View Full Version : Help with Ranger build

2012-03-28, 07:37 PM
I'm trying to make a lvl 5 ranger who specializes in hunting down undead. The stats are 8, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18. I would love any suggestions on where to put those stats, good feats, and anything else you can think of. I know very little about optimization.


2012-03-28, 07:45 PM
More detail will be needed in order for an accurate answer.

What books are available? Is this PF exclusive? Or 3.5Core?
You want to hunt undead. Is there a specific reason for this?
Do you want to fill a specific role in the party?
What does your current party consist of?

2012-03-28, 07:49 PM

With stats like those, I'd lean towards an (elven) archer cleric or a soulbow/illumine soul (check with your DM to see if you can apply the enhancements to your mind arrows as well/alternatively).

As an archer cleric, use Zen archery to go SAD with your Wisdom (the 18), and you get the divine spells (and TU) for anti-undead.

2012-04-03, 08:46 PM
Sorry it took me so long to reply. Life has been busy and internet-less for several days. Anyway...

Books available: 3.5 Core
Why Undead: Story/Role play purposes*.
Role/Party: All of them, its solo

Why a ranger? I thought he'd have the best chance at survival. Also, favored enemy can be quite handy when you plan on specializing in something.

Why not a Cleric? Story/Role play purposes* and divine magic is not terribly reliable in this setting.

* This guy works for a sort of goverment agency keeping undead in check and investigating any sightings ect. The goverment does not trust divine magic (partly because its unreliable).

You may be asking yourself: wow you seem to have all this figured out, what do you need the playground for? Well I may understand a concept for a story/character concept, but I still don't understand all the combat mechanics and optimization ideas.

2012-04-03, 09:47 PM
Sorry it took me so long to reply. Life has been busy and internet-less for several days. Anyway...

Books available: 3.5 Core
Why Undead: Story/Role play purposes*.
Role/Party: All of them, its solo

Why a ranger? I thought he'd have the best chance at survival. Also, favored enemy can be quite handy when you plan on specializing in something.

Why not a Cleric? Story/Role play purposes* and divine magic is not terribly reliable in this setting.

* This guy works for a sort of goverment agency keeping undead in check and investigating any sightings ect. The goverment does not trust divine magic (partly because its unreliable).

You may be asking yourself: wow you seem to have all this figured out, what do you need the playground for? Well I may understand a concept for a story/character concept, but I still don't understand all the combat mechanics and optimization ideas.

core only? ranger definitely wont be good for you. if you want survival, be a barbarian. if you want favored enemy:undead, dip a level of ranger

better yet, dip a level of ranger and go the rest cleric, and pretend to not be a cleric. plan your spells for undead hunting, take the strength and sun domains. dont worry about which weapon style you pick, because you will want to use a greatsword (thanks to ranger having martial weapon prof.)