View Full Version : Spell selection!! A lost and confused newb...

2012-03-27, 08:54 PM
Hey all, (forgive the long post)

Once again I return to the kind people of these forums for advice and wisdom!:smallsmile:
My current group has been playing with 8 people for a while and we had all of the normal bases covered- Cleric, Wiz, Sorc, Barbarian, Druid, Rogue, Artificer... so I was the man who went Bard-DFI and skill monkey... just in case they didnt happen to have something covered I could try and do it:smallbiggrin:

But then work/life/etc got in the way and our group has begun to lose peeps one after another... lately the composition has been Cleric/Barb/Druid/Rogue/Artificer... still seem to have the bases covered... except the artificer player is really new and thus has spent their time crafting and focusing on blasty wands... and (to make this long post shorter...too late?) we have lost our arcane caster versatility.

So the DM and I have discussed tweaking my char build a little and my original Bard/Warblade build has become... Bard8/War1/Virtuoso1/Subchord2
I am now the arcane caster and skill monkey... okay... excaept I have never played many campaigns as a spell caster and rarely have gone above 3rd level spells... so mighty players of the playground... please help this poor sould choose the best spells for his character. Any all suggestions are welcome and I have ample access to scrolls and wands too so if I can`t "know" the spell I can still carry it around! Thank you all so much in advance!:smallsmile: