View Full Version : Help a DM out with some dummy MacGuffins....

2012-03-26, 10:10 PM
An infinitely powerful Kobold named Tik-Tok has my adventuring party geased into gathering some MacGuffins for him as they go about their travels. Does anyone have clever ideas for some undeniably powerful artifacts (they're explicitly millenia old, hidden by heroes, gods, or demigods) that somehow wouldn't be all that attractive to PCs?

I mean, I guess I could just make them really hard to use, in a pinch, but I'm looking to do this without flexing any DM muscle. And, while they are ostensibly gathering this for Tik-Tok the all powerful, I don't want them to be railroaded indefinitely, so I intend for Tik-Tok to just kind of lose interest and go away.

Basically, I want to maintain some shred of realism (ie, an item an all-powerful being might desire, if only for vanity-sake), without giving the PCs some world shattering, unbalancing power.

BACKGROUND: (Should be mildly amusing)

Ok, I'm running a very open-world campaign in a custom world. A few weeks back, in only the second or third session, I allowed a player - a friend of a friend, who turned out to be a very bad fit - to join a pretty familiar group. This went very, very badly at exactly the wrong time, as the party was en route to kill a pre-ascension Pun-Pun and the Kobolds Pun-Pun was associated with were prepared.

Specifically, I incorporated that big boulder trap from Indiana Jones into the entrance to the cave - with a slight variation. Now, I should mention that I rarely use traps in my campaigns, so the PCs (ECL 3) were caught completely off guard by the boulder, even moreso by the pit trap 25-30 feet in, and more still by the other pit trap 10 ft after that one. However it happened, our wizard attacked the newb, who got lucky and passed his saves, and killed the wizard. Without any crowd control, the already-very-weakened PCs got overrun and TPKed by a bunch of Kobolds controlled by a very annoyed DM.

Faced with the idea of restarting a campaign with all new characters and the implication of an ascended Pun-Pun in the world that nobody was aware of save the omniscificer who gave them the mission and prophesied that ONLY they could stop his ascension, I improvised something more palatable. Pun-Pun resurrected them several months later and cast a custom, epic geas on the party, preventing them from fighting amonst themselves and requiring them to gather these magic doodads for him - as they go about their normal adventuring careers as a party. (Of course, new guy wouldn't let things go, kept picking fights, despite literally not being physically able to IC and second-guessing the other PCs and myself. That's actually not the issue, though. That's handled.)

2012-03-26, 10:36 PM

2012-03-27, 12:12 PM
I'm aware of TV Tropes (I did call it a MacGuffin...). I was looking for some specific items that would work, homebrewed or otherwise, according to the specifications. Powerful, but either not super useful to PCs or with some serious drawbacks. I've found some help in the Tome of Artifacts, but I need more.

2012-03-27, 03:04 PM
MacGuffin's can be fun if done right. Lets get some ideas going shall we?


All powerful Tik-Tok has no need of anything he can fabricate or wish into existance. So things like spell components for some wacky ritual are right out. As for collectables, sure, he could just wish for them, sure he could scry and die (or not die because he's pretty much a pun-pun), but where is the fun in that? So any of these MacGuffin's need to be useless trinkets which only have collector's value at best and not really any other sort of value. Maybe even stuff from his old life pre-ascention?

Have them go find a teddy bear. It was Tik-Tok's back at the orphanage. He gave it to another child before he left. He later on in life discovered that the child he gave it to was a jerk. How he discovered this? Well, the other kobold child was named blarg (fill in a name of your own) and blarg became a powerful mage. When Tik-Tok went to visit blarg, blarg fireballed him and told him to go away. So now, years later, after attaining godlike power, Tik-Tok want's his teddy back. Go get it. In the process of obtaining the bear, the party can discover why Blarg turned on him.

Maybe have all the MacGuffins be personal items of this sort of nature, and have all the MacGuffins reveal just a little bit more about how and why Tik-Tok became who he is now. And maybe even reveal little clues here and there regarding a very very specific weakness to defeat him.

2012-03-27, 03:11 PM
The MacGuffins I used once were the chopped pieces of a troll hero/deity the plan for the BBEG (who was also working as the party benefactor) was to resurrect it and control it as an undead but as the party started to collect items they started to regenerate... and it was angry and hungry... when the BBEG started the ritual to reform it it finished regenerating before the ritual ended so the party had to fight the BBEG and the MacGuffin at the same time.

Edit: A psychopathic evil monster is not attractive for PCs but it can be really attractive for a BBEG

2012-03-27, 05:17 PM
The Ear of Vecna (or some other body part, but definately not the hand, nor the eye nor the head; well maybe the other hand)

2012-03-27, 06:31 PM
Hmmm, maybe I should have been more specific with the campaign-world details. Vecna doesn't exist, though I could refluff easily enough. Tik-Tok's coming was foretold in an ancient Kobold prophecy. He was more or less identified straight away. I suppose he could wish for something that would allow him a childhood of sorts, possibly an item that allows him to reincarnate....that could solve a lot of issues, if it's even possible for Tik-Tok to kill himself (which would be a very interesting paradoxical question, actually).

I think that may be one I go with, otherwise, here's the ones I was looking at from the Tome of Artifacts:

Rug of Lords, Tome of artifacts, pg 218
Lucky Coin, Tome of Artifacts, pg 194
Emerald Scales of Veerak, Tome of Artifacts, pg 103
Hungry Stone, Tome of Artifacts, pg 154 (powerful monster nearby).
Darkwood Heart, Tome of Artifacts, pg 77
Divinity Sphere, Tome of Artifacts, pg 83
Ashrune, Tome of Artifacts, pg 25

My thinking with these is that Tik-Tok might want them destroyed (the PCs wouldn't be powerful enough, most likely...) and that, if they tried to make use of them, they'd soon be sorry, in a very funny way. Ashrune is the sole exception. I just think he'd be a suitable, and hilarious, addition to an already bat-**** crazy party.

What do you all think? Maybe have them gather the first six, then the reincarnation device, then disappear before they can return Ashrune?

2012-03-27, 06:42 PM
The Ear of Vecna (or some other body part, but definately not the hand, nor the eye nor the head; well maybe the other hand)The head of Vecna!!!

Also, there are some of his body parts I doubt any of the party would want.

2012-03-27, 07:30 PM
The head of Vecna!!!

Also, there are some of his body parts I doubt any of the party would want.

I was trying to avoid that one - its quite well known:smallsmile:

I don't have the Tome of Artifacts; it seemed pointless since I like to make my own up anyway and they are so setting dependant.

Why would he want them ? Isn't there a spell or something which uses an artifact as a material component ? AFTS ?

Anyway, I'll keep thinking.

2012-03-27, 07:33 PM
Have them be things that could be useful in everyday life but not particularly useful to an adventurer, such as a magical version of a bread machine or Easy Bake Oven. You add the (mundane) ingredients and it bakes you a pie or a cake.

Or the magical marble that rolls uphill and doesn't stop until it reaches the highest point it can roll to.

Or a flimsy stick that adheres to a wall or other surface and tells you if it's level or not.

Or a piece of string that turns different colors depending on what the holder's mood is.

Or a set of dentures that pre-chews your food for you.


[edit] http://www.book-of-thoth.com/archives-article-7534.html

2012-03-27, 07:48 PM
Endless Font of Energy (Alternatively; Decanter of Endless Coffee)
No major adventuring bonuses, enormous benefit to the serious Mage Academy.

Dongle of Gravitic Centrics
Shows you which way is down in any environment for which there is a gravitational pull.

Port-A-John of Endless... Storage
Latrine that never needs to be emptied.

Cube of Kinetic Energy
A power source that infuses an object with Kinetic energy over a long period of time. Great for experimentation.

Mass Irrrigator
All specially prepared plowed lands within a mile are always considered watered.

Moisture Vaporators
Creates drinkable water from the atmosphere alone.

Power Converter
Converts kinetic energy from the cube into... I don't know... Energy Drinks. Primary component of the Endless Font of Energy? Worth going to Mos Eisley for.

Flux Capacitor
Necessary component for Time Travel.

Robe of Office Supplies
A robe with small patches that can be torn off to create a certain type of office supply.

Grumpy Gargoyle Temp
A head that fits on your Evil Domain Lair doorway. Takes calls, schedules appointments and cleans the Decanter of Endless Coffee.