View Full Version : Turning People Good/Evil

Ranting Fool
2012-03-30, 05:07 AM
Sorry if this has been covered but the search function on this site keeps crashing my browser :smallconfused:

How does a player go about changing a NPC's alignment? The only thing I've come across so far is in Book of Exalted Deeds, using a diplomacy check and beating their roll for 7 days in a row.
Am I missing any spells? Feats? Class abilities?

It came up awhile ago where my Players didn't quite want to start a fight and kill off the necromancer overlord of a town because he hadn't done anything downright evil (Was LE) Yes he had Undead guards all over, and yes he had cursed his populace that if they left the town they would die but the peasants could pay to have this removed if they wanted to move away (at high cost) and he protected the town from monsters (making deals with Green Dragons NOT to attack in exchange for tribute) but my players felt he wasn't really any worse than any of the LN lords of the nearby towns since he hadn't gone around slaughtering.

Anyway they were stumped as to how best to change him without overthrowing him.

Also I've been informed that a Druid in our group is planning on adopting any goblin children and paying for an orphanages since they have hacked through 45+ adult warriors and feel there must be some women and children around here somewhere. How do you DM's handle random things like that?

(I should note that I have said that no mortal intelligent race is Pure Evil, so there is a chance they could bump into a CN Goblin NPC and that "Evil Races" tend to more be evil cultures/cultures of violence and greed as well as their upbringing, I just haven't sorted out how they can change people in Game Mechanics terms)

Thanks for any help in advance:)

2012-03-30, 05:13 AM
Atonement (the PHB p. 201 spell) can do it, if the NPC is okay with it. Otherwise a helm of opposite alignment may do the trick, just tie him down and keep putting that helmet on him until he registers as CG.

But basically, if you and the players all want this guy to convert to goodness, build yourself a little adventure over the reason this guy went bad in the first place, and have the PCs nicely fix it for him. Then he'll happily switch to LN, and eventually turn all LG and cuddly, I'm sure. :)

2012-03-30, 05:17 AM
Just let 'em do it, I'd think. Have 'em bounce some diplomacy rolls off of him, let it cook for a while, maybe work some plot around it, and then he starts to have a change of heart and hauls himself off the bottom of the alignment grid. Don't necessarily have to find rules out of a book for it. There's a nifty homebrew Good Guy Necromancy PrC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9994058&postcount=14) kickin' around, if that's your thing.

2012-03-30, 07:00 AM
Also I've been informed that a Druid in our group is planning on adopting any goblin children and paying for an orphanages since they have hacked through 45+ adult warriors and feel there must be some women and children around here somewhere. How do you DM's handle random things like that?

Well, this doesn't happen in my group, but if it did I'd just say 'fine' and give them a description of the civilian goblins (if they find 'em, that is). Adventurers are really wealthy even early on, so if they're at normal WBL and a few levels above 1st, it should be a matter of tossing out some pocket change to set up a place for them.

In short, I let them do it unless there's a reason it wouldn't work. Besides, this sort of thing is great for immersion - perhaps, after founding the place, the PCs occasionally get letters from the town describing everyday life etc. (or you can be cliche and have them attacked).

Ranting Fool
2012-03-30, 07:31 AM
Was going to let him chuck money at the goblins, and as long I leave it a few "In game months" it could be another plot hook type thing E.g "Hear about a pally/do gooder wanting to smite those evil goblins" / "There has been a petty crime wave in the area and they are getting blamed for it"

Also if the time goes on long enough a level 1 Goblin Pally/Ranger type starting out in the world (Since he also wants the leadership feat I was thinking one as a cohort)

@Hymer I did look at the atonement spell but the person must "want" to change alignment, since the Necromancer was quite happy being an evil (but not brutal) overlord it wouldn't have worked

2012-03-30, 07:34 AM
To add to the above the quicker and dirtier options are:

Bestow Greater Curse (SC/BoVD) has a function listed in DR 348 that can change a person's alignment over time.

Mind Rape (BoVD) and Programmed Amnesia (CArc) are both level 9 spells that are capable of changing a person's alignment permanently.

The psionic powers True Mind Switch and Mind Seed can also work, in the sense that the subject either turns into a copy of you, or you enter their body permanently.

The more easily available options aren't true alignment changes, per se:

One alternate function of Bestow Curse in DR 348 is to make the target nauseated (allows save) whenever they perform an evil/illegal act. Mark of Justice can perform a similar function. The downside is that both of these are likely to be dispelled by the necromancer.

A well worded suggestion or dominate spell, periodically recast, can have similar effects to a true alignment change. You may wish to have a doppelganger (not necessarily the monster) on the throne to effectively convey the impression that he's not being mentally controlled, especially if he's dominated.