View Full Version : [IC] Quest of Even-Ezer. (Party One)

2012-03-28, 04:05 PM
King Benoit is a king of begotten money and fame. He, however, is not a battling king. His kingdom is tactically at the beckoning of a great war. None of these war heroes and soldiers come from the King's heritage. Benoit has sent his forces to fight a a grave war off the coast of his stretching kingdom. From this, he is left with second rate warrior here in the city. He hears from his prophet, a stone that has the power of great power to help right wrong, and keep the world together. Benoit sends call, messengers and tellers alike flock the roads with a joy to deliver word that King Benoit requests audience with whomever decides to take this epic challenge. The Quest for Even-Ezer is what he yells. Posters fly up on street corners, and taverns echo with word of the murderous trials. In 24 hours, the king will rise, and sit upon his throne. Upon this action, many a man will come up, and try to prove their worth to this mission. He has advisors at the ready to enlighten the king to the word of accolades.

From this point, your characters can either wade out until the day, or try and gather word from one of the places mentioned. Tavern owners may or may not know of the quest's details, and posters have no hidden meanings. You are free to do as you wish. Let me know when you wish to move onto the next day.

2012-03-28, 06:01 PM
With all the posters hanging about, Lionel has thought of only a few things other than the news being passed by word of mouth over the last couple of days. This seems like Lionel's chance to shine, unfortunately he has only heard what everyone else seems to already know, ie the king seeks the audience of warrior and adventurers alike to retrieve something valuable for him for a great reward.

After talking with an especially excitable herald of the news, Lionel begins to rack his brain over what can be expected in the next couple of days.Now how am I going to get in front of the king with all of this competition? Lionel says out loud to no one in particular.

I should go talk to Devon the bartender at the King's Arms. If anyone knows anything special about how this is all going to happen it would be Devon, Lionel thinks to himself.

Lionel heads down the street to The King's Arms to meet up with his long time bartender Devon to gather additional information. Lionel immedietely recognizes Devon because of his brown apron and missing teeth when he walks into the smelly cellar.

Devon, listen I need to know how to get a leg up on the rest of the competition for King's Quest. I know I know, the King would be mad to not take me but I might as well take the lead right from the start.

A midst talking, Lionel "conjures" a few Gold Pieces to loosen Devon's tongue and begins to knuckle juggle them.

Sleight of hand check to impress Devon and make him more willing to talk

2012-03-28, 06:03 PM
Nathaniel Hawthorne strolled leisurely down the street from the inn he currently called home. He'd been thinking on his life and career; he was in his late twenties now, and aside from his horse and his armor, no richer than before the countless times he put his life on the line. Nate knew how to do nothing else, and one of these days he would meet an opponent who was better, or at any rate younger, than he was. No was was he going to put himself in the meat grinder off the coast, let alone place himself at the command of the notoriously incompetent nobles running that fiasco.

What he needed, he decided, was one last job with a big payout. He could sell his armor for a princely sum (though he would never think about selling his even more valuable destrier), and put down roots. Maybe start a business. Anyways, this new rumor of a quest - Commissioned by the King himself - sounded like it was just what he was looking for. Leave the garbled rumors aside, he told himself, and get the information straight from the King.

He's pretty much going to wait till the next morning, though he might run into another party member before then.

2012-03-28, 06:12 PM
Hestraim woos Devon only slightly, opening the mouth of rumour only so far as to tell of what a group of messengers were talking about one nice stop in.

"Well, a few boys came in, and had a bit of a hard time. Ordered some rum, and after a few pitchers, they were yapping away. Said something about the king needing to get this stone in order to secure the home front, and ship everyone to fight the foreign lands. They were black out drunk though, so i wouldn't say anything too openly about it, 'less you want to be taken in for questioning." Devon then takes the knots of gold, and goes back to wiping down the bar. He keeps peeking over, seeing if he could egg on Lionel.

2012-03-28, 06:23 PM
The King's Arm was crowded, whispers and speculations of this King's Quest were flying around all day. He'd been at the bar for the most of the day when finally someone began paying the bartender for information. He perked his ear hoping to hear more. He leaned in like a drunk.


2012-03-28, 06:49 PM
Gnorlen had been traveling for days, having left his homeland to find new brawls to fight, new wenches to woo, and to a lesser extent, spread the will of his patron God. His travels had brought him to Zibeon a couple of days prior, and the town was abuzz with rumors of some quest.

What greater way is there to spread the word of my God and knock a few heads about than a dangerous quest? He wandered into The King's Arms and immediately joined a large group in their revels, determined to drink them under the table and learn what he could about the quest.

perception [roll0]

2012-03-28, 07:01 PM
How long have we known each other? I would think that your tongue would be a little more lose given our history and generosity to the bar and you, Lionel says in barely an audible whisper.

Listen if your so willing to start tight lipped I could also bring my business to another tavern We don't need to make a big show about this if you would just offer up a little more info. I could be on my way in a matter of seconds.

Diplomacy check [roll0]
If Diplomacy is a failure then I would do a Knowledge (local) check to gather some more information about local taverns and possibly easier people to convince.

2012-03-28, 08:54 PM
Both listeners are just barely able to make sense of the conversation, but the ruckus in the bar, and the whispering conversation makes it extremely difficult. Gnorlen can make out that the king wants some form of stone, and even why. Eldoron only knows that there is a stone to be had.

Sighing, Devon moves in closer, whispering to his pal. "Listen, all I know, is that the king wants it to be hush hush, aside from the party. He wants only a select few, the people he accepts, to be the only ones that know ANYTHING major. Now, threaten me again, and i may just make you pay your tab." After that, the bar keep leans back, and slides a free glass of bitter to Lionel.

Diplomacy was fine, but you rattled him up a bit. Best not push further.

A man bumps into Gnorlen, being a red-headed drunkard, who hasn't gotten his ale. The man is very loud in adressing Gnorlen. "You snot nosed. PUNK! You wanna stop bumpin' into everything around here!?"

2012-03-28, 09:27 PM
Thanks Devon, you're a swell guy.

After taking an especially long drink of beer , Lionel flicks Devon a Gold Piece saying "By the gods, the beer seems to have gotten even worse! Hey don't let me keep you. It seems as though you may have your hands full in a matter of seconds. Lionel exclaims pointing towards a belligerently drunk red headed fellow and a dwarf with whom he is having an extremely animated conversation.

Beware the Gingers of Zibeon, my ma used to say. Ain't that the truth!

Lionel continues to sit at the bar with a slight grin on his face. With beer in hand, Lionel is feeling quite comfortable.

2012-03-28, 11:53 PM
Gnorlen knows what it's like to be deprived of ale, and being in his cups, is more than willing to share.

Take this one, from me to you, friend. But watch your language, I wouldn't want something to happen to that pretty face of yours. I'm a nice guy, but the boys here (looking down at his fists), have quite the temper.

Gnorlen gives the man a good natured grin and calls to the tavern wench for another mug of ale.

2012-03-29, 01:53 AM
Nate returned to his inn, portentously named the King's Arm. The ruckus was audible from well outside, and Nate actually felt like having a little fun in what could be his last night in the city for a while.

After bringing his jacket and longsword to his room upstairs (one had to wear a weapon walking outside at this hour), he returns to the common room and squeezes into a place at the bar.

"Busy night tonight, eh, Devon? Bunch of soldiers back from the coast, or what?" He cracks a crooked grin. "Or is the King's Quest just that popular?"

2012-03-29, 06:58 AM
"King's quest, I'm afraid. Everyone's trying to enjoy the night before, trying to lose the anxiety. never figured you to be a part of the group, but all is welcome. Ale on your inn tab? "
Devon has already sent a mug of ale to the ruffians that smacked into each other.

The ginger looks at the ale, and then at the man. He almost doesn't move, but once sipping the ale, he bursts out into cheer, and he starts all the regulars into a cheery drinking song. Most of the outsiders won't get it, but by god if the drunkards don't make it easier. They're drunken stupors make the song sound more of a low groan and grumble shared by everyone. Devon has gotten enjoyment out of this, so he's willing to loosen up a bit, often dipping down to drink from his own bitter.

Devon has gotten sort of tipsy. He is no longer rattled about the conversation he has had with Lionel, but in his drunken state, he may not give correct answers. The party is welcome to stay in the inn upstairs, such as Nathaniel is doing, and can set out for the quest tomorrow. Or, you can keep drinking yourself under a table. Your call.

2012-03-29, 08:52 AM
It seemed no body had anything worthwhile to add. Fetching a stone didn't sound too hard, but if the King paid then it might be interesting for the young elf. He got up and began to head back to his room for the night. He wanted to be fresh and presentable tomorrow.

2012-03-29, 09:27 AM
And there's no salve for that! sang Lionel, holding the final note a little longer than the rest of the bar.

Lionel is the type of drunk that enjoy a bawdy song now and then. But at this point, he understands what needs to be done for tomorrow and doubts that Devon will be able to give him any more real information about the Quest.

Lionel finishes his beer and begins to walk back to his house. He tucks both his hands and his daggers into his coat in case he finds some trouble on his way home.

2012-03-29, 10:45 AM
Gnorlen continues to drink, not allowing himself to be bested by any of these humans. When the last human drunkard has either left, retired to his room, or passed out, Gnorlen staggers up the stairs to his room to sleep off the barrel of ale that he has consumed.

2012-03-29, 11:28 AM
After asking a few questions, having a few drinks, and joining a couple of songs, Nate decides he'd better head upstairs so as not to wake up with a hangover.

In the interests of moving this along, let's say he asked for and got basically the same information as the other PCs.

2012-03-29, 05:33 PM
For the interest of it, i think the night is over. We'll assume everyone is completely rested, and will be ready for the next morning.

Morning of the King's Orientation
Buglers trance down the streets in their rickshaws, and play the official tune of the king. They do this to alert that King Benoit has begun his search for the heroic troupe of adventurers/warriors that dare take on his quest. The rickshaws are completely grey and red, the colours of the Flag of Benoit. He enjoys doing this, feeling no sense of endangerment for flying his flag anywhere. Anyone that cares to appear before the king simply most follow the nearest rickshaw. After fifteen minutes, they will be lead up the heavy hill that any applicant must climb and trek in order to even appear before the king. Once in the threshold of the king's castle, each applicant will be given a numerals. Once the numeral is called, the applicant will have ten minutes to plea a case, or show a feat that will give the king a reason to accept them into the quest. The buglers have been playing for five minutes now.

2012-03-29, 06:17 PM
Between the sunlight shining in through the window and the horrendous racket that the bugles are making outside, Gnorlen could no longer remain in his bed. He gave a quick blessing to his ancestors for granting him the fortitude to withstand a night of drinking such as the one he had, gathers his gear, and stumbles down the stairs, pausing only long enough to grab a mug of ale for the road before leaving the inn to follow a rickshaw up towards the king's castle.

2012-03-29, 06:38 PM
Now who in the nine hells is making that racket? Lionel mumbles as he begins to wake up. His gear is thrown about his room, with no semblance of organization.

The King's Orientation is today, son of a Bruce I need to get my stuff together. Lionel starts to scramble around his room grabbing his knives and backpack which he thankfully packed a week early as soon as the first poster was displayed on the street corner. O man, I am late. I need this. It's my only way of getting our of this flea ridden city.

Lionel's house is nothing special in comparison to the rest of his neighbours. The halflings of Zibeon have all remained in the same general area of the city, that is near to the entertainment district just East of the canals that run through the city. His house is appropriately sized for a halfling or gnome (and possibly a skinny dwarf) so its actual height is equivalent of a human's house that only has one story. It is only a two room apartment since his parents live in the bottom half. The second room is barely large enough to keep his long time friend and riding Mastiff Bruce.

The house is in disarray but none of that matters right now as Lionel sprints out of the door leaving his door swinging open.

As Lionel begins to follow the rest of the crowd up the hill to the King he begins to think over what Devon said to him last night. Devon didn't really tell me too much about this whole deal. At least nothing that could really bring me above everyone else. Lionel begins to frown thinking of what could be required of him. At the very least I could jump around and look like a fool I suppose. With a sad chuckle, Lionel continues up the hill.

2012-03-29, 06:44 PM
Nathaniel rises early, having had only a few drinks the night before. He visits Gale in the stable, feeding him a treat of apples and carrots before grooming and bathing him, then putting on his barding. He could swear the horse was intelligent enough to appreciate its extra protection.

That task done, Nate heads back in to cleanse the sweat and smell off himself, shaving and dressing in his finest (as in, least worn) clothing. Touching up the polish on his armor before donning it, he strapped his longsword to his hip and set out on his horse. He took a number and waited, mulling over what to say when he got his ten minutes.

2012-03-29, 08:27 PM
Eldoron pressed his clothes against his body one more time before heading out. He knew that royalty like presentation more than substance, so he did his best to look sharp. He exited the King's Arm and had no idea where to go, until he saw the banner and heard the buglers. He saw one pass him with a line of would be heros following.

Well that was easier than I thought it would be, he thought to himself and followed.

When offered a number he took it. Though he would not admit it to anyone he was looking forward to showing off his prowess.

2012-03-29, 08:54 PM
Outside of the castle
It was a long fifteen minutes for the nameless warriors that follow the line of exciting music. One by one the numbers were called. There was a genuine mot outside the castle, and the applicants went across it over a lowered bridge. Once over, they are immediately in front of king Benoit himself. As soon as the applicant is standing in front of the king, the king does the pleasure of flipping an hourglass figure, and waving his hand. Many applicants before the troupe had shown themselves. There were monks that broke boards of wood, and thieves that showcased a talent to steal small objects from passerby's. Some diplomats showed up, and nearly impressed the king, up until the question was raised, how can they fair against a beast of horror and ill legend? None were too wise to the legend, and were banished from the castle for the day.

"NUMBER 16!" This was Shugyosha's number. Upon realizing it, he must walk the board bridge, and step directly in front of the king's line of sight. The king flips the hourglass hesitantly, and notices a difference in this character. However, he has done this at least three times before, and he was not impressed.

Shugyosha is up to impress the king. you may use words, or just showcase the amount of talent you will bring to the king's party. Be warned, you do not have all that long.

2012-03-29, 11:26 PM
Eldoron stepped up to the king. "Your Majesty," he bowed. "I am Eldoron, master of steel and spell," he said drawing his bastard sword of elven design. It was ornately decorated, it's blade was a light hue of blue that while straight, widened near the tip. "You see how this blade dances in my hands and how freely I move unencumbered by armor." He moved deftly with effortless grace.
"That is steel, this is spell: I can summon the coldest winter through my blade." If it was possible the blue steel weapon began to beam off a winter's chill. The blue of the blade extended itself beyond the metal. "And that is why you should choose me."

2012-03-29, 11:42 PM
King Benoit

"You made me cold. And you may make your sword dance like a pretty lady, but how will that save your life against a monster? Or a group of bandits that dare take what belongs to you, your allies, or even me?" The king is slightly impressed, but a simple spell that makes the blade seem to be colder, doesn't enlighten him to amazing lengths. So he shifts, and looks at Eldoron carefully, hoping to see more before the time runs out.

Remember, he can be willed to accept you, either by speech or by show. You can challenge someone to fight, if you want to prove yourself based on merit of battle. Or, you can try and wittingly talk him into accepting you. Know that not one person has been accepted yet.

2012-03-30, 09:18 AM
With a stare as cold as his blade he answers, "I'd kill them."

It was good that the King had skepticism, he thought as he turn to the on-lookers. "Who here wishes to prove their worth and take a challenge, of Eldoron, Magus of Highguard."

If no one takes the offer he will choose a fighter most unlike him, big and heavily armored.

yeah, there's no way a 7 charisma is going to convince anyone of anything... so... fight, fight, fight,fight... just hope its not another PC.

2012-03-30, 12:03 PM
Gnorlen snickered and poked the applicant standing next to him. As if beating up a silly elf would prove anything. Though I suppose anyone he could take down wouldn't stand a damn chance on this fancy quest. He crossed his arms over his chest and awaited his turn to show off before the king.

2012-03-30, 05:31 PM
The king

"Splendid idea! Hitchcock! Fight this young man, let's see his style and whether he deserves it."

After the call, a young man steps forward, donning the attire of a castle guard. He was fairly built, and gathered a longsword from it's sheathe. He brandished his steel heavy shield, and moved in fifteen feet from the man in front of the king. He snarled like an animal, but overall waited for the foe.

Hitchcock does not have initiative, since it is a sanctioned fight. You may attack first. He is directly in front of you, but fifteen feet away.

2012-03-30, 05:51 PM
The fifteen feet is nothing for the young elf to cover. Its as if he is dancing on air. In mid-stride power arcane power flows through him to his blade. The sword circles wide and high above him before it come down crashing at his opponent.

swift action: arcane strike
combat expertise : -1 (ac 20)
move: 15 ft
[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage
[roll2] crit
[roll3] crit damage

2012-03-30, 06:49 PM

The blow glances just barely glances off the shield of the guard who quickly readies himself for a whelming shot to retort.

Standard Action: Attack using Power Attack. +4, -2
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Eldoron has taken 10 Lethal points of damage.

2012-03-30, 08:50 PM

Eldoron was caught off-guard and a bit surprised by the lethality of the fighter's attack. He slipped to Hitchock's weapon side, away from his shield.

Spell Combat:
Defensive Casting DC17
Casting chilling touch
Free attack: [roll1]
damage: [roll]1d10+1d6+1
damage: [roll]1d10+1d6+1
immediate action on his turn, Spell shield (AC 23)

looks like I may die from a 4th level fighter before we even start.

seems dice roller didn't like my damage syntax. Quick question: does the touch spell still work as touch attack? Meaning does the chilling tough part affect as a touch attack?

2012-03-30, 09:11 PM
If the chill touch is a touch attack:
fort save DC 15 or -1 str

2012-03-30, 09:57 PM
Hitchcock's save: [roll0]

2012-03-30, 10:08 PM

Hitchcock takes a stupor from the spell,and instantly feels it in his veins. He shakes his head, feeling his muscles go sour almost. he slips the sword forward once more, trying to land a blow.

Standard Action: Attack with Longsword power attacking.
Attack: [roll0]

2012-03-31, 08:56 PM

Eldoron remember his teachers words. Those that depended on armor had their own weakness.

With delicate finess Eldoron switched hands and instead of attacking with his blade he tried to touched Hitchcock.

[roll1] touch attack
[roll2] damage
spell shield still up.

2012-03-31, 11:35 PM

Hitchcock stumbles back a step, and shakes his head a bit, to clear the air. He's quickly being pushed to a limit, and keeps peeking over in an attempt for the king to stop the match. however, Benoit wanted to see more.

Move action: Withdraw fifteen feet.

2012-04-01, 12:32 AM

He saw the armored knight take a step back. There was a sly grin curl on the elf lips and he simply pointed a finger.

ray of frost
[roll0]range touch attack

2012-04-01, 05:23 PM

Hitchcock stumbles onto the ground, and tries his best to get away from the cold temperatures. He looks to the king, who raises from his throne to stop the fight.

King Benoit

"Enough! Hitchcock, i'm disappointed in you. However, You stranger, you are impressive. You have the first slot! congratulations!" Other guards lead Hitchcock away, and more people flood in. After three submissions, Gnorlen's number is called, and he must step to the challenge.

2012-04-02, 10:18 AM

The elf steps to the side. The wound he sustained is serous, but instead of taking a potion, he bandages it up, not wanting to show any weakness if front of the king.

He takes an interest in the following contestants watching what they can do.

2012-04-02, 11:08 AM
Despite the fact that the combatant was an elf, he still fought valiantly, and deserved the respect of a warrior. Letting the king wait a few moments, he approached the elf, grasped his holy symbol, and muttered a quick blessing, then grinned in satisfaction as the elf's wounds closed over, leaving only the finest trace of a scar.

trade in bless for CLW

His ministrations complete, Gnorlen approaches the king.
Well, you saw me work, and you saw him fight. The only other thing I know how to do is drink! Send me your best, and I'll show you how a real man wins a contest.

2012-04-02, 11:14 AM

the Elf is a bit surprised but no less grateful for the healing. When the Gnorlen's words, Eldoron gave a great laugh in appreciation. "That man knows how to issue a challenge!"

2012-04-02, 02:53 PM
King Benoit

"Alright, challenge accepted. I suppose a drinking contest can show your gall." Upon the challenge and acceptance, a table with five loggers for each competitor. A big man walks in after the table, popping his neck, his beer gut shakes joyfully.

"The first person to collapse from being drunk, loses. Challengers, are you ready!?" The king's choice raises a hand, and then immediately chugs the fist bitter.

2012-04-02, 03:53 PM
Gnorlen gleefully tosses back the first mug of ale, then pounds it on the table, looking to see if the human had consumed as quickly as he had. Graciously letting the other finish his first beer, he grabs another and pounds it back just as quickly, letting a large belch issue forth when he finished it. He looked to the big man to see how well he was keeping up.

2012-04-02, 03:58 PM
Fortitude Save from intoxication: Vs DC 5

The man tubs the tankard onto the table, and then instantly sucks down the second. He shakes his head, and stares at his foe.

Fortitude Save from intoxication: [roll1] Vs DC 10

2012-04-02, 05:10 PM
As soon as his opponent finished his second beer, Gnorlen knocks back a third, then immediately downs the fourth, the grins, folds his arms, and observes his opponent with a steady gaze, carefully concealing the fact that the fourth drink has hit him harder than he expected, though he certainly isn't about to concede to a human.

fort save vs DC10
fort save vs DC15

(really? a 3 and a 2? geez!)

2012-04-02, 06:25 PM
Gnorlen is feeling slightly affected by the bitter, but still stays steady. His foe looks iffy, and will now be easier to get drunk.

The drinker pounds back his third, and shakes his head calmly, in order to attempt his fourth.

Fortitude Save for Third: [roll0] VS DC 15

Fortitude Save for Fourth: [roll1] VS DC 20

2012-04-02, 06:31 PM
Gnorlen calmly waits until his opponent is ready, then picks up his final flagon, yells a mighty battlecry, and pounds back the brew. He slams it back onto the table with a giant grin, his teeth shining through his bushy red beard.

activate rage (+4 con)
fort save vs DC 20

(wow, RNG hates me and rolled another 3. *crosses fingers that he fails too*)

2012-04-02, 06:45 PM
Gnorlen is tipsy, but is still competent. The human is barely competent, but is on the verge of passing out.

Shaking his body, the contender returns to the table, and attempts another mug.

Fortitude Save: [roll0] DC 25 (Natural 20 is automatic success.)

2012-04-02, 06:49 PM
The human falls over, and blacks out from the ale and it's strength. The king stands up, clapping. "Congratulations! Your test of will and fortitude to survive is superb! You're in! " The guards take the drunken man away, and the number for Nathaniel to show before the king.

2012-04-02, 08:19 PM
Gnorlen let's forth a drunken cheer, and staggers to his feet.
That'sh right! No one beatsh a dwarf in a *hic* drinking contesht. I'll do your quesht, on one condition. Shend a barrel of that ale along! If I didn't know better, I'd shay it wash made by a dwarf!

Then he staggers off to find a seat in the crowd until the room decides to stop spinning.

2012-04-02, 09:19 PM
When he is called, Nathaniel Hawthorne rides up on his massive warhorse. He cuts an austere figure with his gleaming grey steel, without ornamentation, coldly functional — Or plain and drab, depending on your taste.

At a respectful distance from the throne, he dismounts and goes to one knee. His speech is articulate but stilted, clearly unused to formal speeches.

"Your Majesty, my name is Nathaniel Hawthorne. That name is not counted among the nobility, for I am but a humble freerider who has taken up lance against the foes of your kingdom time and time again. I am no wealthy knight; I have rode through hard trials, in war and in peace, with no squire nor attendants. I submit to you, your Majesty, that my self-sufficiency will be an asset in the completion of your Quest. As for my prowess in combat, your Majesty has but to say the word and my skills shall speak for themselves."

2012-04-02, 09:59 PM
King Benoit

" If you have fought for my kingdom before, your combat shall have no need of testing. I will accept a former warrior of my own force in this quest, no questions asked. You are, therefore, chosen for this quest!" The crowd has mixed reactions in not seeing a test, but no one dare say it to the king, and the mounted warrior is here by accepted without any speculation.

Lionel is called after a long ten other commissions. A guard escorts him to the center, and leave, letting the king behold him all alone.

2012-04-02, 10:21 PM
As Lionel approaches the King, he is surprised to see that he is completely relaxed. All those years performing in front of the crowds have finally come in handy apparently.

Your Grace, my name is Lionel Greckzo. I cannot claim ever having faced a 15 foot tall giant nor beating a dwarf in a drinking competition, although I have definitely tried. Nor have I ever gone to war for you. As you can see I am a mere halfling but one thing that your party is missing is someone who can get in tiny places. Someone who can sneak in and out of any area without so much as waking the stray cats sleeping in the corner. Someone who can perform such acrobatics maneuvers as the world has not seen or could even imagine. I am that person.

I look small and easily tread upon but that visage only goes so deep. Lionel suddenly brings 2 daggers out of his clothing, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

Sleight of Hand 1d20+14

2012-04-02, 10:37 PM
King Benoit

Clapping softly, and smiling joyously, the king is happy to see this, and prods a question. "What can you do that will impress me enough, that will give you the slot you believe you are worthy of having?"

2012-04-03, 01:25 AM
A demonstration would be best at this point, I agree your Grace. Lionel surveys his surroundings. Seeing that he is within a courtyard he looks for suitable spots to perform his various acrobatics.

Directly infront of Lionel and behind the King is the main entrance to the castle. The broad doorway seems to be able to fit at least two full carriages abreast. The door is 20 feet tall with its portcullis drawn up. A single murder hole over looks the courtyard. A single cart is being inspected by the guards on duty to ensure it doesn't hold any malicious items on board.

My King, you would probably agree if I were to say that none have ever scaled your walls nor infiltrated your castle during your reign yes? Well I hope to be the first and last to ever reach within your walls using only my hands, feet and natural agility.

Lionel sprints past the King directly toward the door. He uses his momentum to climb on top of the cart then makes a daring leap and grabs hold of the portcullis' spikes. Lionel uses the loose stone wall as grips and propels himself upwards without a downward glance. When Lionel reaches the murder hole he simply turns sideways and smoothly glides through the gap.

As Lionel stares out the murder hole he calls out to the King. In a matter of seconds, the impregnable fortress has just been impregnated by one simple and unbecoming Halfling. And that is why I should be on this quest.

Appropriate rolls
Acrobatics [roll0] - climbing the wagon and leaping onto the portcullis
Climb [roll1] - climbing the frame of the door and the loose stone wall
Escape Artist [roll2] - slipping through the murder hole

2012-04-03, 03:47 PM
Lionel barely squeezes through the hole, and in turn ruins is easy landing. (Hestraim must roll a reflex save DC 15 to roll out of the situation.)

2012-04-03, 06:27 PM
Reflex save to emerge - [roll0]

2012-04-03, 09:21 PM
Lionel rolls, but slightly sprains an ankle. Still, the king is pleased at the feat, not even noticing the sprain. He stands up, and applauds the young and small warrior before him. The day comes to an end, and the king is ready to address the entire collection.

"My people, it is with great pleasure that i announce the capable applicants that have made their way into the group who forgoes the quest of Even-Ezer! When i call your name, step forward. Lionel. Nathaniel. Gnorlen. Eldoron. Sigfried. The rest, leave now, for the remaining people will be taken away in chains and bounds. This application, is closed." After the King finishes, he retires from the balcony, and with his two most trustworthy guards following him, he leaves for the party to come together. Sigfried was another man that had applied soon after Lionel. He showed off very well with his dual swords, and sliced down one of the guards in a quick fashion. He is the first to come to the focal point of the yard, waiting for the rest to join him.

2012-04-03, 09:29 PM

Swaggering as he made his way to yard. He nods at Sigfried.

2012-04-03, 09:45 PM
Lionel approaches the two with a slight limp.

I may have dogged the landing a little. Oh well I should be fine in a few hours. Nice sword work out there. I presume you are using dueling swords. Granted I am no swordsman, I only know my knives. But I do know them very well. Lionel says as he nods to the swords hanging on Sigfried's hip. And remind me to never challenge you to a fight Master Elf. Your style of combat was wonderful to behold, albeit I imagine a little encumbersome to train with.

Lionel is still not made up of the character of his two new party members but feels that anything other than overly happy and nice would be out of character for a halfling. Being nice never heard nobody, as pa would say. Odd seeing as pa got mugged by what he thought at the time was a long lost uncle from the south. Lionel begins to daydream of his child hood. Anyone looking at him would see a vacant expression upon his face.

2012-04-03, 09:57 PM

The elf did his best to look tough and cool, but he could not hide how impressed he was, "I didn't think you were going to make that jump from the wagon to the portcullis. I've never seen anyone jump that high at any size without magical assistance."

2012-04-03, 10:25 PM
Aye, but when you are someone with my size and my ego, you need to be able to jump to start the fight with all the big ones. To be honest though that giant you faced is something I would not fancy to meet in a dark alley.

2012-04-03, 10:48 PM
Gnorlen, now mostly recovered from his contest, swaggers up to join the others. When he reaches the line, he claps the halfling on the back, inconspicuously casting a small blessing to relieve the pain from his fall.

Well aren't we a fine crew! Drinks all around, to celebrate the forming of our fine company.

2012-04-03, 10:58 PM
On foot and leading his horse, Nathaniel goes forward to greet the rest of the company.

"Good show, everyone. To be honest I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't have to put on a demonstration."

2012-04-03, 11:18 PM

"Thank you all. This will be the first time i leave the city. I've been practicing sooooo much, i can't believe it worked out! If only my grand-da could see me. These are his swords he left me when he passed on. Still, i like to think he keeps watch over me every time i have these on." Sigfried is only around 12 years of age. He's a small human, but his dexterity with his blades is one of the best. He is true in his words, he only recently was draft recognized, and was never once put on the battle lines.

The king's meeting hall

After the guard leads them through the threshold, King Benoit is in his usual place, his simple, but leather and velvet, throne being beneath him to support him. His two main guards still stand closely beside him, one holding a ratherl arge hammer, and the other a phalanx of sorts. "Congradulations to each of you, jobs well done. You're quest may now be discussed further. As you all may or may not know, i have labeled the quest after the stone i wish to own, the ancient Even-Ezer. It's powers are said to be that of ancient beings set to cascade the world into unity. I, however, want it for a different purpose. As a stone of foundation, I and my advisors have concluded that it will help our war efforts. With it's power here, keeping the homefront stable from natural entities, such as drought, earthquakes, disasters, and even forms of invasion, i can send more troops out to conquer the netherlands i so dearly deserve to already own. This is where you all must come in. The trek is dangerous, for you must travel past the reaches of my estate, and into more than enough dangerous territories. Each of you will be given enough rations for the first three nights of the offical march. By then, i hope you all have found a good place of civilization. BAHAHA. Now, here is the layout for the trek. Since it is a mysterious stone, no one has yet discovered it. No-one, that is, but the old Oracle that resides in Taylon, the city near the border of Iroh and Liban. These two territories absolutely hate us, and therefore, you must remain unaffiliated through the trek to the Oracle. Once in Taylon, search for the Oracle named Karmon. He is a very powerful seer, and can help you, for a favor. From there, I sadly do not know your journey. You may rest in our royal chambers for tonight, but dawn tomorrow, you must set out in the caravan that can take you to the edge of my rule. Goodluck, and have a goodnight's rest. May the God's not trample you. Bahahaha." The guards lead the party to their rooms, very nice rooms in fact. Velvet sheets, and linen comforts. Once a full night's rest is behind them, the party will occupy the caravan, and soon, no more than a half day ride, they will be on their own.

2012-04-03, 11:20 PM
Lionel looks around at his companions. Seems to be a good lot here, only time will tell how we fare I suppose.

Well, since we are gathered allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lionel Greckzo, I am from Zibeon and have lived the sad life of an entertainer since I was a young lad. Thankfully for all you, I come in a convenient "travel size" so that in case of immediate danger I can have one of you lot grab me by my hair and get me that heck out of there. I hope that my services are seen as useful and my company less than boring. And Sir Dwarf I thank you for the healing touch, my ankle feels perfectly nimble again.

2012-04-03, 11:33 PM
"You all saw me introduce myself, so I won't bore you by repeating it. That mule and wagon over there are mine, by the way, so feel free to stow some of your gear."

2012-04-04, 09:36 AM

Aye, but when you are someone with my size and my ego, you need to be able to jump to start the fight with all the big ones. To be honest though that giant you faced is something I would not fancy to meet in a dark alley.

"You would have done fine. All muscle but a glass jaw. I am Eldoron by the way."

"You all saw me introduce myself, so I won't bore you by repeating it. That mule and wagon over there are mine, by the way, so feel free to stow some of your gear."

Eldoron nods in appreciation but says, "Not to worry I travel very light."

As the continue on their way the elf sneers as he just realized that the king never said the reward for this quest, then he realized something else, "How famous is this rock? You think other kingdoms are going to send their group for it?"

2012-04-04, 10:44 AM
Well met, all of you! And thanks, that cart will make a fine storage place for the keg of ale the king so graciously provided. :smallwink:
I am Gnorlen Ironfist, descendant of the Ironfist clan, hailing from the far dwarven lands, fearsome warrior and strong fist of the mighty Trudd. I've left my homeland on a mission for my god, to stamp out evil and bring glory to his name! And to have a few good drinks and made some good friends while I'm at it, har!

2012-04-04, 07:36 PM

After a few tankards of ale and camaraderie, the elf leans in on the master of daggers, "How much do you know about this king? You want to see what we can find out?"

2012-04-04, 08:04 PM
I like the way you think Elf.

Lionel falls in line behind Eldoron. It would be best if we remain quiet. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention.

Stealth check [roll0]

2012-04-04, 08:13 PM
You have gotten past the door of your room and are now in a corridor. Be warned, there are enough guards at every exit to be able to spot you.

2012-04-04, 08:37 PM
Eldoron, I like the idea but I am not too sure about this. Don't get me wrong if you want to keep going we can but I don't feel like leaving the city in shackles if you catch my idea.

Lionel moves to the end of the corridor hoping to spot any nearby guards.

Perception Check - [roll0]

2012-04-04, 08:43 PM

"We're their chosen heros. Worse they tells is go to sleep."

Once he notices the number of guards, stealth wasn't going to be the best choice. Instead he walks nonchalantly as if he belonged there, as if he was supposed to be walking the hall.

As he goes along he is looking and listening for anything interesting.

2012-04-04, 08:48 PM
forgot about the perception check
[roll0]Perception Check

2012-04-04, 09:43 PM
Lionel sees the feet of two different guards, both carrying forms of phalanx weapons. However, Eldoron sees two more than the first two, to a maximum of four.

The guards

Two stand in front of Eldoron. the bigger one, the more experienced of the two, stands up straight, and begins to ask for details. "Do you require food or drink? You're welcome to send a maid or another being that can get it for you. However, if you want to wander around, you will be escorted. Simple security reasons, you know."

2012-04-04, 11:09 PM
Gnorlen, knowing stealth isn't his strong suit, has gone to sleep, to be filled in with any information they may find in the morning.

2012-04-05, 09:08 AM

"Food was very filling. Me and my friend here would like to walk it off for a bit. Is there a court yard or somewhere else with fresh air?"

The young elf wants to take in the lay out of the castle and see what entry points are not guarded, just in case it might be needed in the future.


2012-04-05, 02:31 PM
The king is very particular about security. The layout is a simple square, three stories high, and all ground levels have at least two guards on it at all times. Since Lionel showed the way of acrobatics to break in, the windows all have two to three guards on them the same as the floor levels.

The guard nods, and escorts those who wish to walk around the courtyard. The guard is accompanied by three others. they form a perfect rhombus around the heroes.

2012-04-05, 02:54 PM

After about fifteen minutes Eldoron is ready to return to the room and rest for the evening.

2012-04-05, 04:57 PM
Lionel joins in the refreshing walk and also then goes to bed.

2012-04-05, 10:41 PM
I will need everyone's okay to move on to the next morning.

2012-04-05, 10:57 PM
Nathaniel decided to get an early sleep to be ready for the next day. He wasn't sure what the others thought they might be able to discover, and didn't join them on their escorted stroll.

Ok to go on to the next day.

2012-04-06, 12:44 AM
gnorlen is asleep and ready to move in the morning

2012-04-06, 03:49 AM
Lionel is also sleeping and prepared to move on

2012-04-06, 09:13 AM
Asleep and ready to move on

2012-04-06, 02:04 PM
The First Day of the Quest
Everyone is woken up at the moment of Dawn, and are lead to the caravan. They are given food before they set out, and from there, they take the guarded ride to the end of the road. Upon the brake of the caravan, everyone is leaded out of the caravan. The guards bow, and then take off back to the kingdom. Sigfried is the first t step off the caravan and notice the area. it's an open road with low-branch trees on either side. There seem to be some rustlings, but Sigfried dismisses it for the wind. After the party walks onward for a few yards, the wind picks up harder around the branches, but again, Sigfried makes no difference.

Gnorlen Perception: [roll0]
Lionel Perception: [roll1]
Nathaniel Perception: [roll2]
Eldoron Perception: [roll3]

2012-04-06, 02:30 PM
Gnorlen is the only one to notice a lunging tiger who pertains to the leading Sigfried. Sigfried is clawed to the terror of the large cat. After the end of the attack, he bites through Sigfried's jugular, leaving him in a pile of his own crimson blood.

The tiger stares at the square formation and snarls at Gnorlen, the more meaty of the group. The massive Feline hunches down, wiggling it's striped tail in a predatory fashion.

Gnorlen's Initiative: [roll0]
Lionel's Initiative: [roll1]
Eldoron's Initiative: [roll2]
Nathaniel's Initiative: [roll3]

Tiger's Initiative: [roll4]

2012-04-06, 02:36 PM
Gnorlen and Lionel may make actions in any order before the tiger. Then the tiger will take actions. Nathaniel and Eldoron will go after the tiger. And then after Nathaniel and Eldoron, Lionel and Gnorlen will go again.

MapMap (http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac210/Sav-Enigma/Map1.jpg)

2012-04-06, 03:29 PM
Though he had not yet gotten to know the boy, he seemed brace, and certainly had the right spirit about him. The attack enraged Gnorlen, and he immediately dropped his customary flask of ale and took up his axe, then charged straight at the tiger, intent on planting his blade right between the blood dripping jaws.

Rage 10 rounds, staggering drunk for total AC -1
+2 for charge, -2AC
Power attack for 2 with greataxe

2012-04-07, 10:26 AM
Lionel draws his blades as he begins to charge the tiger.

Charge +2 Attack -2 AC
[roll1] - normal damage
[roll2] - electric damage
[roll3] - sneak damage (modified because of Knife Master Archetype and possible because of Scout Archetype)

EDIT: Please +2 to attack roll because of the charge

2012-04-07, 05:08 PM

The beast is walloped from both of the sturdy heroes. He staggers up, however, and slices both claws at his dwarven attacker. The Tiger than softly stumbles backwards, to avoid the party more so.

Full round attack on Gnorlen
Claw attack 1:[roll0]
Claw Attack 2:[roll2]

2012-04-07, 05:42 PM
Nathaniel cursed as the attack took him unawares, and the sight of the big cat tearing Sigfried apart filled him with fury. He leveled his lance and spurred Gale into charging at the tiger.

Charge (with +4 bonus from class feature), Power Attack (-2)


2012-04-07, 06:07 PM

If there is anything left of the tiger, the brave elf will circle around it and then strike with his sword.

move to C6 or where ever he can flank
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] crit
[roll3] crit damage

2012-04-07, 06:45 PM

Thoroughly murdered beyond recognition, the beast topples over from pure torment, and tattered bones. The meat, however, is still fine to eat, and other things from the tiger are unaffected. The party is able to move on, or rest for a bit, but the trail is still long 'til the next checkpoint.

Each party member gains 500 exp. Also, we are on the fast experience track. Forgot to mention that earlier, i'm sure.

2012-04-07, 07:12 PM
Coming down from his rage, Gnorlen overcomes his fatigue and rushes to the body of Sigfried. He immediately attempts to staunch the flow of blood from his neck, but he fears it is too late. He channels energy into the body regardless, allowing his power to heal himself as well.


I don't care how skilled he was, he was still just a boy! What kind of king sends a child on a quest this dangerous? I've half a mind to go teach that man a lesson, but it is not my place to meddle in human affairs. I'll just be glad that dwarves are more sensible.

2012-04-07, 07:34 PM
Sigfried was long gone. He was mauled beyond belief, and was unable to be healed. His swords, both masterwork shortswords, are laying on the ground next to him. He wore no armour, and had no other things but a few rations. He, like Gnorlen pointed out, was no warrior or adventurer, only a good fighter.

2012-04-07, 09:51 PM
Dismounting and kneeling over the ruin of Sigfried's corpse, Nathaniel whispers, "Damn... You should have asked us to check out that rustle in the bushes, kid."

To the rest of the group, he says "We can't just leave him like this, but we need to press on. Are there enough rocks around to build a cairn?"

2012-04-08, 09:13 AM

Or a shallow grave," he adds. The young elf had seen many die in his time. It was tragic truth of this world. He left to gather stones and then dig with his hands if necessary to give the brave child some respect.

2012-04-08, 10:50 AM
It's a shame about Sigfried, he barely had a chance to experience any of it. I will join you my friend.

Lionel follows Eldoron to gather more stones.

2012-04-08, 05:44 PM

After the burial of Sigfried, the party move along with little problems, aside from a few rough patches, and some odd blood stains that trigger defensive responses. They get to a clearing in the jungle-esque setting. It seems that it is a dome, often told that was created by a meteor landing in that very spot some thousand years ago. Some people of high order faith travel here to gain better readings, and others walk on by. It is late, and the crater seems to be a good, easily protected place.

The party still has three extra rations from the king, and two torches that are good for 8 hours straight. The party may push on if they want, but the odds of finding a better spot than this is slim to none. The party may act as they wish.

2012-04-08, 10:58 PM
Gnorlen sets up for camp, then walks to the rim of the crater to take in the view. if it's shallow enough, he'll walk to the center to pray and commune with his god. if not, he'll do that from the rim. Once he finishes, he rejoins the rest of the group, and offers to take the first watch of the night. He also expends another use of his healing aura.


2012-04-09, 07:18 AM

A light flashes around Gnorlen as he prays, and a voice echoes from the focal point of the spec. It's audio comes in vibrations, and it seems to echo, not outside, but inside Gnorlen's head. It's voice sounds soft and gentle, like a young mother who has lost something dear.

"You are safe inside this crater. Collect your party, and sleep through the night. Once you awake, however, leave a bearing of food for my young's soul. If you fail to do this now, and any other time you hear me, you will be forever cursed. If you pay attention, and heed to my words, you will be gifted generously. Do not speak of me, for I am centered on you. Please, follow my words..." The voice fades just as swiftly as it originated. Gnorlen can now exactly guess the dimensions of the crater, as well as the way it was formed. It was the making of a celestial being brought down by something of anti-faith. It's spirit remains locked, and craves the attention of those faithful to hear. The whole party can easily fit inside this crater, and the rim wreaks of magic, the good kind though. It smells of a warding spell.

2012-04-09, 09:24 AM

He watched the dwarf get out and pray. Seeing how this looked like a good spot he opened his back pack and took out his bedroll as he prepared to make camp.

OCC: who is pulling the cart? It's not the warhorse is it?

2012-04-09, 11:07 AM
Knowledge: Religion, to see if he knows anything about this sort of phenomenon.
Perception, to search the crater and see if there's anything that indicates where the voice is coming from, or anything left of the meteor that created the crater, including any passages down into the earth

Come on down guys, we've got some shelter from the wind here. I don't think anything will bother us down here either.

Gnorlen intends to leave an offering for the voice in the morning, seeing no harm in doing it. But he is still skeptical, and plans to do some research the next time he has access to a library.

2012-04-09, 11:08 AM
Nathaniel began to unpack his gear, then unhitched the sturdy mule pulling his cart. After tending to his animals (including a treat of an apple for each), he stripped his armor down to the chain undershirt and prepared to settle in for the night. Taking the last watch would give him ample time to don his armor and ready his animals.

2012-04-09, 11:54 AM
sack bless for CLW

2012-04-09, 01:15 PM
There is a bit of raised earth in the extreme base of the crater. As for the religious prominence, it is an unaffiliated Celestial being. So far as Gnorlen can tell, that is.

The wind chill is staggering, and it gets to be pretty chilly. However, there is heat drawn from the base of the crater, keeping the party slightly warmer than the rest of the plain. There are obvious sounds of fighting between the animals near the party. Time to time larger predators stroll by the crater. And just as the spirit that contacted Gnorlen said, they veered off, snarling at the presence of the energy.

2012-04-10, 09:59 AM
After a pleasant night's rest, Gnorlen rises at dawn, communes with his God for his spells, has a morning cup of ale, and then rouses to rest of the group to continue their journey. He leave one of his day's rations in the base of the crater as thanks for keeping the monsters at bay.

2012-04-10, 10:08 AM

The elf took first watch and note the strange behavior of the animals here. Although he didn't complain.

In the morning he woke up and went through his morning exercises; loosening his muscles. Once done he went to his book and study a bit while he ate some cold rations.

He watched the dwarf do this thing then saw him lay down good food for no reason. "Why are you leaving food behind?"

2012-04-10, 10:17 AM
Simple superstition, chum. Who knows, maybe it will help the next traveler to pass this way find a safe night here as well. Gnorlen leaves it at that, and continues his morning preparations.

2012-04-10, 11:11 AM
Having taken the last watch, Nathaniel is ready to go by the time the others are. He squints skeptically at the food his companion left, but says nothing.

2012-04-10, 11:34 AM
Lionel stirs, groggily waking up from what can only be described as a mediocre sleep. Hmm. Oh are we off again? Master Dwarf, care to spare a mug of ale. Nothing wakes you up like a nice drink in the morning eh!

Lionel walks over to his companion Bruce and gives him his daily meat. After gathering his equipment, sheathing his knives and slinging his crossbow over his shoulder Lionel mounts Bruce and falls in line.

2012-04-10, 11:39 AM
Despite the king's faults, he has a decent master of ale. Cheers!

Gnorlen pours a mug from the barrel on the wagon for Lionel, toasts him, and drains the rest of his own drink.

2012-04-11, 06:08 PM
Second day

The sun is high in the sky after the party wakes up. The sounds of animals still alive in the area, but none so threatening as to shake the members. They still have an estimated two nights left in their trek to the city, so time is of no real threat. They made good distance, and are good to set off on their own now.

2012-04-11, 06:54 PM

And the party makes it's way the young elf asks, "So can any one tell me anything about this king we are working for?"

2012-04-11, 07:23 PM
The king, I am not to sure about him. I have lived in Zibeon all my life but from what I heard he is a bit of a coward. Granted he created this large kingdom, but all that happened in the days of his youth. Now he seems to only ever sit on his throne and deal out grand adventures for his knights.

2012-04-11, 08:30 PM
Jumping onto Bruce's back, Lionel nudges the dog to follow the rest of the party, silently humming to himself at first, he eventually begins singing his favourite drinking song,

There was a lass, tall and fair
She was "cream o' the crop"
Legs that seemed to go forever
My heart would nearly stop
The first time we finally met
The sparks began to fly
Until I recognized her face
It was my sis, Oh my!

2012-04-11, 08:52 PM

"I can't say I know much about the man either. I've spent most of my adult life outside the kingdom, and haven't really read much on politics or history."

2012-04-12, 09:39 AM

He looks at Nathaniel and asks, "Didn't you fight for him? What was that war about?"

2012-04-12, 10:05 AM
"I've fought under the nobles loyal to him, I may be a mercenary by trade but I've never taken up arms against my home kingdom. As I understand it, the days when the King led from the front were long before my time. The wars I fought in were territorial disputes, or more likely, some power game between rival nobility."

2012-04-12, 11:06 PM
The party continues along, but come across a rather subtle sign. The sign is covered in a mossy weed, twirling around it in all sorts of ways, post up to head. The sign only has three letters seen, T i L. The grass around the sign seems new, but just as lengthy as the other tall grass.

2012-04-13, 12:28 AM
T i L. Hm That's weird, I don't think I have ever come across something with these initials inside or outside of the city. I feel like I recognized something about the sign though.

Lionel approaches the sign after dismounting off of Bruce. He picks it up, glancing around the plain, first from the way they had just come and then to the way they were headed.

Perception first to make sure I have time to study the sign.
If he doesn't see anything Lionel will inspect the sign looking for hints to its local origins.

2012-04-13, 01:29 AM
survival to get info about the weed, or the grass
perception to find out anything else about the sign

Gnorlen investigates the sign to see if he can recognize the plant, or if there is anything special about it. If he thinks it's safe, he'll clear the weed off the plant to see if there's any writing that it's covering.

2012-04-13, 09:49 AM

While the two checks the sign, the elf surveys the surrounding area for hints of it's meaning.


2012-04-13, 11:20 PM
Lionel and Gnorlen
You both are drawn to the sign, and in the quantity of the lighter grass, something rumbles, softly at first. After clearing off the sign, the two can easily read "This is a trap. Love Carrie."

After the sign is read, the weeds rumble upwards, and the light area snap forward, a twine net rises to trap Lionel and Gnorlen. Nathaniel and Eldoron are both safe, but it is safe to assume not for long. Two bandits erupt from the bushes of a near by tree, readying arrows, and aiming at the two non-captured heroes.

Reflex Saves VS DC 18:

2012-04-13, 11:26 PM
The bandits remain with bows drawn, but are hesitant to attack. From behind them, a man draws up to the party, and holds his rapier rather roughly, however it is still sheathed. He smiles, and explains the situation. "Hello Travelers. This is not a robbery, but, we do ask for a favor. I'm sure you all know there is a city coming up on this path. My question is, do you know the tyranny involved in it? Simply put. Pledge to help us right a wrong, and we let you go free. Don't, and let's just say, your journey is going to be a long and bumpy." The arrows stay on the two party members, and the man withdraws his sword very nicely.

2012-04-13, 11:54 PM
"Tyranny?" Nathaniel snorts. "You're holding two of my companions hostage and you speak to me of tyranny and righting wrongs? For their sake, I'll hear you out, but this is poor comedy so far." The contempt positively drips from Nathaniel's voice. While speaking he shifts his lance around and into a couched position.

2012-04-14, 01:11 AM
"Aye. We have taken them hostage. However, they are in no harm, and are simply leverage. Carrie is our fearless leader, and Joseph needs to be stopped. He takes children, and creates an army for his own fearful needs. Carrie is the one who created an organization to stop this. We, however, need help. Joseph has military experience, so in the fighting portion, we are at a disadvantage. However, we have heard of a group traveling this way, to help your king. If this is what you all are, please, help our cause, and keep the youth free of hardships. If not, we can not allow you passage through the city, for your safety and ours." The man lowers his blade ,and sheathes it. He then commands that the bows be lowered. The trap is released in very slow manner, opening with the two trapped men allowed to sand upright at the opening.

2012-04-14, 08:53 AM

His immediate instincts is to run the bandits down but the elf stays still and lets Nathaniel do the talking.

Eldoron looks at his trapped fellows and the net that is holding them up.

how high are they suspended? Can he see the counter weight that pulled them up?


2012-04-14, 01:21 PM
When the net gets to the ground, Gnorlen pushes his way out and saunters up to the bandit who had been speaking. He gave him a good natured punch in the arm, a little harder than necessary, and said you sure got us good! Now, let's have a drink, and you can tell us the details, and what you expect us to do. Then we can decide whether you're worth helping, or if we're turning around and leaving you to deal with it on your own.

He keeps a large smile on his face the whole time, though it isn't completely friendly. He goes to pour himself a drink, then sits on the back of the cart to hear what they have to say.

2012-04-14, 02:35 PM
Unsure of what he should do Loinel follows Gnorlen and gives the bandit a second punch, not nearly as hard as the first.

Yeah! What he said. Lionel proclaims as he grabs an ale for himself. Sitting down on the wagon, he attempts to duplicate Gnorlen's fiery attitude but fails miserably. Instead he hits the wagon spilling his drink everywhere, Hm. Maybe I shouldn't have another. Ha!

After the embarrassment Lionel slinks to the back of the wagon, silently watching the bandits.

Lionel will attempt to sense motive when the bandit begins speaking. [roll0]

2012-04-14, 03:07 PM
The 'leader' of the first two bandits is named Collin, and he accepts the offer. Sitting with his men and sharing some of the ale, Collin tells the entire story. Since the very beginning of the toll city, Wondergrad has been a very 'neutral' city. They had no totalitarian figure, but everyone knew that who ran the toll, ran the city. It belonged to the city's government for the longest, being a mayor run function. This changed when the Mayor was murdered. The murderer was easy to notice, the head thug of a gang, Joseph. He had wanted a way to get his organization into fame. Joseph set up dominance quickly, being that he now payed the entirety of the city's workers. Just up northeast from the small city, there is a perfectly visible two story house that serves at the organization's meeting hall. Joseph used to live there, but once he became public enemy number one, he needed a safer place. Collin goes on to say that Joseph used to be a non-violent man, but always an egomaniac.

When the Mayor was killed, Carrie, the Mayor's secretary of all things political, was torn. They were never a couple, or were anything but platonic, like father daughter. Once Joseph killed him though, Carrie instantly took the calling. She fled the office, and instantly went to her friend, Collin. He was one of the thugs, but did not know that Joseph planned to kill the Mayor. He resigned from the organization, and helped Carrie on her cause. Like he mentioned before, Carrie was no fighter, only politician. She was the new figurehead for justice in the city. Posters went up, town criers sounded alarms, she made sure the people knew the Mayor was murdered not just dead. She lead a riot on the housing for Joseph's gang, due to Collin telling her where it was. Carrie went with the men, and was the only to return. They spooked Joseph, yes, but all of her men died, except Collin. She took a blow to the cranium, and it came down across her eye. She used to be beautiful, and untouched by disaster. Now, she's the living symbol of will power. Collin and herself have made good use of time, and trained, rather mediocrely, a crew. They want to insert into the house, and kill Joseph, who they know is still there.

Collin finishes two mugs of ale, and half of a third telling the story. It is now dusk, and the sun wants to rest for the night in a bit. He offers a bed to the travelers in a location their coupe has near here.

2012-04-14, 07:14 PM
the story seems intriguing, and as long as Collin seemed sincere, Gnorlen is willing to help out, considering it's on the way, and they would have to find a new way around if they didn't help.

Sense motive

2012-04-14, 07:51 PM
Gnorlen: Collin seems sincere in his words, in fact, you can see some water bubbling in his left eye.

2012-04-14, 08:06 PM
"I think we can help each other out." agrees Nathaniel. It seemed there would be no other way to do what they needed to in the city.

2012-04-14, 09:23 PM
content that they are on the level, Gnorlen lets the group know that he is ready to follow to their camp, and plans to at least get a free meal and a good night's sleep out of the deal, though he'll sleep with his weapon clutched in his hand, just in case.

2012-04-14, 09:36 PM

"Thank you. We'll lead you to the housing. We'll travel to meet Carrie tomorrow morning, and she'll help you settle for the plan. Please, follow us." Collin stands, and with the other two, goes to the trail, leading the party to the house.


Much like a sorority, the house is two stories, and holds the members on the top, and has recreational and training halls in the first floor. The party is able to either go straight to bed, or lounge around in the bottom floor. Collin personally leads each member to their own individual bed.

2012-04-16, 10:41 AM

Being in a bed was more desirable than the ground and a meal without using their provision. It wasn't bad that they were helping out with these people, but he would have preferred it if they were paid.

2012-04-16, 12:36 PM
Thank you kindly for the nights rest, I would have preferred we would have met on different terms but it's too late now.

Lionel is unsure of being in the lounge without the rest of his party. He waits outside he door to see if anyone else will go down. If not, Lionel will be off to bed for a much needed rest.

2012-04-16, 01:43 PM
Gnorlen isn't feeling up to socializing with the bandits so soon after his capture and release. He heads to bed and bats the door behind him.

2012-04-18, 08:55 PM
That night
The mess hall was company to Collin and the rest. At the head of the table, Carrie sat with her plate, in deep thought of the upcoming battles. She's playing with her food, barely eating. Collin is less disturbed, and is jolly in talking to the 'troops'.

2012-04-18, 11:41 PM

The young elf sat down next to the pensive woman and asked, "What troubling you?"

2012-04-19, 08:59 AM
Quite the party we are having hear, EH! Please don't get up I will serve myself.

Lionel approaches the table and grabs a few choice morsels. Eyeing around the table, he approaches a random member of the house to chat with.