View Full Version : Trying to make a support character[3.5]

2012-03-27, 11:09 AM
So here's what I want this build to be able to do.
Dragon Fire Inspiration (sonic damge)
Have 9th level spells
Have bard spell list
IC optimization (Song of the white raven in particularly)
Warweaver PrC (maybe progressed with legacy champion)
Mind sight
Incantrix 3 (for fun with persist spell)
Combine Song

My first turn should go like this
Free action: quickened inspirational boost
Swift action: start singing DFI and IC
Move action: activate tapestry
Standard action: cast Creaking Cacophony
End turn:
Immediate action: Activate Badge of Valor

Here's what I have so far

Venerable Dragonwrought Desert kobold (and related cheese)

Sorcerer 4/ Mind bender 1/ War weaver 5/ Prestigious Bard 1/ incantrix 3/ crusader 1/ legacy champion 5 (progressing war weaver)

I can't seem to fit in seeker of song 2 and this build just barely gets 9th level spells.

Does anyone know a trick that I'm missing? I can live with no having combine song but it would be so much fun if I could squeeze all of it in.

2012-03-27, 12:23 PM
So here's what I want this build to be able to do.
Dragon Fire Inspiration (sonic damge)
Have 9th level spells
Have bard spell list
IC optimization (Song of the white raven in particularly)
Warweaver PrC (maybe progressed with legacy champion)
Mind sight
Incantrix 3 (for fun with persist spell)
Combine Song

My first turn should go like this
Free action: quickened inspirational boost
Swift action: start singing DFI and IC
Move action: activate tapestry
Standard action: cast Creaking Cacophony
End turn:
Immediate action: Activate Badge of Valor

Here's what I have so far

Venerable Dragonwrought Desert kobold (and related cheese)

Sorcerer 4/ Mind bender 1/ War weaver 5/ Prestigious Bard 1/ incantrix 3/ crusader 1/ legacy champion 5 (progressing war weaver)

I can't seem to fit in seeker of song 2 and this build just barely gets 9th level spells.

Does anyone know a trick that I'm missing? I can live with no having combine song but it would be so much fun if I could squeeze all of it in.

I'm assuming you've wrote out everything, looked at what each one gives you and where you can cut corners.

Personally I always do everything in the most obvious form first, and then try to find the corner cuts. My only vote is to remove legacy champion, you listed it as a maybe earlier, or at least reduce the levels.

2012-03-27, 01:16 PM
Sublime Chord would free up an extra 2 levels, if your goal is just one 9th level spell.

With various qualification tricks (a Major Bloodline, Alternate Source Spell), you could meet the requirements with something like:
Cloistered Cleric 4/War Weaver 1/Heartfire Fanner 1/Mindbender 1/Crusader 1/Seeker of the Song 2/Sublime Chord 2/War Weaver 4/Legacy Champion 2/Incantatrix 3, (one 9th level spell known, Effective 9 War Weaver levels, some metamagic reduction, and the ability to grant 2 Fighter bonus feats along with IC bonuses) but feats would be tight, SC caster level would be low, and it might be difficult to fit all the letters onto that little line on the character sheet.

From a practical standpoint, you might want to look at Spelldancer from Magic of Faerun - it's not too difficult for Bard-types to qualify for (requires Dodge/Mobility, which are easily obtainable/buyable) and only one level gives free Persists (it's a bit less practical for shorter-term metamagics though).

And Heartfire Fanner (from Dragon... 314?) is fairly easy to qualify for (though it has even more junk feats to pick up from Magical locations, etc), and provides some powerful songs (metamagic reduction, up to 3 Fighter bonus feats), as well as jumpstarting a caster who enters as a 5th level bard with all appropriate 5th level bard songs.

Both are 5 levels and fully advance spellcasting. Either might cut some of the limitations out of this (cutting down required Incantatrix levels, permitting prepared casting and Bard songs, having more buyable/easily obtained requirements than some of the other classes).

And as a side-note, since Dragonfire Inspiration isn't a Bardic music ability of its own (it's a rider effect on Inspire Courage), neither source of "Combine Songs" lets it be activated along with IC. You could activate DFIed IC and another song in the first round, then trigger IC's morale boost in the second, if you're into that (DFI has to come first because it strips the Morale bonus).

2012-03-27, 10:03 PM
How does sublime chord save me levels? The problem with sublime chord is that it and seeker of song is both can't be taken till 11th level. Which means you couldn't get to level 9 spells if I wanted both.

Caster level is easily mitigated, but spells are not so much.

Oh I forgot about bloodline abuse. Would it really work that way? Thats basically giving you 3 free levels of a class. I thought bloodlines only upped your effective level for the purposes of class abilities that you already poses.

I have a DM that is letting me activate them both at the same time.

2012-03-27, 10:15 PM
Oh I forgot about bloodline abuse. Would it really work that way? Thats basically giving you 3 free levels of a class. I thought bloodlines only upped your effective level for the purposes of class abilities that you already poses.
Basically, yes.

They're a bit complicated, but the things that are important here are that bloodline levels let you hit skill rank limits before hitting the appropriate level and that they add to War Weaver levels for its buff ability (but you'd still need 2 levels of Legacy Champion or Uncanny Trickster to get 9th level spells in there).

2012-03-27, 10:31 PM
You want Inspire Courage optimization, but you can only use it 1/day without spending feats on Extra Music. You're also using Mindbender, which means no Words of Creation. It looks like your DFI will cap at 4d6 damage, at such a high level that it's not going to be all that significant, even with Creaking Cacophony.

Inspirational Boost already has a Swift Action casting time. A Quickened spell is only a free action if you're not using Swift Actions at all (i.e. core-only), otherwise a Quickened spell has a Swift Action casting time under the current rules. If you want to use Inspirational Boost with Song of the White Raven, you'll need to put it on a Contingency or use (Item) Familiar tricks for action economy.

Prestige Bard only gives you the core Bard-exclusive spells. Any spells from other sources, such as Inspirational Boost and Creaking Cacophony, are only available on a case-by-case basis specific to what your DM is willing to allow. They are never assumed to be available for TO builds, and you should definitely check with your DM first before building a character on the presumption that you can cast them via Sorcerer.

I would simplify the build to Silverbrow Human, Savage Bard 8/ Sorcerer 1/ War Weaver 1/ Sublime Chord 2/ War Weaver 4/ Incantatrix 4. Use the Dragonblood Sorcerer 1 substitution level to get Draconic Heritage. Take Melodic Casting, Song of the Heart, Words of Creation, and all your prerequisite feats, with enough daily uses of bardic music to sing every encounter. You can actually never stop singing, so forget about spending actions during combat to start inspiring. If you must have Mindsight, you can use Hellbred (FC2) with the Spirit aspect to pick it up at 15th level, but you'd need to spend a feat on Draconic Heritage.

2012-03-28, 10:28 AM
I was unaware of how quickened worked. Also I forgot that mindbender required you to be non good. Thanks for seeing all the holes in build and for making suggestions.
I'll post another build soon that I would like to have rechecked for holes.