View Full Version : On silverbrow human, DFI and silver dragons

2012-03-26, 02:42 PM
Ok, we know from Dragon Magic that Silverbrow humans are dragonblooded descendants of silver dragons

We also now that the Monster Manual tells us that silver dragons have a breathweapon with cold type

Third we have Dragon Magic again tell us that Dragonfire inspiration gives +xd6 where x is the result of bonus on to hit, caused by Inspire Courage. Those d6's are fire based, unless you have the draconic heritage feat or are a half dragon the extra damage is of the energytype that corresponds to your heritage or your draconic parentage instead

(bolded for emphasis)
So this gives us the following cases:

1) silverbrow humans, while having draconic blood, are able to inspire with fire only.

2) silverbrow humans, tracing their lineage back to silver dragons, are able to channel the following energytype: cold

so... which is true (by RAW)

relevant sections:
Dragon fire inspiration: Prerequisite: CHA 11, bardic Music, dragonblood subtype,
Benefit: When you use your bardic music to inspire courage, you can choose to imbue your allies with dragonfire. This choice is made when first activating the ability, and the choice applies to all allies affected. Each ally so inspired loses the standard morale bonus on weapon attack rolls and damage rolls. Instead, he deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage with his weapons for every point of morale bonus that your inspire courage ability would normally add to the attack roll. For example, an 8th-level bard using this ability would add 2d6 points of fire damage to his allies' attacks.
Special: If you have the Draconic Heritage feat or if you are a haIf dragon, the extra damage is of the energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) that corresponds to your heritage or your draconic parent instead. It your feat or your parent is not associated with one of these energy types, this feat has no effect for you.

Silver Dragon:
Breath Weapon (Su): A silver dragon has two types of breath weapon, a cone of cold and a cone of paralyzing gas. Creatures within a cone of paralyzing gas must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon.

the paralyzing gas obviously doesn't count here since it's not an energytype

2012-03-26, 02:53 PM
By RAW, Silverbrow Humans are not Half-Dragons nor do they inherently have the Draconic Heritage feat. Therefore, they must use Dragonfire Inspiration to add fire damage.

On that note, however, as a DM I have ruled you can select fire or cold as your additional damage type, but you cannot switch between the types on each use. Fire and cold are pretty much the same level of common, anyway. I'm guessing it's a fairly common houserule.

2012-03-26, 05:05 PM
RAW seems to imply fire to me, but the wording makes me thing that RAI would have cold damage added on.
As a side note in a recent campaign, a player of mine played a Silverbrow Bard-Blade and his interpretation had him use cold damage.

2012-03-27, 09:37 AM
RAI even seems to imply that it is only fire damage. It's required that you must be dragon blooded to take DFI, but not all dragon blooded creatures are fire based. Knowing this they still require you to have a stronger connection to your blooded then merely the dragon blooded subtype. The funny thing is that by RAW an actual Silver Dragon can still only inspire fire damage because he neither is half dragon nor has the dragon heritage feat. Most sensible DM's will house rule this away because that is silly.

2012-03-27, 01:05 PM
+2 Copper Pieces.

I found that to be a rather silly disconnection in terms of ability, so I asked my Dm for future purposes. He thought it was silly, too, so he ruled in my favor.

Besides, it's not like Cold Damage compared to Fire Damage is a game breaker or anything.

2012-03-27, 02:32 PM
It's Dragon FIRE Inspiration, not Dracon Ice Inspiration :P

2012-03-30, 03:11 AM
My googlefu is weak at the moment, but is there a way to adjust the type of energy on the fly (some metabreath feats or something?)