View Full Version : Uncanny Forethought + Mnemonic Enhancer: What is Normal?

Wings of Peace
2012-03-29, 09:31 AM
I was reading the feat Uncanny Forethought and I noticed that it's written

When preparing your daily allotment of spells, you can reserve a number of spell slots equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Note that it's not actually a x/day ability, it just revolves around an ability that functions on a x/day basis (spells per day). When I noticed this I decided to pull up the srd out of curiosity and look at the "prepare" option of (Rary's) Mnemonic Enhancer.

You prepare up to three additional levels of spells. A cantrip counts as ½ level for this purpose. You prepare and cast these spells normally.

I would like to believe that because (Rary's) Mnemonic Enhancer allows us to prepare the spell(s) "normally" the preparation also allows us to choose new reserved slots for Uncanny Forethought (probably losing the old reserved slots). If I am correct this would mean that a character could Twin-Spell (Rary's) Mnemonic Enhancer to profit two level 3 spell slots.

All of that said, I have two questions now. First, am I reading things correctly? Second, was there ever a general/begrudging consensus on whether or not strictly by RAW Sanctum Spell allows us to prepare an outside sanctum spell in a slot one level lower?

My general idea is that Uncanny Foresight also says we cast the spell as either a Standard or Full-Round action (depending on if we have taken the Spell Mastery Feat for that spell). This means that each round a Wizard could Prepare an extra level 3 (or lower ) spell and use the other slot to cast Sanctum Spell (Rary's) Mnemonic Enhancer again thereby allowing for an endless supply of level 3 (or 4 with Versatile Spellcaster) and lower spells.

2012-03-29, 10:53 AM
Mnemonic Enhancer doesn't prepare your "daily allotment of spells", so Uncanny Forethought doesn't apply. As for Sanctum Spell, I don't know of any consensus, but my reading is that you can't get the menefit of metamagic before the spell's even in a slot. There are some abilities, like War Weaver's, that Sanctum works with, but this isn't one.

2012-03-29, 10:56 AM
I believe the sanctum spell comes most handy when persisting something via Incantatrix. You'll have an easier check if the spell is considered a level lower.

2012-03-29, 11:24 AM
You are forgetting that you have to "pay" for twinning each time. A Twinned Sanctum Mnemonic Enhancer can recall itself twice giving you a large number of 3rd level spells for 24 hours. The eventual culmination is this, however. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/archive/index.php?t-154237.html)