and are semi-regularly kidnapped for their services.

Actually thinking of creating a specific set of radiation poison affects, and sicknesses that can spawn from it.

Disease and Disease magic is actually something I want to tinker with. One being the idea of having a disease and the person afflicted with it make competing fortitude saves to see if they are able to expunge a disease once infected. Ideally this is to heighten the danger levels in game. Though the exact mechanics elude me for now.

2012-03-28, 04:07 PM
Looks really good so far, keep up the good work!

2012-03-28, 08:52 PM
While I like the idea of a diversity of backgrounds, and the lore I have cooked up supports it, I am not sure specifically how to do this.

One idea is to have background traits be based on geographic region in the settings main play area. For example City Dweller, Rancher, Farmer, ect…. And then list were specific ethnic groups lived and settled.

It is mostly a debate to have ones specific ethnic heritage determine this bonus trait selection or to have where the character happened to live determine this trait. The trait would be selected from a list of specific homebrew traits. They could deal with cultural heritage traits, or be specific to ones geographic origins. I am still uncertain on this. Input is most welcome on this front.

The ethnic heritage seems a little convoluted, since you would also need to provide rules on crossbreeding. I've seen geographic background traits used effectively before.

One idea that came to mind was giving each character traits based upon mutagenic diseases they've been afflicted with (and survived). This would provide some interesting character options, but it does carry the same issues as the ethnic heritage idea.

2012-03-28, 09:31 PM
The ethnic heritage seems a little convoluted, since you would also need to provide rules on crossbreeding. I've seen geographic background traits used effectively before.

One idea that came to mind was giving each character traits based upon mutagenic diseases they've been afflicted with (and survived). This would provide some interesting character options, but it does carry the same issues as the ethnic heritage idea.

Yeah I am thinking of just things like background traits like

Rural farmer, or Rancher, Urbanite, Mountain dweller, Flat Lander, Coastal citizen ect...

And then have Immigrant as an option as well.

I think the ethnic heritage thing will be purely cosmetic and maybe option bonus languages for people who choose Immigrant as a background.

2012-03-29, 11:41 PM
Recent History

Recent World History
Seeds of Strife 1066, 1650
During Vinorias tumultuous dark ages following the destruction of city of Seldoonika and the break up the Pejite Empire in the year 0 (Not calendars demarcate the year of the end of Peji as the beginning of the Common Era) lands traded hands and feudal warlords battled in games of thrones and barbaric tribes ruled the landscape. The main uniting force in the continent was the Orthodox Faith of El, the Most high God and his Holy of Holies (The Laws of El, the Prophecies of El and the sacred rites). The Orthodox Church was divided into several patriarchies which administered each region and gave rites and served local areas under the direction of the Ecumenical Council in Seldoonika. However older faiths proved difficult to subsume, after all this was a desert religion, from a land unlike Vinoria. The Fulgarians rejected it largely out of hand. The Uisdonians only nominally placed El at the head of a pre-existing host of heroes, ancestors and native customs. In the Kingdom of Klietz however some within the Church itself grew restless with the structure, customs and foreign nature of the faith. Covenants of Reform sprang up in the Anglacian bog and in Klietz itself. First treated as utter heresy, the Azorians and Piretans sent in inquisitors to put down these splitters. The schism churches were to be suppressed. However, on the 13th day of the 6th month, in 1066 the King of Klietz, King Alfred of Storholme converted and his armies repelled the inquisitors. He himself favored the new faith because it cut ties with all foreign councils in Seldoonika and because he likened the local “Covenants of Reform,” commitment to local culture being part of the new churches.

From 1066 on, Vinoria would be gripped by intermittent war between the reformers and the Orthodox. The nobility using these as pawns to rally peasants to continue to fight the wars for noble houses and royal crowns holding power. Uisdonia, and Azoria, being very conservative nations (Even if Uisdonias commitment to religious Orthodoxy was questionable what with the widespread practice of organized witch covens in the country) hotly opposed the central Kingdoms around the Klietz region including the King of Klietz himself whom initiated these rebellions across the continent.

Prelude to Global War 1650-1800

In truth the Great War had its origins more then a century and a half earlier. As the world transitioned from the agrarian, feudal into the light of the enlightenment and industry, the magi-tech and industrial revolution was in its nascent stage. However the vast progress did not temper the conflicts that had existed since time immemorial.

The upstart Klietzlandic Empire had been born in the year 1650, by the conquests of a young warlord of Klietz named Felix von Hattendorf. His relatively small Kingdom along the coast of the Tapferkeit Sea. His kingdom was often called the river kingdom for its fast moving currents. Engineers in the land built water wheel powered textile mills and from there the first industrial tech begin to spread across the continent. Elsewhere similar mechanization began to happen, in Uisdonia, Kharlia, Sarnassus and Azoria. However Klietz was at a severe disadvantage. The Tapferkeit was an inland sea, and Klietz was a landlocked country. Granted filled with wealth and resources, it was still trapped by many countries. Uisdonia and Azoria had vast fleets of ships and had begun colonizing distant and unknown continents, bringing in vast resources and wealth to their countries. Klietz, had great minds, great ingenuity, but lacked access to these overseas riches. Kharli, however was simply a vast ancient Empire. Then called the Sabylian Empire after its dominate ethnic group and language, the Sabylians had ruled most of their current lands since the start of the Common Era and the death of the city of Seldooniki which marked the end of antiquity.

Felix crowned himself Kaiser of the new Empire of Klietzland, and set out to conquer his way to the warm water seas of Gallipili to the west, the Thoirian ocean to the east, and the Sea of Peji to the South. In 1641 he set out on the epic conquests, and in fact surpassed his own expectations. Modestly, the young 17 year old King did not expect to conquer as much as he did. First he overran Krakoza to Klietzlands south west, then the Kingdom of Pireta fell to the south. Felsmak to the East was taken next. Then the northern Skorjna Fiefdoms fell, then the Princes of Karpasha, then the Sabylian held provinces of Athos, Espeon and the Isle of Cerios fell. In the span of 10 years Felix had made Tapferkeit a Klietzlandic lake, completely surrounded by Klietzland. Most of Inland Vinoria fell under the young Kiasers yoke. He even now controlled warm water sea ports along the sea of Gallipali and via Athos and Espeon he held access to the sea of Peji and even a nice island to vacation on. He not only conquered by remade whole countries under the new ruling philosophies of Klietzland. Charters of basic civil rights for all classes came with the conquering Klietzlanders, as well as new religious customs. Klietz had been the heart of religious schisms and new ideas of secularism for a century prior. The Klietzlanders brought with their armies the enlightened knowledge of master Alchemy, radical Arcana studies (Radical for its day) and the new political and religious ideals born in Klietz. However Felix was denied his true goal, access to the global colony market and truly global trade. To his west, the Fulgarians blocked North West passage to the western markets and trade routes. To the south west, the Sabylians still taxed heavily merchant caravans. His west was still blocked by the Hyboria and the Fulgarians who lived there, and by the Sabylians and the endless Kharli Desert. To his South east, the Isle of Azoria, and its King Miguel and Queen Salina taxed the sea lanes, and finally the east coast of the Vinorian continent had to contend with the Uisdonian Isles and its impressive navy. Sarnassus and the House of Prejaen still stood defiant and had bested his armies in the bog lands and the Elf peaks blocked his way to the Sarnasian capital of Ardougne and to the eastern shores of Vinoria.

All Klietzlandic colonies and trade ventures fast heavy handed tribute demands from the older Kingdoms. Azoria, and Uisdonia, being the naval powers of the day were a crippling roadblock to Klietzlands prosperity. Both nations deeply hated Klietzland for its embrace of religious views considered heresy to the churches of both Kingdoms. Likewise, the Kingdom of Pireta held many ancient cathedrals that had been damaged and even looted by the Klietzlanders whom wished to spread new religious ideals. Likewise, Klietzland seemed a haughty and arrogant people, and in Uisdonians case, ethnic hatred between Uisdonia and Klietzlanders went back to savage and primitive times when the ancestors of the Klietzlanders drove the ancestral Uisdonians off the mainland of Vinoria.
However, Klietzland was able to make a few deals to get itself some fledgling colonies. Azoria could be bought off, and the Sabylians were an ancient empires suffering from internal corruption and increasingly rebellious subjects. The Sultans influence over Sabyl had been waning since the 1590’s when their last attempt at further conquest in Vinoria was beaten back at the gates of Mianna.

Meanwhile in the west, Kitera, the vast Empire of the Dragon was suffering under the encroachment of Uisdonian armies which had taken a few coastal cities and demanded trade deals which were anything but fair to the Kiterians. The Vedas city states had also been divided up between Uisdonia, and Azoria, and the Sabylians had discovered a new source of tax revenue. The selling of slaves captured from their south in the thick jungles of Elon. In the east, across the Thoiran sea, the new continent of Picoria had been discovered and was under heavy conquest. By 1640 Azorian conquistadors had savaged ancient primitive empires on the continent. Conquistador fiefdoms had been set up, under the titles and land grants of the Azorian throne. Masses of natives were made subjects of Azoria, conquered, converted and their cities broken. Generalismo’s Vasquez, Espinoza, and Castillo marched across the vast unknown continent, capturing new lands and looking for the lost Elven Empire of the Sun, rumored to possess vast magical knowledge and incredible sums of gold. The south of Picoria virtually became the Azorian playground. The North became home to Uisdonian, and Sarnassian and even a few small Klietzlandic colonial outposts, which of course had to fight natives tooth and nail. By 1700, periodic skirmishes between the Vinorian powers left the west coast of Picoria a mess as 10 colonial holdings were held by 4 separate nation states that often warred. Klietzlands ruling Kaiser at this time was Karl von Hattendorf whom wished to advance the aims of his grandfather Felix.

In 1705, Lord Michael rebellion in the West of Picoria sent ripples through the world. He conquered the 10 colonies forming his own Kingdom of Picoria, ruling over the new multi-Ethnic kingdom. And working to drive out the natives whom prevented his new nations expansion. He did this out of personal ambition and to prevent the 10 colonies from being wrecked by warfare in Vinoria. In 1705, Karl Von Hattendorf launched the invasion of the Anglacian swamplands, directly challenging Sarnassus, and also launching the Imperial fleet to go toe to toe with Uisdonia in the Sea of Uisdon. Anglacia fell to Klietzland, but the Kaisers fleet faltered. Uisdonians mighty armada crushed the Klietzlandic fleet in a humiliating naval route. However, Sarnassus had lost a third of its land and now Klietzland extended to the Thoiran ocean. With only the Uisdonian Isles blocking their path, Karl pressed stewed, his naval exploit had failed, leaving Klietzland still land locked. The Uisdonians in heightened alert, and Azoria an unfriendly nation at best. However the economies of these countries took a hit from both the war and Lord Michael uprising. Peace, however uneasy, would hold in Vinoria for another 30 years.

In 1732, now King Michael, of West Picoria was on his last legs. Internal rebellion had ended his tenuous hold over the 10 colonies, and the Nashua natives had embedded themselves with the rebels. Uisdonia, Sarnassus and Sabylia had also propped up the rebellion. And when King Michael went to the firing squad, Picoria was divided up between the major powers. The Nashua king, for his help was put on the thrown of West Picoria. King Yanahlaha married his son Sotek to Princess Yazmin Al-Yishval of the Sabylian Sultanate. However, at this same time 3 years had passed with unusually cold temperatures. Food shortages gripped Uisdonia, Klietzland, Sarnassus and Sabylia. Klietzlands armies were more beefed up though, and Sabylia had recently undergone civil unrest with the death of Sultan Avra, and the ascension of his daughter Yevel. Sultaness Yevel Al-Yishval was the first female Head of State since Antiquity, and the now older Kaiser Karl Von Hattendorf felt the Sabylians were weaker target now. A woman on the throne, he felt, meant a weaker army and leadership. And internal strife and rebellion made it impossible for her to rally many defenses. The Sabylian held city of Seldoonika, the ancient capital of now dead Pejite Empire was conquered that summer in 1733. This pitted the world dangerously close to war, at a time when most countries could ill afford another protracted conflict like in 1705. Klietzlands army was more industrial. Had better equipment then the Sabylian, and any other army on the planet. Sabylia had allied itself with Uisdonia, Sarnassus and had formed a lasting peace with Azoria whom they once ruled 3 centuries ago. However, Uisdonia lacked the manpower to save Seldoonika, All they could do is dock ships in the Yikros straits and prevent further Klietzlandic encroachment.

This set the world into crisis. Klietzland emphatically demanded access to sea lanes. Either by conquering the Yikros planes and taking a fourth of Sabylia to get the port of Azar Haref, or by taking Sarnassus, and also likewise demanded the return of and access to colonial holdings. As the aging Karl Von Hattendorf put it. “My People will not be bullied by Uisdonian and Azorian barbarism and piracy! Nor will I allow us to be starved into oblivion or starvation.”

The Elven nation of Salem and Dilmund then chose to intervene. Salem was in Vinoria, but remained neutral in Human affairs. Dilmund was far to the west, and Island kingdom off the coast of Azar Haref. In 1736 the world powers arranged a deal. Granting concessions to Klietzland in the form of colony granting and land exchanges. Klietzland bargained from perceived strength. Their armies would be tough to beat, however internally the Ministers to the Kaiser reported that a war would exact untold misery on Klietzland for food stores were low and famine would rip the Empire apart. The Kaiser largely accepted any deal to avoid famine. Klietzland was granted Picorias Anda Atche jungle, several Torrez Islands and a few holdings in Elon. However most of these holdings were of poor quality and the issue of piracy and tribute had gone largely unresolved. Uisdonia and Azoria had promised to cease actively supporting it. But secretly they funded pirates to indirectly demand tribute. But Klietzland was depleted for food and needed time to shore up its own economy. Meanwhile tensions on the Klietzlando-Fulgarian border mounted as the lords of that land, the “Sons of the Vampire King.” chaffed at the prospect that Klietzland would be able to give Fulgaria it’s undivided attention. Klietzland had largely ignored the Fulgarians until now, but Fulgaria was weak, had few allies and could be overrun and nobody would defend them. Vinoria slept in peace for another century under the deals brokered in Salem, the Salemite Elves declaring “Peace in our time!” however the Klietzlando-Fulgarian wars would go on throughout the century of peace.

In 1650 the first water wheels powered mills and early factories in Klietz, Sarnassus, Uisdonia and Pireta. By 1800, The continent was an industrial giant. Mass production had come into its own, and the magi-tech revolution and blossomed. Greater understanding of magic, alchemy, engineering and the arts had blossomed as the continent felt the death rattle of the ancient orders of agrarian feudalism and primitive sorcery. The two centuries saw the death of the last dragon outside of captivity in Vinoria and the Sabylian Empire. In 1760, Sabylia changed its name to the Kharlian Empire, in hopes of de-emphasizing the ethnic caste system that dominated the old Empire and in hopes of cooling the tempers of ethnic minorities whom resented their Sabylian overlords. It saw the rise of the Klietzlander and the colonization across the globe of whole continents. It also saw the dying the Elves. For centuries Elven populations had been falling. Their decreased fertility and inability to match human birth rates left them in a constant state of decline. From Kaoria in the west, to Salem, Dilmund and the famed Empire of the Sun, the Elves took human brides and grooms to breed a future for their dying race. By 1800, only 250 known Elves still walked the world. Most of them in Dilmund, Kaoria’s last elf died in 1792, and Salem has but 60 left. Though the Kingdoms of Salem, Kaoria, Dilmund and Atzel-Otan all had populations in the millions by 1800, most of them were hybrid offspring of human and elf.

Spiraling into World War, 1800-1838
Kitera, the long slumbering and ailing Empire had been colonized and forced to sign many humiliating treaties by Vinorian powers. Uisdonia and Azoria especially had exacted a heavy toll on the large nation of Kitera. The Elvish Kingdom of Kaoria to the South west however had faired well. Kaoria had its Elvish magic to give itself some defense, and its lack of resources or people to keep it out of the eyes of the Uisdonians and Azorians. However Kitera, with its vast population and size, made it the ideal market for the industrial powers in the East. They after all needed people to sell to. The rebellions in 1809, 1811, 1812, and 1815 were large but easily crushed by the ruling colonial armies vastly superior array of weapons.

In the east, in Picoria, the former 10 colonies were now the Nashua Confederacy. Current monarch Wakiza Kakwakaxe, had the backing of Uisdonia, and from his capital of Williamsburg, he used the vast resources of a full 1/3rd of the continent he controlled to build his own empire. However the Uisdonians and Azorians still held considerable power over the Nashua Confederacy. Both because ethnic Uisdonians and Azorians made up a plural majority, but also because he owed his crown to their continued recognition.

Meanwhile the continent of Penguana, to the South of Picoria was opened up. The vast, mostly jungle continent was largely untouched by humans or anything. Though a known place in 1770, it was not explored for another 30 years. Penguana was a majestic continent, rumored to possess in its ecosystem some strange creatures, rumors of actual live goblins and Orcs circulated, though on other continents rumors of Orcish holdouts still being seen would popup from time to time.

In this era, the Isle of Fionna is colonized by Uisdonian sailors. The island forms the southern most tip of an island chain off the west coast of Penguana.

In 1810, Klietzlands economy has expanded considerably. However was still choked by piracy, the poor quality of the land allotted them in the centuries old peace deal and the constant spy games played upon their country. Now Kaiser Klaus Von Hattendorf, ruled the Empire. Kaiser Klaus von Hattendorf had far reaching goals, far beyond those of the previous few generations of Emperors. The Klietzlandic Reich had ruled since 1650 under the same royal House of Hattendorf. But not since Emperor Karl had the Empire been stirred by ambitious goals of conquest. For generations the Klietzlandic Empire had fought an intermittent war with the Fulgarians. The Fulgar Princes secretly propped up Krakozian nationalists and Kerpashan noble families were being courted to stage a large internal rebellion. Athos and Espeon likewise had burgeoning nationalist movements which upset the peace in the south west of Klietzland. The line of Dhampyr rulers in Fulgaria knew their armies could not do much against Klietzland in an open war to reclaim lands lost. In fact it was only the harshness of the Hyborean winds and the brutal winter that kept the Klietzlanders east of the River Salv. Klietzlandic ministers were assassinated and an attempt was made to even kidnap the Princess Kristan von Hattendorf by the Krakozian rebels. At the same time, Klietzlanders began playing the game of spy and intrigue, secretly fomenting rebellions with Fulgaria itself. Revolutionary leaders were secretly funded by Klietzland to spread new “Socialist Politick,” which viciously denounced the reigning monarchs and the class system in Fulgaria. Meanwhile in Sarnassus the royal house of Prejean had itself become the casualty in a rebellion that formed in Trollier region of Sarnassus. Republicanism had become popular in Sarnassus and the middle and lower classes and grown displeased with the taxation under the ancient Kings. In 1815, the royalty of Sarnassus was swept from power in a series of bloody uprising that forced the family to flee.

The Klietzlanders had not expected the Sarnassuan rebellion. However they did anticipate the later 1819 revolution in Fulgaria. The Dhampyr princes of Fulgaria, desperate for help found the only voice pledging assistance to be the Klietzlanders themselves. The age old foe offered its services in “preventing the spread of anarchy and communism.” The “Syndicist Revolution,” and the violent anarchist rebellion had been put down by combined troops of both Klietzlandic and Fulgarian stock. Suddenly the vast Fulgarian Kingdom went from having Klietzland as its greatest threat, to it as its greatest ally. The Fulgarians had been lulled into a false sense of peace with Klietzland. For 2 years they had played spy games against Klietzland and got cocky, as they had been fooled into belief that the Klietzladers were none the wiser and that the Klietzlanders lacked the skill in spy craft to do the same. The anarchist syndicate had bombed and terrorized the nobility and had brought Fulgaria into complete chaos as the country became ungovernable.

Kaiser Klause von Hattendorf declared “To preserve order, peace, and the Holiest of Holies from the tyranny of anarchy, Klietzland, the defenders of Vinoria must rise to meet this storm. The cancer in Sarnassus and Fulgaria must be crushed!” His radio address was heard around the world. The Uisdonians and Azorians responded by quickly putting down rebellions in Sarnassus, however the royal family could not be restored having been assassinated, allegedly by Sarnassian republicans, but some suspected Klietzlanders. However for Fulgaria, Klietzland came in with her armies and crushed the Syndicasts. The remaining nobility was fairly grateful, and so Fulgaria was restructured. In 1824, the title of Tzar of Fulgaria was given to whomever serves the Emperor of Klietzland. There had been no actual Tzar for seventy years, but the remaining nobility of Fulgaria conceded this as a compromise to maintain their own lordships and also to not fight a possible war with Klietzland.

Uisdonia, Kharlia, and Azoria watched with horror at this new prospect. As the new bloated Klietzland now controlled vital trade routes to the west, to Kitera and elsewhere. Klaus von Hattendorf died in 1828, leaving his son Willhelm to take up the imperial throne.

Willhelm von Hattendorf ascended the Imperial throne in 1828 and was determined to finish what his father began. Via his new Fulgarian province he extended trade and emissaries out to the continent of Asera, which his Empire was now also sitting upon. His diplomats met in secret with the magistrates of Kitera who had for centuries choked under the banners of Uisdonia and Azoria. Over the next two years Klietzland prospered as no longer did the Sultans of Kharli, the King of Uisdonia and Azoria nor any other power choke and constrain their nations growth. Willhelm begin building up arms as well. The new magi-tech revolution had given electricity, radios, and new weapons of war that had not been properly used in decades. Uisdonia likewise had been modernizing its wooden ships into ironclad vessels and Azoria fortified her colonial holdings around the world. Likewise Kharli began fortifying its border, fearing an invigorated Klietzland may now set its eyes upon Azar Haref, and the newly valuable coal fields of western Kharli or the tar reserves used increasingly to make fuel such as kerosene, and gasoline.

An Alliance is formed between Uisdonia, Azoria, the Kharlian Empire and tentatively with the Nashua Confederacy entering in five years after the alliance pact is first formed in 1830. Klietzland likewise forms a powerful pact with several other burgeoning powers to unseat the now ancient Kingdoms whom have long stymied Klietzlands growth and often conspired against the young empire. Kitera is chief among them, with secret arms deals being done to build up the Kiterian Liberation rebels in the countryside in hopes of unseating Uisdonians domination of the Kiterian markets and have a friendly Kiterian market to trade with themselves. The Tamazian city states are also courted in order to form a wedge against the Kharlians from having that much control over the trade routes. Popular nationalist fronts are sponsored by the invigorated Klietzland in the Tamazian river plain to resist being a proxy satellite state of the Kharlians. Likewise within Kharli itself, minority ethnic groups are secretly being funded to rebel. The Azki wish to retake their holy lands and end their diaspora throughout the deserts, The Seraphians resent having their culture eroded so much by the Sabylian rulers.

In 1834 the first shots that would consume the world are fired in the Kiterian city of Xin’shae. Suddenly the newly armed Kiterians are able to thrust out the Uisdonian overlords. Across the region Uisdonian and Azorian trade offices and forts are suddenly overrun by the numerous and well armed Kiterians.

Within a year the Kiterians are independent, The Uisdonian and Azorian fleets dock instead in the Vedishian city states to the south where their power is still great.

Unexpectedly, with Elon, south of the Kharlian Empire, the tribes and kingdoms begin a long war against the Kharlian warlords and slavers who had exploited Elon for well over 2 centuries. From Punt to Zorubia begin likewise a concerted guerilla campaign to throw out the Kharlian rulers. The three major powers under threat respond by funding their own campaigns, filling in the gap of Fulgaria, they fund the Krakozian uprisings, Anarchist groups, and the Athos Liberation Army. By 1835 the cold war was in full swing as the major powers launched proxy wars. Each side was hesitant to get involved in a full on war. In this new age, with these new weapons, many armies were hesitant to test the new weapons of the Magi-tech age themselves. Or even to necessarily give them to proxies to test. Some equipment was given just to see how war might play out. As no major war had happened that could use some of the new weapons of the Magi-Tech revolution. Nobody fully knew how some of these machine smith and artificer born wonders might actually fully work, and neither side was willing to commit to their own peoples suffering in a direct war. In 1836 the new President Henry Beihle of the Sarnassian Republic committed himself to a stalwart alliance with Uisdonia. Even if the royal house was dead, the Sarnassians still despise Klietzland and still saw the Anglacian delta lands as theirs.

Then came in 1837 the news of a Kiteran invasion of Eastern Picoria. Territory held partially by Uisdonia and the Nashua confederacy. The Nashua were viciously attacked along the coast as the Kiterians invaded, seeing the Nashua confederacy as little more then a puppet state created by the Kingdom of Uisdonia to place its excess population. The Nashua confederacy launches a full on defense of both itself, and its allies colonies on the continent. However the Kiteran sheer numbers overran most holdings up to a large rift valley that divides the continent in half. Their the advance was stopped.

By 1838, the world was collapsing into global conflict. On nearly every continent war and strife was consuming the planet. The Klietzlanders, with greater militancy, economic strength and newfound resolve were able to push beyond the boundaries set up in Salem in the 1700’s. The Elvish States wished neutrality and did not prevent the war, all calls for a peace deal were largely ignored when the Dilmundic Magi called for one in 1836. Ranger general of Salem even predicted, this grizzly war will be unlike any ever seen. However, some hoped peace would return. Direct fighting had not actually happened globally. So far the proxy wars were just that, small proxy skirmishes. And the outright Kiterian-Nashua Confederacy war did not need to involve everyone. Indeed in 1838 it was assumed that it would be a war between the Proxies of two great powers. Klietzland being championed by Kiteria, and the Uisdonian-Azorian-Kharlians being championed by the Nashua confederacy and the various Azorian vice-royalties occupying the Southern end of the continent. However the hopes for a limited war were to be undone.

2012-03-30, 12:15 PM
So, for magic items a thought streaks across my mind,

Rods, Wands, and staff....

What to do with these items? Again a major goal of the magic items section is to try and get rid of the "magic mart," that exists in nearly every standard campaign setting.

On the one hand one does not want to make spellcasters "Everything you can do I can do better," but I really would like to get rid of magic mart and have either non-magical means of healing or some refluffing that simply makes wands fit the setting better.

Ideally wands are a relic, a rare thing that one can not simply purchase in typical stores. More over they are artifacts of a more primitive age. Advances in medical and alchemical sciences have ideally created much more plentiful means of producing things to give boosts to individuals stamina, treat disease and treat poisoning.

One idea I have involves a using something like a syringe. At least as a replacement for typical divine spell wands. In a sense players could create brews that are then fed into syringes that would hold "charges," or a max number of uses similar to a wand. So you would have a syringe of cure light wounds, or a syringe of bears endurance.... obviously refluffing names but the effect remains the same.

2012-03-30, 03:39 PM
I'd say use wands and rods as focuses to do things like metamagic feats or added effects to spells, or more spells per day. However, the spellcaster must be attuned to the item, so they can't be bought or sold, they must be crafted or won in a struggle. So no magic mart, limited magic items, and crafting is supported.

2012-03-30, 06:16 PM
I'd say use wands and rods as focuses to do things like metamagic feats or added effects to spells, or more spells per day. However, the spellcaster must be attuned to the item, so they can't be bought or sold, they must be crafted or won in a struggle. So no magic mart, limited magic items, and crafting is supported.

That is also an option.

However I want to maintain the ability of non-spellcasters to gain the benefits of said items that are applicable to them. Mostly this is for the case of wands.

A wand of cure light wounds, or even a potion of cure light wounds or bears endurance is a valuable asset to the non-spellcasting player.

One idea is to have everyone able to craft, concoct or roll to use alchemy sets to brew potions that grand the same basic effects. For example a craft(Alchemy) check using say 5sp of chemical ingredients can create a potion of Anti-venom which essentially works as if the spell Neutralize Poison was cast. Then specific feats could exist like Alchemical Mastery (For Alchemists) or Herbalist (For witches ect..) which grant one boosts to what they can make or reduction in ingredient costs or expanded ability to create potions or just simply reducing the DC.

Likewise wands, could be replaced by magitech devices. A Wand of fireball may be a pistol with a charged battery instead. As a true wand would be more likely to be an ancient artifact or a relic of the past. Or a wand of cure light wounds is a self contained syringe that runs out of liquid and would need to be attuned to the person its meant for... for health reasons? Or something like that. Or would need to be refilled with the potions?

2012-03-31, 08:13 PM

The Commonwealth of Fionna

Adneyia Island.

Geography of the Island:

Towns and Cities:


*Population size reflects pre-war and pre-epidemic population size. Most major cities are virtually empty.

2012-04-02, 09:13 AM

Okay this is sort of a brainstorming post. More or less weapons are going to have to be redone because the base SRD weapons are... well antiquated by this time.

A bastard sword for example is a relic of a museum, not a common implement purchased every day.

For Firearms, basically anything from before the first world war, with armies perhaps possessing things like Gatling and machine guns) Any suggestions or stat suggestions are welcome here.

Likewise a general overview of the typical weapons one could easily have. Things like a pitchfork, some swords, knives, daggers, hatchets ect... Many of the standard Pathfinder weapons are of course antiques by this time, relics, though things like glaives, pikes and spears might still carry currency. Basically think post-civil war tech or Spanish American war era tech.

2012-04-02, 11:02 AM
If the ability of mortals to create technology has been destroyed by a major disaster, melee weapons will come back into vogue, especially daggers for stealth, spears for value, and crossbows for range. Although there are firearms, how will ammo work. Ammo would need to be consistently produces, along with gunpowder, so it would be tougher and tougher to get the supplies to fire firearms and prevent larger units from being able to use them.

2012-04-02, 11:16 AM
If the ability of mortals to create technology has been destroyed by a major disaster, melee weapons will come back into vogue, especially daggers for stealth, spears for value, and crossbows for range. Although there are firearms, how will ammo work. Ammo would need to be consistently produces, along with gunpowder, so it would be tougher and tougher to get the supplies to fire firearms and prevent larger units from being able to use them.

The bunker-dwellers are likely to have supplies, and firearms can be handwaved with alchemy.

Also, if firearms are of significant value, then it's likely that one faction or another will take over a mine/factory and trade munitions for supplies or, failing that, use the munitions to mount their own raids.

On the one hand one does not want to make spellcasters "Everything you can do I can do better," but I really would like to get rid of magic mart and have either non-magical means of healing or some refluffing that simply makes wands fit the setting better.

The Wounds/Vitality variant rule (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/vitalityAndWoundPoints.htm) is always popular for situations like this.

2012-04-02, 11:26 AM
If the ability of mortals to create technology has been destroyed by a major disaster, melee weapons will come back into vogue, especially daggers for stealth, spears for value, and crossbows for range. Although there are firearms, how will ammo work. Ammo would need to be consistently produces, along with gunpowder, so it would be tougher and tougher to get the supplies to fire firearms and prevent larger units from being able to use them.

Production is intermittent at best. In some areas they have vast storehouses and munitions plants. Others may even maintain a small ability to produce bullets. The physical infrastructure is there for the most part. It is merely labor and manpower that is severally depleted. Nobody is around to flip the switches or keep things maintained.

Essentially the physical infrastructure is largely still in tact. Railway lines are still physically in existence, Whole cities in fact are somewhat intact (Earthquake, War damage and simple decay not withstanding) however they are simply empty or mostly empty.

2012-04-02, 11:31 AM
The bunker-dwellers are likely to have supplies, and firearms can be handwaved with alchemy.

Also, if firearms are of significant value, then it's likely that one faction or another will take over a mine/factory and trade munitions for supplies or, failing that, use the munitions to mount their own raids.

The Wounds/Vitality variant rule (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/vitalityAndWoundPoints.htm) is always popular for situations like this.

Studying it over, I might actually go with that. It does suit the setting far more.

2012-04-04, 04:58 PM
So for races, I am actually still sort of stuck.

Fluff wise, basically everyone is human, or human-ish. Mainly so everyone will be of the same species. But I'd like variations of it, like people born small sized (Dwarfism) or those who are the descendents of Humans and Elves and some odd ball creations of perhaps alchemists and their magic tampering to "make people."

2012-04-06, 05:03 PM
So, updates to the "Recent History," section. Kind of long and full of fluff, however they sort of describe the origins of the present world. Not necessarily all that crucial, but still something I felt worth posting.

Obviously it is littered with real world historical examples and the obvious allusions should be fairly obvious.